30 Infos zu Abir Bouraffa
Mehr erfahren über Abir Bouraffa
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- University of Hamburg
- Walid Maalej
- Clara Marie Lüders
- Issue Tracking Systems
- Requirements
- Understanding and Predicting
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wissenschaftliches Programm - se gi.deClara Marie Lüders, Abir Bouraffa, Tim Pietz and Walid Maalej. Understanding and Predicting Typed Links in Issue Tracking Systems
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Abir Bouraffa – Research Associate - PhD Candidate ...de.linkedin.com › abir-bouraffa b137Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Abir Bouraffa auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 7 Jobs sind im Profil von Abir Bouraffa aufgelistet.
Abir Bouraffa | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Abir Bouraffa, with 6 scientific research papers.
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Abir Bouraffa - Computer Science - Technische Universitätconf.researchr.org / Abir Bouraffa. conf.researchr.org general profile . ICSE profile; ICSE profile; ICSE profile; ICSE profile; Requirements Engineering profile ; Registered user since Tue 5 Apr Name: Abir Bouraffa. Country ...
Abir BOURAFFA | PhD Student | University of Hamburg, Hamburg |...Abir BOURAFFA, PhD Student | Cited by 40 | of University of Hamburg, Hamburg (UHH) | Read 8 publications | Contact Abir BOURAFFA
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten | Studienzentrum InformatikErtli, Alexander: On the impact of automatic bookmarks for prediting navigation cost through sourcecode, Gutachter*innen:Rainer Koschke und Abir Bouraffa (Uni Hamburg), Dezember 2021; …
3 Dokumente
Beyond Duplicates: Towards Understanding and Predicting Link...Clara Marie Lüders, Abir Bouraffa, and Walid Maalej Beyond Dupli-cates: Towards Understanding and Predicting Link Types in Issue Tracking Systems. In 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’22), May 23–24, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. https://doi.org
Understanding and Predicting Typed Links in Issue Tracking Systems90 Clara Marie Lüders,Abir Bouraffa,Tim Pietz, Walid Maalej Split,andCausewerealsocommon.Motivatedbythedifferencesbetweenthelinktypes …
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
People : MAST : University of HamburgAbir Bouraffa. (abir.bouraffa "AT" uni-hamburg.de) Phone: +49 (40) Office Hours: Email for appointment. , Room D-206 D Hamburg, Germany
Ein Framework zur Selbstentwicklung KMU-spezifischer Strategien …Biryuk, Abir Bouraffa, Davide Fucci, Marlo Häring, Chakajkla Jesdabodi, Timo Johann, Zijad Kurtanović, Clara Marie Lüders, Natalia Mannov, Daniel Martens, Lloyd Montgomery, Yen Dieu …
Interdisciplinary Extension of Requirements Engineering for …to Abir Bouraffa and Clara Marie Lüders, who have made this time particularly worthwhile for me. I also thank my Love, Peace, and Rock |n |Roll gang, my yadoptive z family, my Việt siblings, my in …
STS-Papers - ifis.uni-luebeck.deAbir Bouraffa. Fast SAT-Count for Labelless Complementable BDDs in BDDStab. Bachelor thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg, July Bibtex entry Paper (PDF)
12 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Abir Bouraffa - Google ScholarAbir Bouraffa. University of Hamburg. Verified email at uni-hamburg.de. software engineering. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Empirical research on requiremen ...
Instability-reactivity-1 | HazardSubmitted by abir_bouraffa on Fri, :13 Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures (e.g. propene) Visual Sign
Simple-asphyxian-gas | HazardSubmitted by abir_bouraffa on Fri, :23 Simple asphyxiant gas (specifically nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon). The SA symbol shall also be used for liquefied carbon …
CHASE CHASECooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Conference Program – RE'20 28th IEEE International Requirements...Yen Dieu Pham, Abir Bouraffa and Walid Maalej (University of Hamburg, Germany). [N] Symboleo: Towards a Specification Language for Smart Contracts
Two Decades of Empirical Research on Developers' Information Needs: A...It is found that convenience sampling is the pre…nt sampling strategy with a prevalence of the industrial organisational context and the majority of...
University of Hamburg | Informatik - Academia.eduThe Informatik Department at the University of Hamburg on Academia.edu
Vorlesung: Prozedurale Programmierung - Details - E-Learning an der...Tutor/-innen. Abir Bouraffa · David Engelhard · Jonas Keturi · Maximilian Köstler · Felix Manthey, B. Sc · Daniel Rembold · B. Sc Christian Witt ...
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