266 Infos zu Adam Saaks
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- Hardy
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- T-shirt
- Fashion
- Designer
- Ed Hardy
- Shredded
- Cutting
- Scissor
- Artist
- Hollywood
- Jessica
- Master Shredder
35 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Designer Award: Adam mit den Scherenhänden | kurier.atAllzu gerne hätte Adam Saaks bei der gestrigen Verleihung des "Ringstrassen-Galerien Designer Award 2015" seine Schere an Bond-Girl ...
Adam Saaks: Hollywoods liebster Scherenschnitt | DiePresse.comwww.diepresse.com › adam-saaks-hollywoods-liebster-scherenschnitt· Adam Saaks ist mit dem Zerschneiden von T-Shirts zur begehrten Marke geworden. Dahinter steckt eine One-Man-Show des Internetzeitalters.
myheimat.de: Zweite Folge von „Das perfekte Model“: Der Kampf der Jurorinnen...Die Castings sind beendet, die Kandidatinnen stehen fest: Von über Mädchen haben es 38 in die nächste Runde der Model-Show „Das perfekte Model“
Este diseñador crea lindos atuendos cortando sobre sus modelos Moda |...Desde hace 14 años, Adam Saaks utiliza una tijera para cortar las prendas mientras las modelos las tienen puestas
47 Bilder zu Adam Saaks

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: FR Naike Rivelle & Adam Saaks @ Palffy Club ...Facebook: Adam Saaks - About | FacebookFacebook: Adam Saaks | FacebookTwitter Profil: Adam Saaks (adam_saaks)9 Hobbys & Interessen
STARDESIGNER ADAM SAAKS @ LA NUIT BOX - TUESDAY Aida Cara am : ED HARDY presents Adam Saaks in Mittelmeer -...ED HARDY presents Adam Saaks, :00 Uhr. Aida Cara, Mittelmeer.
Sıradan kıyafetleri keserek tasarım yaratan Adam Saaks - StilAmerikalı tasarımcı Adam Saaks'ın herhangi sıradan bir kıyafetten sadece bir makas kullanarak inanılmaz tasarılmara sahip kıyafetler yarattığını biliyor...
Adam Saaks Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty ImagesFind the perfect Adam Saaks stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from premium Adam Saaks of the highest quality.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
The Man Behind The Label – Adam Saaksadamsaaks.net › pages › aboutThe Store: After twenty-seven years in the fashion industry Adam Saaks has decided to do his first clothing collection. He is famous for his live T-shirt cutting ...
Adam SaaksAdam Saaks is a custom couture t-shirt and dress cutter, who went independent from Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier.
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: "The Red Booth" Adam Saaks Interview (Fernsehepisode 2016) - IMDbAdam Saaks Interview: Regie: Kimberly Quigley Mit Kimberly Quigley, Adam Saaks
3 Projekte
T Shirt Cutting // Adam Saaks Style · A Shredded Top · Braiding,...I saw this picture of a t-shirt which Adam Saaks 'destroyed'. it looked pretty cool, so i tried it myself... it's kinda easy, if you know how to braid ;).
Woven T Shirt Adam Saaks Style · A Shredded Top - Cut Out + Keepwww.cutoutandkeep.net › ... › Shredded Tops· Woven T-shirt . Revamp a shredded top in under 120 minutes by weaving and not sewing with t shirt, fabric scissors, and patience.
T Shirt Recon Adam Saaks · A Top · Dressmaking on Cut Out + Keep ·...Weareables, tshirt, recon . Cut Up a top in under 20 minutes by dressmaking with scissors and t shirt. Creation posted by Zydonia. Difficulty: ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Love At First Cut by Adam SaaksLove At First Cut book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Following your bliss and writing your own rules, you can manifest the op...
Orange Coast Magazinebooks.google.co.uk › booksMETROPARK Time: 7:30 to 10:30PM Adam Saaks of Ed Hardy will create living art as he custom designs t-shirts cut to the body of Metropark clients. Join us at ...
Detective First Grade - Dan Mahoney - Google BooksThere's a secret war on the streets of the city. Only a New York cop can win it.His claim to fame is finding guns on the bad guys, and Detective Second Grade...
Orange Coast Magazine - Google BooksOrange Coast Magazine is the oldest continuously published lifestyle magazine in the region, bringing together Orange County¹s most affluent coastal...
13 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Adam mit den ScherenhändenAdam Saaks cuttet für Ed Hardy. Saaks ist der Ausnahmeschneider, der Star. Niemand schneidet weltweit so glamouröse Löcher in T-Shirts, wie er. Vor kurzem in Maui, gestern in , YouTube
BlinkX Video: Fashion designer Adam Saaks Scheren Design *Hammer* schaut es euch anFashion designer Adam Saaks Scheren Design *Hammer* schaut es euch an was er aus einem normalen T-shirt macht. www.davideos.de , YouTube
BlinkX Video: How to Cut Up a T Shirt - In the Style of Ed Hardy/Adam Saaksribs and spinals anyone? more info on how to weave/braid: www.youtube.com I actually saw this originally done by the very talented "secretlifeofabionerd" her link: www.youtube.com , YouTube
Вот как надо работать ножницами! Шоу Adam Saaks во Владивостоке....Смотри Вот как надо работать ножницами! Шоу Adam Saaks во Владивостоке. просмотров видео 71. Вот как надо работать ножницами! Шоу Adam Saaks во Владивостоке....
20 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Das perfekte Model – Wikipedia... des Modedesigners Kay Rainer in München ihr Talent beweisen, bei der auch Rapper Moses Pelham und Schnittkünstler Adam Saaks auftraten. Daneben ...
MLuv interviews International Clothing Designer Adam Saaks - iHeartwww.iheart.com › podcast › episode › mluv-intervie...· AdamSaaks speaks transparently with MLuv about his journey to share his creative gifts with many by creating his own affordable clothing ...
Google Blogs: Adam Saaks zerschnippelt T-shirts - Hornoxe.comNatürlich nur Shirts einer ganz speziellen Marke.Dazu fällt mir spontan folgender Spruch ein: “Hey du hast Kotze aufm Shirt…. ahso, ist Ed Hardy… Sorry”
where do you buy Adam Saaks cut up shirts? | Yahoo AnswersI can't find ANYWHERE on the internet where i can buy one! Help please!
124 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alead Clothing - Clothing Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Selarlene M. Clothing Designer at Sel-arlene.com. New York City Metropolitan Area ...
Carol Pratt - clothing designer, filmmaker - shoshlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · mary simonsen. Clothing Designer at Mary Simonsen Designs LLC. Poway, CA ...
Christopher Wesley - Clothing Designer - Neva Full Clothinglinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Petria Lenehan. Clothing designer. Brooklyn, NY · John Seville Ballen.
Cindi Daniels - Clothing Designer - Cindi White Designslinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Rebecca Bruce. clothing designer. Mill Valley, CA. Looking for career advice?
Comik Ink - Clothing Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Elizabeth Roney. Clothing Designer at Liz Alig. Indianapolis, IN ...
Dolcessa - Swimwear and Clothing Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · vernon dodd. clothing designer at mekasogenre. Washington, DC ...
Eric Russell - Clothing Designer - King In Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Elizabeth Roney. Clothing Designer at Liz Alig. Indianapolis, IN · Mackenzie Mari.
Habib Sarr - Clothing Designer - Charcoallifelinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Diana Iezzi. Clothing Designer at DLA Troop Support. Philadelphia, PA ...
Harris Johnson - Clothing Designer - Big factslinkedin.comPeople also viewed · Selarlene M · Adam Saaks · Elizabeth Roney · Terez Manoukian · Melissa Minor · Suzanne Hanley · mary simonsen · Connie Simpson.
Hoodz Everywear - Clothing Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Rebecca Bruce. clothing designer. Mill Valley, CA · Elizabeth Roney.
Kay Noah - Clothing Designer - KayClothinglinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Oscar Orozco. Clothing Designer at Kio.co. Los Angeles Metropolitan Area ...
Kentwan McClendon - Clothing Designer - FortuneKBrandlinkedin.comPeople also viewed · Mia Simone · Andrea Scarberry · Baki Thatsit · Alloysius Designer · Keny Cohen · alison minott-seales · Cassondra Mc · Adam Saaks.
King Jones - Clothing Designer - YNSlinkedin.comPeople also viewed · Cassondra Mc · Raekwon Bell · ROSIE CARRASCO · Deonta Johnson · Senna Fujita · Joe Roslie · Alead Clothing · Adam Saaks.
Leslie Winograde Flores - Principal Owner / Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Anne Paterson New York, NY. Explore collaborative articles.
Meghan Ryan - Clothing Designerlinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Richard Azuka. Fashion Designer at Distinct clothing. Santa Clara, CA ...
Oscar Orozco - Clothing Designer - Kio.colinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Naomi Harris. Clothing Designer at Rainwear Ltd. Manchester ...
Richie Dodge - Clothing Designer - Sic boilinkedin.comPeople also viewed · Joey Mack · Selarlene M · Alex Montrose · Adam Saaks · Rebecca Bruce · Mia Simone · Yari Rogers · Cornelius Andrews.
Ryan Parsi - Clothing Designer - Daytona6linkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Alex Montrose. Clothing Designer at Jaimemacouture. Brooklyn, NY · Terez Manoukian.
SCHNEYDER JEANTY - Clothing Designer - Desinglinkedin.comAdam Saaks. Clothing designer at Adam Saaks. Los Angeles County, CA · Alex Montrose. Clothing Designer at Jaimemacouture. Brooklyn, NY · murielle arlin.
Adam Saaks | LinkedInView Adam Saaks's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Adam Saaks discover inside ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Adam
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Arabisch): Adam; Mensch; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); adamah = die rote Erde, der Erdboden; adam = der Mensch; adom = rot; Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt, vielleicht von hebräisch 'adam' (rot); in der Bibel ist Adam der Stammvater der Menschheit; weil Adam von Gott aus Erde geschaffen wurde, gibt es in der Bibel ein Wortspiel mit hebräisch 'adamah' (rote Erde); wird von den Juden selbst nicht als Vorname verstanden, sondern ist das Wort für 'Mensch'
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