20 Infos zu Adelheid Degelmann

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2 Bücher zum Namen

Analyse repetitiver Gene bei der Zuckmücke Chironomus tentans, die...

... Chironomus tentans: d. molekulare Struktur codierender DNA-Sequenzen in Nukleolenbildungsorten u. Balbianiringen. Front Cover. Adelheid Degelmann.

Analyse repetitiver gene bei der zuckmucke chironomus tentans -...

Analyse repetitiver gene bei der zuckmucke chironomus tentans. Front Cover. Adelheid Degelmann Reviews. From inside the book. What people are ...

2 Dokumente

Strain and process development for the production of human cytokines...

Strain and process development for the production of human cytokines in Hansenula polymorpha Adelheid Degelmann, Frank Mu«ller, Heike Sieber, Volker...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A structural analysis of Balbiani ring DNA sequences in Chironomus...

The Balbiani rings in the salivary gland polytene chromosomes of Chironomus tentans include the most active structural genes in this organ. Two of them (BR

Genetic analysis of the X-chromosomal region 1E-2A of Drosophila...

Reversion mutagenesis of three single P elements located in the cytogenetic interval 1E-2A at the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was us

The organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Chironomus tentans and...

Adelheid Degelmann, Hans-Dieter Royer, and Cornelis P. Hollenberg. Max-Planck-institut ffir Biologie, Abteilung Beermann, SpemannstraBe 34, D

10 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Adelheid Degelmann

Search results for: Adelheid Degelmann ... Martin Giersberg, Adelheid Degelmann, Rüdiger Bode, Michael Piontek, more · Journal of Industrial Microbiology ...

"Stk #","Genotype","Ch # all","Breakpts/Insertion","A.K.A.","Date added ...

S}42B.4","1;3"," ",, ,"Karen Staehling-Hampton",,"high expresser, K.S-H." 1487,"Df(1)RH4/FM7a; Dp(1;2)E1, y[+]/+","1;2","001A01;001F-002A, 001A-F;060A",, ,"Adelheid Degelmann",,"deficiency is haploinsufficient, long-term stability of terminal deficiency is unknown, removes y through l(1)1Fa, ...

DataCite Search

Stephan Hellwig & Adelheid Degelmann. Figure published via Figshare.

Copy number determination of integrated expression plasmids by...

... by Jens Klabunde Sebastian Kleebank Michael Piontek Cornelis P Hollenberg Stephan Hellwig Adelheid Degelmann. Copyright information:.

Manfred Suckow

... the production of human cytokines in Hansenula polymorpha · Adelheid Degelmann, Frank Müller, Heike Sieber, Volker Jenzelewski, more.

Strain and process development for the production of human cytokines...

1 FEMS Yeast Research 2 (2002) 349^361 Strain and process development for the production of human cytokines in Hansenula polymorpha Adelheid Degelmann, Frank Mu«ller, Heike Sieber, Volker Jenzelewski, Manfred Suckow, Alexander W.M. Strasser, Gerd Gellissen Rhein Biotech GmbH...

NAVER 학술정보 > 검색결과

1979 Adelheid Degelmann et al. Chromosoma cited 14 times. Southern gel analysis of total DNA from Chironomus tentans showed that the rRNA genes ( rDNA) ...

The organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Chironomus tentans and...

Chromosoma (BerI.) 71, (1979) CHROMOSOMA 9 by Springer-Verlag The Organization of the Ribosomal RNA Genes of Chironomus tentans and Some Closely Related Species Adelheid Degelmann, Hans-Dieter Royer, and Cornelis P. Hollenberg Max-Planck-institut ffir Biologie, Abteilung Beermann, ...

hansenula.de - Hansenula - JC-Bingo

Dr. Adelheid Degelmann, Senior Scientist Dr. Melanie Piontek, Business Development; Business Development Director; Member of the Management Team

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Adelheid

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Adelheid; von edlem Wesen; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); adal = edel, vornehm, der Adel, aus vornehmem Geschlecht; heit = -heit, die Art, die Weise; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter überaus beliebt

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