131 Infos zu Adrian Hillenbrand

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spiegel.de: Gaspreisbremse könnte »Spielraum für Preiserhöhungen« ...Spiegel

— ... Adrian Hillenbrand anhand konkreter Fälle vor. Ein Haushalt etwa, der wegen eines neugeborenen Babys seinen Heizbedarf kaum einschränken — ... Adrian Hillenbrand anhand konkreter Fälle vor. Ein Haushalt etwa, der wegen eines neugeborenen Babys seinen Heizbedarf kaum einschränken ...

Suchfilter auf Internetseiten: Wem nutzen die Filter mehr?Manager Magazin

— Die Verhaltensökonomen Svenja Hippel und Adrian Hillenbrand fanden in einem Experiment heraus: Vor allem Händler profitieren. Denn sie — Die Verhaltensökonomen Svenja Hippel und Adrian Hillenbrand fanden in einem Experiment heraus: Vor allem Händler profitieren. Denn sie ...

Schießsportler aus Böhen unter neuer RegentschaftAllgäuer Zeitung

— Adrian Hillenbrand kam dieser Vorgabe mit einem 20,9-Teiler am nächsten und gewann. Infos. Impressum · Datenschutz · AGB · Kontakt · Kündigen — Adrian Hillenbrand kam dieser Vorgabe mit einem 20,9-Teiler am nächsten und gewann. Infos. Impressum · Datenschutz · AGB · Kontakt · Kündigen.

SV Wolfbusch e.V. || News

Außer ihr spielten hier die Peter Kühner, Simon Alperowitz, Adrian Hillenbrand, Thomas Böhmler und Grüner. Nach einem Remis in Runde 3 gegen Alperowitz stand sie mit 3,5 aus 4 bereits vor der letzten Runde als Gruppensiegerin fest. Vielleicht fehlte dadurch der Druck in der letzten Partie. Sie verlor ...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: FAIR NHH - Wednesday 16 October Adrian Hillenbrand ...Facebook

LinkedIn: Adrian Hillenbrand – Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen ...LinkedIn · Adrian Hillenbrand190+ Follower

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Adrian Hillenbrand auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Adrian Hillenbrand ... Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Adrian Hillenbrand auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Adrian Hillenbrand ...

LinkedIn: Beitrag von Adrian HillenbrandLinkedIn · Adrian Hillenbrand4 Reaktionen · vor 11 Monaten

Beitrag von Adrian Hillenbrand · Relevantere Beiträge · Event: Research with and within Organisations · Mehr von diesem:dieser Autor:in · Themen ... Beitrag von Adrian Hillenbrand · Relevantere Beiträge · Event: Research with and within Organisations · Mehr von diesem:dieser Autor:in · Themen ...

Twitter Profil: Adrian Hillenbrand (@AdrianExpEcon) X · AdrianExpEconCa Follower

... sites.google.com/view/adrian-hi… Joined September Following · 456 Followers · Posts · Replies · Media. Adrian Hillenbrand's posts. Adrian Hillenbrand.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Adrian Hillenbrand chess gamesChess Games Database Online Chess.com

Comprehensive Adrian Hillenbrand chess games collection, opening repertoire, tournament history, PGN download, biography and news. Comprehensive Adrian Hillenbrand chess games collection, opening repertoire, tournament history, PGN download, biography and news.

5 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team - Prof. Dr. Adrian HillenbrandZEW

Adrian Hillenbrand is a researcher in ZEW's Research Unit “Market Design” and associate professor of economics, in particular experimental economics for market ... Adrian Hillenbrand is a researcher in ZEW's Research Unit “Market Design” and associate professor of economics, in particular experimental economics for market ...

Warum es rational sein kann, einen teuren Gasanbieter zu ...ZEW Mannheim

ZEW-Präsident Prof. Achim Wambach, PhD, Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand und Atabek Atayev, PhD erklären, warum es rational sein kann, einen teuren Gasanbieter zu ... ZEW-Präsident Prof. Achim Wambach, PhD, Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand und Atabek Atayev, PhD erklären, warum es rational sein kann, einen teuren Gasanbieter zu ...

Universität Düsseldorf: Dr. Tobias WernerDüsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)

Willingness to volunteer among remote workers is insensitive to the team size (mit Adrian Hillenbrand und Fabian Winter); Algorithmic Cooperation (mit ... Willingness to volunteer among remote workers is insensitive to the team size (mit Adrian Hillenbrand und Fabian Winter); Algorithmic Cooperation (mit ...

ZEW-Team: Prof. Dr. Adrian HillenbrandZEW

Adrian Hillenbrand ist Wissenschaftler im ZEW-Forschungsbereich „Marktdesign“ und Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Experimentalökonomie für ... Adrian Hillenbrand ist Wissenschaftler im ZEW-Forschungsbereich „Marktdesign“ und Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Experimentalökonomie für ...

3 Persönliche Webseiten

A Random Shock Is Not Random AssignmentMax-Planck-Gesellschaft

von C Engel · · Zitiert von: 8 — Helpful comments by David Jäger, Jonathan Klick, Adrian Hillenbrand and Anna Kochanova on an earli- er version, excellent research assistance by Rafael ... von C Engel · · Zitiert von: 8 — Helpful comments by David Jäger, Jonathan Klick, Adrian Hillenbrand and Anna Kochanova on an earli- er version, excellent research assistance by Rafael ...

Dissertations and publications by Ph.D. studentsUniversität Bonn

Benjamin Enke, “What You See Is All There Is.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 3 (2020): 1363–‍1398, DOI ; Susann Fiedler and Adrian Hillenbrand, “Gain Benjamin Enke, “What You See Is All There Is.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 3 (2020): 1363–‍1398, DOI ; Susann Fiedler and Adrian Hillenbrand, “Gain- ...

The differential effect of narratives on prosocial behaviorMax-Planck-Gesellschaft

von A Hillenbrand · · Zitiert von: 3 — Adrian Hillenbrand / Eugenio Verrina. December 2018, revised June Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective GoodsD ... von A Hillenbrand · · Zitiert von: 3 — Adrian Hillenbrand / Eugenio Verrina. December 2018, revised June Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective GoodsD ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

Adrian HillenbrandLinkedIn

Adrian Hillenbrand. View articles by Adrian Hillenbrand. Subventionen fairer gestalten. June 28, likes. Adrian Hillenbrand. View articles by Adrian Hillenbrand. Subventionen fairer gestalten. June 28, likes.

Willingness to volunteer among remote workers is insensitive ...EconBiz

Willingness to volunteer among remote workers is insensitive to the team size. Adrian Hillenbrand, Tobias Werner, and Fabian Winter. Volunteering is a ... Willingness to volunteer among remote workers is insensitive to the team size. Adrian Hillenbrand, Tobias Werner, and Fabian Winter. Volunteering is a ...


Beyond information: Disclosure, distracted attention, and investor behavior / Adrian Hillenbrand · Hillenbrand, Adrian; Schmelzer, André. Beyond information: Disclosure, distracted attention, and investor behavior / Adrian Hillenbrand · Hillenbrand, Adrian; Schmelzer, André.

Empirical Legal Research in Action: Reflections on Methods ...google.com.au

... Adrian Hillenbrand, and Christian Traxler on an earlier version are gratefully acknowledged. (social) science outside economics. For an anthropologist, this ...

16 Dokumente

Cooperation with Lists by Adrian Hillenbrand :: SSRN

Group tasks are often organized by a list: group members state their willingness to contribute by entering their names on a publicly visible, empty list. Altern

Gain-loss framing in interdependent choiceWU Wien

Susann Fiedler, Adrian Hillenbrand. Institute for Cognition & Behavior. Publication: Scientific journal › Journal article › peer-review. Overview. Abstract. Susann Fiedler, Adrian Hillenbrand. Institute for Cognition & Behavior. Publication: Scientific journal › Journal article › peer-review. Overview. Abstract.

15th TIBER Symposium on Psychology and EconomicsTilburg University

Speaker: Adrian Hillenbrand - Max Planck Institute for Research on. Collective Goods, Bonn. Additional Author: Fabian Winter. Volunteering under Population ... Speaker: Adrian Hillenbrand - Max Planck Institute for Research on. Collective Goods, Bonn. Additional Author: Fabian Winter. Volunteering under Population ...

Willingness to Volunteer Among Remote Workers Is ...SSRN eLibrary

von A Hillenbrand · — Adrian Hillenbrand · Tobias Werner · Fabian Winter · Do you have negative results from your research you'd like to share? · Paper statistics. von A Hillenbrand · — Adrian Hillenbrand · Tobias Werner · Fabian Winter · Do you have negative results from your research you'd like to share? · Paper statistics.

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Adrian Hillenbrand - dblpDBLP

Adrian Hillenbrand , Eugenio Verrina: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior. Games Econ. Behav. 135: (2022); Adrian Hillenbrand , Eugenio Verrina: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior. Games Econ. Behav. 135: (2022);

Annotated Course Catalog for courses held in English ...Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre | Universität Mannheim

Adrian Hillenbrand, . Competition under the microscope****. Schedule. Responsible teacher of the module: Prof. Dr ... Adrian Hillenbrand, . Competition under the microscope****. Schedule. Responsible teacher of the module: Prof. Dr ...

Aufbau und Konzeption des ZEW Hub für FeldexperimenteZEW

Kontakt. Adrian Hillenbrand. Senior Researcher. Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand. Telefon +49 (0) Kontakt. Adrian Hillenbrand. Senior Researcher. Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand. Telefon +49 (0)

Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 109DBLP

Adrian Hillenbrand , Fabian Winter : Volunteering under population uncertainty view. electronic edition via DOI · unpaywalled version · references ... Adrian Hillenbrand , Fabian Winter : Volunteering under population uncertainty view. electronic edition via DOI · unpaywalled version · references ...

8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Disclosure, distracted attention, and investor behaviorEconPapers

von A Hillenbrand · · Zitiert von: 31 — By Adrian Hillenbrand and André Schmelzer; Abstract: Financial disclosure documents provide investors with product details to facilitate ... von A Hillenbrand · · Zitiert von: 31 — By Adrian Hillenbrand and André Schmelzer; Abstract: Financial disclosure documents provide investors with product details to facilitate ...

Experimental Economics, Volume 19, Issue 4 - Springer

Leadership effectiveness and institutional frames · Gerrit Frackenpohl, Adrian Hillenbrand, Sebastian Kube Pages Download PDF (722KB) View Article.

The Differential Effect of Narratives | Request PDFResearchGate

Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Adrian Hillenbrand and others published The Differential Effect of Narratives | Find, read and cite all the research you need ... Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Adrian Hillenbrand and others published The Differential Effect of Narratives | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

EconPapers: The differential effect of narratives prosocial behavior

By Adrian Hillenbrand and Eugenio Verrina; Abstract: Narratives pervade almost any aspect of our life and play a particularly important role in ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Adrian HillenbrandX

... to submit your papers! Conference on Research with and within Organizations Happy to welcome you. @ZEW. in Mannheim! Quote. Adrian Hillenbrand · @AdrianExpEcon to submit your papers! Conference on Research with and within Organizations Happy to welcome you. @ZEW. in Mannheim! Quote. Adrian Hillenbrand · @AdrianExpEcon.

Interview mit Svenja Hippel im Harvard Business ManagerMax Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

— Kunden oder Händler? Hauptsächlich Letztere, wie die Verhaltensökonomen Svenja Hippel und Adrian Hillenbrand in ihrem Experiment festgestellt — Kunden oder Händler? Hauptsächlich Letztere, wie die Verhaltensökonomen Svenja Hippel und Adrian Hillenbrand in ihrem Experiment festgestellt ...

The 4th Early-Career Behavioral Economics ConferenceNHH Norges Handelshøyskole

— Discussant: Adrian Hillenbrand (Max Planck Institute). Attribution Bias, (Un)sophistication, and Strategic Confusion in Punishment Decisions — Discussant: Adrian Hillenbrand (Max Planck Institute). Attribution Bias, (Un)sophistication, and Strategic Confusion in Punishment Decisions ...

62 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Adrian Hillenbrand's Post · More Relevant Posts · Event: Research with and within Organisations · More from this author · Explore topics.

Adrian Hillenbrand posted on LinkedInLinkedIn

Adrian Hillenbrand posted images on LinkedIn. Adrian Hillenbrand posted images on LinkedIn.

Adrian Hillenbrand's PostLinkedIn

Adrian Hillenbrand's Post ... I'm looking for a doctor. Or technically, multiple GPs from different European countries. We are currently examining how much time ... Adrian Hillenbrand's Post ... I'm looking for a doctor. Or technically, multiple GPs from different European countries. We are currently examining how much time ...

Adrian Hillenbrand's PostLinkedIn · Adrian Hillenbrand10+ Reaktionen · vor 3 Monaten

Adrian Hillenbrand's Post · Event: Research with and within Organisations · More Relevant Posts · {PDF} Innovation Intermediaries and (Final) ... Adrian Hillenbrand's Post · Event: Research with and within Organisations · More Relevant Posts · {PDF} Innovation Intermediaries and (Final) ...


Adrian Hillenbrand. Published Jun 28, + Follow. Subventionen können helfen, den Verkauf von umweltfreundlichen Produkten wie Lastenrädern anzukurbeln.

Adrian Hillenbrand - „Google“ mokslinčiusGoogle Scholar

Adrian Hillenbrand. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; ZEW Mannheim. Patvirtintas el. paštas zew.de - Pagrindinis puslapis. Straipsniai ... Adrian Hillenbrand. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; ZEW Mannheim. Patvirtintas el. paštas zew.de - Pagrindinis puslapis. Straipsniai ...

Publications - Dr. Sebastian KubeGoogle Sites

"Leadership Effectiveness and Institutional Frames" (with Gerrit Frackenpohl and Adrian Hillenbrand). Experimental Economics, 2016, 19, "Institution ... "Leadership Effectiveness and Institutional Frames" (with Gerrit Frackenpohl and Adrian Hillenbrand). Experimental Economics, 2016, 19, "Institution ...

Adrian Hillenbrand - CoDa-Acceptance - CoDa-TriplyETL - CoDaTriply

Adrian Hillenbrand. Adrian Hillenbrand. Person · http://id.crossref.org/contributor/adrian-hillenbrand-2ubk2kuyyfwqq · s z. creator ... Adrian Hillenbrand. Adrian Hillenbrand. Person · http://id.crossref.org/contributor/adrian-hillenbrand-2ubk2kuyyfwqq · s z. creator ...

Adrian Hillenbrand - researchr alias advisedresearchr.org

OR AND NOT 1. Adrian Hillenbrand. Eugenio Verrina. Fabian Winter. Susann Fiedler ... Publications by 'Adrian Hillenbrand'. Authored; Advised. Advised Theses. OR AND NOT 1. Adrian Hillenbrand. Eugenio Verrina. Fabian Winter. Susann Fiedler ... Publications by 'Adrian Hillenbrand'. Authored; Advised. Advised Theses.

Adrian Hillenbrand's research works | Karlsruhe Institute of ...ResearchGate

Adrian Hillenbrand's 10 research works with 126 citations, including: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior. Adrian Hillenbrand's 10 research works with 126 citations, including: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior.

Adrian HillenbrandGoogle Sites

CV. contact: adrian.hillenbrand(at)zew.de. Current Research Interests: Steering and Price Discrimination in Digital Markets. Strategic inattention: Do ... CV. contact: adrian.hillenbrand(at)zew.de. Current Research Interests: Steering and Price Discrimination in Digital Markets. Strategic inattention: Do ...

Adrian Hillenbrand Spielerprofil - ChessBase Players

Bilder, Partien, Statistiken und mehr von Schachspieler Adrian Hillenbrand

Adrian Hillenbrand player profileChessBase Players

Images, games, statistics and more of chessplayer Adrian Hillenbrand. Images, games, statistics and more of chessplayer Adrian Hillenbrand.

Adrian Hillenbrand - dblpDBLP

Adrian Hillenbrand , Eugenio Verrina: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior. Games Econ. Behav. 135: (2022) text to speech; Adrian Hillenbrand , Eugenio Verrina: The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior. Games Econ. Behav. 135: (2022) text to speech;

Adrian Hillenbrand (@AdrianExpEcon) / XX

Adrian Hillenbrand · @AdrianExpEcon. ·. Mar 28. Very happy to announce that we will host the Conference on "Research with and within Organisations" @ZEW ... Adrian Hillenbrand · @AdrianExpEcon. ·. Mar 28. Very happy to announce that we will host the Conference on "Research with and within Organisations" @ZEW ...

Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand - KarlsruheLehrstuhl Industrieökonomik

— Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand · Experimental Market Design · Office Hours: by appointment · Room: 139 · Phone: +49 (0) · adrian — Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand · Experimental Market Design · Office Hours: by appointment · Room: 139 · Phone: +49 (0) · adrian ...

Adrian Hillenbrand | GAEL - Université Grenoble AlpesGAEL - Grenoble

Adrian Hillenbrand. Print; Share; Share on Facebook · Share on X · Share on LinkedIn; Share url. Séminaire. On March 29, Strategic Inattention in Product ... Adrian Hillenbrand. Print; Share; Share on Facebook · Share on X · Share on LinkedIn; Share url. Séminaire. On March 29, Strategic Inattention in Product ...

Adrian Hillenbrand | TurkerView mTurk Requester ProfileTurkerView

Overview, reviews, and comments on Adrian Hillenbrand, mTurk Requester. Overview, reviews, and comments on Adrian Hillenbrand, mTurk Requester.

Adrian Hillenbrand | Laboratoire d'économie appliquée de Grenoble

Abstract : Online platforms provide search tools that help consumers to get better-fitting product offers. But this technology makes consumer ...

Adrian Hillenbrand | Laboratoire d'économie appliquée de Gael

Abstract : Online platforms provide search tools that help consumers to get better- fitting product offers. But this technology makes consumer search behavior also easily traceable and allows for real-time price discrimination. Consumers face a trade-off: Search intensely and receive a better fit at a potentially ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Adrian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Rumänisch): Adrian; der aus (H)adria; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); ursprünglich der Beiname des römischen Kaisers Publius Aelius Hadrianus, besser bekannt als 'Hadrian' (2. Jh.); dieser Beiname geht zurück auf den Herkunftsort seiner Eltern, Hadria (heute Atri in der italienischen Provinz Teramo); die Herkunft des Namens der Stadt ist nicht bekannt; bisher trugen 6 Päpste den Namen Hadrian bzw. HadrianusWeiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Adrian; der aus (H)adria; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); ursprünglich der Beiname des römischen Kaisers Publius Aelius Hadrianus, besser bekannt als 'Hadrian' (2. Jh.); dieser Beiname geht zurück auf den Herkunftsort seiner Eltern, Hadria (heute Atri in der italienischen Provinz Teramo); der an sich männliche Name wurde in den USA etwa zwischen 1950 und 2000 trotzdem auch weiblich verwendet, wenn auch selten

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