11 Infos zu Agathe Lenclen
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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
videowall-processing-library/docs at master ·...Processing library to stream content from a Processing sketch to the Sensor Lab video wall - videowall-processing-library/docs at master ·...
10 Webfunde aus dem Netz
• AGATHE LENCLENAGATHE LENCLEN Agathe Lenclen is a data analyst and creative coder at CLEVER°FRANKE, an Utrecht-based design agency that uses data to create interactive...
Teilnehmer - Agathe LenclenEnglish copywriter and content creator at Pigeon Loft Creative Communications. View profile. Ria 1 72dpi pasfoto. utr. Ria Geraets-Heijen. Experience director at ...
Agathe Lencien | CreativeMornings/UTRAgathe Lenclen is a data analyst and creative coder at CLEVER°FRANKE, an Utrecht-based design agency that uses data to create interactive products and ...
BitcrowdAgathe Lenclen. Developer. Pattern Matching Sandwich Artist. Victoria Pradel-Drengner. Office Management. Chief Amazement Officer. Philipp Tessenow.
C°F Weather Charts — Information is Beautiful AwardsCLEVER°FRANKE has investigated the weather through a series of visual experiments, resulting in a poster; the Weather Chart. The 5th and final edition, compl...
Fronteers Conference Attendees · FronteersAgathe Lenclen, CLEVER°FRANKE, @AgatheCinnamon, NL. Alexandre Joubert, Adyen, NL. Almer Badart, Clockwork, NL. Amir Shamsi, beslist.nl, NL.
Hospitality Amsterdam Paradiso Amsterdam... Paul Selman, Ada Bonilla, Minouc de Brauw, Santtu Ahola, Agathe Lenclen, Jonas Soetemans, Floor Koster, Adam Gunby, Carlitos Kramer, ...
OPUS Music Intelligence - by CLEVER°FRANKE / Core77 Design Awards... Agathe Lenclen – Software Development Wilco Tomassen, Agathe Lenclen – Api SpecifiersMark Haasjes, Agathe Lenclen – Code and Content Testers, Joost ...
Sensor Lab Video WallA Library for the Processing programming environment
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Agathe
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Agathe; die Gute; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); agathos = gut
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