60 Infos zu Alain Totouom
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- Thanks
- Bonifides Bautista
- Sunny Leung
- Tushar Nair
- Network Programming
- ACE and TAO
- Huggel
- Leo Stutzmann
- Overflow
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Das Makro __FILE__ zeigt den vollständigen Pfad annach den include-Anweisungen in Ihre Quelldatei und fügen Sie hinzu #pragma pop_macro("__FILE__"). am Ende Ihrer Quelldatei. — Alain Totouom
La macro __FILE__ muestra la ruta completadespués de las declaraciones de inclusión en su archivo fuente y agregue #pragma pop_macro("__FILE__"). al final de su archivo fuente. — Alain Totouom
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alain Totouom | Facebookios-pjsip/vid_stream_info.c at master · proger/ios-pjsip · GitHubGitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects.
pjsip-upstream/stream_info.c at master · Metaswitch/pjsip-upstream ·...Git mirror of pjsip from http://www.pjsip.org/. Contribute to Metaswitch/pjsip-upstream development by creating an account on GitHub.
pjsip/vid_stream_info.c at master · chakrit/pjsip · GitHubUnofficial mirror/fork of http://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/trunk/ — check the Wiki for more information. - pjsip/vid_stream_info.c at master · chakrit/pjsip
1 Projekte
This file is part of switcher-pjsip. * * switcher-myplugin is free software ...See ticket #: // * http: * // * Thanks Alain Totouom // * if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && si->dir != PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE) // return status; // /* Get incomming payload type for telephone-events */ si->rx_event_pt = -1; for (i=0; i<local_m->attr_count; ++i) { pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap r; attr = local_m->attr[i]; if (pj_strcmp2(&attr->name, ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and...... Shourya Sarcar, Chris Smith, Leo Stutzmann, Tommy Svensson, Alain Totouom, Roger Tragin, Bruce Trask, Chris Uzdavinis, and Reuven Yagel.
The ACE Programmer's Guide: Practical Design Patterns for Network and...... Scott Smith, Edward Thompson, Alain Totouom, Bill Trudell, and Lothar Werzinger. Our editorial team at Addison-Wesley was very helpful and encouraging ...
3 Dokumente
Sophie: libace5-0:5.4-2mdk i586... Alain Totouom &> Tushar Nair &> Sunny Leung &> Bonifides Bautista <earlboy@my-deja. com> ...
[ Team LiB ] "If you're designing software and systems that Ludost.netDietrich Quehl, Irma Rastegayeva, Michael Searles, Rich Siebel, Chris Smith, Scott Smith,. Edward Thompson, Alain Totouom, Bill Trudell, and Lothar Werzinger. Our editorial team at Addison-Wesley was very helpful and encouraging during this long process as well. Thanks to our editors: Marina Lang, Debbie Lafferty, ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: Win98 Installation und NTFS Partition: Alain Totouom -karlsruhe.de microsoft public de german windowsnt
Google Groups: ser. Schnittstelle und windows: ... des Ports funktioniert.. Danke im voraus -- ************************************* *
Google Groups: Zeichnen einer bewegte Sinus-Kurve: (Andreas Pesch) schreibt: On Tue, 04 Nov :50:21 +
43 Webfunde aus dem Netz
345Tr : WG: [28 au 29 Août 2009] + 20 ans FKSK e. V. in ...18:30 Débat 2, l'étudiant(e) africain(e)s et Internet, Alain Totouom. 20:00 Débat 3, Libérer et Reconstruire l'Afrique: la mission de la jeunesse ...
User Alain Totouom - Stack ExchangeWe make Stack Overflow and 170+ other community-powered Q&A sites.
See more posts from Alain Totouom - Yahoo GroupsBest regards Alain Sreedhara M. Reddy wrote: >Hi, > I've tried to develop a small ACE SSL application, but ended up in errors such as >1... Alain Totouom Nov ...
#689 (Deadlock caused by ICE media transport (thanks Alain Totouom...The mutex locking in ICE transport may cause deadlock in application. Consider this scenario: Thread 1: RTP packet arrives; the pj_ice_sess_on_rx_pkt() is ...
GPN4:Keysigning – EntropiaAlain Totouom DA18 0DF2 FBD2 5F D2 E3A A9F8 5A DSA [ ] [ ] Bitte die gesigneten Keys auf wwwkeys.de.pgp.net exportieren oder den ...
2008-December.txtwww.lcs-chinese.org › December(o)(o) _____o00o__(__)__o00o_____ 1024D/A9F85A Alain Totouom PGP FingerPrint DA180DF2 FBD25F D E3A A9F85A
#227 (Unresolved error in alaw/ulaw conversion with C++ build (thanks...pjmedia/alaw_ulaw.h is missing PJ_BEGIN/END_DECL constructs, causing unresolved error when it is used by C++ function. Thanks Alain Totouom < atotouom ...
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACE and TAO have been deeply ...svn.osgeo.org › mapguide › tags › Oem › ACE › ACE_wrappers › THANKS... Huggel Alain Totouom Tushar Nair Sunny Leung Bonifides Bautista ...
C++ (Cpp) pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr Beispiele - HotExamplesSee ticket #: * http:// * * Thanks Alain Totouom */ if (status != PJ_SUCCESS && si->dir != PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE) return status; /* Get incomming payload type ...
ACE 프로그래머 가이드: 네트워크시스템 프로그래밍을 위한 실용적인 디자인 패턴 활용 - PDF Free Download... Irma Rastegayeva, Michael Searles, Rich Siebel, Chris Smith, Scott Smith, Edward Thompson, Alain Totouom, Bill Trudell, Lothar Werzinger Addison- Wesley,.
C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and...As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge of creating reliable...
THANKS | searchcode... mountaincable dot com> 1344Jan Kalin Andreas Huggel Alain Totouom
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACE and TAO have been deeply influenced ...> Jonathan Wackley &> Jan Kalin &> Andreas Huggel &> Alain Totouom &> Tushar Nair &> Sunny Leung &> Bonifides Bautista &> Brad ...
Acknowledgments | C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering...... Brad Hoskins, Bob Huston, Christopher Kohlhoff, Serge Kolgan, Andy Marchewka, Jeff McNiel, Phil Mesnier, Arturo Montes, Aaron Nielsen, Jeff Parsons, Pim Philipse, Yaron Pinto, Stephane Pion, Nick Pratt, Paul Rubel, Shourya Sarcar, Leo Stutzmann, Tommy Svensson, Alain Totouom, Roger Tragin, and Reuven Yagel.
__FILE__ macro shows full pathThe standard predefined MACRO __FILE__ available in C shows the full path to the file. Is there any way to short the path? I mean instead...
c — La macro __FILE__ indique le chemin completLe MACRO __FILE__ prédéfini standard disponible en C indique le chemin complet du fichier. Est-il possible de raccourcir le chemin? Je veux dire au lieu...
c — La macro __FILE__ mostra il percorso completo - Italiano — it ...www.it-swarm.it › italiano › c12 giu Alain Totouom. spero solo di migliorare un po 'la macro FILE: #define FILE (strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? strrchr(__FILE__, ...
c — La macro __FILE__ muestra la ruta completa - it-swarm-es.comwww.it-swarm-es.com › español › c2015 Alain Totouom. solo espero mejorar un poco la macro FILE: #define FILE (strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? strrchr(__FILE__, '/') + 1 : strrchr(__FILE__, ...
thanks - SVN... Alain Totouom &> Tushar Nair &> Sunny Leung &> Bonifides Bautista &> ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alain
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Alain; Keltisch (Wortzusammensetzung); al = der Fels; kam im Mittelalter mit den Normannen nach England; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt, vielleicht von keltisch bzw. bretonisch 'al' (Fels)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Scott Smith
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- Carolin Bongartz
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- Kirsten Reese
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