63 Infos zu Albert Mukovskiy

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

News: conference presentation | AMARSi Project

Albert Mukovskiy attended The 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2011, Plzen, Czech Republic.

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Albert Mukovskiy | LinkedIn

Albert Mukovskiys berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Albert Mukovskiy dabei ...

Loop | Albert Mukovskiy

University of Tübingen. Tübingen, Germany. Primary. View All. mini profile avatar Albert Mukovskiy. Overview · Bio · Network · Publications · Editorial ...

11 Bücher zum Namen

Publications | AMARSi Project

... WP7-Software, WP8-Dissemination. Export 1 results: BibTex · Author Keyword [ Title (Desc) ] Type Year. Filters: Author is Albert Mukovskiy [Clear All Filters].

Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN ...google.de

... Albert Mukovskiy for his invaluable insight and code regarding the pre-processing of our EMG and kinematic data. This research was funded through HFSP ...

Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations – ICANN ...google.de

... Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois Knoll, Hein van Schie, Harold Bekkering

Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movementsgoogle.de

... Albert Mukovskiy, Nick Taubert, Dominik Endres, Christian Vassallo, Maximilien Naveau, Olivier Stasse, Philippe Souères and Martin A. Giese Abstract The ...

5 Dokumente

Parallel Backpropagation for Shared-Feature Visualization -...

Vor 5 Tagen · Albert Mukovskiy 1Lucas Martini,2 Martin A. Giese Rufin Vogels3 1Hertie Institute, University Clinics Tübingen 2IMPRS-IS 3 KU Leuven Abstract High-level visual brain regions contain subareas in which neurons appear to re-spond more strongly to examples of a particular semantic category, like faces

Albert Mukovskiy - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

LNCS Action Understanding and Imitation …

Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task Wolfram Erlhagen 1, Albert Mukovskiy ,EstelaBicho2, Giorgio Panin3, Csaba Kiss 3, Alois Knoll , Hein ...

Digest of the Non Linear Science Network, Volume 13, Number www.maia.ub.es/nls-net-archives txt

... Jesse van den Kieboom, Albert Mukovskiy, Martin A. Giese, Auke J. Ijspeert 6) Twist number and order properties of periodic orbits Original Research Article, ...

15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | Vol 263, Pages (15 November...

A general family of morphed nonlinear phase oscillators with arbitrary limit cycle shape. Mostafa Ajallooeian, Jesse van den Kieboom, Albert Mukovskiy, Martin ...

dblp: Albert Mukovskiy

List of computer science publications by Albert Mukovskiy

University of Bonn, Computer Science VI, Autonomous ...

Wolfram Erlhagen, Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois Knoll, Hein van Schie, and Harold Bekkering, in Proc. of 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), pp , Toward Robot Learning of …

dblp: ICANN 2005

Bibliographic content of ICANN 2005

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Albert Mukovskiy | PubFacts

Albert Mukovskiy

Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task |...

We report results of an interdisciplinary project which aims at endowing a real robot system with the capacity for learning by goal-directed imitation. The...

Tamar Flash | PubFacts

Tamar Flash

Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements | SpringerLink

This book aims at gathering roboticists, control theorists, neuroscientists, and mathematicians, in order to promote a multidisciplinary research on movement...

16 Webfunde aus dem Netz

(PDF) Neural Circuits Underlying Action Understanding | Albert...

Neural Circuits Underlying Action Understanding

Giorgio Panin, Ph.D. (Alumnus) « Robotics and Embedded Systems

Wolfram Erlhagen, Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois Knoll, Hein van Schie, and Harold Bekkering. Goal-directed imitation in robots: a bio-inspired approach to action understanding and skill learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 54(5): , [ DOI ...

- Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop - Revistas

- Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop

Adaptive synthesis of dynamically feasible full-body movements for...

Albert Mukovskiy 1 Christian Vassallo 2 Maximilien Naveau 2 Olivier Stasse 2 Philippe Souères 2 Martin Giese 1. Détails. 1 Department of Cognitive ...

CASA Submission Instructions

Albert Mukovskiy,Jean-Jacques E. Slotine, Martin Giese. Perceptually guided Crowds Rachel McDonnell. Topological Culling and Unified Levels-Of-Detail for ...

partners | AMARSi Project

Researchers: Dr. Enrico Chiovetto, Dr. Albert Mukovskiy University of Zurich Principal Investigators: Prof. Rolf Pfeifer; Researchers: Juan-Pablo Carbajal, Qian Zhao, Harold Martinez Italian Institute of Technology - IIT Principal Investigators: Prof. …

Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task |...

We report results of an interdisciplinary project which aims at endowing a real robot system with the capacity for learning by goal-directed

CiteSeerX — Slotine, ”Real-Time Synthesis of Body Movements Based on...

BibTeX. @MISC{Giese09slotine,”real-time, author = {Martin A. Giese and Albert Mukovskiy and Aee-ni Park and Lars Omlor and Jean-jacques E. Slotine},

Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations - Icann 2005:...

다음 책, Daum 책, Daum Book

IADIS Portal - IADIS Digital Library

Albert Mukovskiy, Jean-Jacques Slotine, Martin A. Giese. cover, BALLOON CUT LAYOUT BASED ON A 3D BALLOON MODEL Radek Kubicek, Pavel Zemcik.

LAAS - Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes -...

We demonstrate that Contraction Theory provides an appropriate frame-1 Albert Mukovskiy 1 2 A. Mukovskiy et al. work for the design of the stability properties ...

Dynamically stable control of articulated crowds

The synthesis of realistic complex body movements in real-time is a difficult problem in computer graphics and in robotics. High realism requires the accurate...

CV HAL : Publications of Olivier Stasse available on the open...

Publication and online CV from HAL

Real-Time Synthesis of Body Movements Based on Learned Primitives |...

The synthesis of realistic complex body movements in real-time is a difficult problem in computer graphics and in robotics. High realism requires the

Altmetric – The Default Mode Network Differentiates Biological From...

Eran Dayan, Irit Sella, Albert Mukovskiy, Yehonatan Douek, Martin A. Giese, Rafael Malach, Tamar Flash. Abstract. The default mode network (DMN) has been ...

Modeling of Coordinated Human Body Motion by Learning of Structured...

The modeling and online-generation of human-like body motion is a central topic in computer graphics and robotics. The analysis of the coordination

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Albert

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Albert; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); adal = edel, vornehm, der Adel, aus vornehmem Geschlecht; beraht = strahlend, glänzend; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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