222 Infos zu Alessandra Eramo
Mehr erfahren über Alessandra Eramo
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Stuttgart
Infos zu
- Roars Bangs Booms
- Musik
- Audiorama
- Media
- Corvo Records
- Artist
- Noises
- Poetry
- Taranto
- Tomomi Adachi
- Tracing South
- Voice
39 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Alessandra Eramo – Lyrikzeitung & Poetry NewsBeiträge über Alessandra Eramo von lyrikzeitung
Experimentelle Klangdarbietung | Vermischtes | Ostthüringer ZeitungJenaIn ihrem Stück „solo for voice and electronics“ präsentiert die international agierende Künstlerin Alessandra Eramo am Freitagabend eine Klangperformance,...
Review: Alessandra Eramo’s 7” ROARS BANGS BOOMS in The Sound...Alessandra Eramo knocked the socks off anyone who was listening with her album Come Ho https://uk.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-appleby-21bb75a0 5.
Ein Mensch verwandelt sich in eine Puppe - News - Stuttgarter...Von Brigitte Jähnigen Was ist noch Mensch, was schon Puppe? Ein Zwitterwesen
1 Bilder zu Alessandra Eramo

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alessandra Eramo - FacebookLinkedIn: Alessandra Eramo - Eden Bingo SrlVisualizza il profilo di Alessandra Eramo su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Alessandra ha indicato 1 esperienza lavorativa sul suo ... Taranto, Puglia, Italia · Eden Bingo SrlVisualizza il profilo di Alessandra Eramo su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Alessandra ha indicato 1 esperienza lavorativa sul suo ...
LinkedIn: Alessandra Eramo - Roma | Profilo professionale | LinkedIn› alessandra-...
Alessandra Eramo - kunstaspekteAlessandra Eramo. short biography *1982 in Taranto, Italien Sound Art, Performances. show more show less. exhibition archive; 26. May 26. May ...
5 Hobbys & Interessen
lastFM: Alessandra Eramo: Roars Bangs Booms в Komunikační prostor ŠkolskáСтраница концерта на Last.fm для Jonáš Gruska в Komunikační prostor Školská 28 (Praha), 24 Апр При участии Alessandra Eramo. Обсудить ...
Alessandra Eramo | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Alessandra Eramo is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
TOSHIMARU NAKAMURA & KATSUYOSHI KOU / MATTHIAS BAUER & MARIA LUCCHESI...Doors Concerts Toshimaru Nakamura No Input mixer Katsuyoshi Kou Electric guitar MATTHIAS ...
lastFM: Alessandra Eramo: Roars Bangs Booms at Komunikační prostor ŠkolskáLast.fm concert page for Jonáš Gruska at Komunikační prostor Školská 28 (Praha ) on April 24, With Alessandra Eramo. Discuss the gig ...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
marta zapparoli & alessandra eramo"Sounds from the inside/outside world transformed into broken melodies, vibrating voices, whispered words, an interrupted harmony (fighting). Disclosed is the energy ...
Ezramo.com - Erfahrungen und BewertungenFinden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Ezramo.com. Alessandra Eramo's Webpage. Sound, Artist, Composer, Vocalist und Poetry. Klicken Sie hier für mehr...
Alessandra Eramo - Elektronmusikstudion EMS› 4...
Alessandra Eramo - The Wire› artists
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Alessandra Eramo – Roars Bangs Booms (2014, Vinyl) - DiscogsAuf Discogs können Sie sich ansehen, wer an Vinyl von Roars Bangs Booms mitgewirkt hat, Rezensionen und Titellisten lesen und auf dem Marktplatz nach der...
Alessandra Eramo | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Alessandra Eramo auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Alessandra Eramo auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
5 Bücher zum Namen
DYSTOPIE sound art festival... Campo (AT), Gregory Claeys (GB), Peter Cusack (GB), Alessandra Eramo (IT), Tuçe Erel (TR), Özgür Erkök Moroder (TR), Ipek Gorgun (TR), ...
Hörstück über das Ritual der Tarantella - Tanz Sediment— Inspiriert von dieser Praxis erschafft Alessandra Eramo ein Trance-Musikritual, das klangliche Erinnerungen zutage fördert wie das Sediment ... › hoerstueck-ueber-...
Gebrauchsanweisung für Apulien und die Basilikata: 2. aktualisierte...Türkisfarbenes Meer und weiße Sandbuchten, romanische Kathedralen und trutzige Stauferfestungen, grüne Olivenhaine und gelbe Weizenfelder. Maria Carmen Morese...
In the House of the Hangman volume 6 - John Bloomberg-Rissman -...04:30 | Alessandra Eramo (Italy) – Ronzii, from Roars Bangs Booms, 7inch,Corvo Records, Germany, :35 | László Kalmár (Hungary) – Sotto Voce, ...
2 Songs & Musik
Alessandra Eramo Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Alessandra Eramo setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Alessandra Eramo fans for free on setlist.fm!
Alessandra Eramo Tour Statistics: | setlist.fmView the statistics of songs played live by Alessandra Eramo. Have a look which song was played how often in 2020!
1 Dokumente
One moment, please...Unperceivable sound, voice & gesture /// Marta Zapparoli /// Alessandra Eramo. LIVE : :41. Click to Unmute. This opens in a new window. This work is ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Alessandra Eramo :: Le sirenette poterono vedere molta acqua, ma non...LE SIRENETTE POTERONO VEDERE MOLTA ACQUA, MA NON VIDERO IL CIELOComposition for voice, feld recordings, radio, blues-harp. Imagining to swim in the deepest...
Info Text THAT' S WHAT WE BECOME, Alessandra Eramo, : Alessandra...desetxo 199 released THAT'S WHAT WE BECOME Alessandra Eramo 1) Pfvierzsigche Menschen Sein 4:09 voice, dictaphone. Pronouncing the two consonats “pf” in German fascinates me, it's a broken surface, it destabilizes my self- confidence in speaking, because “pf” offers to me a wide ...
Codex : Marta Zapparoli : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming :...I always draw my inspiration from the narratives and metaphors of a variety of impacts from different locations and situations. These are often quite unique...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
La Santa Monica - sound performance - Alessandra Eramo - YouTube› watch
13 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Andreas Paolo Perger – WikipediaDie Besetzung bestand aus Biliana Voutchkova (vl), Klaus Janek (kb, e), Antonis Anissegos (e-kl), Hilary Jeffery (pos), Michael Thieke (kl), Alessandra Eramo (st, e), Andreas Paolo Perger (e-g, c), Yorgos Dimitriadis (sw), Audrey Chen (vc, st, e), Sabine Vogel (fl), Gunnar Geisse (laptop-g), Elena Kakaliagou (wh), Almut ...
W. Mark Sutherland | Alessandra Eramo | Tomomi Adachi @ Errant Bodies...W. Mark Sutherland | Alessandra Eramo | Tomomi Adachi Solos and collaborative sound poetry performance by Canadian sound poet W. Mark Sutherland with two...
Alessandra Eramo & Korhan Erel - Safe and Sound - Blog› kla...
Enemies Berlin - Feinde with Alessandra Eramo performed at...Enemies Berlin - Feinde with Alessandra Eramo performed at Wortwedding. March 3, The first of the Enemies projects to venture outside of the UK, Feinde ...
136 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ruth WiesenfeldClose menu. Looking forward to this opening Oct 7 and the artist talk with Alessandra Eramo and Sagardía Oct 8! Come by if you happen to ... Close menu. Looking forward to this opening Oct 7 and the artist talk with Alessandra Eramo and Sagardía Oct 8! Come by if you happen to ...
Alessandra Eramo TRACING SOUTH – Corvo RecordsAlessandra Eramo stammt aus einer der südlichsten Regionen Europas, nämlich aus der Stadt Taranto in der italienischen Provinz Apulien. Irgendwann verschlug es sie in nördlichere Gefilde, zunächst zum Studium nach Venedig und Mailand, später dann nach Stuttgart und Berlin. Der Süden – als geografischer und kultureller Ort, aber auch abstrakte Idee – spielte in der Musik der Vokal ...
15 Questions to Alessandra Eramo | featured Experimental interviewsFor Alessandra Eramo, music is not so much a universal language crossing borders of culture, tradition and education. Rather, it represents the communication...
Alessandra Eramo & Michael Barthel | ausland-berlintwo text-sound-performances: Alessandra Eramo Dime niña donde vienes (2016, Solo for voice, text and recorded sounds) http://www.ezramo.com/ Michael Barthel
Alessandra Eramo and Marta Zapparoli at Spektrum Berlin / Friday,...Alessandra Eramo is a vocalist, sound artist and composer who works primarily with voice and noise. She was trained in classical singing, piano and music theory since an early age, studied intermedial arts, experimental music and performance in Milan, Stuttgart and Venice.
Mia Zabelka & Gavino Canu / Alessandra Eramo #257MIA ZABELKA & GAVINO CANU / ALESSANDRA ERAMO #257 http://..., Montag, 30. Januar 2017, Berlin
ALESSANDRA ERAMO – Corvo Records› artist › al...
ALESSANDRA ERAMO - Yuki Creative StudioAlessandra Eramo is a sound artist. Yuki Creative Studio created the perfect editorial design for her book about the beauty and disgrace of Taranto.
ALESSANDRA ERAMO: Tracing South | African Paper› › alessandra-eram...
Ingrid Schmoliner / Alessandra Eramo / JD Zazie | ausland-berlinIngrid Schmoliner / Alessandra Eramo / JD Zazie. Start: 21 Jun :30. Corvo Records present 3 solo concerts: Ingrid Schmoliner: (prepared piano / record ...
Giorgio Dursi / Alessandra Eramo | Event | BerlinGiorgio Dursi / Alessandra Eramo im Berlin, Experimentik, Mittwoch, 21. Februar Feb : x solo sets Giorgio Dursi - Voice, Electronics...
Alessandra Eramo @ EMS September 2016! - Elektronmusikstudion...Alessandra Eramo is an artist and composer who works primarily with voice and noise. She creates performance pieces, text-sound ...
note. word. act.#5 | Alessandra Eramo | Solo for Voice and ElectronicsFreitag | | 20 Uhr Alessandra Eramo (1982 in Italien geboren, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin) ist Klangkünstlerin, Sängerin und Komponistin, welche vor ...
Alessandra Eramo (@alessandra_eramo) • Instagram photos ...› alessa...
Alessandra Eramo and Jaka Berger + Sleep concert | event | LjubljanaAlessandra Eramo and Jaka Berger + Sleep concert in Ljubljana, Kino Šiška, Tuesday, 17. January ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO + Sleep concert Tuesday 17th...
Stream Alessandra Eramo music | Listen to songs, albums,...ALESSANDRA ERAMO is a sound artist, vocalist, composer based in Berlin. more info: www.ezramo.com. Alessandra Eramo’s tracks La Santa Monica - Excerpt by Alessandra Eramo published on T15:44:56Z. Excerpt from "Bar Bar" by Alessandra Eramo pub ...
Alessandra Eramo - Benvenuti su erratum!› alessandra...
Alessandra Eramo - Digital in Berlin› ale...
Alessandra EramoAlessandra Eramo's Webpage
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alessandra
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch): Alessandra; Beschützerin der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; Information zur männlichen Form Alexander:; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander
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