86 Infos zu Alessandro Vindigni
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- Danilo Pescia
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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
«Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen – alle sollen sich wohl fühlen.» –...... Igeln und Mäusen erzählen, von kleinen Vögeln, Eidechsen und Fröschen, die ... Dr. Alessandro Vindigni, Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik.
High Fidelity: SLU Researcher Finds Keys to GenomeLesions in DNA can occur as often as 100,000 times per cell per day. They can be the result of normal metabolic activities, like free radicals, as well as expos
Ricercatori italiani al top, 22 lavorano a Trieste - Il Piccolodi MATTEO UNTERWEGER Tra i migliori 811 ricercatori italiani attivi nel mondo, sia in ambito nazionale che nell'orbita internazionale, ben 22 operano...
Tumors elude anti-cancer drugs through 'fork reversal' repairIn research recently published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Alessandro Vindigni, Ph.D., associate professor of biochemistry and ...
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Facebook: Alessandro Vindigni | FacebookFacebook: Alessandro Vindigni | FacebookFacebook: AlessanDro Vindigni | FacebookLinkedIn: Alessandro Vindigni | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Alessandro Vindigni (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach
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Just a moment...Email the author Alessandro Vindigni · PlumX Metrics. Social Media. Tweets: 8. see details · Learn more about article metrics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org j. molcel |. PDF (591 KB) · Download Images(.ppt) · Email Article · Add to My Reading List · Export Citation · Create Citation Alert · Cited by in Scopus (0).
1 Business-Profile
Vindigni, Alessandro, PD | ETH ZurichProfile information
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Editorial Team | Papers in PhysicsPublishes original research articles in all areas of Physics
11 Bücher zum Namen
GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information AccessIan S. Morgan; Michael Jennings; Alessandro Vindigni; [et al.] Rodolphe Clérac; Kathryn E. Preuss. American Chemical Society (ACS). Crystal Growth & Design.
Guidelines for Molecular Analysis in Archive Tissues - Google BooksA huge amount of fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue is stored in every hospital. This is very precious material that can be used for translational research and...
Combinational Chemistry & High Throughput Screening - Google Books3 Alessandro Vindigni. Fast form Slow form R221aA K224A R221aA/K224A AGmut R221aA K224A R221aA/K224A AGmut FPR
Linkage Thermodynamics of Macromolecular Interactions - Google BooksThis volume commemorates the 50th anniversary of the appearance in Volume 4 in of Dr. Jeffries Wyman's famous paper in which he
1 Songs & Musik
Dna Repair by International Centre for Genetic Engineering and...Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes of Dna Repair by International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for free.
5 Dokumente
[ ] A combined first-principles and thermodynamic approach...From: Alessandro Vindigni [view email] [v1] Sun, 1 Mar :17:07 GMT ( 918kb,D). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...
Alessandro Vindigni - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Phys. Rev. B 89, (2014) - Domain-wall free energy in...Domain-wall free energy in Heisenberg ferromagnets. Boris Sangiorgio, Thomas C. T. Michaels, Danilo Pescia, and Alessandro Vindigni. Phys.
Phys. Rev. B 84, (2011) - Static and dynamic properties of...... of single-chain magnets with sharp and broad domain walls. Orlando V. Billoni, Vivien Pianet, Danilo Pescia, and Alessandro Vindigni. Phys.
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Biophysical Chemistry | At the Intersection of DNA Replication and...Combining electron microscopy with single molecule DNA fiber approaches to study DNA replication dynamics. Original Research Article; Pages 3-9; Alessandro Vindigni, Massimo Lopes. Abstract; Close graphical abstract; Research highlights; PDF (1069 K). image. Entitled to full text ...
The human RECQ1 helicase is highly expressed in glioblastoma and...RecQ helicases play an essential role in the maintenance of genome stability. In humans, loss of RecQ helicase function is linked with predisposition to cancer...
dblp: Alessandro VindigniList of computer science publications by Alessandro Vindigni
Thanking cell & bioscience reviewers | Cell & Bioscience | Full TextThe editors of Cell & Bioscience would like to thank all the reviewers who contributed to the journal in
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Single-Chain Magnets | SpringerLinkSingle-chain magnets are molecular spin chains displaying slow relaxation of the magnetisation on a macroscopic time scale. To this similarity with...
The Two Faces of DNA Repair: Disease and TherapyA major breakthrough in the treatment of breast cancers with the poorest prognosis, BRCAl-deficient and triplenegative breast cancers, was the finding that th
Temperature-Induced Domain Shrinking in Ising Ferromagnets Frustrated...We investigate a spin model in which a ferromagnetic short-range interaction competes with a long-range antiferromagnetic interaction decaying spatially as...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Alessandro Vindigni - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Break-induced replication promotes formation of lethal joint...Article
Human RECQ1 promotes restart of replication forks reversed by DNA...Article
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alessandro Vindigni | LinkedInView Alessandro Vindigni's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alessandro Vindigni ...
Orlando V. Billoni - Google ScholarIFEG FaMAF Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Conicet - 647-mal zitiert - Physics
Vindigni, Alessandro, PhD - Siteman Cancer CenterSiteman Cancer Center physician, Vindigni, Alessandro, PhD, has clinical expertise in . Learn more about Vindigni, Alessandro, PhD.
Elettra Sincrotrone TriesteResearch - BioLab - Laboratories & Services - Lightsources and Labs Overview A thriving program of research, spanning from biochemistry and cell biology to...
Vindigni - Names EncyclopediaAlessandro Vindigni (3) Ferdinando Vindigni (2) Patricia Vindigni (2) Ignazia Vindigni (2) Sabina Vindigni (2) Joseph Vindigni (2) Giuseppa Vindigni (2)
"DNA2 drives processing and restart of reversed replication forks in...By Saravanabhavan Thangavel, Matteo Berti, Maryna Levikova, et al., Published on
Biochemical, biophysical, and proteomic approaches to study DNA...Helicases are a family of enzymes that play an essential role in nearly all DNA metabolic processes, catalyzing the transient opening of DNA duplexes. These...
Akragas-Leonfortese, torna Alessandro BonaffiniUn avvio di stagione martoriato dagli infortuni, per il forte centrocampista e adesso la voglia di essere protagonista del girone di ritorno è tanta. L'Akragas...
bola.ioBola.ch - Hier ist dein Team zuhause. Profil des Teams:
DNA Replication as a Source of DNA DamageA Conference on DNA Replication as a Source of DNA Damage
A. Vindigni - Mechanistic Insights Into Replication Fork Reversal And...Alessandro Vindigni Edward A. Doisy Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO - USA speaks on "Mechanistic insights into replication fork reversal and restart under genotoxic stress". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste.
Keystone Symposia | Scientific Conferences on Biomedical and Life...Keystone Symposia, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting the scientific community for the benefit of the world community and accelerating life...
DNA2 drives processing and restart of reversed replication forks in...... Marko Vujanovic ; Ralph Zellweger ; Hayley Moore ; Eu Han Lee ; Eric A. Hendrickson ; Petr Cejka ; Sheila Stewart ; Massimo Lopes ; Alessandro Vindigni.
2014 DNA Topoisomerases in Biology and Medicine Conference GRCThe Gordon Research Conference on DNA Topoisomerases in Biology and Medicine will be held in Newry, ME. Apply today to reserve your spot.
DNA2 drives processing and restart of reversed replication forks in...Following prolonged genotoxic stress, DNA2 and WRN functionally interact to degrade reversed replication forks and promote replication restart, thereby preventi
Health Flash: | Town&Stylelaughing gas and suicide risk Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine are studying the effectiveness of nitrous oxide, commonly known as...
IUPAC Honors Distinguished Women in Chemistry - ChemistryViewsAwards program aims to promote the work of women chemists and chemical engineers worldwide
Infrared micro-spectroscopy to distinguish glioma and glioma-stem...Citation: Saša Kenig, Diana Bedolla, Valentina Faoro, Alessandro Vindigni, Paola Storici, Lisa Vaccari, Infrared micro-spectroscopy to distinguish glioma and ...
Meccanismi molecolari, malattie e nuove prospettive nella ricerca sui...Conferenze con Eugenia Dogliotti dell’Istituto superiore di sanità e Alessandro Vindigni della Saint Louis University
New Mechanisms of Replication Stress Response - Alessandro VindigniThe objective of this proposal is to understand the mechanisms that govern DNA replication fork reversal and restart following genotoxic stress induction....
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alessandro
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Alessandro; der (fremde) Männer Abwehrende, Beschützer der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander
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