64 Infos zu Alexander Vasa

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Tackling Energy Behaviours: Insights from Developing Country Firms...

Tackling Energy Behaviours: Insights from Developing ... The Workshop “Tackling Energy Behaviours: Insights from Developing Country Firms ... Alexander Vasa, ...

Rise of a New Emperor - Fantasy RP (IC) - Cyber Nations Forums

It was a sunny day, quite unusual for Stockholm at this time of year, however where Alexander was standing he wouldnt catch much of the sun. After a phenomenal...

newsletter - CRC Hu-berlin.de

Alexander Vasa. DIW Berlin. Project: Compare demand & supply of investment volumes across sectors and regions. Ultimate question: what ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Alexander Vasa, Ph.D. - Deutschland | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Alexander Vasa, Ph.D. (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das ...

MySpace: Alexander Vasarab ( )

Twitter Profil: Alexander Vasa (alexvasa)

MySpace: Alexander Vasanski (avasanski)

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Alexander Vasa

Dr. / Fellow / Berlin / Regulatory Environment for Energy and Climate, Gas Sector, EU ETS, CDM / Climate Policy Initiative, Sabbatical, European Commission, Climate Focus

16 Bücher zum Namen

Carbon pricing for low-carbon investment : executive summary - EconBiz

... CDM Post Alexander Vasa (CPI) and Karsten Neuhoff (CPI) Emissions Trading Schemes under IFRS - Towards a true and fair view Madlen Haupt (CPI) ...

Verfasser Suchresultate

Treffer von 10 für Suche: 'Alexander Vasa', Suchdauer: 0.31s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur ...

Climate Change Mitigation and Agriculture by Marja-Liisa Tapio-Bistrom

Climate Change Mitigation and Agriculture book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. This book reviews the state of agricultural clim...

Authors - Sostenibilidad

Alberto Villalba. Alejandra Luzardo. Alexander Vasa. Alfred Grünwaldt. Alvaro Adam. alvarog. Amal-Lee Amin. Ana Beatriz de Souza Esteves. Ana R. Rios. anai.

4 Dokumente

The German Landscape of Climate Finance

The Landscape of Climate Finance in Germany CPI Webinar – February 6, Presented by Hermann Amecke and Alexander Vasa …

Implementing CDM Limits in the EU ETS: A Law and Economics Approach...

... and Economics Approach. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No Pages Posted: 17 Jul Last revised: 18 Jul See all articles by Alexander Vasa  ...

EMLE - Document - PDFSEARCH.IO - Document Search Engine

Klaus Heine / Michael Faure / Luigi A. Franzoni / Stefan Voigt / Petra Ebermann / Max Planck / Sharon Oded / Alexander Vasa / Franziska ...

WPS5008 Policy Research Working Paper Background ...documents.worldbank.org › curated › text › WPS...

The authors thank Moritz von Unger and Alexander Vasa for their contributions and support in preparing this paper. 2 Independent consultant; Vice President of ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Internformat: The effectiveness of the clean development mechanism |...

... of the clean development mechanism |b a law and economics analysis = De effectiviteit van het "Clean Development Mechanism" |c door Alexander Vasa.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

The Role of CDM Post Climate Strategies

Year: Author: Alexander Vasa and Karsten Neuhoff Year: Type: Final paper. Share: A selection of Climate Strategies' supporters and collaborators.

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Michelle | Bomics- Economics at Unibo

Posts about Michelle written by bomics

A Boy for Carl Philip and Sofia - Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil:...

I love Oscar's name but do wish since Alexander has 4 names, that Oscar did as well. I thought it was a sign only the heiress would have 4 names, when her own...

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Alexander Vasa | LinkedIn

View Alexander Vasa's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alexander Vasa discover ... Es fehlt: siemens ‎communication

Alexander Vasa, PhD | LinkedIn

größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Alexander Vasa ...

Alexander Vasa, PhD - Green Finance - Capital Markets and ...www.linkedin.com › alexander-vasa

View Alexander Vasa, PhD'S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Alexander has 11 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete ...

Alexander Vasa, PhD | LinkedIn

View Alexander Vasa, PhD'S professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alexander Vasa, PhD ...

Piers William Alexander Vasa | Adept Aerialservices/ Adept Digital...

Piers William Alexander Vasa | Adept Aerialservices/ Adept Digital Systems VAT ID Value Added Tax Number ID Search / Lookup Engine plus Address and further...

Ceciliengymnasium Bielefeld Teilnehmer + 12 Kursleiter + 3...

Webseite des Ceciliengymnasiums Bielefeld


Alexander Vasa DIW Berlin Project: Compare demand & supply of investment volumes across sectors and regions.

For a King by Alexander Vasa


Quinto Workshop Atlántico sobre Economía Energética y Ambiental, A...

Alexander Vasa: Banking of surplus emission allowances Grabación Entrevistas  ...

DIW Berlin: Auswirkungen der Entlastungsregelungen von Energiesteuern...

Zwischen und verabschiedete die Bundesregierung die Nationale Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie und das Integrierte Energie- und Klimaprogramm. Beide...

SpringerCitations - Details Page

Certified emissions reductions and CDM limits: revenue and distributional aspects. Alexander Vasa. Journal: Climate Policy, 2012, Volume 12, Number 6, Page ...

Bringing Transparency to Green Bonds in Latin America and ...www.environmental-finance.com › content › bri...

As Alexander Vasa, Green Finance Advisor at the IDB points out, it will also help investors to make more meaningful comparisons between ...

EconStor: Carbon Pricing for Low-Carbon Investment

EconStor ist ein Publikationsserver für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fachliteratur und wird von der ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft als...

Fifth Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics, A Toxa...

Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp (DIW Berlin), Rodney Boyd, Kateryna Stelmakh, Alexander Vasa: Banking of surplus emission allowances ...

Resultat: RT Meteoritmaraton - ÖID-Friidrott

Meteoritmaraton T U L O K S E T Korsholms Kommun :33 Sija Nimi Seura Loppuaika Ero MeteoritMaraton Herrar/Miehet

Writeling FanStory Profile

I am a retired bookseller, now free to determine the shape of each day. I live on high Dartmoor in Devon, England, in a quirky house with far-reaching views...

Detailanzeige der Metadaten - Open Access Netzwerk (OAN)

... von Energiesteuern und -abgaben auf die deutsche Industrie. Authors: Anja Rosenberg; Anne Schopp; Karsten Neuhoff; Alexander Vasa. Publisher/Institution:.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alexander

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch): Alexander; der (fremde) Männer Abwehrende, Beschützer der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander

Personensuche zu Alexander Vasa & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Alexander Vasa und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.