24 Infos zu Alexandra Gronholz
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- Investigating
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Alexandra Gronholz successfully defended her thesis on 17th November...Alexandra Gronholz successfully defended her thesis on 17th November INTERCOAST congratulates Alexandra Gronholz. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Investigating ocean processes by the use of a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere and a trajectory model".
Physical Oceanography Division - NewsAlexandra Gronholz, a recent graduate from University of Bremen in Germany, joined our team as a postdoc in April, She will use the Modular Ocean Model ...
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Alexandra Gronholz - Genova, Liguria, Italia | Profilo professionaleit.linkedin.com › alexandra-gronholz-75a8941a9Alexandra Gronholz. Research Fellow bei MaLGa - Machine Learning Genoa Center, Italy. Genova, Liguria, Italia30 collegamenti. Iscriviti per collegarti.
University of Miami Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL USA Phone: (305)
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Alexandra GronholzAlexandra Gronholz · Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), insb. · Hochaufgelöste gekoppelte regionale Ozean - Atmosphären Modellierung (ROMS-WRF- ...
Alexandra Gronholz - Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologiempimet.mpg.de › staff › alexandra-gronholzAlexandra Gronholz · Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), particularly ocean heat transport in the South Atlantic · High-resolution regional ...
Curriculum VitaeYou are here: MPI Website /Alexandra Gronholz /Curriculum Vitae. Alexander Beitsch · Matthias Bittner · Clara Burgard · Daniel Burt · Leonard Borchert · Michael ...
1 Bücher zum Namen
Investigating Ocean Processes by the Use of a Regional Coupled Ocean...... Coupled Ocean-atmosphere and a Trajectory Model: Model Studies for the North Sea and the New Zealand Region. Front Cover. Alexandra Gronholz.
2 Dokumente
U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey...... Gino A. Passalacqua Junichi Ninomiya Nobuhito MORI Rui Ricardo Vieira Zafer Defne Angelica Gilroy Alexandra Gronholz Robin Topper Francesco Memmola Evan ...
(PPT) U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey...Jung-Woon Choi John Klinck Gino A. Passalacqua Junichi Ninomiya Nobuhito MORI Rui Ricardo Vieira Zafer Defne Angelica Gilroy Alexandra Gronholz Robin ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Oceanography at IUP, University of BremenThe ocean influences our climate in many ways. Oceanic currents transport large amounts of heat around the globe and cause an additional heating or cooling of...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
NumerikProgrammierenEinfuehrung Lehre WikiEinführung in die Grundlagen der Numerik und das Programmieren unter Unix/Linux. Vorlesungsmitschrift und Programmcodes von Alexandra Gronholz
Alexandra Gronholz - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekAlexandra Gronholz. Link auf diese Seite. Link auf diese Seite. Hinweis zum Datenschutz Mit Klick auf "Einverstanden" können Sie diese Seite in sozialen ...
10 Webfunde aus dem Netz
John Warner US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA - ppt downloadPleasantries Parking bathrooms Agenda svn update
AusbildungAlexandra Gronholz (2016): Investigating ocean processes by the use of a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere and a trajectory model; Rima Rachmayani (2016): ...
AMOC and Global monsoons - NOAA/AOMLThe meeting is held biweekly at AOML (normally 2nd floor conference room). In the first meeting (May 31st), Alexandra Gronholz led the discussion of "Impact of ...
Geophysical Research Letters(共88篇,其中國內學者7篇)ppfocus.com › ...Author: Alexandra Gronholz, Shenfu Dong, Hosmay Lopez, Sang‐Ki Lee, Gustavo Goni, Molly Baringer. Geophysical Research Letters.
Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling for the Baltic Sea and North Sea -...22 Alexandra Gronholz Stefan Hagemann Ha Ho-Hagemann Jaromir Jakacki Birgit Klein Madline Kniebusch Oliver Krüger Markus Meier Uwe Mikolajewicz ...
Instituto Oceanografico-Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil Fundingwww.aoml.noaa.gov › phod › samoc_projectsAlexandra Gronholz (Postdoctoral Investigator) Topic: To investigate the variability of the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic and its ...
Investigating the effects of a summer storm on the North Sea...Investigating the effects of a summer storm on the North Sea stratification using a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Alexandra Gronholz, Ulf Gräwe, ...
[PDF] Investigating the effects of a summer storm on the North Sea...... summer storm on the North Sea stratification using a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model}, author={Alexandra Gronholz and Ulf Gr{\"a}we and Andr{\'e} ...
PPT - Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST)...... Ninomiya Nobuhito MORI Rui Ricardo Vieira Zafer Defne Angelica Gilroy Alexandra Gronholz Robin Topper Francesco Memmola Evan Gray Chris Sherwood ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alexandra
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Holländisch, Englisch, Griechisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Tschechisch, Ungarisch): Alexandra; Beschützerin der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; Information zur männlichen Form Alexander:; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander
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