106 Infos zu Alexandra Winkels
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- Freiburg
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- Director
- International Development
- Neil Adger
- Migration
- University of Cambridge
- Development Studies
- Vietnam
- Vulnerability
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Aktueller StandSeelsorgeeinheit Ottersweier Maria LindenRestauratorin Alexandra Winkels und ihr Team bereiteten dann Probeflächen vor. Zunächst wurde die Wandfläche mit einer durchlässigen Trennschicht belegt. › detail
Deir Anba Hadra 2015Topoi.orgConservation and scientific analysis of plasters and wall paintings in the church and cave of Deir Anba Hadra. Alexandra Winkels. 18: :00.
Konservierungslabor+ Atelier Dipl.-Rest. Alexandra WinkelsTag der RestaurierungKonservierungslabor+ Atelier Dipl.-Rest. Alexandra Winkels. . Freiburg, Google Karte anzeigen. Telefon: 0049(0)
IE Foundation announces the winners of Prizes in ...IE University— 'The Streetlight' by Alexandra Winkels (Spain/Germany/US), student of the Bachelor in Laws/Bachelor in International Relations. 3rd prize.
1 Bilder zu Alexandra Winkels

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alexandra Winkels | FacebookLinkedIn: Alexandra Winkels – Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Alexandra Winkels auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Alexandra Winkels dabei, Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen...
LinkedIn: Alexandra Winkels - Berufsprofillinkedin.com› alexandra-winkels
LinkedIn: Alexandra Winkels - Researcher and Affiliated Lecturer, Centre of ...View Alexandra Winkels' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Alexandra has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Impressum/Kontaktamarna-verein.deAlexandra Winkels. Registergericht Amtsgericht Köln. Registernummer VR Vereinssatzung. Fotos Miriam Bertram Paul Docherty Juan Friedrichs
17 Bücher zum Namen
Alexandra Winkels | University of East Anglia | 10 PublicationsTypesetAlexandra Winkels is an academic researcher from University of East Anglia. The author has contributed to research in topic(s): Vulnerability & Population.
CitationsInternational Household Survey NetworkHoa, Dao Thi Mai, Do Anh Nguyet, Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Dang Thu Phuong, Vu Thu Nga, Roger Few, and Alexandra Winkels. "Heat stress and adaptive capacity of ... › citations
A Functional Theory of Government, Law, and Institutionsgoogle.com... Alexandra Winkels “Nested and Teleconnected Vulnerabilities to Environmental Change,” 150–157, Adger, Neil, Hallie Eakin, and Alexandra Winkels ...
Contemporary Economic Issues in Asian Countries: Proceeding ...google.com... Alexandra Winkels Theory of Stretch Livelihoods Nguyen Do Check for updates Abstract Vietnam is one of the top countries affected by global climate change ...
12 Dokumente
Agenda Item 9Cambridge City CouncilResident: Alexandra Winkels. FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE COUNCIL DCF Declarations of Interest. No interests were declared.
Nested and teleconnected vulnerabilities to environmental ...ESA Journalsvon WN Adger · · Zitiert von: 493 — Alexandra Winkels,. Alexandra Winkels. School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
1 Katja Lembke, The Petosiris - Tuna el-Gebeltuna-el-gebel.com3 Alexandra Winkels, Nicole Riedl, Entwicklung von Putz- und Maltechnik in der Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna el-Gebel, in: Die Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna ...
Conservation treatment for the plasters and wall paintings of ...tuna-el-gebel.comAlexandra Winkels, Introduction. The tomb houses of the Petosiris Necropolis contain a large variety of plasters wall paintings. Partly.
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Nested vulnerability: exploring cross-scale linkages and ...ScienceDirectvon H Eakin · · Zitiert von: 221 — Hallie Eakin is an assistant professor in the School of Sustainability, Arizona State University. · Alexandra Winkels is British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in ...
ESF-ZiF-Bielefeld University Research Conference 2012Uni Bielefeld... Alexandra Winkels Mobility and risk: Talking a closer look at migrant vulnerability; Robert McLeman Climate, food security and labour migration ...
Search Results: University of HohenheimUniversität HohenheimResults of 865 — in Vietnam: The Importance of Social Capital as Access to Resources Alexandra Winkels, W . Neil [...] Impact of Green Manuring on ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well-being - EconPapersRePEcvon WN Adger · · Zitiert von: 73 — By W. Neil Adger and Alexandra Winkels; Abstract: This timely and important Handbook takes stock of progress made in our understanding of what sustainable ... von WN Adger · · Zitiert von: 73 — Alexandra Winkels. Registered: Abstract. This timely and important Handbook takes stock of progress made in our understanding of what sustainable ...
Coconut Farming is a Safe Livelihood Choice for Peasants ...Springervon N Do · — In work “Stretched livelihoods: Social and economic connections between the Red River Delta and the Central Highlands” by Alexandra Winkels, the ...
Contemporary challenges to development in upland ...Harvard-Yenching InstituteAlexandra Winkels, University of Cambridge, Migration, poverty rural development and qualitative research methods in the Vietnamese context. › featurefiles
In search of impact - Comunidad pnacccomunidadpnacc.comAlexandra Winkels, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge; Justin DeKoszmovszky, Inbonis, and Dr Tatiana Thieme, UCL. › uploads ›
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Alexandra WinkelsYouTube› channel
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Shaping Realities - Accountability in Sustainable Developmentjuanocampo.net— Neil Adger & Alexandra Winkels, "Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well- being," Chapters, in: Giles Atkinson & Simon Dietz & Eric ... › blog
47 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alexandra Winkels - Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germanylinkedin.comAlexandra Winkels. Dipl-Rest für Wandmalerei und Architekturoberfläche. Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. 26 followers 26 connections.
Alexandra Winkels | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Alexandra Winkels' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Alexandra has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Alexandra's connections and jobs at similar companies.
Clean fuel switch: Exploring the multiple benefits of biogas (CISL)www.linkedin.com › pulse › sustainable-fuels-pilot-s...· Alexandra Winkels, PhD Click here to view Alexandra Winkels, PhD'S profile. Alexandra Winkels, PhD. Director of Education and Academic…
Dr Alexandra Winkels - University of CambridgeAffiliated Lecturer, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge. Alexandra Winkels is Teaching Officer and Academic Director for International Development and Global Change at ICE, and is affiliated with the Centre of Development Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge.
Alexandra Winkels Company Profile | Freiburg im Breisgau, ...Dun & BradstreetFind company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Alexandra Winkels of Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg.
Dr Alexandra Winkels | Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the...Alexandra Winkels is Academic Director for International Development and Global Change at the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), and is affiliated with the Centre of Development Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge. She has a BSc in Environmental Sciences (University of Salford) and studied for an MPhil ...
Alexandra Winkels's research works | University of East ...ResearchGateAlexandra Winkels's 9 research works with citations and reads, including: Migration, Social Networks and Risk: The Case of Rural-to-Rural ...
Alexandra Winkels | University of Cambridge - Academia.eduAlexandra Winkels, University of Cambridge, Institute of Continuing Education, Faculty Member. Studies Migration Studies, Development Studies, and Climate Change Adaptation.
Dipl.-Restauratorin Winkels, Alexandra - Verband der...Dipl.-Restauratorin Winkels, Alexandra Archäologisches Kulturgut, Wandmalerei und Architekturoberflächen in Freiburg
Pin von Alexandra Winkels auf Töpfern...Pinterest.de› Entdecken › Kunst › Skulptur
Dr Alexandra Winkels | The Centre for the Study of Global Human...Events. Events overview Engaging Arts and Humanities Borders, colonialism and migration Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group Afghanistan Desk (Refugee Hub) Postcolonial Theory and Law Study Group. Past Events. Join the Centre.
Dipl.- Rest. Alexandra WinkelsNicelocal.com.deDipl.- Rest. Alexandra Winkels: details with ⭐ reviews, phone number, work hours, location on map. Find similar household services in Freiburg im ...
VitaAlexandra Winkels: Geburtsdatum: : Geburtsort: Mönchengladbach : : Abitur am Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium, Viersen: – : Fachbezogene Vorpraktika Studienbezogene Praktika bei Restauratoren in Deutschland und England mit Spezialisierung auf die Konservierung und Restaurierung von Wandmalerei ...
Authors – Alexandra WinkelsOpenEdition JournalsAuthors – Alexandra Winkels. Note of archaeological project. Deir el-Médina (2019) [Full text]. 05 October Published in Bulletin archéologique des ...
Daniela Winkels, Cambridge (Bead Road)Cambridgeonline.co.ukBusiness Details. Contact Information. Daniela Winkels C/O Alexandra Winkels, 3 Bead Road, Trumpington Cambridge CB2 ...
Coconut Farming is a Safe Livelihood Choice for Peasants in Ben ...springerprofessional.deCoconut Farming is a Safe Livelihood Choice for Peasants in Ben Tre Province (Vietnam)—A Study Based on Alexandra Winkels Theory of Stretch Livelihoods.
13 Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well- beingElgaronlineW. Neil Adger and Alexandra Winkels. 1. INTRODUCTION. A key tenet of sustainable development is that resources and opportunities should be. › pdf
Handbook of sustainable developmentEx Libris Group12 Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well-being W. Neil Adger Alexandra Winkels — The resource curse and sustainable development Richard M. Auty ...
Anne Austin - SelectedWorks - BepressBepressCédric Larcher, Anne-Claire Salmas, Alexandra Winkels, Wibke Keeding, et al. Download · Article. Accounting for Sick Days: A Scalar Approach to Health and . › anne-...
Fachklasse für Wandmalerei und ArchitekturoberflächeHochschule für Bildende KünsteAlexandra Winkels Die Untersuchung von Putz- und Mörtelfarment aus Tell el Dab a-Ezbet Helmi. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung ägyptischer, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alexandra
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Holländisch, Englisch, Griechisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Tschechisch, Ungarisch): Alexandra; Beschützerin der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; Information zur männlichen Form Alexander:; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander
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