183 Infos zu Alexandre Roulin
Mehr erfahren über Alexandre Roulin
Infos zu
- Switzerland
- Schleiereulen
- Professor
- Université de Lausanne
- Barn Owls
- University of Lausanne
- Department of Ecology
29 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wer ist dran?: Schleiereulen verhandeln - n-tv.deJunge Schleiereulen handeln im Nest untereinander aus, wer das nächste Futter aus dem Schnabel der Eltern erhalten soll.
This is why white barn owls existWhen the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it may not be amore at all. If you're a vole, it might be a ghostly white barn owl about to kill and eat you.
NZZ: Schleiereulen bringen Israeli und Palästinenser näher zusammen | NZZ...Mit der Hilfe von Schleiereulen bekämpft der Lausanner Ornithologe Alexandre Roulin mitten im Konfliktgebiet des Nahen Ostens ...
How barn owls are helping to bring peace to the Middle East | The...Conservation project that brought together Israelis and Palestinians is attracting interest from the Chinese military, with suggestions a similar scheme could...
3 Bilder zu Alexandre Roulin

17 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alexandre RoulinFacebook: Alexandre Roulin | FacebookFacebook: Alexandre Roulin | FacebookLinkedIn: ALEXANDRE ROULIN - Directeur d'Exploitation - DHL | LinkedInDécouvrez le profil de ALEXANDRE ROULIN sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. ALEXANDRE indique 1 poste sur son profil.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Could conservation provide ground for peace in conflict zones? -...Some things, like birds, transcend political boundaries. That's why some scientists say conservation of the natural world could promote peace among humans.
Birds as Peacemakers in Conflict Areas: - Barn Owls in Jordan -...English News and Press Release on World and 3 other countries about Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding; published on 15 Jun by GCSP
2 Business-Profile
Alexandre ROULIN - Dirigeant de la société Optique Dubois -...Retrouvez la biographie, l'interview, les coordonnées, les mandats ainsi que toutes les informations concernant Alexandre ROULIN sur BFMBusiness.com
Avis dexpertsLa chouette effraie · Alexandre Roulin |. UNIL · Monsieur Jardinier, · BIOLOGIE · ZOOLOGIE · ENVIRONNEMENT ...
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Local adaptation by birds to human-altered habitats - Dipòsit ...by S Riyahi · · Cited by 1 — Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Annual review of psychology 61: Acknowledgments We thank Alexandre Roulin for comments on an. › dspace › bitstream
Alexandre ROULIN (VÉNISSIEUX, LONS LE SAUNIER) - Copains d'avantROULIN Alexandre : Alexandre ROULIN, né en et habite VENISSIEUX. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Lycée Jean Michel à LONS LE SAUNIER entre et
Alexandre ROULIN, 41 ans (PARIS, TROYES) - Copains d'avantROULIN Alexandre : Alexandre ROULIN, né en et habite PARIS. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Collège Saint-bernard à TROYES entre et
3 Projekte
vogelwarte.ch - Elterlicher Stress und JungvögelEs ist bekannt, dass starker Stress während der Fortpflanzung zum Brutabbruch führen kann. Weniger erforscht sind hingegen die Auswirkungen von moderatem und...
vogelwarte.ch - Population monitoring of kestrel/western barn owlThe long-term project aims at identifying the critical phases in the annual cycle of kestrel and western barn owl.
vogelwarte.ch - Auswirkungen von Stress auf die Fitness von VögelnDie Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach überwacht die einheimische Vogelwelt, erforscht die Lebensweise der wildlebenden Vögel und geht den Ursachen der...
14 Bücher zum Namen
bokus.com: Barn Owls - Alexandre Roulin - Bok ( ) | BokusPris: 509 kr. Inbunden, Ännu ej utkommen. Bevaka Barn Owls så får du ett mejl när boken går att köpa.
Alexandre Roulin | FifteenEightyFour | Cambridge University PressAlexandre Roulin is Full Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. He has published more than 240
Der Schatten des Volkes: Benjamin Constant und die Anfänge liberaler...39 Vgl. ibid. 40 Vgl. ibid., S ; OCBC, Bd. IX, 1, S Abgedruckt in: CONSTANT, Œuvres, hg. v. Alexandre ROULIN, Paris 1957, S – Vgl.
Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R - Alain Zuur,...... Janssen for the benthic data, Pam Sikkink for the grassland data, Graham Pierce and Jennifer Smith for the squid data, Alexandre Roulin for the barn owl data, ...
2 Songs & Musik
Full text of "Linking melanism to brain development: expression of a...* 1 and Alexandre Roulin 2 * 1 Abstract Background: Intra-specific variation the production of these peptides in the follicles accounts for the relationships ...
Biologie et médecine par UNIL - Université de Lausanne sur Apple...Téléchargez d’anciens épisodes de Biologie et médecine, la série de UNIL - Université de Lausanne, ou abonnez-vous gratuitement à ceux à venir.
7 Dokumente
SCHATTENBLICK - ORNITHOLOGIE/291: Eulenküken schlafen wie...Viele davon sind auch verbunden mit Schlaf, wie zum Beispiel die Immunsystemfunktion und die Energieregulation", sagt Alexandre Roulin von der Universität Lausanne.
Alexandre Roulin, University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandAlexandre Roulin. University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution. Abstract. Understanding how phenotypic diversity persists is a key goal in ...
Alexandre Roulin - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › AlexandreRoulinAlexandre Roulin studies Conservation Biology, Biodiversity, and Evolution.
Jahresbericht der EGEAlexandre Roulin mit einer großen Arbeitsgruppe an einer Vielfalt von Themen, von denen ein großer Teil mit der Schleiereule und etwas auch
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Annual acknowledgement of reviewers | BMC Evolutionary Biology | Full...William Amos. UK. Valentin Amrhein. Switzerland Alexandre Roulin. Switzerland. Jarko Routtu ... Jon Wilkins. USA. Endre Willassen.
Barn owls' bright white plumage used for startling prey | BBC Science...Under a full moon, the birds’ plumage triggers their prey to freeze for a longer time, making it easier to catch, new research suggests.
Mehr Beute bei Vollmond - science.ORF.atForscher um Alexandre Roulin und Luis San Jose der Universität Lausanne haben dies am Beispiel der Schleiereule (Tyto alba) untersucht, ...
Opération chouettes - Le TempsRien de tel que des rapaces pour lutter contre la prolifération de rongeurs dont souffrent Israël et ses voisins.
13 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The impact of pre- and post-natal contexts on immunity,...By Benjamin Homberger, Susanne Jenni-Eiermann, Alexandre Roulin and Lukas Jenni ... was negatively related to antibody response in females and to mitochondrial superoxide production Provided by Zurich Open Repository and Archive.
A link between eumelanism and calcium physiology in the barn owl |...In many animals, melanin-based coloration is strongly heritable and is largely insensitive to the environment and body condition. According to the handicap
Alexandre Roulin - theses.frAlexandre Roulin de l'évolution biologique Stress oxydant Stress oxydatif Vision Vision chez les animaux. Alexandre Roulin a dirigé la thèse suivante : ...
The evolution of parental care | WorldCat.orgParental care includes a wide variety of traits that enhance offspring development and survival. It is taxonomically widespread and is central to the...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Alexandre Roulin: Birds of Peace - YouTube› watch
Aimez-vous les rousses? Coloration chez la chouette hulotte - Vidéo...▶ 10:00Alexandre Roulin de l'Université de Lausanne (CH) s'entretient avec Fleur Daugey, rédactrice à la Salamandre ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Demographic routes to variability and regulation in bird populations...There is large interspecific variation in the magnitude of population fluctuations, even among closely related species. The factors generating this variation...
Plenary Speakers – Australasian Ornithological ConferenceWe are pleased to welcome the following plenary speakers: Allan Burbidge - Principal Research Scientist, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Australia Sonia...
2011 Barn Owl Comment Archive | Audubon California – Starr RanchIf you are interested in sibling interaction in barn owlets, you might like to read the work of Alexandre Roulin, who wrote about the use of rasping and begging ...
Owls for peace: how conservation science is reaching across borders...A programme that uses birds of prey in place of pesticides has inspired international collaboration.
74 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alexandre Roulin | LinkedInView Alexandre Roulin's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alexandre Roulin discover ...
Alexandre Roulin - Citas de Google AcadémicoOR Jones, JM Gaillard, S Tuljapurkar, JS Alho, KB Armitage, PH Becker, ... Ecology Letters 11 (7), Female barn owls (Tyto alba) ...
Alexandre Roulin - Google Scholar CitationsOR Jones, JM Gaillard, S Tuljapurkar, JS Alho, KB Armitage, PH Becker, ... Ecology Letters 11 (7), The evolution of parental care.
Alexandre Roulin - Google AcadémicoProfessor in biology, University of Lausanne - Citado por - parent-offspring conflict - sibling competition - colour polymorphism -...
Professor Alexandre Roulin | World Expo› listen-watch › speakers
Roulin - Names EncyclopediaAlexandre Roulin (3) Marguerite Roulin (3) Henri Roulin (3) Valerie Roulin (3) Albert Roulin (3) Arnaud Roulin (3) Fabien Roulin (3) Elodie Roulin (3) David Roulin (3)
Alexandre Roulin - Академия GoogleProfessor in biology, University of Lausanne - цитирований - parent-offspring conflict - sibling competition - colour polymorphism -...
Alexandre Roulin - Google UčenjakProfessor in biology, University of Lausanne - navedb - parent-offspring conflict - sibling competition - colour polymorphism -...
Reto Burri - Google ScholarSwiss Ornithological Institute - mal zitiert - ornithology - molecular ecology - adaptation - speciation - hybridization
L’ornithologue Alexandre Roulin et le biochimiste Stefan Kunz -...A l'exception de l'ornithologue passionné Alexandre Roulin qui concentre depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'années ses recherches sur ce rapace nocturne, par le ...
Pierre Bize - Google ScholarUniversity of Aberdeen, UK - mal zitiert
Julien Gasparinipage personelle
Ornithologist Alexandre Roulin and biochemist Stefan Kunz ...Ornithologist Alexandre Roulin and biochemist Stefan Kunz. With their large, piercing eyes and their hoo-hooing that resounds throughout the moonlit ...
Valentijn van den Brink - Google Scholar CitationsAlexandre Roulin,; Folmer Bokma,; Pierre Bize,; Julia Schroeder,; Christiaan Both,; Theunis Piersma,; Pedro M. Lourenço,; Arnaud Da Silva,; Tanja Stadler, ...
Work Session with Prof. Alexandre Roulin | LabOr - Laboratório de...On the 21st of August, Prof. Alexandre Roulin, one of the world leading experts in Barn Owl, visited the University of Évora for a working session with the LabOr ...
Alexandre Roulin, Ph.D.Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Academic Year
ESEB | XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary...XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology in Lisbon, Portugal
Rencontre avec Alexandre Roulin - rts.ch - Portail AudioTous les vendredis,
Research InfoSystem > CH PI Name: Alexandre RoulinProject Leader: Dr. Alexandre Roulin Département d'Ecologie et d'Evolution Université de Lausanne Biophore Bâtiment de Biophore, bureau ...
Alpine Network of Protected Areas > CH PI Name: Alexandre RoulinProject Type: Master. Project Duration: Funding Source: other ,. Project Leader: Dr. Alexandre Roulin Département d'Ecologie et d'Evolution
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alexandre
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Alexandre; der (fremde) Männer Abwehrende, Beschützer der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander
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