246 Infos zu Alfred Hinkel
Mehr erfahren über Alfred Hinkel
Lebt in
- Linden
Infos zu
- Director
- John Linden
- Jazzart Dance Theatre
- Garage Dance Ensemble
- Cape Town
- Dance Company
- Nababeep
- Northern Cape
28 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Neue Seite 1... Margret Breitenbach, Ernst Dornseifer, Giesela Dornseifer, Gisela Dornseifer, Günter Dornseifer, Manfred Dornseifer, Christine Henze-Afrahi, Alfred Hinkel, Bärbel
Artslink.co.za - Alfred Hinkel - Award for Dance...
Artslink.co.za - Alfred Hinkel's Dansmettieduiwels at BaxterAlfred Hinkel's latest work, Dansmettieduiwels, comes to the Baxter Theatre for only four performances this March.
Gefangenenanstalt Hoheneck - archiv.sachsen.dearchiv.sachsen.de › archiv › bestandAlfred Hinkel geb in Chemnitz Schlosser. Verurteilung zu 4 Monaten Gefängnis wegen Diebstahls (Strafbefehl des Amtsgerichts Chemnitz) ...
2 Bilder zu Alfred Hinkel

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Dance Garage-Alfred Hinkel,J0hn Linden&Byr0n Klaasen ...Facebook: Charles Alfred Hinkel | Facebookwww.facebook.com › people › Charles-Alfred-HinkelFacebook: Alfred Hinkel Workshop | FacebookLinkedIn: Alfred Hinkel – Sozialarbeiter – Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz (BRK ...de.linkedin.com › alfred-hinkel b9Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Alfred Hinkel im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Alfred Hinkel ist 1 Job angegeben. Auf LinkedIn können Sie ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Alfred Hinkel's Garage Productions to Host Benefit Performance of ...www.broadwayworld.com › bwwdance › article › A...RUST COLOURED SKIRT, presented by Alfred Hinkel's Garage Productions, will be performed at Artscape on Sunday 20th July in aid of Cape Town dance ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
About us | Jazzart Dance TheatreIn an era when professional dance theatre was the virtually exclusive domain of the ruling white elite, Alfred Hinkel forged a teaching and performance ethos firmly rooted in the progressive ideological principles of the South African anti-apartheid struggle.
4 Persönliche Webseiten
from the "Mail & Guardian online": ZA @ PLAY Theatre: - Tripodmembers.tripod.com › reality_of_...What Van Tonder saw was a level of technical proficiency and emotional openness, honed by choeographer-teacher Alfred Hinkel, which tuned in with a ...
ABOUT ME | allisonhendricksWix.comChoreographed by Alfred Hinkel ( Jazzart) and Christopher Kindo. (2002). - dancer in “Backstage” (local television series with choreography by Christopher ...
Meet our team - NYUAD Arts Centerwww.nyuad-artscenter.org › AboutLana is also a trained African contemporary dancer and was part of the Jazzart Dance Theatre under the directorship of Alfred Hinkel in Cape Town, SA.
SboNdaba DanceSboNdaba DanceEducated in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, trained at Jazzart Dance Theatre in Cape Town under the direction of Alfred Hinkel. Jennifer van ...
6 Traueranzeigen
ANGRADA: Alfred HinkelFramersheim
findagrave: Alfred L Hinkel (unknown-2001) - Find a Grave Memorialwww.findagrave.com › memorial › alfred-l-hinkelAlfred Hinkel in Newspapers · Alfred Hinkel in Military Records · View more records for Alfred Hinkel at Ancestry.com · Discover more with a simple DNA test ...
Search Alfred Hinkel Obituaries and Funeral ServicesLegacy.comSearch all Alfred Hinkel Obituaries and Death Notices to find upcoming funeral home services, leave condolences for the family, and research genealogy.
findagrave: Walter Bruno Alfred Hinkel ( ) – Find a Grave GedenkstätteCommercial Traveller in South Africa, husband of Grace Millian Long. Father of Walter Hinkel Jnr. Grandfather of Leonard, Walter, Alfred, Mrs Delicia...
13 Angaben zur Herkunft
Hinkel Web Site - MyHeritage.nowww.myheritage.no › site › hinkeloppdaterte detaljer til Ralf Alfred Hinkel , Olga Amalie Hinkel (født Brynildsen) Per Brevigh og 4 andre personer på slektstreet Hinkel Family ...
Die Onthulling GPS projectsGoethe-Institut... Alfred Hinkel and John Linden. Die Onthulling (Afrikaans for the unveiling), tells a story of family, love, betrayal, revenge and guilt. The work was ...
Grace Milliam LONG (1900–1959)FamilySearch... Theron, was 39. She had at least 1 son with Walter Bruno Alfred Hinkel. She died in 1959, in her hometown, at the age of 59. More. Photos and Memories (3).
Alfred Hinkel in the Census | Ancestry®www.ancestry.com › census › usa › CaliforniaAlfred Hinkel was born about In 1940, he was 38 years old and lived in Los Angeles, California, with his wife, Margaret, 2 sons, and 2 daughters.Wife: Margaret HinkelHome in 1940: Towne Avenue; Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
18 Bücher zum Namen
A Star Is Born and Born Again: Variations on a Hollywood Archetype“Do you, Alfred Hinkel, take this woman....?” intones the judge in a tightly composed four-shot featuring the main players in the foreground and the ...
Contemporary Dance and Southern African Rock Art: Tranceformations ...Spiritual connections in In 2005, at the invitation of a colleague, Alfred Hinkel,237 David April (executive and artistic director), Gregory Maqoma ...
Indigeneity and Nation - Google Books-Ergebnisseite... artists from the region, under the direction of Alfred Hinkel, former director of the Jazzart Dance Company in Cape Town, and his partner, John Linden.
Jay Pather, Performance, and Spatial Politics in South Africa... Sylvia Glasser or Alfred Hinkel, who could take personal risks in training Black people during apartheid.35 “Glasser as dance activist,” remarks Sichel, ...
4 Dokumente
Hinkel, Alfred [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works about Alfred Hinkel. Melting snowflakes by Margaret Foyer( ). Most widely held works by Alfred Hinkel. Cargo by Magnet Theatre( Visual )
File:COLLECTIONafricacentre PRJTitc YR2009 ITC012.jpgcommons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:COLLECTIO...Created by Alfred Hinkel, Michael Lister, Mary Manzole and Penelope Youngleson. Infecting the City Festival Date, 20 February 2009, 13:51:25.
[PDF] Dance Studies - Western Cape Education Departmentwcedonline.westerncape.gov.za › documents › eBooks-EdumediaAlfred Hinkel. Alfred Hinkel's choreographic career is closely associated with Jazzart, but began long before he became artistic director of the company. The ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Performance Review MARCHE DES ARTS DU SPECTACLEwww.jstor.org › stableterms of choreography and in relation to the matu rity of its performers. The director of Jazz Art is Alfred Hinkel, a white. South African in his fifties ...
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Infecting The City Programme by Isla Haddow - Issuuissuu.com › docs › itc_2013_prog_final_fund... Alfred Hinkel Seep The Afro Galactic Arkestra The Afro Galactic Dream Factory 20 Programme D 21 Pedro Espi-Sanchis Tshikona Flash iKapa Power. 22 Jason ...
Alfred HinkelTheaterEncyclopedieAlfred Hinkel is een Zuid-Afrikaanse choreograaf en oprichter van het Namakwalandse Dans Geselskap, in Nababeep and Okiep in de Noord Kaap in
Jazzart Dance Theatre - Wikibriefde.wikibrief.org › wiki › Jazzart_Dance_Theatre1986 kaufte Alfred Hinkel das Unternehmen und wechselte die künstlerische Leitung zu Dawn Langdown, John Linden und Jay Pather. Unter dieser neuen Führung ...
national senior certificate examinationMatric DownloadsAlfred Hinkel and. Magnet Theatre. Cargo. Sir Kenneth Macmillan. Romeo and. Juliet. Alfred Hinkel. Last Dance. (Bolero). Christopher Bruce. Ghost. Dancers.
4 Video- & Audioinhalte
Hinkel on Rust Coloured SkirtRust Coloured Skirt, choreographed by Dance Garage's Alfred Hinkel, is an autobiographical dance piece that represents how dance impacts ...
Die Dans Van My Heenkoms with Alfred Hinkel - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch· Die Dans Van My Heenkoms with Alfred Hinkel | Garage Dance Ensemble [Full ...Dauer: 30:36Gepostet:
"BRUIN" - Choreography Alfred Hinkel - Performed by Garage | PopScreen2012 Baxter Theatre Dance Festival
National Arts FestivalYouTube · National Arts Festival1120+ Follower'Die Dans van my Heenkoms - The Bolero stories' told by Alfred Hinkel - Garage Dance (teaser). National Arts Festival views. 4 years ago · Standard Bank ...
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: SASI on X: "Get Ready! World renowned choreographer Alfred ...twitter.com › KDFestival › statusGet Ready! World renowned choreographer Alfred Hinkel brings his latest work "SEEP" to the Kalahari.
Twitter-Nachrichten: Karen Williams on X: "The documentary on #Bolero took me back to ...twitter.com › redrustin › status· The documentary on #Bolero took me back to a long time ago: Alfred Hinkel, Dawn Langdown, Jay Pather, John Linden and the various ...
Dance interview: How Alfred Hinkel’s dance piece, Bolero,...28. Juli · In 2020, Garage made a film, Die Dans Van My Heenkoms, Bolero stories told by Alfred Hinkel. The film is streaming on Quicket, until August 17 – – in case you read this, after the event. Booking link: https://thecaperobyn.co.za/dance-film-online-screening-die-dans-van-my-heenkoms-bolero-stories-told-by-alfred-hinkel-july-aug ].
Alfred Hinkel | Denzil Jacobs Photography & Luxury Blogjustforthenostalgia.wordpress.com › tag › alfred-hin...Director and choreographer Alfred Hinkel took a new approach to this year's entertainment and created a production that involved Heather Mac, dancers from his ...
122 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alfred Hinkel receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Dance5. Nov · The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) named choreographer and dance instructor Alfred Hinkel as the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Dance. Alfred Hinkel was born in in a small copper mining town called Nababeep outside Springbok in the Northern Cape, where at the age of 10 he began taking ballet against his
Lifetime Award Winners – Dance: Alfred Hinkel - Mail & Guardian6. Nov · Lifetime Award Winners – Dance: Alfred Hinkel. Alfred Hinkel established his first dance company, Die Namakwalandse Dans Geselskap, in Nababeep and Okiep in the Northern Cape in 1976, which...
Our Team - Garage Dance EnsembleIn 1976, Alfred Hinkel founded the Namakwalandse Dans Geselskap in Nababeep and O’okiep, launching a prolific career in dance. He co-founded the Dial Dance Company with Dianne Sparks in Windhoek before moving to Cape Town in In 1986, Hinkel acquired and transformed Jazzart Dance Studios into Jazzart Dance Theatre, one of South Africa ...
MAISHA | The #MAISHA Dancers, the Creative Team and ...... Alfred Hinkel, Lara Foot, Jay Pather, Gregory Maqoma, Portia Mashigo, Mamela Nyamza, Nelisiwe Xaba, Dada Masilo, Athena Mazarakies, PJ ...
About Us - Jazzart Dance Theatre - Google Sitessites.google.com › site › about-usBy 1986, Alfred Hinkel had raised enough funds to buy the company, change its name to Jazzart Dance Theatre and take over its artistic directorship with ...
The Company - Jazzart Dance TheatreWhile training with Jazzart, Amy-Kay worked with accomplished directors, choreographers and teachers such as Alfred Hinkel, Sbonakaliso Ndaba, Jay Pather, ...
CHOREOGRAPHY IN ITS CONTEXT. Why is each choreographer’s work...This presentation looks at the work of Jazzart Dance Theatre’s Alfred Hinkel
Alfred Hinkel - VIA – Vision In Africavisioninafrica.comAlfred Hinkel. June 15, June 17, Home, The Keeper of the Kumm, Writing 1 Comment Alfred HinkelBasil AppollisGarageHilton SchilderKumm ...
Jazzart Dance Theatre - Wikiwandwww.wikiwand.com › Jazzart_Dance_Theatre... Alfred Hinkel, for his vision, commitment and contribution to dance in South Africa ... Alfred Hinkel in collaboration with the Jazzart dancers for Cold Waters ...
Hinkel - Names EncyclopediaAlfred Hinkel (4) Joachim Hinkel (4) Horst Hinkel (4) Gerda Hinkel (4) Alexander Hinkel (4) Eckhard Hinkel (4) Paul Hinkel (4) Ute Hinkel (4) Uwe Hinkel (4) Waldemar ...
Alfred Hinkel , Darmstadttelefonbuchsuche.de › alfred-hinkel-messeler-park-straße darmstadtDie Anschrift von Alfred Hinkel lautetin Darmstadt. Darmstadt in Deutschland. Die Telefonnummer von Alfred Hinkel ist die (0 ...
Alfred Hinkel – RoekeloosMet: Debbie Goodman-Bhyatt en Alfred Hinkel Regisseur: John Linden Kostuumontwerp: Marquen Carstens Beligting: Benever Arendse. Genre: Dans
Alfred Hinkel: ACT Lifetime Achievement Award for Dancecreativefeel.co.za › › November· ' Alfred Hinkel is now 68 years old and the winner of the newly launched ACT Lifetime Achievement Award for Dance. He says that 'one is ...
In conversation with Alfred Hinkel about Stof at the Suidoosterfeeswww.litnet.co.za › in-conversation-with-alfred-hink...· Izak de Vries spoke to director Alfred Hinkel. I have seen the Garage Dance Ensemble on stage in Springbok. While the moves and the choreography ...
Alfred Hinkel (@alfredhinkel) • Instagram photos and videosInstagram · alfredhinkel1 Follower1 Followers, 0 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alfred Hinkel (@alfredhinkel)
Alfred Hinkel (@alfredhinkel) • fotos e vídeos do ...Instagram · alfredhinkel1 Follower1 seguidores, a seguir 0, 0 publicações – Alfred Hinkel (@alfredhinkel) no Instagram: ""
Alfred Hinkel - ESAT - Stellenbosch UniversityContribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance. He did the choreography for The Sun, the Moon and the Knife, Jesus Christ Superstar, Thina Bantu - We People, The Wiz, The Winter's Tale (1996), Baletsatsi (1998). The first training for Phenduka Dance Theatre was done by Hinkel of Jazzart Dance Theatre in Cape Town in
Snap alfred hinkel photos on PinterestSnap alfred hinkel photos video on Pinterest
Alfred Hinkel begging for cents in Stellenbosch and even myself did ...www.instagram.com › CNYKQIOjs-m40 likes, 2 comments - gregmaqoma on April 7, 2021: "Alfred Hinkel begging for cents in Stellenbosch and even myself did not have anything to give...."
Alfred Hinkel - Jazzart Dance Theatrehome.intekom.com › jazzart › alfredAlfred Hinkel. Artistic Director. Alfred Hinkel is among the top echelon of South African choreographers, artistic directors and dance educationalists.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alfred
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Alfred; Altenglisch (Zweigliedriger Name); aelf = der Elf; raed = der Rat; bekannt durch Alfred den Grossen, angelsächsischer König (9. Jh.); einer der wenigen altenglischen Namen, die sich über England hinaus verbreitet haben Alfred leitet ab vom altgermanischen Alffried , der friedfertige Alf . Alfen ,die bleichen/fahlen/blonden Nordgermanen. Um die Zeitenwende Übernahme im keltischen Sprachraum als Alf-red , rothaariger ,bleicher Alf.
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hinkel
Hinkel = kleines Hühnchen (vgl. Clemens Brentano)
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Alfred Hinkel und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.