66 Infos zu Alina Noveski

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Fewer smartphones, more well-being - Ruhr-Universität Bochum

20. Apr · Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being and healthy lifestyle?!


"There may be an optimal daily usage time." Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, ... "There may be an optimal daily usage time." Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, ...

Newsletter. LWL-Forschungsinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit. Sehr...

Hilfskräfte Alina Noveski (Psychologiestudentin) Heinz Augustin Dr. med. Ida Sibylle Haußleiter Dr. med. Knut Hoffmann Rückblick auf den 9. Hilfskräfte Alina Noveski (Cand. Psychologie) Institutsprojekt Evaluation von psychiatrischer Bezugspflege Klinische psychiatrische Versorgung ... › Newsletter-lwl-forsc... › Newsletter-so-erreiche...

Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium - derwesten.de

G9: Atusa Ahmadi, Friederike Allgut, Akriti Arora, Kajal Arora, Rosemary Azeez, Gülcin Bakacak, Isabella Bals, Lisa Bas, Benita Becker, Jakob Becker, Gero...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Alina Noveski – Psychologin – PIU VIE GbR - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › alina-noveski-7a2b71233

Alina Noveski. In Ausbildung/Studium: Ruhr-Universität Bochum. PIU VIE GbRHasso Plattner Institute. Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland11 Kontakte.

Alina Noveski | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › author › Alina-Noveski

Semantic Scholar profile for Alina Noveski, with 3 scientific research papers.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker ...philpapers.org › rec › BRAFTS-3

Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack & Jürgen Margraf.

2 Business-Profile

Xing: Alina Noveski - Klinische Psychologie - Ruhr-Universität Bochum | XING

Alina Noveski. Ganzes Profil ansehen. Studentin, Klinische Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Köln, Deutschland. Logg Dich ein, um alle Einträge zu sehen ...

Alina NOVESKI | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum | RUB | Clinical...

Alina NOVESKI | Cited by 9 | of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum (RUB) | Read 2 publications | Contact Alina NOVESKI

8 Bücher zum Namen

Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Study | Schredl, Michael; Noveski, Alina |...

Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Study | Schredl, Michael; Noveski, Alina | download | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books

HEIDI: Noveski, Alina: Frequency of sports dreams and ...

Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics · an online study · Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl & Anja S. Göritz · · 4 S. Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics · an online study · Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl & Anja S. Göritz · · 4 S.

Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Study | Schredl, Michael; Noveski, Alina ...ur.booksc.eu › book › cfdc76

Alina Noveski is a bachelor student of psychology at the University of Bochum, Germany and worked as in intern of the sleep lab on the project ''Lucid ...

heiBIB: Noveski, Alina

Noveski, Alina: Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics : an online study / Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl & Anja S. Göritz, S. In ... Noveski, Alina: Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics : an online study / Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl & Anja S. Göritz, S. In ...

10 Dokumente

Discussing Push and Pull Factors for Digital Well-being

von LM Meinhardt · — Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim,. Holger Schillack, and Jürgen Margraf Finding the "sweet spot" of smartphone use ... von LM Meinhardt · — Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim,. Holger Schillack, and Jürgen Margraf Finding the "sweet spot" of smartphone use ...

Alina Noveski

Alina Noveski studies Historia de la Comunicación Social, Spanish enlightenment, and English Broadside Ballads. Alina Noveski studies Historia de la Comunicación Social, Spanish enlightenment, and English Broadside Ballads.

Data sufficient products: speculative design explorations for ...

... Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, and Jürgen Margraf Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, and Jürgen Margraf Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase ...

Finding The "Sweet Spot" of Smartphone Use Reduction or ...

Alina Noveski https://orcid.org was not preregistered. Seokyoung Kim https://orcid.org Julia Brailovskaia and Jasmin ... Alina Noveski https://orcid.org was not preregistered. Seokyoung Kim https://orcid.org Julia Brailovskaia and Jasmin ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

FreiDok plus - Noveski, Alina

{{data.bwa_inst.text}}. {{data}} ORCID iD. {{landingpageData.orcidMetadata.orcid}} ORCID iD. {{urldata.name}}. {{emaildata.email}}. {{iddata.type}}: {{iddata.value}} ...


Milena Babinsky Jasmine Golembe Neele Langkau Alina Noveski Link zur Umfrage Einverständniserklärung. © Busch (Milena Babinsky, B.Sc., ...

Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics: an OPUS 4opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de › year › docId

Metadaten. Author: Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl, Anja S. Göritz. Frontdoor URL, https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus ISSN: OPAC.

Fewer smartphones, more well-being

— Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Finding the — Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Finding the ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Das Phänomen Klartraum

Alina Noveski. Most studies looking into the relationship between lucid dream frequency and personality were based on questionnaire measures of ... Alina Noveski. Most studies looking into the relationship between lucid dream frequency and personality were based on questionnaire measures of ...


— Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Mar- graf: » Finding the › sweet spot‹ of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to — Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Mar- graf: » Finding the › sweet spot‹ of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to ...

Imagination, Cognition and Personality

Alina Noveski,Michael Schredl · Longitudinal Relations Between Self · Gerben J. Westerhof,Hsiao-Wen Liao,Susan Bluck · Editors' Statement · James M. Honeycutt ... Alina Noveski,Michael Schredl · Longitudinal Relations Between Self · Gerben J. Westerhof,Hsiao-Wen Liao,Susan Bluck · Editors' Statement · James M. Honeycutt ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Le blog de Jean-Philippe Accart, biblioblogueurjpaccart.blog.tdg.ch

Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Finding the “sweet spot” of ...

少しでいい。スマホに「人生の幸福」を奪われないための方法とは?news.goo.ne.jp › 国際・科学

· 【出典】Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: ...

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Study - Michael Schredl, Alina Noveski,...

19. Nov · Alina Noveski is a bachelor student of psychology at the University of Bochum, Germany and worked as in intern of the sleep lab on the project “Lucid dreaming and personality”

Alina Noveski ( )

Alina Noveski · · No public information available. Alina Noveski · · No public information available.

Scilit | Articles

Scilit is a centralized platform for all published research literature, articles with a DOI or in PubMed are indexed within hours

Tauben vergiften im Park - Chansonabend mit Liedern von Georg...

Alfred Olszok, Alina Noveski, Umut Tükoglu und Ann-Kristin Walter. Institutsleiter Christian de Witt begleitet sie am Klavier. › Tauben_vergiften_im_Park_-...

Finding the "sweet spot" of smartphone use: Reduction or ...

von J Brailovskaia · · Zitiert von: 45 — Alina Noveski , Seokyoung Kim , Holger Schillack , Jürgen Margraf. Affiliation. 1 Mental Health Research and Treatment Center. PMID ... von J Brailovskaia · · Zitiert von: 45 — Alina Noveski , Seokyoung Kim , Holger Schillack , Jürgen Margraf. Affiliation. 1 Mental Health Research and Treatment Center. PMID ...

Frequency of Lucid Dreaming in a Representative German ...

SchredlAlina Noveski. Psychology Most studies looking into the relationship between lucid dream frequency and personality were based on questionnaire ... SchredlAlina Noveski. Psychology Most studies looking into the relationship between lucid dream frequency and personality were based on questionnaire ...

Less smartphone use improves mental health and contributes to a ...www.growkudos.com › publications › reader

Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf.

Lucid dream induction using three different cognitive methodswww.connectedpapers.com › main

M. Schredl, Alina Noveski Reality Testing and the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams: Findings From the National Australian Lucid Dream Induction ...

Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics: An online study...

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Frequency of sports dreams and dreams about politics: An online study" by Alina Noveski et al.

Less smartphone use improves mental health and ...

... Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied, April 2022, American Psychological Association Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied, April 2022, American Psychological Association ...

Lower smartphone usage increases wellbeing

Reference: Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Finding the ... Reference: Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf. Finding the ...

Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Study - Sage Journals

von M Schredl · · Zitiert von: 11 — He teaches at the University of Mannheim and is also the editor of the online journal International Journal of Dream Research. Alina Noveski is a bachelor ... von M Schredl · · Zitiert von: 11 — He teaches at the University of Mannheim and is also the editor of the online journal International Journal of Dream Research. Alina Noveski is a bachelor ...

Underwater Messaging App For Smartphones - Cool N Spicycoolnspicy.com › Health And Science

Journal Reference: Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger…

STUDIES - lucid dream research

Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl, Anja S. Göritz – ~. Threats in dreams: Are they related to waking-life? Jonas Mathes, Michael Schredl – Alina Noveski, Michael Schredl, Anja S. Göritz – ~. Threats in dreams: Are they related to waking-life? Jonas Mathes, Michael Schredl –

Supplemental Material for

ORCID Icon , Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski ORCID Icon , Seokyoung Kim ORCID Icon , Holger Schillack ORCID Icon , and Jürgen Margraf. Journal of ... ORCID Icon , Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski ORCID Icon , Seokyoung Kim ORCID Icon , Holger Schillack ORCID Icon , and Jürgen Margraf. Journal of ...

Tauben vergiften im Park - Chansonabend mit Liedern von ...

Alfred Olszok, Alina Noveski, Umut Tükoglu und Ann-Kristin Walter. Institutsleiter Christian de Witt begleitet sie am Klavier. Die Chansons des gebürtigen ... Alfred Olszok, Alina Noveski, Umut Tükoglu und Ann-Kristin Walter. Institutsleiter Christian de Witt begleitet sie am Klavier. Die Chansons des gebürtigen ...

The patterns of problematic social media use (SMU) and their ...

An experimental intervention study. J. Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, S. Kim, Holger Schillack, J. Margraf An experimental intervention study. J. Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, S. Kim, Holger Schillack, J. Margraf

国際 – 街撮りカメラのアンテナサイトです。akase.xsrv.jp › camera › category › 国際

【出典】Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the “sweet ...

Zur reduzierten Smartphone-Nutzung von Schülern

Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the „sweet spot” of ... Julia Brailovskaia, Jasmin Delveaux, Julia John, Vanessa Wicker, Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the „sweet spot” of ...

国際 – 街撮りカメラのアンテナサイトです。

... Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being Alina Noveski, Seokyoung Kim, Holger Schillack, Jürgen Margraf: Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alina

Weiblicher Vorname (Französisch): Alina; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); adal = edel, vornehm, der Adel, aus vornehmem Geschlecht; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die mit 'Adel-' beginnen, insbesondere Adelheid

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