325 Infos zu Alison Knowles
Mehr erfahren über Alison Knowles
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- Fluxus
- Dick Higgins
- Salad
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- Allan Kaprow
- Ben Patterson
26 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Ausstellung Arte Postale: Künstlerpost - SPIEGEL ONLINE - einestagesAusstellung Arte Postale: Künstlerpost
Taz: Fluxus Sammler aus dem Pott: Die Werke kamen frei Haus - taz.deMit der Ausstellung „Anybody can have an idea“ ehrt das Dortmunder Museum Ostwall zwei neugierige Sammler und Unterstützer von Fluxus.
Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U präsentiert Sammlung neu Macke...Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U präsentiert Sammlung neu Macke Rentmeister Alison Knowles. Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U präsentiert Sammlung neu :55 +
Alison Knowles: My gruelling training regime | Bournemouth EchoWHEN you next roll over in bed and whack your clock into snooze mode, spare a thought for Alison Knowles.
60 Bilder zu Alison Knowles

49 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alison KnowlesFacebook: Alison KnowlesFacebook: Alison KnowlesLinkedIn: Alison Knowles | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Alison Knowles discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.
8 Hobbys & Interessen
Schedule 32. Chaos Communication CongressChaos Communication Congress. Index; Day ; Day ; Day ; Day ; Speakers; Events; ... Alison Knowles, Robert Filliou, …
lastFM: Ay que me rio de amor — Juan Hidalgo | Last.fm513 dinleyici. Ben Vautier için avatar. Alison Knowles dinleyici. Alison Knowles için avatar. Dick Higgins dinleyici. Dick Higgins için avatar ... › Juan+Hidalgo
Fluxus | Definition, History, Artists, & Facts | BritannicaFluxus, a loose international group of artists, poets, and musicians whose only shared impulse was to integrate life into art through the use of found events,...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Alison KnowlesIn the early Sixties Alison Knowles composed the Notations book of experimental composition with John Cage as well as Coeurs Volants, a print with Marcel ...
Alison Knowles - Collaborators - Independent Curators InternationalINDEPENDENT CURATORS INTERNATIONAL collaborators. Alison Knowles. involved in: do it. do it is the longest-running and most far-reaching exhibition to ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Possible Lives | Columbia University PressPossible Lives uses the saints'lives written by humanists of the Italian Renaissance to explore the intertwining of classical and religious cultures on the...
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Alison KnowlesArt Department, Montana - Rache hat einen neuen Namen
IMDB Filmographie: Alison KnowlesWriter, Fluxfilm No. 21
2 Projekte
Alison Knowles Makes a Giant Salad at Art Basel - artnet NewsThe performance art pioneer Alison Knowles will introduce her gigantic
Make a Salad | The High LineAlison Knowles is known for performances, installations, sound works, and her association with Fluxus, the international art movement that emphasizes the fusion of art and life through actions marked by playfulness, simplicity, and chance. In the 1960s, Knowles was an active participant in the New York ...
20 Bücher zum Namen
A Bean concordancevon Alison Knowles, Printed Editions, 1983, Taschenbuch
GEM DUCK.von Alison Knowles, Cavriago, Pari and Dispari,, 1977, Broschiert
Indigo Islandvon Alison Knowles, Stiftung Saarländ. KulturbesitzTaschenbuch
AbeBooks: great bear pamphlet series von antin david brecht george cage john...AbeBooks ist ein weltweiter Internet-Marktplatz für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher
7 Dokumente
DIGITAL STUDIES: HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES EnglishLog Jammer (Allison Burtch), ... Fluxkits (Alison Knowles, et al.), ... Git and GitHub (version control system and hosting service). › syllabi › mincomp
::.. Archiv i-camp / NT: Neues Theater München ..::i-camp, Neues Theater München, Neues Theater Muenchen
HAPPENINGS AND OTHER ACTSUniversity Press) and I-VI (1990, Harvard University Press), collected Eisenhauer; a few of Alison Knowles' Events are recorded; and Yvonne Rainer including Mainstream at the Franz Dahlem Gallery in Darmstadt (20 March 1967). For.
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Himmel über Fluxus | Masterarbeit, Hausarbeit, Bachelorarbeit...Himmel über Fluxus - Eine Biographie des New Yorker Künstlers Geoffrey Hendricks - Kat Schuetz - Fachbuch - Kunst - Kunstgeschichte - Arbeiten publizieren:...
17 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Alison Knowles (rower) - WikipediaAlison Knowles (born 27 March in Bournemouth) is a British rower. She rowed in the women's eight at the Summer Olympics but could not row in the finals due ...
Wikipedia: Kategorie:Fluxus – WikipediaK. Allan Kaprow · Bengt af Klintberg · Alison Knowles · Arthur Køpcke. M. George Maciunas · Richard Maxfield · Jonas Mekas · Gustav Metzger · Charlotte ...
Interviews With Alison Knowles, July-October 2001, New York City –...Alison Knowles: Ellen, it was great you came to the performance last night (at the Drawing Center). Tell me what you thought of it? Ellen Pearlman (Rail): Yes, I thought your pieces worked on focusing attention on a small event, such as the sound of beans pouring through one of your elongated sculptures, ...
Oral history interview with Alison Knowles, June 1-2 | Archives...An interview of Alison Knowles conducted June 1-2, by Judith Olch Richards, for the Archives of American Art's Elizabeth Murray Oral History of Women
125 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alison Knowles | LinkedInView Alison Knowles's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alison Knowles discover ...
Alison Knowles | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Alison Knowles auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Alison Knowles hat 8 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Alison Knowles und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
Alison Knowles | Professional Profile - LinkedIncommunity. Alison has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Alison's connections and jobs at similar companies.
Ollie Mentors!!! | alison Knowles | Pulse | LinkedInhave to try and work with everyone involved with that child, parents teachers ETC . so we have developed an Ollie Mentor program. where we teach grown ups about Ollie, and how to use the super powers to help the kids.
Alison Knowles | LinkedInAlison Knowles. Have 13 years experience in the telecommunications environment, specializing in project management, sales support and customer service Responsible to ...
Alison Knowles Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser► Alison Knowles Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser : Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser Kunsthändler Kunstberatung mit täglich aktuellen Meldungen Objekten Bilder...
Alison KnowlesALISON KNOWLES, "SEA BEAN" A bean in a small plastic bottle and a notice. Edition of 80 copies signed and numbered Box size 9 x 5 x 5 cm Price: 380, - Euro
Buy Alison Knowles & Rirkrit Tiravanija - 0 Original Artworks for SaleAlison Knowles is known both for her fusion of poetry, art and musical practices. Rirkrit Tiravanija is known for his interest in Fluxus.
ALISON KNOWLES - tinyBE› artists › alison-knowles
8112A - Alison Knowles | Charlie Morrow8112A - Alison Knowles by Alison Knowles, released 21 April Side Side 2 Following the sounds are three writings from my bean...
Alison Knowles : Wikis (The Full Wiki)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alison Knowles (born 1933) is an American artist who produced work in a number of forms. Knowles was very active in the Fluxus ...
A House of Dust – Alison Knowles and James Tenney – 1967Contemporary art and its history as considered from Los Angeles
Alison Knowles - Monoskop› Alison_Kn...
ALISON KNOWLES: PAPER WEATHER RESIDENCY – subtropics.orgSFCA [ISAW+SUBTROPICS] is proud to host a week-long residency with. ALISON KNOWLES. Alison Knowles was born in New York City in She is a visual artist known for her soundworks, installations, performances, publications and association with Fluxus, the experimental avant-garde group ...
Alison Knowles - Women's Studio Workshop : Women's Studio WorkshopAlison Knowles is a pioneer of the Fluxus movement, known for her objects, artists' books, “event scores”, and participatory performances. As a WSW Studio ...
Alison Knowles Will Make a Salad For Earth Day at High Line | ObserverPerformance artist Alison Knowles will stage her landmark Fluxus score Make a Salad at the High Line on April 22 to commemorate Earth Day. First staged in...
Alison Knowles and Rirkrit Tiravanija | Artist Bio and Art for Sale...Alison Knowles and Rirkrit Tiravanija biography and art for sale. Buy art at exclusive members only pricing at the leading online contemporary art marketplace.
Alison Knowles: Alison Knowles makes performances, books, poems, and...Free Online Library: Alison Knowles: Alison Knowles makes performances, books, poems, and visual artworks. This past July, she performed at Miguel Abreu...
Alison Knowles | ISSUE Project RoomHe has worked extensively with pioneers of new music including Christian Wolff, Alison Knowles, and Éliane Radigue, whose works— among others— he plays ...
Alison KnowlesAlison Knowles Journal of the Identical Lunch 72 Seiten, 20 x 13 cm, signiert Nova Broadcast Press, San Francisco, Alison Knowles Women's Work
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alison
Weiblicher Vorname (Schottisch, Englisch, Französisch): Alison; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); ursprünglich eine mittelalterliche Koseform von 'Alice', von den Normannen nach England gebracht; zeitweise bis zu einem Revival im 20. Jh. praktisch nur in Schottland gebräuchlich
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Knowles
knowles means little mountains
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