105 Infos zu Alkhazur Manakov
Mehr erfahren über Alkhazur Manakov
Infos zu
- Hans-Peter
- Seidel
- Ivo Ihrke
- Restrepo
- Oliver Klehm
- Elmar Eisemann
- Ilya Reshetouski
- KaleidoCamera
- Add-On
- Reconfigurable Camera
10 Aktuelle Nachrichten
ACM SIGGRAPH ArchiveAlkhazur Manakov. Next: Alla Gadassik ». « Previous: Alka Badshah. Learning Category: Presentation(s):. A reconfigurable camera add-on for high dynamic range ...
ProgrammAlkhazur Manakov: Uni-Heidelberg HCI/IWR: Performance comparision of area-scan and event-based camera : 14:55: Kaffeepause und Posterpräsentation : Bildverarbeitung: 15:15: Vortrag : Akshaya Srinivasan: Fraunhofer ITWM: Benefiting from Quantum? A Comparative Study of Q-Seg, Quantum-Inspired Techniques, and U-Net for Crack Segmentation: 15:
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der WissenschaftenPhD Application Talk: Fermat Number Transform based convolver for tomography systems. Alkhazur Manakov. Tomsk State University. Talk. AG 1, AG 3, AG 5, SWS, AG ...
UBND tỉnh Đồng NaiKaleidoCamera được phát triển bởi Alkhazur Manakov từ Đại học Saarland ở Saarbrücke, Đức và các đồng nghiệp. Nó gắn trực tiếp vào mặt trước của một máy DSLR ...
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Alkhazur Manakov | Facebookwww.facebook.com › alkhazur.manakovLinkedIn · Alkhazur ManakovCa. 10 Reaktionen · vor 1 WocheAlkhazur Manakov auf LinkedIn:Beitrag von Alkhazur Manakov ... https://lnkd.in/dqDEK5bq Gerade mit einem Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet! Ich bedanke mich an dieser Stelle bei ...
LinkedIn: Alkhazur Manakov – R&D Manager – IMAGO Technologies GmbHde.linkedin.com › alkhazur-manakov-9aa65911aSehen Sie sich das Profil von Alkhazur Manakov im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Alkhazur Manakov sind 6 Jobs angegeben.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn · Alkhazur ManakovCa FollowerAlkhazur Manakov – Deutschland | Berufliches ProfilAlkhazur Manakov IMAGO Technologies GmbH Tomsk State University. Deutschland Follower:innen 224 Kontakte. Gemeinsame Kontakte ansehen ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Alkhazur Manakov - R&D Manager - IMAGO Technologies GmbH - XINGAlkhazur MANAKOV has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
2 Projekte
Generalized Image Acquisition and AnalysisIlya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Ivo Ihrke CVPR (oral) Abstract We introduce three-dimensional kaleidoscopic imaging, a promising alternative for recording multi-view imagery.
Illumination-invariant Robust Multiview 3D Human Motion CaptureWe thank all reviewers for their valuable feedback. We thank Helge Rhodin for his comparative results, Alkhazur Manakov and Hyeongwoo Kim for helping with the recordings. This work was funded by the ERC Starting Grant CapReal ( ).
11 Bücher zum Namen
TU DelftAlkhazur Manakov, John F. Restrepo , Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedus, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel, Ivo Ihrke. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ...
delabath.frThree-Dimensional Kaleidoscopic Imaging. Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Hans-Peter Seidel, Ivo Ihrke. Three-dimensional kaleidoscopic imaging, a promising ...
Alkhazur Manakov - ROB-aigaion› t...
MPI-INF D4 Publications, generated: 13:44, 28 September 2022Your search returned the following 6 documents: A Reconfigurable Camera Add-on for High Dynamic Range, Multi-Spectral, Polarization, and Light-Field Imaging Alkhazur Manakov, John F. Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedüs, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Ivo Ihrke ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc.
5 Dokumente
ACM Digital LibraryAlkhazur Manakov · Alkhazur Manakov · Export Citations · Save this search · Author Profile Pages · Bibliometrics · ACM Author-Izer Service · Footer ...
Carnegie Mellon University[4] Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Hans-Peter Seidel, and. Ivo Ihrke. Three-dimensional kaleidoscopic imaging. In. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and ...
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Rice Universityvon J Holloway · Zitiert von: 7 — [3] Alkhazur Manakov, John F Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ra- mon Hegedüs, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel, and. Ivo Ihrke, “A reconfigurable camera add-on for ...
materialsignaturen.de— Alkhazur Manakov. Uni-Heidelberg HCI/IWR Performance comparison of area-scan and event- based camera. 14:55. Kaffeepause und Posterpräsentation.
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRISAlkhazur Manakov, John Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedüs, Hans-Peter Seidel, Elmar Eisemann, and Ivo Ihrke; Discovering the Structure of a Planar Mirror ...
ScienceDirect.comvon H Hodson · — KaleidoCamera was developed by Alkhazur Manakov of Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, and his colleagues. It attaches directly to ...
DBLPhttps://dblp.org › PersonsAlkhazur ManakovList of computer science publications by Alkhazur Manakov.
DBLPhttps://dblp.dagstuhl.de › pid › Ha...Hans-Peter Seidel - DBLP - Schloss DagstuhlAlkhazur Manakov, John F. Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramón Hegedüs, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel, Ivo Ihrke: A reconfigurable camera add-on for high ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
YUMPUhttps://www.yumpu.com › viewQuality Engineering Vision Focus— Alkhazur Manakov, Imago Technologies Uhr Uhr Uhr. Transfer Learning for Automated Quality ...
3D Global— Alkhazur Manakov, Imago Technologies. Rispect | Quality Inspection of Translucent Micro-Structured. Functional Surfaces. Lukas Traxler, AIT ...
emva.org— Alkhazur Manakov | Imago Technologies GmbH. 09: :20 Open Source in Machine Vision. Anna Petrovicheva | OpenCV. 10:20 10:50 Coffee Break.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
YouTube · Alkhazur ManakovCa. 40 FollowerAlkhazur ManakovAlkhazur Manakov. Home. Shorts. Library. Alkhazur Manakov.
Alkhazur Manakov - YouTube› channel
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Wikipedia↑ Alkhazur Manakov, John Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedus, Elmar Eisemann: A Reconfigurable Camera Add-On for High Dynamic Range, Multispectral ...
LightField Forum— ... Alkhazur Manakov. 40 subscribers. SIGGRAPH 2013: Reconfigurable Camera Add-On, KaleidoCamera. Alkhazur Manakov. Search. Info. Shopping. Tap to ...
Tri-City Herald— I won't pretend to understand all the photo-implications from this development, but Alkhazur Manakov's KaleidoCamera will do something cool ...
start ups und neue Geschäftsmodelle – htw saar blogIm Rahmen der Gründerwoche findet am 18. November der Workshop „Frauen gründen anders – Männer auch“ am Campus HTZ statt. Wir freuen uns auf viele...
45 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Google PatentsAlkhazur MANAKOV: Ramon HEGEDÜS; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no ...
21st EMVA Business ConferenceAlkhazur Manakov. Speaker. R&D Manager. Profile visits. 5. Visit website. Footer navigation. Event organiser. European Machine Vision Association. Useful links.
CompanyhouseVerbundene Manager: Stefan Beinkämpen, Ralf Michael Zastrau, Alkhazur Manakov · Matthias Martin Schmitz, Düsseldorf Berlin. Aktiv. 3. Aktive Verbindungen:
DSpace@MITYour story matters. Citation: Reshetouski, Ilya, Alkhazur Manakov, Ayush Bandhari, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter. Seidel, and Ivo Ihrke. “Discovering ...
DUMAShttps://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr › ENSTA Reconfigurable Camera Add-On for High Dynamic Range, Multispectral ...A Reconfigurable Camera Add-On for High Dynamic Range, Multispectral, Polarization, and Light-Field Imaging. Alkhazur Manakov (1) , John Restrepo (2) ...
Inriahttps://manao.inria.fr › team-membersTeam – manao - InriaAlkhazur Manakov. Ilya Reshetouski. Gautier Ciaudo. Simon Boyé. Comments are closed. Affiliations. Inria; CNRS; Université de Bordeaux. Other Supports. ANR ...
Inriahttps://radar.inria.fr › manao › uid1Project-Team:MANAO... Alkhazur Manakov [Univ. Saarbrucken, until Dec 2015] Lois Mignard--Debise [Inria, granted by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V & ANR ISAR] John Restrepo ...
KIT Scientific PublishingAlkhazur Manakov, Bernd Jähne ... Kapitel/Beitrag aus dem Buch: Heizmann M. & Längle T Forum Bildverarbeitung Fächer: Electrical engineering ...
Ke-Sen HuangAlkhazur Manakov (Universitat des Saarlandes and Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik), John Restrepo (Universitat des Saarlandes), Oliver Klehm, Ramon ...
Mu-43https://www.mu-43.com › threadsKaleidoCamera— I just read about a very interesting development by Alkhazur Manakov and his colleagues of Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany.
North DataGF Alkhazur Manakov Gesellschaftsvertrag Gesellschaftsvertrag Gesellschaftsvertrag Kapital: € Kapital: € Kapital: €. Marketing & Tech.
Photography BlogThe scientists - including Alkhazur Manakov, Ramon Hegedűs, John… Read the Story | Comment · The New X-Project Micro from XSories · Zoltan Arva-Toth ...
RocketReachCarsten Strampe (General Manager) | Carsten S. (General Manager) | Alkhazur Manakov (R and D Manager) | View more for IMAGO Technologies GmbH >>>
Semantic ScholarAlkhazur Manakov, Bernd Jähne; Published in Tagungsband "Forum… 25 November 2020; Engineering, Computer Science; Tagungsband "Forum Bildverarbeitung TLDR.
ilya.o-x-t.comThree-Dimensional Kaleidoscopic Imaging. Ilya Reshetouski, Alkhazur Manakov, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Ivo Ihrke CVPR (oral). Abstract. We introduce three ...
津村研究室Alkhazur Manakov, John F. Restrepo, Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedus ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH 2013) 本論文では,通常のカメラに対しいくつかの ...
DWhttps://www.dw.com › все-больш...Защита диссертации – DW –— Альхазур Манаков перебрался поближе к инновациямФото: Alkhazur Manakov. По словам Томаса Риссе, многих молодых талантливых исследователей из ...
Gizmodo— Alkhazur Manakov's KaleidoCamera, which will be officially unveiled at the Siggraph conference next week in Anaheim, sits between your camera's ...
Gizmodo en Español— ... Alkhazur Manakov. 40 subscribers. SIGGRAPH 2013: Reconfigurable Camera Add-On, KaleidoCamera. Alkhazur Manakov. Search. Info. Shopping.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)— If the working range is far away from the center of the optical axis, various errors and random noise must be considered. Alkhazur Manakov et al ...
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