535 Infos zu Allan Mccollum
Mehr erfahren über Allan Mccollum
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- Plaster Surrogates
- Shapes
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- David
- Drawings
- Galerie Thomas Schulte
36 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Allan McCollum presenta una colección de 900 dibujos | Edición...El artista norteamericano Allan McCollum presentó ayer en Madrid una colección de 900 dibujos en tinta sobre papel que ocupan una pared ...
Jef Geys Orchard New York - UnDo.NetOrchard is a cooperatively organized exhibition and event space in New York's Lower ... Andrea Fraser with Allan McCollum, Dan Graham, and Lawrence Weiner. › evento
Guardian: Is Damien Hirst slipping into self-parody? | Culture | The GuardianDamien Hirst's enemies have often accused him of repeating himself as an artist. His new show suggests he has slipped into self-parody, says Adrian Searle.
Allan McCollum - kunstaspekteonly in german. Allan McCollum Individual Works, Perpetual ... imprint; privacy policy; contact; subscription info; login; find exhibitions in
55 Bilder zu Allan Mccollum

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Allan McCollum | LinkedInView Allan McCollum's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Allan's education is listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
MySpace: Allan McCollum ( )MySpace: Allan McCollum ( )MySpace: Preston allan Mccollum ( )8 Hobbys & Interessen
Artist Talk: Allan McCollum Tickets, Sat, Apr 6, at 2:00 PM |...Eventbrite - Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden presents Artist Talk: Allan McCollum - Saturday, April 6, at Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC. Find...
Allan McCollum | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Allan McCollum. ArtSlant is the #1 Contemporary Art Network with comprehensive information on artists and events ...
A man look at a piece by artist Allan McCollum title "The ShapesA man look at a piece by artist Allan McCollum title
Allan McCollum | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Allan McCollum is ranked among the Top 1,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
1 Business-Profile
Allan McCollum | MIT | Visiting ProfessorAllan McCollum. Visiting Associate Professor Link: About the artist. Contact Info MIT Visual Arts Program 265 Massachusetts Avenue Room: N h
17 Persönliche Webseiten
May I Help You? - ALLAN McCOLLUM› fraser › m...
(2017) Allan McCollum with Phong Bui› allanmcnyc
Allan McCollum | Andrea FraserAllan McCollum's Individual Works may, at first, seem to invite us to indulge in been the tendency of modernist sculpture from David Smith to Richard Serra. Es fehlt: taschenbuch
Allan McCollum - About - Independent Curators International› about ›
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
James Welling - Artists - Regen ProjectsCash/Newhouse, with Allan McCollum New York, NY, [two-person exhibition] ... “Calendar of flowers, gin bottles, steak bones,” Orchard, New York, NY, ... › bio...
Spring Urban Design Semester In Review - Columbia ...www.arch.columbia.edu › readerMarpillero also collaborated with artist Allan McCollum on the design of ... the Arts in Berlin on the Spaces of Migration workshop, focusing on refugees in Berlin.
5 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Allan McCollumActor, Runaway, Runaway
IMDB Filmographie: American Psycho (2000) - Trivia - IMDbIn the business card scene where Paul Allen mistakes Bateman for being Marcus ... are part of a series called "Surrogate Paintings" by Allan McCollum. › title › trivia
3 Projekte
Allan McCollum Predicts Art's Extinction | Artnet NewsRead THE DAILY PIC on Allan McCollum's dinosaur bones at Mary Boone Gallery in New York, in his exhibition
Allan McCollum - Projects Detail Viewer - Percent for Art› site › proj...
Genetologic Research - Enough Room for Spacewww.enoughroomforspace.org › projects › genetolo...The Museum of Forgotten History at Muhka, Antwerp, Belgium (2012) - Room 4: Species, with Guilaume Bijl, Panamarenko, Allan McCollum, Frans West and George ...
36 Bücher zum Namen
Allan McCollumvon Allan (Cooke, Lynne; Rorimer, Anne; Essink, Sema Klein) McCollum, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum/Serpentine Gallery/IVAM Centre Del Carme, 1989, Taschenbuch
Allan McCollum. Ausstellungskat. Museum Haus Esters Krefeld/Centre D`Art Contemporaine Genève, Text (dt./franz.) Catherine Quéloz. Auflage 800 Exemplare.von Allan McCollum, Centre D´Art Contemporaine Genève, 1993, Taschenbuch
Allan McCollum. Surrogates. Ausstellungskat. Lisson Gallery London Text (engl.) Craig Owens.von Allan McCollum / Craig Owens, 1985, Broschüre
Alan McCollum: September 11th - October 21st 1990von Allan;Rooseum McCollum, Rooseum, 1990, Taschenbuch
5 Dokumente
Artists of "Drawing Conclusions" from Modern EditionResurgence of drawing as a major art form and examples of contemporary artists
agenda3 Layout 1 - Costa-Live International MagazineSherrie Levine, Allan McCollum, Katha-rina Fritsch, Carlos Pazos, Ana Laura Aláez, Sophie Calle, Hans-Peter Feldman, Annette Messager MUSICA …
Allan McCollum - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › AllanMcCollumAllan McCollum studies Contemporary Art and Art Theory. I am an artist, born in California in and presently living in New York.
Thomas Lawson CV - London - Anthony Reynolds GalleryArt Of Renewal, curated by Declan McGonagle, Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland Allan McCollum, an interview. Allan McCollum, A.R.T Press, LA. › artists › Thom...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
allan mccollum. - amanda briggs at dear adadearada.typepad.com ›What is it about the repetition of things that is so attractive? Like these gorgeous pieces by allan mccollum, graphite pencil above, enamel on ...
Allan McCollum - Art in Print› review › alla...
Allan McCollum - Portikus / De Appel - Galerie Isabella Czarnowskagalerie-czarnowska.de › publication › allan-mccollumAllan McCollum – Portikus / De Appel. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König. Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam, Köln, [de].
Andrea Fraser - frwiki.wiki - WikipediaIn speelde Andrea Fraser in de Orchard Gallery zelf de voorstelling na in een tentoonstelling waar ook werken van Allan McCollum te zien waren. › wiki › Andre...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
The Unseen Labor of Allan McCollum’s Regional Projects - YouTubeFocusing on the artist’s series of “regional projects” created since the 1990s, Assistant Visitor Services Manager Sandra Vanegas reveals the “unseen labor” ...
Allan McCollum | ngaNational Gallery of Art
25 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Allan McCollum - Wikipedia› wiki › Al...
Wikipedia: Orchard (artist-run space) - WikipediaOrchard was an artist-run exhibition and event space located at 47 Orchard Street in New ... Andrea Fraser with Allan McCollum, Dan Graham, and Lawrence Weiner. › wiki › Orc...
Wikipedia: David Robbins (artist) - WikipediaDavid Robbins is an artist and writer who was one of the first to investigate the art world's entrance into the culture industry. For three decades, in artworks and writing David Robbins has promoted a frank, unapologetic recognition of the contemporary overlap between the art and entertainment contexts Allan McCollum and others, is widely credited with announcing the age of ...
Oral history interview with Allan McCollum, February› interviews
315 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Allan McCollum - 7th Grade Science Teacher - Susquenita School ...View Allan McCollum's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Allan has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Allan McCollum - Partner - bmp Image Solutions, LLC | LinkedInView Allan McCollum's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Allan has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Allan McCollum – The Contemporary Artists who Took LinkedInLike the evolution of humans, the history of art is also marked by numerous movements that shaped the future of art world. In earlier ages, arts, ...
Allan McCollum — Google Arts & Cultureartsandculture.google.com › entity › allan-mccollumAllan McCollum is a contemporary American artist who was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1944, and now lives and works in New York City.
XArte para GiraWooD - Google Arts & CultureCollection of Forty Plaster Surrogates, Allan McCollum... Flowering plum orchard: after Hiroshige, Vincent van Gogh, October November ... › usergallery › xarte-...
Allan MCCOLLUM (1944) : Auktionen, Preise, Indizes und Biografien für...Allan MCCOLLUM: Internationale Auktionen aller Kunstgattungen: Gemälde, Radierung Multiple, Skulptur Volumen, Fotografie, Zeichnung Aquarell, Mobiliar,...
Allan McCollum. Bio Allan McCollum was born in Los Angeles inArt 21 Segments Engaging assistants, scientists, and local craftspeople in his process, McCollum embraces a collaborative and democratic form of creativity....
Allan McCollum Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser► Allan McCollum Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser : Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser Kunsthändler Kunstberatung mit täglich aktuellen Meldungen Objekten Bilder...
Allan McCollum - Wikiwandwww.wikiwand.com › Allan_McCollumAllan McCollum is a contemporary American artist who lives and works in New York City. In 1975, his work was included in the Whitney Biennial, ...Born: August 4, (age 76); Los Angeles, California
Orchard (artist-run space) - WikiwandOrchard restaged or produced unrealized projects by Michael Asher, Andrea Fraser with Allan McCollum, Dan Graham, and Lawrence Weiner. Orchard has also ... › Orchar...
header-logo12 - Allan McCollum. play; pause; stop. 00: :00. Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or ...
ALLAN MCCOLLUM (b ), Collection of 90 Drawings (No. 3)› allan-mccollum-b
Allan McCollum | Art since | Hatje CantzAllan McCollum - Natural Copies. The question how we deal with art, how we perceive it and what context we put it in is of central importance in the
ALLAN MCCOLLUM - highlikehighlike.org › text › allan-mccollumAllan McCollum's The Dog From Pompei, Cast glass-fiber- reinforced Hydrocal. Replicas made from a mold taken from the famous original “chained dog” ...
Allan McCollum (b ) , 96 Plaster Surrogates | Christie'sAllan McCollum (b ) 96 Plaster Surrogates signed, dated and numbered consecutively on the reverse of each panel.
TEXTE ZUR KUNSTAls „Markenzeichen“ des in New York lebendenden Allan McCollum (1944) können jene Arbeiten gelten, die zwischen traditionellem Kunstwerk und industriell ...
Allan McCollum – Galerie Thomas SchulteSince it was established in 1991, Galerie Thomas Schulte’s ongoing focus has been placed on nurturing, supporting, and sustaining outstanding and inspiring...
Allan McCollum & Pablo Helguera - Placeholder No. 13 for Sale› placeh...
Allan McCollum artworks - sculpture - WikiArt› allan-mc...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Allan
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Schottisch): Allan; Keltisch (Wortzusammensetzung); al = der Fels; kam im Mittelalter mit den Normannen nach England; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt, vielleicht von keltisch bzw. bretonisch 'al' (Fels)
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Allan Mccollum und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.