80 Infos zu Allyson Strafella
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- Berlin
Infos zu
- Helen Mirra
- Meyer Riegger
- Exhibition
- Drawing
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- Gallery Joe
- Goldfarb
- Hudson
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Allyson Strafella Von Lintel Gallery New YorkStrafella works the individual marks into densely concentrated compositions that derive from natural and constructed forms. When the marks are transferred from...
Allyson Strafella – ARTnews.comFrom across the room, Allyson Strafella’s drawings look like simple abstract color blocks, somewhere between Milton Avery and Ellsworth Kelly. But what...
Events : Article : Allyson Strafella Helen Mirra Meyer Riegger |...Allyson Strafella, Helen Mirra - Meyer Riegger DAILY ART FAIR
Helen Mirra / Allyson Strafella - Exhibition at Meyer Riegger Berlin...About. Recent drawings made with typewriter by Allyson Strafella in conversation with extant works of Helen Mirra.
3 Bilder zu Allyson Strafella

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Allyson Strafella, Helen Mirra, - FacebookHarvard Art MuseumsAllyson Strafella Brooklyn, NY born Showing 7 Works. Untitled Add to collection Allyson Strafella. Untitled. Drawings · Screen Add to collection Allyson Strafella. Screen. Drawings · Untitled Add to collection Allyson Strafella. Untitled. Drawings · Untitled Add to collection
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Allyson Strafella | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Allyson Strafella.
Allyson Strafella | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Allyson Strafella is ranked among the Top on ArtFacts. Find out more...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Allyson StrafellaAllyson Strafella is an American artist who has been making drawings for more than 20-years. Her work has been exhibited throughout the US and internationally.
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Allyson Strafella | Biography | Pollock Krasner Image Collection... of Columbia, Mongolia, Uinted States. Show: [ALL] that meet selected criteria [ ANY] that meet selected criteria. Allyson Strafella. Works Contact. CONTACT. Allyson Strafella. . © Pollock-Krasner Foundation 863 Park Avenue New York, NY Loading. ..
Suzanne Snider : CVInterview with Allyson Strafella, The Believer, February Interview with DD Dorvillier, BOMBlog, September Interview with Eve Sussman, Guernica, ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Garlic And Sapphires - Ruth Reichl - Google BooksAlso to my part-time assistants, Erin St. john Kelly, Maria Eder and Allyson Strafella, who made reservations, joined me for meals and always remembered where ...
New York Magazine - Google BooksNew York magazine was born in after a run as an insert of the New York Herald Tribune and quickly made a place for itself as the trusted resource for...
The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist's Companion for the 21st Century...The connoisseur's guide to the typewriter, entertaining and practical What do thousands of kids, makers, poets, artists, steampunks, hipsters, activists, and...
1 Dokumente
Artblog | Abstract and corporeal – Allyson Strafella’s studyline at...(Maegan's review talks about Allyson Strafella's two bodies of work at Gallery Joe and finds them both evocative of visual note-taking and the ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview with Curator Béatrice Gross | French CultureRead an interview with Béatrice Gross, who has co-curated 'Drawing Dialogues: Selections from the Sol LeWitt Collection', on view at The Drawing Center through...
- blogMy most recent visit focused on the work of Allyson Strafella. Her original abstractions on paper have been widely exhibited and show a rather ...
52 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Allyson STRAFELLA (1969) : Auktionen, Preise, Indizes und Biografien...Allyson STRAFELLA: Internationale Auktionen aller Kunstgattungen: Zeichnung Aquarell. Der Markt des Künstlers sowie seine Biografie, Indizes und Preise seiner...
www.blouinartinfo.com | 502: Bad gatewayRead all articles about Allyson Strafella on BLOUIN ARTINFO, The Premier Global Online Destination for Art and Culture
Allyson Strafella + Helen Mirra Ausstellung - Meyer RieggerART at Berlin: Allyson Strafella + Helen Mirra Ausstellung - Meyer Riegger zeigt vom eine Ausstellung von Allyson Strafella + Helen Mirra.
Allyson Strafella on ArtStack - art onlineAllyson Strafella on ArtStack - art online
Allyson Strafella in Conversation | Notations: Contemporary Drawing...Allyson Strafella: I started using a typewriter when I was in college. I would go to the school library every day and use the typewriter there as a way to process my thoughts. The writing was very stream-of-consciousness; I set no rules for myself, had no structure—I just put words down. In school, written language was always ...
Allyson Strafella, Helen Mirra at Meyer Riegger Berlin - Artmap.comAllyson Strafella, Helen Mirra - Exhibition at Meyer Riegger, Berlin, 2016
Allyson Strafella | Artist Bio and Art for Sale | ArtspaceAllyson Strafella biography and art for sale. Buy art at exclusive members only pricing at the leading online contemporary art marketplace.
Allyson Strafella | Artist Profile, Exhibitions & Artworks | OculaView exhibitions and artworks by Allyson Strafella and enquire about works available for sale. Read our contemporary artist biography and browse related...
Meyer Riegger | Allyson Strafella, Helen MirraLocated in Berlin, Karlsruhe and Basel the gallery maintains a diverse exhibition program with solo exhibitions of the gallery artists as well as group...
Allyson Strafella, Untitled, 2007, typed colons on carbon paper,...A Curatorial and Study Platform focused on unique abstract contemporary works on paper held in the JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey collection
Artist : Allyson Strafella | Daily Art FairArtist : Allyson Strafella | Daily Art Fair is the International modern and contemporary art galleries for Current, Past and Futur Galleries exhibitions all...
Allyson Strafella - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial FoundationAllyson Strafella. Fellow: Awarded Field of Study: Fine Arts. Competition: US & Canada. Website: http://www.allysonstrafella.info/ ...
Bartha Contemporary | Allyson StrafellaBartha Contemporary was founded by Swiss-German couple Niklas and Daniela von Bartha in January The gallery relocated to its current space in Fitzrovia...
Exclusive 360 – Kate Shepherd + Allyson Strafella: Recent works at...Pictures and details of Kate Shepherd + Allyson Strafella: Recent works at Bartha Contemporary, London, October 4 – December 17, – Contemporary art with...
Helen Mirra e Allyson StrafellaLa Galleria Raffaella Cortese è lieta di presentare il progetto a quattro mani ideato dalle artiste americane Helen Mirra e Allyson Strafella.
Gallery JoeGallery Joe
Allyson Strafella » green filter » Drawing Biennial » Drawing...Over 200 specially made drawings by an international line-up of artists. Now firmly established in the art world calendar Drawing Biennial presents the...
「Allyson Strafella」のアイデア 22 件 | テクスチャアート, カラフルなアート, インスピレーションあふれるアートErkunde Masako Kinoshitas Pinnwand „Allyson Strafella“ auf Pinterest. | Weitere Ideen zu Textilkunst, Ausstellungen und Peridot.
Allyson Strafella – Art in America GuideMap shows first 150 search results. To see more results on map, scroll to bottom of cards and select "Load More Listings". (Jean) Hans Arp, [dNASAb], A. Kimberlin Blackburn, A.E. Backus, A.J. Nadel, A.K. Burns, A.L. Steiner, A.M. Cassandre, A.R. Penck, AA Bronson, Aakash Nihalani, Aaron Bohrod, Aaron Bushnell, Aaron ...
Allyson Strafella | Dieu Donne ResidenciesI approached my residency at Dieu Donné with two goals: first to make a significant jump in scale; and second, to make paper tailored for use with a customized
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Allyson
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Allyson; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); ursprünglich eine mittelalterliche Koseform von 'Alice', von den Normannen nach England gebracht; zeitweise bis zu einem Revival im 20. Jh. praktisch nur in Schottland gebräuchlich
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