122 Infos zu Alois Kneip

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alois Kneip

Time trends in the joint distributions of income and age A. Kneip and K. J. Utikal ( 2001), Discussionpaper Inference for density families using functional principal ...

Alois Kneip to Berkeley « Economics Job Market Rumors

Confirmed: Alois Kneip from Bonn to Berkeley. Posted 1 month ago # QUOTE 0 GOOD 0 NO GOOD. Economist c7ff. Alois Kneip + Werner Hildenbrand 4ever

Professoren Buchstabe K

Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein; Fachbereich I Management, ... Fachhochschule Mainz; Wirtschaft; Int. Handelsrecht, nationales und Alois Kneip.

Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics: Seminars

, Alois Kneip (Universität Bonn). Attention! The seminar will be held in room Factor models and variable selection in high dimensional ...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

HCM: Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip

Search. HCM >; People. Profile. Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip. E-mail: akneip(at)uni-bonn. de. Phone: + Fax: + Homepage ...

Monika Merz | IZA - Institute of Labor Economicswww.iza.org › people › fellows › monika-merz

Alois Kneip, Monika Merz, Lidia Storjohann. published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020, 18, IZA Discussion Paper No Es fehlt: Brodenbach" | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Brodenbach" Alois Kneip, Monika Merz, Lidia Storjohann. published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020, 18, IZA Discussion Paper No Es fehlt: Brodenbach" | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Brodenbach"

Monika Merz | IZA - Institute of Labor...

Alois Kneip Monika Merz Lidia Storjohann Aggregation and Labor Supply Elasticities: : Monika Merz Women's Hours of Market Work in ...

BIGS: Faculty

Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip + : akneip(at)uni-bonn.de: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch + : koch(at)math.uni-bonn.de: Prof. Dr. Peter Koepke +

1 Traueranzeigen

Trauer.de: Traueranzeigen von Alois Kneip | WAZ.Trauer.de

Besuchen Sie die Gedenkseite von Alois Kneip. Lesen Sie die Traueranzeige und gedenken Sie dem Verstorbenen mit einer Kerze oder Kondolenz.

3 Angaben zur Herkunft

Alois Kneip - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

According to our current on-line database, Alois Kneip has 1 student and 1 descendant. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional ...

GEDBAS: Nachkommen von Johann KNEIP

Johann KNEIP Elisabeth Katharina KNEIP ; Peter Alois KNEIP ; Johann Rudolf Germann aus Saarlouis.

www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu › ...Alois Kneip - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

According to our current on-line database, Alois Kneip has 3 students and 3 descendants. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional ...

20 Bücher zum Namen

Ordererd linear smoothers - EconBiz

by Alois Kneip. Year of publication: Authors: Kneip, Alois: Publisher: Bonn: Check Google Scholar | More access options. In libraries around the world.

CIS - Kneip, Alois

8:50-54; Kneip, Alois, Kneip, Aloies, Gijbels, Irene, Hall, Peter, Kneip, Aloïs. On the estimation of jump points in smooth curves. Annals of the Institute of Statistical  ...

A remedy for kernel regression under random design - Alois Kneip,...

A remedy for kernel regression under random design. Front Cover. Alois Kneip, Joachim Engel. Sonderforschungsbereich 303, pages.

Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics -...

Alois Kneip, Dominik Liebl Abstract We model electricity spot prices as noisy discretization points of a latent functional time series. It is assumed that there are  ...

10 Dokumente

[ ] Super-Consistent Estimation of Points of Impact in...

Title:Super-Consistent Estimation of Points of Impact in Nonparametric Regression with Functional Predictors. Authors:Dominik Poß, Dominik Liebl, Alois Kneip, ...

Aggregation and Labor Supply Elasticities by Alois Kneip, Monika...

The aggregate Frisch elasticity of labor supply has played a key role in business cycle analysis. This paper develops a statistical aggregation procedure which

independent.academia.edu › AloisKneipAlois Kneip - Academia.edu

Alois Kneip studies R programming language, Nonparametric Statistics, and Survey Sampling.

Least Squares Regressions with the Bootstrap - Hausarbeiten.de |...

Least Squares Regressions with the Bootstrap. A Survey of their Performance - Mathematics / Statistics - Diploma Thesis ebook € - GRIN

12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

gepris.dfg.de › gepris › personDFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Alois Kneip

Professor Dr. Alois Kneip, Statistische Abteilung, -26, Bonn.

dblp: Alois Kneip

List of computer science publications by Alois Kneip

dblp.org › PersonsAlois Kneip - dblp

List of computer science publications by Alois Kneip.

dblp: Pascal Sarda

List of computer science publications by Pascal Sarda

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

econpapers.repec.org › RePEc:cor:louvco: A General Framework for Frontier Estimation EconPapers

By Alois Kneip and Leopold Simar; Abstract: The main objective of the paper is to present a general framework for estimating production frontier models with ...

Functional Data Analysis and Mixed Effect Models | SpringerLink

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Statistics and Probability, Charles University. Authors. Alois Kneip (2); Robin C. Sickles (3); Wonho Song (3).

Common Functional Component Modelling

Alois Kneip; Michal Benko. Titel: Common Functional Component ... Metadatenexport: Um den gesamten Metadatensatz im Endnote- oder Bibtex-Format zu ...

Common Functional Principal Components

Michal Benko; Wolfgang Härdle; Alois Kneip. Titel: Common Functional Principal Components ... Sonderforschungsbereich 649: Ökonomisches Risiko 10 (SFB 649 Papers) ...

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

video.mbi.ohio-state.edu › videoMathematical Biosciences Institute :: Video

Alois Kneip. video photo · Some Conceptual problems of registration procedures. Alois Kneip. Some Conceptual problems of registration procedures ...

Mathematical Biosciences Institute :: Player

Some Conceptual problems of registration procedures. Alois Kneip (November 13, 2012). Please install the Flash Plugin ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Heilige Dreifaltigkeit und St. Marien (Lebach) – Wikipedia

Die Pfarrkirche Heilige Dreifaltigkeit und St. Marien ist die katholische Hauptkirche der Stadt Ein bei einer Saarlouiser Musikalienhandlung geliehenes Harmonium begleitete den Gemeindegesang. Während der ... Die Purifizierungsaktionen fielen in die Amtszeiten der Pfarrer Alois Kneip und Karl Ludwig Quirin. In den ...


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft.

46 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Alois Kneip – Historischer Verein Lebach E. V.

Tags › Alois Kneip. 7. November Lebacher Priester. keine Antwort. Zum Seitenanfang. Mobil Desktop.

(PDF) On Estimating the Mixed Effects Model | Robin Sickles und Alois...

On Estimating the Mixed Effects Model Alois Kneip Department of Economics University of Mainz Robin C. Sickles1 Department of Economics Rice University ...

View Submission

CMStatistics website

(PDF) Discussion: Linear Smoothers and Additive Models | Alois Kneip...

Discussion: Linear Smoothers and Additive Models

The prediction error in functional regress by Alois Kneip...

Video Lecture: The talk considers functional linear regression where scalar responses Y are modeled in dependence of random functions. We propose by Alois...

(PDF) Asymptotics for DEA Estimators in Non-parametric Frontier...

Alois Kneip + L. and P. WILSON http://www.stat.ucl.ac.be Asymptotics for DEA Estimators in Non-parametric Frontier Models∗ Alois Kneip L´eopold Simar  ...

citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › viewdoc › summarySmoothing Splines Estimators in Functional Linear ...

author = {Hervé Cardot and Christophe Crambes and Alois Kneip and Pascal Sarda}, title = {Smoothing Splines Estimators in Functional Linear Regression with ...

go.gale.com › i.doGale Academic OneFile - Document - Searching for structure ...

Gasser, Theo, and Alois Kneip. "Searching for structure in curve samples." Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 90, no. 432, 1995, p +.

Smoothing splines estimators for functional linear regression -...

Christophe Crambes, Alois Kneip, Pascal Sarda. Smoothing splines estimators for functional linear regression. Annals of Statistics, Institute of ...

Institute of Mathematical Statistics | IMS Fellows Announced

Alois Kneip, For fundamental contributions to functional data analysis and nonparametric regression. Shiqing Ling, For contributions to the ...

(PDF) Convergence and Consistency Results for Self-Modeling Nonlinear...

By Alois Kneip in Econometrics and Statistics Convergence and Consistency Results for Self-Modeling Nonlinear Regression. Authors. Alois Kneip + 1.

DIW Berlin: Das SOEP auf Konferenzen 2014

Thumbscrews for Agencies or Individuals? How to reduce Unemployment. Monika Merz (University Wien), Alois Kneip, Lidia Storjohann (both University Bonn),

CiteSeerX — A Consistent Test for Misspecification in Polychotomous...

... many helpful suggestions and disussions. Helpful comments were also made by Wolfgang Hardle, Jian Huang, Alois Kneip and Michael Neumann. The rese...

ERCIM Working group

ERCIM Working groups website

CFE 2015: Invited Sessions

CFE website

Functional Data Analysis - Conferences


Functional linear regression with points of impact

The Annals of Statistics

Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive: Data Directory

Michal Paluch, Alois Kneip, and Werner Hildenbrand, "Individual vs. Aggregate Income Elasticities for Heterogeneous Populations", Journal of Applied ...

sites.uclouvain.be › archive › rap9798 › node65 DOCTORATES

Christian WEINER (June 5, 1998). "Statistical analysis of the Free Disposal Hull as an estimator of the production frontier" Promoter: Alois KNEIP. Pierre ARS ...

UC Davis Department of Statistics - Seminars

SPRING 2017:Spring Seminar Instructor: Prof. Jie Peng

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alois

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Alois; Altfranzösisch (Wortzusammensetzung); al = sehr, über alle Massen (Althochdeutsch); wis = weise (Althochdeutsch); 'Alois(ius)' ist wahrscheinlich die latinisierte Form von 'Looïs', einer altfranzösischen Variante von Ludwig; bekannt durch die Verehrung des Jesuiten Aloisius von Gonzaga (16. Jh.), einem Heiligen; wird alternativ auch gedeutet als alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name mit ursprünglicher Form 'Alawis'

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kneip

Von Kneipchen, d.h. kleines Messer

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