208 Infos zu Alyona Medelyan

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11 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Eventful February - Alyona Medelyanlinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Jan 25, + Follow. It's been 9 months or more since we've all started to live ...

Alyona Medelyan from Thematic at Scale By the Bay - Emamo

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See Fireside Chat with Alyona Medelyan (Thematic) at Startup Grind...

› sta...

Pingar Appoints Alyona Medelyan As Chief Research Officer

› business

1  Bilder zu Alyona Medelyan

Bild zu Alyona Medelyan

48 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: A talk by Alyona Medelyan about NZ Computer Science ...

Facebook: Alyona Medelyan - Hi All, I'm running a survey of... | Facebook

Facebook: The Mind Lab - Well done Alyona Medelyan for having the...

LinkedIn: Alyona Medelyan - hiring #educationlinkedin.com

The company culture that you have built is incredible Alyona Medelyan, PhD. I hope that the move back to NZ hasn't been too disruptive to your kids etc.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Pingar Releases its Beta Taxonomy Generator Service

Advanced algorithms allow enterprises to generate dynamic taxonomies by analyzing the content of large internal document sets

Pingar Researchers to Speak at Text Analytics World Boston

Chief research officer Alyona Medelyan and senior software researcher Anna Divoli were selected to present among a competitive field of ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Thematic CEO & Key Executive Team | GetLatka

Alyona Medelyan PhD CEO and Co-Founder Alyona is one of the founders of Thematic. Her love of writing comes from spending years of publishing papers during ... › companies

Team | STEAM ahead Events

Alyona Medelyan. Alyona had not seen a computer until the age of 16 and had even dropped out of Maths in high school. But this didn't stop ...

4 Persönliche Webseiten

Alyona Medelyan

Alyona Medelyan, PhD, is CEO of Thematic, a customer insights platform. · Prior to that Alyona consulted on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

named entity extraction - How to use DBPedia to extract Tags/Keywords...

One great tool for topic indexing is Maui, which was developed by Alyona Medelyan during her PhD. Another great open source solution is ...

About | Thematicgetthematic.com › about

Alyona Medelyan and Nathan Holmberg, realized that companies receive vast amount of feedback, but aren't able to understand what customers want and what's ...

In the media — Tech Girls Movement

We promote positive role models to encourage and raise awareness of information technology careers for girls.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

[Gohelp] [go-ontology] configuring JVM for Windows

Cheers, Midori On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Alyona Medelyan wrote: > Hi Eurie, > > Thanks for the quick answer! > > I used this version: ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Applications of natural language understanding: Tools and...

Applications of natural language understanding: Tools and technologies - Alyona Medelyan ...

Agile Innovation: The Revolutionary Approach to Accelerate Success,...

Find your company's unique innovation style, and nurture it into a powerful competitive advantage Praised by business leaders worldwide, Agile Innovation is...

3 Songs & Musik

Get Thematic with Customer Feedback featuring Alyona ...open.spotify.com › episode

Shep Hyken interviews Alyona Medelyan. They discuss how natural language processing can help companies focus on the most important problems to drive up ...

Think start-ups are only run by single guys and their friends? Meet...

Listen to this episode from Business Is Boring on Spotify. Y Combinator is one of the great names in tech and start-ups. The incubator slash business bootcamp...

3 Dokumente

Alyona Medelyan’s Presentations on SlideShare

Read and download presentations by Alyona Medelyan

Alyona Medelyan, Customer feedback analysis at Thematic ltd

View all of Alyona Medelyan's Presentations.

KiwiPyCon NLP with Python tutorial

Who am I? Alyona Medelyan aka @zelandiya ▫ In Natural Language Processing since ▫ PhD in NLP & Machine Learning from Waikato ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Alyona Medelyan

List of computer science publications by Alyona Medelyan

Search results for "EuroHCIR" – FacetedDBLP

... Alyona Medelyan: CUES: Cognitive Usability Evaluation System. EuroHCIR : 2012: DBLP BibTeX RDF: 1: Ying-Hsang Liu, Paul Thomas, Jan-Felix Schmakeit, Tom …

Alyona Medelyan - dblp

› Persons

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Alyona Medelyan - Wikidata

› wiki

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Alyona Medelyan - How to Start a Startup for AI Engineers

› watch

Thematic: How to Start a Startup for AI Engineers - YouTube

The 6th Annual ScaledML - Presented by Matroid #ScaledML https://www.matroid.com/scaledml/ Co-founder and CEO, Alyona Medelyan, shares her journey of how sh ... › ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

CXBuzz Interview With Alyona Medelyan, Co-Founder and ...

› Interviews

Alyona Medelyan - Keynote speaker at SBTB By the Bay

› post › al...

All About SharePoint: How to automatically populate metadata fields...

How to automatically populate metadata fields in SharePoint using the PINGAR API (Via Alyona Medelyan). Extract from the original post.

Scale By The Bay Conference - A Universe Of Technology

— Alyona Medelyan, Ph.D. the Ceo of Thematic. Thematic deals with artificial intelligence to analyze a large amount of information about ... › Backstage

115 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Alyona Medelyan - Thematic analysislinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan 's Post. View profile for Alyona Medelyan · Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better products.

Alyona Medelyan 🇺🇦's Postlinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan 's Post. View profile for Alyona Medelyan. Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better products.

Alyona Medelyan 🇺🇦's Postlinkedin.com

Great chat Alyona Medelyan being in client services we've also always been mindful as an agency about who we take on as clients, the investors involved ...

Alyona Medelyan | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

View Alyona Medelyan’s full profile Thematic uses proprietary word-class Text Analytics technology developed based on 15+ years of my research in NLP and Machine Learning Entopix was a Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning consultancy. Missing: giappichelli

How to build a perfect banking applinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Aug 16, + Follow. Are you a customer of one of the banks above?

How we use our own solution to centralize and analyze ...linkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Nov 24, + Follow. Customer feedback doesn't have all the answers.

Is Qualtrics X4 Summit worth the trip?linkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Mar 14, + Follow. When I shared with our customers that I'm traveling to X4 ...

Part 2 of 5: Manual Rules, an Approach to Text Analyticslinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Jul 31, + Follow. My Part 1 of 5 article last week covered Word Spotting, ...

Part 3 of 5: Text Categorization, an Approach to ...linkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Aug 8, + Follow. Let's bring some clarity to the messy subject of Advanced Text ...

Part 4 of 5: Topic Modelling, an Approach to Text Analyticslinkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Aug 18, + Follow. This is the 4th article in my series of Text Analytics posts ...

Why Thematic Analysis beats Sentiment ...linkedin.com

Alyona Medelyan. Customer feedback analysis for better… Published Jul 4, + Follow. If you are working in insights or data analysis, you will have ...

Alyona Medelyan - Co-Founder and CEO - Thematic Ltd | LinkedIn

größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Alyona Medelyan hat 8 Jobs im Profil angegeben.

Dr Ian McDonald's Post - Listen to Alyona Medelyanlinkedin.com

Listen to Alyona Medelyan - she is one of the smartest people I know (I did my PhD alongside her) and is from Ukraine (read her other posts for heart…

Chatbots: Why you should care | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse | LinkedIn

their sites. Turns out, customers report the highest satisfaction ...

Demystifying the "Actionable Insight" | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse ...

grail. But what does this even mean? When is a finding an insight ...

The fall and rise of open-enders | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse | LinkedIn

Infotools, a market research technology company, about ...

Three Alternatives to Word Clouds | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse ...

of visualizing free-text customer feedback? Yes, there is, and ...

What is customer sentiment analysis? | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse ...

passionately positive about some brands, and so strongly ...

What makes Scotch top notch? | Alyona Medelyan, PhD | Pulse ...

do while drinking is to read the tasting notes printed on the ...

Why Word Clouds Harm Insights | Alyona Medelyan | Pulse | LinkedIn

in reports on key company issues, such as customer service ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alyona

Weiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Alyona; die Strahlende; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); helene = die Fackel, der Glanz, die Sonnenstrahlen; in der griechischen Mythology ist Helena die Tochter von Zeus und Leda; ihre Entführung war der Grund für den Trojanischen Krieg; der Name 'Helios' des griechischen Sonnengotts hat dieselben Wurzeln

Personensuche zu Alyona Medelyan & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Alyona Medelyan und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.