65 Infos zu Amalia Culiuc

Mehr erfahren über Amalia Culiuc

Infos zu

1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

SoM Faculty Amalia Culiuc, Klara Grodzinsky, and Chris Heil Win...

These awards were created to further recognize excellence in teaching at Ge… Tech, rewarding faculty members with exceptional response ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Amalia Culiuc | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Amalia Culiuc, with 21 highly influential citations and 12 scientific research papers.

Culiuc, Amalia V. | Faculty & Staff | Amherst College

Amalia Culiuc. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Please call the college operator at or e-mail info @amherst.edu ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

GSC Spring Fling -- Hollywood Glamour

What better a way to spend an evening than immersed in the glitz and glammour of old and new Hollywood Don your best Hollywoo...

For the Love of Chocolate

Enjoy chocolate sampling around the store including a few freebies from some of our favorite chocolate suppliers

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Amalia Culiuc at Ge… Institute of Technology -...

Rating and reviews for Amalia Culiuc from Ge… Institute of Technology.

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Amalia Culiuc - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Amalia Culiuc. MathSciNet. Ph.D. Brown University UnitedStates. Dissertation: Weighted estimates of Calderon-Zygmund operators on vector-valued ...

5 Bücher zum Namen

Central Michigan University Army ROTC - Sivaram Narayan - Google Книги

Contains the final reports of the NSF funded ResearchExperience for Undergraduates and Long-termUndergraduate Research Experience summer programs conducted and...

A Numerical Approach to the Geometry of Ciliary Dynamics - Amalia...

The motion of cilia and flagella under internal stresses has been widely studied over the past years as a way of relating the biology of these structures and...

Analysis, Complex Geometry, and Mathematical Physics: In Honor of...

This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference on Analysis, Complex Geometry and Mathematical Physics: In Honor of Duong H. Phong, which was held...

books.google.com › booksDynamics in One Non-Archimedean Variable

Further thanks are due to Ryan Alvarado, John Benedetto, Amalia Culiuc, Jeff Diller, Fan Shilei, and the anonymous referees who provided mathematical ...

12 Dokumente

Wwwstu - PDF documents

• ndsu course equivalencies: http://wwwstu.cord.edu/transfer/trans_ courses.asp?school= for msum...

[ ] Endpoint sparse bounds for Walsh-Fourier multipliers of...

Authors:Wei Chen, Amalia Culiuc, Francesco Di Plinio, Michael Lacey, Yumeng Ou. (Submitted on 15 May (v1), last revised 26 May (this version, v4)).

Amalia trailing suction hopper dredger vox amalia - Under ...

amalia culiuc - brown university - amalia culiuc 2 attended conferences ima,theuniversitofminnesotaworkshopforwo…nanalysisandpde.

[ ] …tion of multilinear singular integrals by positive...

Authors:Amalia Culiuc, Francesco Di Plinio, Yumeng Ou. (Submitted on 17 Mar (v1), last revised 4 May (this version, v2)). Abstract: We establish a ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Francesco Di Plinio

List of computer science publications by Francesco Di Plinio

dblp: Amalia Culiuc

List of computer science publications by Amalia Culiuc


Amalia Culiuc. Mihai Stoiciu. Carlos Dominguez. Steve Miller. Hannah Hausman. Allison Pacelli. Stephanie Jensen. Colin Adams. Murat Kologlu. Steve Miller.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

The Carleson Embedding Theorem with matrix weights - Open Access...


Spring Analysis Seminars - UW-Math Wiki

... and singular integrals along submanifolds with curvature. Collaborators: Amalia Culiuc, Laura Cladek, Jose Manuel Conde-Alonso, Yen Do, ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Amalia PDFforum.henkubao.com/amalia.pdf

Page 1. AMALIA amalia culiuc 2 attended conferences imatheuniversitofminnesotaworkshopforwo…nanalysisandpde.

34 Webfunde aus dem Netz

MRL vol. 25 (2018) no. 1

International Press of Boston - publishers of scholarly mathematical and scientific journals and books

Harmonic Analysis and PDE seminar | Mathematics at the...

Official website of Department of Mathematics at the University of Virginia

A Sparse Estimate for Multisublinear Forms Involving Vector-valued...

A Sparse Estimate for Multisublinear Forms Involving Vector-valued Maximal Functions

Undergraduate Student Paper Sessions | Mathematical Association of...

MAA Student Chapter Newsletters

www.linkedin.com › amalia-culiuc Amalia Culiuc - Assistant Professor - Amherst College | LinkedIn

View Amalia Culiuc's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Amalia has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Yumeng Ou - Research

arXiv; Endpoint sparse bounds for Walsh-Fourier multipliers of Marcinkiewicz type, with Wei Chen, Amalia Culiuc, Francesco Di Plinio, and Michael Lacey, Rev.

Katharine A. Ott - GirlsGetMath

A 3D printing demonstration. Participants designed and printed their own models using OpenSCAD (2017). Amalia Culiuc (co-organizer) and TAs give advice on ...

Two weight estimates with matrix measures for well-localized...

Analysis Seminar: TBA by Amalia Culiuc. Wed, :05pm, Skiles Amalia Culiuc, Ge… Tech, Organizer: Shahaf Nitzan. Interests: Analysis.

au:Culiuc_A in:math - SciRate Search

We establish a uniform …tion of the family of trilinear multiplier forms with singularity over a one-dimensional subspace by positive sparse forms involving L ...

Matrix weighted function spaces and the Carleson Embedding Theorem |...

Amalia Culiuc, Brown University, Organizer: Brett Wick. We will prove a recent version of the weighted Carleson Embedding Theorem for ...

AMS :: Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Program by AMS Special...

Amalia Culiuc, Mount Holyoke College ( ). Sunday April 10, 2011, 3:00 p.m.-5:20 p.m.. Special Session on Undergraduate Research, IV Rm

[ v1] Endpoint sparse bounds for Walsh-Fourier multipliers...

Title:Endpoint sparse bounds for Walsh-Fourier multipliers of Marcinkiewicz type. Authors:Amalia Culiuc, Francesco Di Plinio, Michael Lacey, Yumeng Ou.


11:45-12:05, Amalia Culiuc (Brown) Bounds for Calderon-Zygmund operators with matrix A_2 weights, Arthur Danielyan (South Florida) On the zero-free ...

Age Group Results

Amalia Culiuc. Atlanta. GA : :13/M Doris Wong. Brookhaven. GA : :15/M Jessica Lollo.

ICERM - GirlsGetMath@ICERM: Summer Math Camp for High Schoolers

Organizing Committee. Amalia Culiuc Amherst College; Augustine O'Keefe Connecticut College; Katharine Ott Bates College; Ulrica Wilson ICERM/Morehouse ...

New Page 1

Amalia Culiuc <culiu22a AT mtholyoke.edu> Jake Levinson <Jake.Levinson AT williams.edu> Sean Pegado <Sean.C.Pegado AT williams.edu> Deirdre Scully ...

NSF Award Search: Award # Non-Standard Sparse Estimates and...

Investigator(s):, Amalia Culiuc .edu (Principal Investigator). divider line. Sponsor: Ge… Tech Research Corporation

A sparse …tion principle for rough singular integrals

Analysis & PDE

AMS :: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

Two weight estimates with matrix measures for well localized operators. Authors: Kelly Bickel, Amalia Culiuc, Sergei Treil and Brett D. Wick Journal: Trans. Amer.

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society - PDF Free Download

Kelly Bickel, Amalia Culiuc, Sergei Treil and Brett D. Wick. Two weight estimates with matrix measures for well localized operators. (Primary MSC 42B20).

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Amalia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Amalia; Gothisch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); amals = tüchtig, tapfer; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die mit 'Amal-' gebildet wurden (z.B. Amalberga, Amalgund); der Namenbestandteil 'Amal-' ist kennzeichnend für die Namen des ostgotischen Königsgeschlechts der Amaler oder Amelungen

Verwandte Personensuchen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Amalia Culiuc und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.