231 Infos zu André Lepecki
Mehr erfahren über André Lepecki
Lebt in
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Performance Studies
- York University
- Singularities
- Age of Performance
- Exhausting Dance
- Associate Professor
17 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Pesquisa de dança marca primeiro evento do anoDebates com convidados, como os pesquisadores Andre Lepecki e Cecilia Salles e o ensaísta e filósofo Peter Pal Pelbart, também estão ...
Von Sandra Luzina: Butoh und Seifenblasen - Überregional - Kultur -...Die Künstler aus aller Welt, die André Lepecki nach Berlin eingeladen hat und die nicht unbedingt mit fertigen Arbeiten anreisen, ...
Professor André Lepecki UpdatesUpdates from Performance Studies Professor André Lepecki.
Meet André Lepecki - the author of "Singularities. Dance in the Age ...royaldanishacademy.com › news › mod-andre-lepec...Professor André Lepecki (NYU Tisch School of the Arts) published his latest book Singularities: Dance in the age of performance in
1 Bilder zu André Lepecki

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: André Lepecki - FacebookAbout André Lepecki: Brazilian writer and curator (1965-) - PeoplePillpeoplepill.com › people › andre-lepeckiAndré Lepecki: Brazilian writer and curator (1965-), Film crew member, Scenographer, Dramaturge, Writer, Curator, From: Brazil | Biography, Facts, Career, ...
André Lepecki - diaphaneswww.diaphanes.com › person › andre-lepecki-1438André Lepecki. is Associate Professor in Performance Studies at New York University and independent curator for venues such as Haus der Kunst, ...
diaphanes - André Lepeckiist Professor für Performance Studies an der New York University. Außerdem tritt er als Kurator internationaler Festivals und Veranstaltungen auf, so etwa im Haus ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Movement in the Pause – Contactoscontactos.tome.press › movement-in-the-pause· André Lepecki. 1. The fragmented perspective of this text departs less from a fixed point than from a longitudinal line.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Exhausting dance : performance and the politics of movementsearchworks.stanford.edu › viewIn this far-ranging and exceptional study, Andre Lepecki brilliantly analyzes the work of the choreographers: Jerome Bel (France); Juan Dominguez (Spain); ...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: André LepeckiActor, O Encontro
5 Projekte
Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by André Lepecki ...muse.jhu.edu › article › pdfAndré Lepecki's Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance has a revolution- ary ambition: overturning the “perform or else” ethos of neoliberalism.
HKW | André Lepecki: nomadisches New York - kleines New York. Eine...André Lepecki: nomadisches New York - kleines New York. Eine Erläuterung.
HKW | André Lepecki (Brasilien/USA)Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin ist ein Zentrum für den internationalen Kulturaustausch. Der Schwerpunkt seines innovativen und experimentellen Programms
HKW | André Lepecki (Brazil/USA)The Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin is a centre for the international cultural exchange. The emphasis of its innovative and experimental programme lies on ...
26 Bücher zum Namen
bol.com: bol.com | Exhausting Dance | | Andre Lepecki | BoekenExhausting Dance Performance and the Politics of Movement. Auteur: Andre Lepecki. Taal: Engels. Schrijf een review. E-mail deze pagina. Exhausting Dance.
AbeBooks: Dance (Documents of Contemporary Art) von Andre Lepecki...Dance (Documents of Contemporary Art) von Lepecki, Andre. Sie suchten nach: ISBN: Suche verfeinern. Treffer ( ) von 12.
Books by André Lepecki (Author of Exhausting Dance)André Lepecki has 21 books on Goodreads with 737 ratings. André Lepecki’s most popular book is Exhausting Dance: Performance and the Politics of Movement.
Bodies of Weight - Dance and Politics: Goethe-InstitutDance and Politics Bodies of Weight Political Singularity, dance scholar, curator and dramaturge André Lepecki critically examines the concept of participation.
10 Dokumente
Move : choreographing you - City of Westminster Librarieslink.westminster.gov.uk › portal › Move--choreograp...Move : choreographing you, edited by Stephanie Rosenthal ; with essays by Susan Leigh Foster, André Lepecki, Peggy Phelan. Resource Information. The item ...
Lepecki, André [WorldCat Identities]Exhausting dance : performance and the politics of movement by André Lepecki( Book ) 34 editions published between and in 8 languages and held ...
File:André Lepecki at MACBA.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:André Lepecki at MACBA.jpg. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to: navigation, search. File; File history; File ...
Andre Lepecki Nyu Tisch School Of The Artskikibooh.mx.tl › andre-lepecki-nyu-tisch-school-of-th...Andre Lepecki Nyu Tisch School Of The Arts ô Book. 'after All ... View lepecki andrs professional profile on linkedin. associate professor at nyu tisch school of the.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Untitledlink.springer.com › content › pdfAndré Lepecki is an associate professor in the Department of ... a formally designated dramaturg, Bausch and Hoghe, a partnership.
Exhausting Dance_ Performance and the Politics of Movement ...issuu.com › wakayadanza › docs › l-_exhausting_dance__performance_an...Nov 13, · André Lepecki is Assistant Professor at the Department of Performance Studies at New York University. He is an essayist and dramaturge. He ...
André Lepecki - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiAndre Lepecki. In more languages. Spanish. André Lepecki. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese.
André Lepecki - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekHinweis zum Datenschutz Mit Klick auf "Einverstanden" können Sie diese Seite in sozialen Netzwerken weiterempfehlen. Dabei besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Daten von ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Fotos p/ os anos 90 -André Lepecki- Revista / Programa CDL - video...Fotos p/ os anos 90 -André Lepecki- Revista / Programa CDL
Office Hours: luciana achugar and André Lepecki - InstantEncore▶ 49:55luciana achugar and Andre Lepecki talk luciana's recent debut performance of " Brujx," which was ...
16 Meinungen & Artikel
« Choreopolice and choreopolitics by André Lepecki | «— CCC —communautedeschercheurssurlacommunaute.wordpress.com › ...« Choreopolice and choreopolitics » by André Lepecki ... We know that for Arendt the notion of a true (or rescued) politics has always been bound, deeply, even ...
Choreographie als Widerstand | P3 (rf0) r. mANc3-Text by Marc Carrera There is no resistance in itself. Resistance is always a resistance for itself, or related to something. This ‘something’ is usually an...
André Lepecki - Artforum Internationalwww.artforum.com › contributor › andre-lepeckiAndré Lepecki. print February · Vera Montero. Repeating gestures and words until they are distilled to their very essence, Portuguese choreographer ...
Sara Melchior: Raumstrukturen in Maria La Ribots Performancesammlung...André Lepecki charakterisiert diesen Akt der Entterritorialisierung in seiner Ziellosigkeit, seinem Mäandern und Treiben, sowohl der Performance als auch des ...
136 Webfunde aus dem Netz
kaufencwi - Weißwein Spanien Macabeo Sauvignon Blanc Günstig KaufenMACBA Museu d Art Contemporani de Barcelona André Lepecki treballa i ... Hamm Aschaffenburg Augsburg Bad Kreuznach Brühl Bochum Düren Remscheid ...
André Lepecki • International Research Center »Interweaving...Curator, dramaturg, writer, André Lepecki is Associate Professor in Performance Studies at New York University. He graduated in Cultural Anthropology at the New ...
Andre Lepecki | Arts Research | UC Santa CruzAndre Lepecki is Associate Professor at the Department of Performance Studies at New York University. He is the author of Exhausting Dance: ...
About André Lepecki - Intellect Bookswww.intellectbooks.com › andre-lepeckiAndré Lepecki. Recent bio not available. Showing 1-1 of 1 item. Journal. Choreographic Practices. Co-Editors Dani Abulhawa, Simon Ellis, Lee Miller and ...
A #248. André Lepecki - rwm macbaWe dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with André Lepecki that we were unable to include the first time around.
Andre Lepecki - curator writer - Prabookprabook.com › web › andre.lepeckiAndré Lepecki is a writer and curator working mainly on performance studies, choreography and dramaturgy.
André Lepecki + Richard Move - CSGS NYUwww.csgsnyu.org › andre-lepecki-richard-moveAndré Lepecki and Richard Move discussing Move's performances as Martha Graham. NYU Department of Performance Studies Tisch School of the Arts
André Lepecki | Open Access articles | Open Access journals |...André Lepecki (Brazil, 1965) is a writer and curator working mainly on performance studies, choreography and dramaturgy. He is Associate Professor at the ...
Singularities eBook von Andre Lepecki – | Rakuten KoboLesen Sie „Singularities Dance in the Age of Performance“ von Andre Lepecki mit Rakuten Kobo. How does the production of performance engage with the...
André Lepecki: A tánc kifulladása | Litera – az irodalmi portálAzaz minden tánc, amely rákérdez a saját jelenlétté válására, a saját létalapjának megteremtésére, szükségessé teszi a kritikai táncelmélet és a kortárs...
André Lepecki pronunciation: How to pronounce André ...Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce André Lepecki in Portuguese with native pronunciation. André Lepecki translation and audio pronunciation.
André Lepecki, Outset Bialik Residency, 2019outset.org.uk › supported-projects › andre-lepecki-o...Professor Andre Lepecki was a guest of Outset Bialik residency, in collaboration with Kelim Choreography Center, Bat Yam, during February Prof.
Boiler Room Lecture: André Lepecki - Monash University Museum of ArtMonash University Museum of Art (MUMA) in association with Sharing Space and the Biennale of Sydney are pleased to present a special lecture by André Lepecki, ...
Interview with André Lepecki: What is Performance Studies? (2002)Interview with André Lepecki, conducted by Diana Taylor, director and founder of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics. This interview...
André Lepecki | UnboundAndré Lepecki. 1 Item total. Exhausting Dance: Performance and the politics of movement Quick View · Exhausting Dance: Performance and the politics of ...
DOCH Open Lectures André Lepecki - Uniartswww.uniarts.se › news › events › events-spring-2019Welcome to DOCH Open Lectures series of spring 2019! Meet professor, curator, and author André Lepecki. Please note that this seminar is cancelled! Pulse in the ...
In the dark: a talk by André Lepecki in Bucharest | E-MotionalE-Motional presents on May 20, 19:30 a talk held by André Lepecki, renown theoretician and Professor at New York University, one of the most ...
Duration — André Lepecki - In Terms of Performanceintermsofperformance.site › duration › andre-lepeckiAndré Lepecki, a scholar and curator of performance, is associate professor in the department of performance studies at Tisch School of the Arts, ...
Living Time: Art and Life After ‘Art-Into-Life’: Andre Lepecki | Arts...This guest posting is by André Lepecki (Associate Professor, Performance Studies, New York University), who is delivering Thursday's keynote ...
Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by André Lepecki ...www.cambridge.org › core › journals › dance-research-journal › article › s...Dec 7, · Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by André Lepecki New York: Routledge pp., 18 photographs. $ cloth.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen André
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): André; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von Petrus
Personensuche zu André Lepecki & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu André Lepecki und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.