226 Infos zu Andre Bartetzki
Mehr erfahren über Andre Bartetzki
Lebt in
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- Hannover
Infos zu
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- Lenka
- Ana Maria Rodriguez
- Cmask
- Klangregie
- Liebe Freunde
- Live-Elektronik
- String Theory
- Artists
39 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Annegret Heinl, visual arts: AktuellesTypografische Kompositionen Typographic compositions. Versuch einer visuellen Darstellung des Begriffs Experiment of a visual representation. Künstlerforum Bonn, Hochstadenring , Bonn Andre Bartetzki • Nina Dotti • Mari Claudia Garcia • Javier A. Garavaglia Thomas Gerwin • Annegret Heinl hans w. koch ...
Musikalische Experimente mit dem Publikum beim Wandelkonzert auf...Bravo-Rufe für
Andre Bartetzki - BiographyBerliner Festspiele stand for a cultural programme where the new becomes visible.
Neue Musik: Seltene Instrumente, verfremdete Töne | shz.de„Hommage an die Besessenheit“ heißt die neue Reihe der Neuen Musik in Eckernförde zu dessen dritten Konzert Freitagabend in die Nicolai-Kirche eingeladen...
3 Bilder zu Andre Bartetzki

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Andre Bartetzki | FacebookFacebook: Andre Bartetzki über "Invisible" - eine Blindenhilfswerk Berlin e. V.Facebook: EviMus - Der Komponist Andre Bartetzki, aus Berlin, nimmt...LinkedIn: Andre Bartetzki | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Andre Bartetzki (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
4 Hobbys & Interessen
Art and Science Sessions - EUROBIOTECHwww.eurobiotech.krakow.pl › art-...Joanna Hoffmann together with Piotr Słomczewski & Andre Bartetzki (EPILAB TEAM) present an interactive artwork “A Breath for Leonardo”. 7th EUROBIOTECH ...
Posaune mit »fast digitalem« Klang - Am 9. November begann die...Auf Deiner aktuellen CD unter dem Namen The Wetware Trombone (»akoasma«) spielst Du gemeinsam mit dem Elektroniker Andre Bartetzki, ...
About - www.mariadarocha.comMaria da Rocha is a portuguese violinist and viola player living in Berlin and Lisbon. She dedicates to new/experimental music and intermedia.
Kühne Bilder zu den Tragödien des Hörens | Ausgabe: | nmz - neue...Selten aber haben Maler und Musiker so konkret aufeinander Bezug genommen wie die Freunde ... in der Klangregie von Andre Bartetzki immer noch als kraftvolle Kreisbewegung ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Musik 21 Festival Musik21 NiedersachsenZu Hören war unter anderem eine Klang-Collage nach Juan Rulfos einzigem Roman »Pedro Páramo«, gespielt von Lenka Zupkova (Bild), Andre Bartetzki, ...
10 Persönliche Webseiten
Andre Bartetzki HomeDialogues - concert for trumpet and electronic music. William Forman, trumpet; Andre Bartetzki, electronics; William Forman was born in …
Andre BartetzkiAndre Bartetzki. Klangtechnologie. Beschallung; Programmierung und Realisation; technische Konzeption und Entwicklung; Workshops, Kurse
Andre Bartetzki HomeKontakt. andre AT bartetzki punkt de ... Home; Tonbandmusik; Live-Elektronik; Klangkunst; Audio-Visuell
kontakte | Akademie der Künste, BerlinTeam
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Computer Music and Digital Synthesisfiles UGen List Andre Bartetzki's SC course. Modulation Synthesis. Slides.
Satellite CCRMAZanate de Luz (by Roberto Morales and presented at the MACO Museum); Deckle (by Hongchan Choi, John Granzow, and Joel Sadler); AquariHum (by Alice Fang, Lulu DeBoer, and Erin Baumann); Guitar-Granulator (by Martin Huenninger); Kinetic-Acoustic Performance of Soccer Robots (Ralf Hoyer with Andre Bartetzki) ...
6 Projekte
Project MUSE - NewsNatasha Barrett, Rondeaux Trouvés by Andre Bartetzki, Lichtempfindliche ...
Andre Bartetzki | Akademie der Künste, BerlinAndre Bartetzki
The Photographer | KNM und Museum für Fotografie Berlin„The Photographer
Code • Switching – Ana Maria Rodriguezwww.anamariarodriguez.net › projects › code-switching... Ana Maria Rodriguez, Stimme – Ute Wassermann, Video Programmierung / Interaktives Konzept – Yunchul Kim, Klangregie / Live-Elektronik – Andre Bartetzki.
9 Bücher zum Namen
Microsound - Curtis Roads, Professor of Media Arts and Technology...The user moves onscreen faders to change the effects settings. The same author's Stampede allows composers to explore a continuum of sound transformations under MIDI control. It performs granulation operations similar to those in Cloud Generator, but operates in real time. Andre Bartetzki, at the electronic music studio ...
The Unorthodox Guitar: A Guide to Alternative Performance Practice -...The Unorthodox Guitar: A Guide to Alternative Performance Practice is a comprehensive resource for experimentally minded guitarists and composers wishing to...
Microsound - Curtis Roads - Google BooksIt performs granulation operations similar to those in Cloud Generator, but operates in real time. Andre Bartetzki, at the electronic music studio of the ...
Arts and Technology: Third International Conference, ArtsIT 2013,...This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Arts and Technology, ArtsIT 2013, held in Milano, Bicocca,...
5 Songs & Musik
Andre Bartetzki Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Andre Bartetzki setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Andre Bartetzki fans for free on setlist.fm!
Lenka Župková - Andre Bartetzki: String Theory - Listen on DeezerListen to Andre Bartetzki: String Theory by Lenka Župková - Prague / Hannover. Deezer: free music streaming. Discover more than 56 million tracks, create your...
Full text of "Gambiarra E Experimentalismo Sonoro Giuliano Obici...... Saboya, Casten Seiffarth, Andre Bartetzki, Andreas Pysiewciz, Rafael Santiago, Pedro Paulo dos Santos, Lilian Campesato, Julian Jaramillo, Vitor Kisil, Andre Damiao, Missionario Jose, ... This work originates from the observation that there is a place in Brazilian society where music and sound art collide: the Gambiarra.
Andre Bartetzki Tour Statistics | setlist.fmView the statistics of songs played live by Andre Bartetzki. Have a look which song was played how often on which tour!
4 Dokumente
Bartetzki, Andre [WorldCat Identities]Publication Timeline . Most widely held works by Andre Bartetzki. Prague, Hannover( ) 1 edition published in and held by 196 WorldCat member libraries ...
From rcaesar em oi.com.br Sun Jul 2 12:53: From: rcaesar em ...A l'ecart des courants plus commerciaux de la techno et de la house music, la Nuit Bleue propose un voyage sur deux nuits entieres a travers differents composicao, textos, concepcao Paula Azguime - projeccao sonora e electronica, concepcao, dramaturgia, realizacao video Andre Bartetzki - programacao video e ...
From rwm2008 at gmail.com Wed Feb 1 09:52: From ...While audio frequencies are analyzed and passed into image motions, which in turn feed back to the music, a never ending circulation of influence travels in both Can ?zer (TR) - electronics Andre Bartetzki (DE) - electronics (Lichtblick Kino) Berlin-PrenzlauerBerg http://salonbruit.org/events/nksalon ...
From sandramontreal em hotmail.com Tue May 2 13:12:Recibio sus Diplomas en Composicion en el Boston Conservatory of Music y en la Ecole National de Musique de Pantin y en Musica Electroacustica en el Miso Ensemble - SALT ITINERARY Electroacoustic Opera Miguel Azguime - performer Paula Azguime - sound projection and live electronics Andre Bartetzki - live ...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: BibTeX records: Andre BartetzkiList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Andre Bartetzki
Projekte — Fachbereich Musikwissenschaft — TU Dresdentu-dresden.de › phil › ikm › muwi › emw › researchInstallation: Miriam Akkermann und Andre Bartetzki Studentische Mitarbeit: Vanessa Kluge, Sören Frickenhaus (TU Dresden). Ausgangspunkt ...
dblp: Andre BartetzkiList of computer science publications by Andre Bartetzki
dblp: Kurt GeihsList of computer science publications by Kurt Geihs
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Giving Robots a “Voice”: A Kineto-Acoustic Project | SpringerLinkIn this paper we present a kineto-acoustic project based on soccer robots. The movements of robots, determined by the needs of a soccer game, are transformed...
Andre Bartetzki - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiGerman composer and tonmeister. In more languages. Spanish. Andre Bartetzki. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Kategorie:Hochschullehrer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) – Wikipedia... Friedrich Wilhelm Felix von Bärensprung · Claus-Ekkehard Bärsch · Horst Bartel · Walter Bartel · Andre Bartetzki · Heinrich Barth · Jakob Barth · Henner Barthel ...
Junho Cultura de BorlaA Cultura que não tem preço.
[OT] Intel Mac != MIDI - MaxMSP Forum | Cycling '74Andre Bartetzki wrote: > Es war der :48 Uhr, als Olaf Matthes nicht widerstehen konnte, > folgende Gedanken dem Netz anzuvertrauen: > > >>I finally bought an Intel Mac and now have a problem that is not so much >>related with Max/MSP, but anyway...: I have an emagic mt4 MIDI interface ...
Um olhar sobre o MundoPorque há muito para ver... e claro, muito para contar
112 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Agrajag by Andre Bartetzki on SoundCloud - Hear the world's ...soundcloud.com › andre-bartetzkiAndre Bartetzki. Agrajag | 12:56. Previous track Play or pause track Next track. Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience with our free app. Get it on Google ...
Andre Bartetzki - Traces | Sheer Pluck - Database of Contemporary...Traces by Andre Bartetzki, Contemporary Guitar Music
Andre Bartetzki - MuziekwebInformatie en een overzicht van muziekstukken gecomponeerd door Andre Bartetzki.
Andre Bartetzki - WikiwandAndre Bartetzki ist ein deutscher Komponist, Tonmeister, Medienkünstler und Programmierer.
BERLIN – NK/Salon: Mehmet Can Özer + Andre Bartetzki, K77 Kino,NK/Salon Mehmet Can Özer & Andre Bartetzki. NK/Salon is an electroacoustic immersive listening series that is organized by NK in ...
Andre Bartetzki | Internet TVUluslararası Dijital Sanat Festivali “digitIZMir” :00 Audiovisuel Electroakustik Müzik Konseri: “Andre Bartetzki” Andre Bartetzki bilgisayar / canlı ...
Andre Bartetzki HomeKonzert für Violine und Elektronik. Lenka Župková, Violine und 5-seitige E-Violine; Andre Bartetzki, Elektronik; Lenka Župková, geboren in Prag.
Andre Bartetzki | Sheer Pluck - Database of Contemporary Guitar MusicContemporary Guitar Music by Andre Bartetzki
FILE FESTIVALMISO ENSEMBLE Miguel Azguime, Paula Azguime, Andre Bartetzki & Perseu Mandillo – Itinerario do Sal. MISO ENSEMBLE Miguel Azguime, Paula Azguime, ...
Night Out @ Berlin | All posts tagged 'Andre Bartetzki'Besprechungen der Nacht @ Berlin!
Bartetzki, AndreSuperCollider Symposium Berlin
Andre Bartetzki — electrocd — The Electroacoustic Music StoreAndre Bartetzki. Berlin (Germany), Residence: Berlin (Germany). Composer. On the Web. bartetzki.de · M&R bartetzki-andre. Appearances ...
BERLIN – ak-events – Andre Bartetzki – degemVon: „Straebel | TU Berlin“ Betreff: [ak-events] – Andre Bartetzki Datum: 12. November :36:54 MEZ. EM Hören am Donnerstag, ...
Andre Bartetzki (GER) – AND – Artists Network DatabaseAndre Bartetzki www.bartetzki.de. Participant in SoundLAB VI – sonic art project environments soundPOOL – a challenge for imagination.
Andre Bartetzki | ensemble megaphonEr wurde in Berlin geboren und begann seine Berufsausbildung und Arbeit als Tontechniker in den Rundfunkstudios der ehemaligen DDR. Von bis …
Andre Bartetzki (composer) - Buy sheet music and scores | Presto MusicBrowse and buy sheet music for the composer Andre Bartetzki (b.1962).
Andre Bartetzki (composer) - Buy recordings | Presto MusicA profile of the composer Andre Bartetzki (b.1962), along with a list of their works available to browse and buy.
Andre Bartetzki | Claire de LuneBerlin. He is now an electronic sound artist. His website HERE ...
Andre Bartetzki Homeklanggestaltung.net › ...Andre Bartetzki. Audio Programming + Sound Design + Composition. Compositions and installations: tape music, live electronic, sound art. Visual works and ...
Andre Bartetzki HomeLive-Elektronik. SHIFT (2014) Z 0 (2010) Areal BA 44 (2009) Live-Elektronik zu "Soit Seul Sûr de Son" (2007) Traces (2007) String-Theory (2005) Lài Qu ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Andre
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Andre; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von Petrus
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Personensuche zu Andre Bartetzki & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Andre Bartetzki und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.