37 Infos zu Andre Poock
Mehr erfahren über Andre Poock
Lebt in
- Dresden
- Malschwitz
Infos zu
- KLA-Tencor
- Lithography
- Thomas
- Cyrus Tabery
- Francois Weisbuch
- Reticle
- Arndt
- Chris Spence
- Duerr
- Guido
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Andre Poock – Manager – GlobalFoundriesAndre Poock. Manager Equipment bei GlobalFoundries. GlobalFoundries. Dresden und Umgebung. 99 Follower:innen 99 Kontakte. Gemeinsame Kontakte ansehen ...
4 Hobbys & Interessen
Andre Poock - Patents... Poock patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Andre Poock patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...
Wolfram Grundke - PatentsMask defects, such as crystal growth defects and the like, may be efficiently detected and estimated at an early stage of their development by generating test images of the mask under consideration and inspecting the images on the basis of wafer inspection techniques in order to identify repeatedly occurring defects.... Inventors: Uwe Griebenow, Martin Mazur, Wolfram Grundke, Andre Poock · Globalfoundries Inc. Archived* (*May have duplicates - we are upgrading ...
Globalfoundries Inc patent inventors (2012)Inventors on Globalfoundries Inc patents (2012) ... Note: Some Globalfoundries Inc-related inventors may appear under alternate organization ... Andre Poock.
Martin Mazur - PatentsInventors: Uwe Griebenow, Martin Mazur, Wolfram Grundke, Andre Poock · Globalfoundries Inc. Archived* (*May have duplicates - we are upgrading our archive ...
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Andre PoockGLOBALFOUNDRIES INC., Malschwitz, DE
5 Dokumente
P‐5.2: Study of Air Sampling and Database Analysis on Mask ...von YN Gao · — Kaustuve Bhattacharyya, William Volk, Khoi Phan, Andre Poock, Reticle Surface Contaminants and Their Relationship to Sub-pellicle Defect ...
P‐6.1: Review of Mask Haze in TFT Manufacturingvon CY Yang · — Khoi Phan, Andre Poock, Reticle Surface Contaminants and Their Relationship to Sub-pellicle Defect Formation, v p , SPIE (2004).
Symposium C: MRS Fall Meeting (PDF)brycejardine.comAndre Poock l. , Uwe Knappe l. , Torsten. Fahr', Astrid Gettel' and Wolfram Grundke'; 'Strategic Lithography,. Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, ...
OPC hotspot identification challenges: ORC vs. PWQ on wafer,...Andre Poock, Sarah McGowan, Francois Weisbuch. AMD, Saxony LLC & Co. KG. Guido Schnasse, Rajesh Ghaskadvi. KLA-Tencor Corporation, San Jose, USA.
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Shadow Patents and Patent Applications (Class )JustiaType: Grant. Filed: April 3, Date of Patent: July 12, Assignee: Globalfoundries Inc. Inventors: Andre Poock, Jan Hoentschel ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Andre PoockAndre Poock. Senior Process Engineer at GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden Module Two. SPIE Leadership: Retrieving Data, please wait... SPIE Involvement: Author. Contact ...
Dr. Farzin MirzaaghaStephanie Maelzer, Andre Poock, et al. Proc. SPIE , Photomask Technology KEYWORDS: Inspection, Reticles, Semiconducting wafers, Photomasks, Wafer ...
Andre Poock - spie.orgSPIE Profile of Andre Poock, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden Module Two. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.
21 Webfunde aus dem Netz
专利检索ap:("Andre Poock" OR "Jan Hoentschel") AND inv:"Andre ...发明人: Andre Poock , Daniel Zschaebitz , Heike Scholtz. IPC分类号: G06F US A1. 公开(公告)日: 申请号:US 申请日:
ACLV-analysis in production and its impact on ...La Fontaine and Dirk Stankowski and Andre Poock and Wolfram Grundke}, booktitle={SPIE Advanced Lithography}, year={2003}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/ ...
Andre HolfeldRolf Seltmann Gert Burbach Anne Parge Jens Busch Tino Hertzsch Andre Poock Francois Weisbuch Andre Holfeld · 《25th European Mask and Lithography Conference ...
Automatic classification and defect verification based on ...Andre Poock,Stephanie Maelzer,Christopher A. Spence,Cyrus E. Tabery,Michael Lang,Guido Schnasse,Milko Peikert,Kaustuve Bhattacharyya +7 more Oct
Left image: DUV BF wafer map gathered with KLA-Tencors ...Andre Poock · Sarah McGowan · Francois Weisbuch; [...] Rajesh Ghaskadvi. The identification of OPC ...
Optimal mask characterization by Surrogate Wafer Print ...Andre Poock, Stephanie Maelzer, Chris Spence, Cyrus Tabery, Michael Lang, Guido Schnasse, Milko Peikert, and Kaustuve Bhattacharyya, Wafer Fab Mask ...
Reticle | Publications | Citations | Top AuthorsPhan 2, Andre Poock 2 - Show less +1 more • Institutions (2). KLA-Tencor 1, Advanced Micro Devices Dec TL;DR: In this paper, the backside surface ...
Use of Layout Automation and Design Based Metrology for ...von C Spence · — Chris Spence, Cyrus Tabery, Andre Poock. *. ,. Arndt C. Duerr. #. , Thomas Witte. #. , Jan Fiebig. #. , Jan Heumann. #. AMD, 1 AMD Place, Sunnyvale, CA
Baruther SV 90 e.V.— Jugendleiter: Andre Poock. Mobil: [0152] Schiedsrichterobmann: Thomas Schuster. Telefon: [ ] Mobil ...
Semiconductor device including asymmetric lightly doped ...GoogleUS A Andre Poock Reducing implant degradation in tilted implantations by shifting implantation masks.
Andre Poock's research worksAndre Poock's 9 research works with 43 citations and 2,295 reads, including: Mask parameter variation in the context of the overall variation budget of an advanced logic wafer Fab Andre Poock's ...
Use of layout automation and design-based metrology for ...SPIE Digital Libraryvon C Spence · — Chris Spence, Cyrus Tabery, Andre Poock, Arndt C. Duerr, Thomas Witte, Jan Fiebig, and Jan Heumann "Use of layout automation and design-based metrology for ... von BJ Grenon · · Zitiert von: 28 — Andre Poock, "Reticle surface contaminants and their relationship to sub- pellicle defect formation," Proc. SPIE 5375, Metrology, Inspection, and.
2007 Design Automation And Test In2007 design automation and test in
Übersicht Vereine - StartseiteWestlausitzer FussballverbandJugendleiter: Andre Poock Mobil: [0152] Schiedsrichterobmann: Thomas Schuster Telefon: [ ]
光学邻近校正技术和版图热点管理技术研究cglhub.comAndre Poock, S.M., Francois Weisbuch, OPC hotspot identification challenges: ORC vs. PWQ on wafer. SPIE, Vol.7122:p Y.
ACLV-analysis in production and its impact on product performanceSPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Photomask. Mask effects for high-na EUV: impact of NA,...2 Editorial This is not your father s photomask Tom Faure, IBM Corporation During a ... Paul W. Ackmann, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. International Chair Naoya Cyrus Tabery, Andre Poock *, Arndt C. Duerr #, Thomas Witte #, Jan Fiebig # ...
Method and System for Excursion Monitoring in Optical Lithography...Assignees: GLOBALFOUNDRIES INC. IPC8 Class: USPC Class: Patent applications by Andre Poock, Malschwitz DE
VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 SPRING $5.00 US - PDF Free Download... Incorporated William Volk and Kaustuve Bhattacharyya, KLA-Tencor Corporation Andre Poock, AMD Saxony Crystal growth and haze formation on reticles ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Andre
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Andre; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von Petrus
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