63 Infos zu Andreas Dander

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Andreas Dander - Autónomo - Selbstständig | LinkedInes.linkedin.com › andreas-dander-a...

Andreas Dander. Selbstständige Fachkraft im Bereich Internet. SelbstständigFreie Universität Berlin. Algeciras y alrededores, España62 contactos. Únete para ...

QuACN/CITATION at master · cran/QuACN · GitHub

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. QuACN — QuACN: Quantitative Analysis of Complex Networks - QuACN/CITATION at...

Andreas Dander | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Andreas Dander, with 40 highly influential citations and 13 scientific research papers.

2 Hobbys & Interessen


jusmeum - Mein gutes Recht!

Issue: The American Journal of Human Genetics

Anna Schossig, Nicole I. Wolf, Christine Fischer, Maria Fischer, Gernot Stocker, Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Bernhard Steiner, Otmar ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Heiko Schuldt - DBIS, University of Basel

Home Team Heiko Schuldt

3 Bücher zum Namen

heiBIB: Fischer, Christine

... Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Bernhard Steiner, Otmar Tönz, Dieter Kotzot, Edda Haberlandt, Albert Amberger, Barbara Burwinkel, Katharina Wimmer, ...

Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems IV:...

... for Personalized Cancer Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria 3 Biocenter, Division for Bioinformatics, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria andreas.dander ...

6 Dokumente

The W3C PROV standard: data model for the provenance of information, …

... Andreas Dander, Maria Fischer, Rene Snajder, Michael Sperk, Mirjana Efremova, Birgit Krabichler, Michael R Speicher, Johannes Zschocke, ...

A Cellular Automaton Framework for Infectious Disease ...benthamopen.com › ABSTRACT

... Tejada, Christian Baumgartner, Michael Seger, Melanie Osl, Michael Netzer, Michael Handler, Andreas Dander, Manfred Wurz, Armin Graber, Bernhard Tilg.

MEMOSys 2.0: an update of the bioinformatics database for...

Authors: Stephan Pabinger,,, Rene Snajder,, Timo Hardiman, Michaela Willi,, Andreas Dander,, Zlatko Trajanoski. Publication date ( Electronic ) ...

Europe PMC

Anna Schossig,1,3,14 Nicole I. Wolf,2,4,14 Christine Fischer,3 Maria Fischer,5 Gernot Stocker,5 Stephan Pabinger,5Andreas Dander,5 Bernhard Steiner,6 ...

15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Overview of the ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval and Annotation ...

[19] Michael Springmann, Andreas Dander, and Heiko Schuldt. T.b.a. In Working Notes of the CLEF Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, September

[COMMODE] a large-scale database of molecular descriptors using...

Molecular descriptors have been extensively used in the field of structure-oriented drug design and structural chemistry. They have been applied in QSPR and...

dblp: Andreas Dander

List of computer science publications by Andreas Dander

Search results for "Andreas Dander" – FacetedDBLP

Found 9 publication records. Showing 8 according to the selection in the facets . Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords; 1: Andreas Dander, Matthias ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

SeqBench: Integrated solution for the management and analysis of...

The rapid development of next generation sequencing technologies, including the recently introduced benchtop sequencers, made sequencing affordable for smaller...

Hands-on introduction to NGS variant analysis - BITS wiki

Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Maria Fischer, Rene Snajder, Michael Sperk, Mirjana Efremova, Birgit Krabichler, Michael R Speicher, Johannes Zschocke, ...

Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered ...link.springer.com › book

Andreas Dander, Michael Handler, Michael Netzer, Bernhard Pfeifer, Michael Seger, Christian Baumgartner. Pages PDF · A Secured Collaborative ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Re: [seam-forums] [Seam 3 Users] LazyInitializationException at...

The [1]following reply was posted on the thread [2]LazyInitializationException at @ManyToMany by Andreas Dander:.

28 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Andreas Dander | LinkedIn

View Andreas Dander's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Andreas Dander discover ...

Database & Information Systems Group University of Basel October...

October 10th, Michael Springmann - Database & Information Systems Group 3 What is similarity search? From a collection, return a ranked list of items for...

Monika Danler und Andreas Dander am 12. Oktober Achenkirch am...

Monika Danler und Andreas Dander am 12. Oktober Herzlich Willkommen in der Gemeinde Achenkirch am Achensee.

Dander Namensbedeutung und -herkunft - Namespediade.namespedia.com › details › Dander

Andreas Dander (1) Albert Dander (1) Rene Dander (1) Michele Dander (1) Emil Dander (1) Gertrud Dander (1) Valentin Dander (1) Elisabeth Dander (1)

Mutations in ROGDI Cause Kohlschütter-Tönz Syndrome - ppt download

Anna Schossig, Nicole I. Wolf, Christine Fischer, Maria Fischer, Gernot Stocker, Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Bernhard Steiner, Otmar Tönz, Dieter ...

Du côté de chez QuACN – module R pour l’analyse de réseaux – groupe...

... Andreas Dander, Armin Graber et Matthias Dehmer, 2011, QuACN – An R Package for Analyzing Complex Biological Networks Quantitatively, ...

GMS | 54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische...

Authors Andreas Dander - Institut für Bioinformatik, UMIT, Hall in Tirol Werner Hackl - Institut für Bioinformatik, UMIT, Hall in Tirol

A Network-based Approach to Classify Disease Stages of Prostate...

Where, BIOCOMP. Authors, Laurin A. J. Mueller, Karl G. Kugler, Andreas Dander, Christian Baumgartner, Armin Graber, Matthias Dehmer ...

(PDF) Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Image Distortion...

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Image Distortion Model Michael Springmann a,∗ , Andreas Dander b , Heiko Schuldt a a Database and ...

konstantinova: Konstantinova in QuACN: QuACN: Quantitative Analysis...

This method calculates the Konstantinova index

Kohlschütter-Tönz syndrome: mutations in ROGDI and ...read.qxmd.com › read › kohlschã-...

Anna Schossig, Nicole I Wolf, Christine Fischer, Maria Fischer, Gernot Stocker, Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Bernhard Steiner, Otmar Tönz, Dieter Kotzot ...

OpenSlide: A vendor-neutral software foundation for digital pathology...

Journal of Pathology Informatics, Journal of Pathology Informatics is official publications of The Association for Pathology Informatics

SIMPLEX: Cloud-Enabled Pipeline for the Comprehensive Analysis of...

Andreas Dander,. Affiliations: Division for Bioinformatics, Biocenter, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, Oncotyrol, Center for ...

POS is released under the AGPL V3 (GNU Affero General Public ...icbi.i-med.ac.at › pos › license

Copyright (C) Andreas Dander This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public ...

Personalized Oncology Suite: integrating next-generation ...cyberleninka.org › article

Similar topics of scientific paper in Medical engineering , author of scholarly article — Andreas Dander, Matthias Baldauf, Michael Sperk, Stephan Pabinger, ...

QuACN: an R package for analyzing complex biological networks...

QuACN: an R package for analyzing complex biological networks quantitatively

SIMPLEX: cloud-enabled pipeline for the comprehensive ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Authors. Maria Fischer , Rene Snajder, Stephan Pabinger, Andreas Dander, Anna Schossig, Johannes Zschocke, Zlatko Trajanoski, Gernot Stocker ...

SeqBench: Integrated solution for the management and ...cyberleninka.org › article

Similar topics of scientific paper in Medical engineering , author of scholarly article — Andreas Dander, Stephan Pabinger, Michael Sperk, Maria Fischer, Gernot ...

T I R O L E R B A D M I N T O N V E R B A N D Jahresbericht

5 Mix - Doppel HULAK Filip MÜHLBACHER Karin PESSERER Andreas DANDER Christina UNTERLEITNER Hannes LACKNER Monika Druckdatum:.

Tutorial on Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis - Basepair

Pabinger, Stephan, Andreas Dander, Maria Fischer, Rene Snajder, Michael Sperk, Mirjana Efremova, Birgit Krabichler, Michael R. Speicher, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Andreas

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Andreas; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von PetrusMännlicher Vorname (Altgriechisch, Lateinisch): Andreas; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von Petrus Andreas bedeutet auf Altgriechisch "der Tapfere".

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dander

Der Nachname "Dander" ist mir aus dem Raum Tilsit bekannt: Dort siedelten Protestanten, die das katholische Umland von Salzburg verlassen mussten. Heute erinnert man sich - auch in Salzburg - mit Bedauern an diese Vertreibung.

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Andreas Dander & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Andreas Dander und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.