35 Infos zu Andreas Lueschow

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Hier gibt es Hilfe - B.Z. – Die Stimme Berlins

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4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Andreas Lueschow | LinkedIn

Andreas Lueschows berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Andreas Lueschow ...

LinkedIn: Andreas Lueschow | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Andreas Lueschow (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

Iris Deffke | AceMap

Iris Deffke, T H Sander, J O Heidenreich, Werner Sommer, Gabriel Curio, Lutz Trahms, Andreas Lueschow Both Early M N170 and Later Ms Face Related Activity Are Localized in Fusiform Gyrus For Simultaneously Acquired Meg and Eeg Data · http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S

Loop | Andreas Lueschow

... and this website relies on Javascript to function properly. Please enable Javascript. Profile picture. Andreas Lueschow. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Johannes Mohr, Julia Seyfarth, Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber,...

Johannes Mohr, Julia Seyfarth, Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber, Felix A. Wichmann & Klaus Obermayer · Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016). Like.

1 Bücher zum Namen

Large-scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain - Google Books

Andreas Lueschow and Leslie Ungerleider provided helpful comments on the manuscript. The work was supported in part by the Human Frontiers Science Program Organization and the Office of Naval Research. CT Some Further Ideas Regarding the Neuronal ^ Basis of 91 The Interaction of Neural Systems for Attention ...

1 Dokumente

MEG/EEG sources of the 170-ms response to faces are co-localized in...

Authors: Lutz Trahms, Werner Sommer, Andreas Lueschow, Iris Deffke, Tilmann Sander, Jens Heidenreich, Gabriel Curio. Publication date: ...

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Andreas Lueschow

List of computer science publications by Andreas Lueschow

BOiS - Berlin Object in Scene Database

[1] Johannes Mohr*, Julia Seyfarth*, Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber, Felix A. Wichmann, Klaus Obermayer (2016). BOiS - Berlin Object in Scene Database: Controlled Photographic Images for Visual Search Experiments with Quantified Contextual Priors. Front. Psychol. 7:749. doi: fpsyg

dblp: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 49

Bibliographic content of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 49

Dissociation of facial attractiveness and distinctiveness processing...

Responsibility: Claus-Christian Carbon, Thomas Grüter, Martina Grüter, Joachim E. Weber and Andreas Lueschow. Language(s):, German. Title of the ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Dysfunctional action control as a specific feature of Parkinson’s...

NEUROLOGY AND PRECLINICAL NEUROLOGICAL STUDIES - ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Dysfunctional action control as a specific feature of Parkinson's disease. Frank Marzinzik • Anja Herrmann • Jacob H. Gogarten •. Andreas Lueschow • Joachim E. Weber •. Katharina A. Schindlbeck • Fabian Klostermann.

17 Webfunde aus dem Netz



Barak A. Pearlmuttter Publications

(pdf, djvu); Guido Nolte, Till Sander, Andreas Lueschow, and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Nonlinear properties of human alpha rhythm . Submitted. Barak A. Pearlmutter, with Akaysha C. Tang, Natalie A. Malaszenko, and Daniel B. Phung. Independent Components of Magnetoencephalography: Single-Trial Response Time ...

Affective processing of loved familiar faces: integrating central ...read.qxmd.com › read › affective-processing-of-l...

Hannes O Tiedt, Klaus M Beier, Andreas Lueschow, Alfred Pauls, Joachim E Weber Biological Psychology 2014, 103: Neural substrates for functionally ...

Characterization of subjects with congenital prosopagnosia by ...jov.arvojournals.org › article

Joachim E. Weber; Tilmann Sander; Claus C. Carbon; Thomas Grueter; Martina Grueter; Gabriel Curio; Lutz Trahms; Andreas Lueschow. Author Affiliations.

Dr. med. Andreas Lüschow in Berlin FA für Neurologie - ärzte.de...

➤ Dr. med. Andreas Lüschow in Berlin FA für Neurologie ➤ Bewertungen, Leistungen, Telefonnummern, Öffnungszeiten, Online Wunsch-Termin ➤ Jetzt klicken!

Linking brainwaves to the brain: an ERP primer | Read by QxMDread.qxmd.com › read › linking-br...

Stephan G Boehm, Werner Sommer, Andreas Lueschow International Journal of Psychophysiology 2005, 55 (1): Topographic ERP analyses: a ...

Looking for faces: Attention modulates early occipitotemporal object...

Looking for somebody's face in a crowd is one of the most important examples of visual search. For this goal, attention has to be directed to a well-defined...

MEG result.

posted on , 04:07 by Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber, Claus-Christian Carbon, Iris Deffke, Tilmann Sander, Thomas Grüter, Martina Grüter, ...

Reduced configural processing abilities in congenital prosopagnosia |...

... processing abilities in congenital prosopagnosia. Claus C. Carbon; Helmut Leder; Thomas Grueter; Martina Grueter; Joachim E. Weber; Andreas Lueschow.

The 170ms Response to Faces as Measured by MEG (M170) Is Consistently...

Author(s): Andreas Lueschow 1,*, Joachim E. Weber 1,*, Claus-Christian Carbon 2, Iris Deffke 1, Tilmann Sander 3, Thomas Grüter 2, Martina Grüter 2, Lutz ...

Top-down vs. bottom-up guidance of eye ePosterswww.eposters.net › poster › top-do...

Mohr, Johannes, Julia Seyfarth, Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber, Felix A. Wichmann, and Klaus Obermayer. "BOiS—Berlin Object in ...

[InetBib] Workshop in Saarbrücken: Overcoming language barriers -...

Date: Thu, 18 Apr :47:59 +0200; From: Andreas Lueschow via InetBib ... Josef van Genabith, Andreas Lüschow, Vivien Petras, Roland Ramthun, Juliane ...

The 170ms Response to Faces as Measured by MEG (M170) Is Consistently...

Andreas Lueschow ,. Contributed equally to this work with: Andreas Lueschow, Joachim E. Weber. *  ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Andreas

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Andreas; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von PetrusMännlicher Vorname (Altgriechisch, Lateinisch): Andreas; der Männliche, der Tapfere; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); andreios = mannhaft, tapfer; bekannt durch den hl. Andreas, Apostel, Bruder von Petrus Andreas bedeutet auf Altgriechisch "der Tapfere".

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