43 Infos zu Angelika Deike

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Zimmermann: Personensuche mit Ergebnissen

... Leonie-Marie Zimmermann · Angelika Deike Zimmermann · Angelika Lakis Zimmermann · Angelika A Zimmermann · Hildegard Zimmermann · Rainer Zimmermann ... › nachnamen › Zimmer...

Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Oberurseler Woche finden Sie immer...

Danach wurde auch der mit Urkunden geehrt und Tänzerin und Trainerin Angelika Deike erhielt die hrennadel. Foto: Klein Sperrungen beim ...

Rinteln: Positive Bilanz nach Öko- und Bauernmarkt 2022www.sn-online.de › Lokales › Schaumburg › Rinteln

· „Wir zaubern den Menschen ein Lächeln ins Gesicht“, so Angelika Deike-Zimmer, die originelle Filzfigürchen verkaufte. Das ist ihr und vielen ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Angelika Deike aus Goslar

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

LinkedIn: Angelika Deike – Chief Accountant – Vincotech GmbH | LinkedIn

› angelika-deike-08a

1 Traueranzeigen

Traueranzeigen von Angelika Deike | trauer-anzeigen.de

WEBAngelika Deike. * † Erstellt von Trauer-Anzeigen.de. Angelegt am Besuche. WERDEN SIE INHABER DIESER GEDENKSEITE UND …

3 Dokumente

Gunther - study - Short communication Stimulated expression of TNF ...www.studocu.com › document › university-of-ottawa

We are grateful to Angelika Deike, Ba ̈rbel Pletz and Anne Berndt for their dedicated technical assistance. This study contributes to the thesis of Shuzhen ...

[PDF] Landessportbund Berlin - Seniorensportlsb-berlin.net › redaktion › img › LSB_Seniorensport_ _-_web

· Angelika Deike, www.VfV-Spandau.de. ▫ Badminton. Fr. 20:00-21:30. Charlie-Rivel-Grundschule.

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

C/EBP-beta drives expression of the nutritionally regulated promoter ...www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii

We are grateful to Angelika Deike and Bärbel Pletz for technical assistance and Dr. Wolfgang Tomek for help with the ECL detection system.

Comparison of the pathogen species-specific immune response in udder...

We are grateful for the expert technical assistance by Angelika Deike. Prof. Ulrich Dobrindt (University of Münster, Germany) kindly provided the ...

[PDF] Glucocorticoid receptor-mediated responses to immune stress in ...bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de › xmlui › bitstream › handle

The authors thank Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, Janine Wetzel, Nicole Gentz, Birgit Sobczak, and Evelin Normann for excellent technical help, ...

Epigenetic mechanisms contribute to enhanced expression of ...www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii

We are grateful for the dedicated assistance of Angelika Deike. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, FOR585, ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Comparison of the pathogen species-specific immune response in udder...

We are grateful for the expert technical assistance by Angelika Deike. Prof. Ulrich Dobrindt (University of Münster, Germany) kindly provided the MAC-T cells. We are also very grateful to Prof. Y. Schukken for providing the large collection of E. coli isolates from cases of mastitis. This study was supported by ...

(PDF) A natural Ala610Val substitution causing glucocorticoid ...www.researchgate.net › publication

· The authors thank Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, Janine Wetzel, Nicole Gentz, Birgit Sobczak, and Evelin Normann for excellent technical ...

Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 expression is downregulated in liver and...

We are grateful to Angelika Deike for her technical support. Thanks are due to Dr. Jianqiang Mao (Baylor College, Houston, TX, U.S.A.) for ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Schöngeist - FAKE NEWS

Make Up: Angelika Deike Cast / Band The censor: Timur Karakus The servants: Daniel Beutner, Andreas Kellner, Manuel Di Camillo, Jan Zehrfeld The boy: Show ...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

(PDF) Streptococcus uberis strains isolated from the bovine ...www.academia.edu › Streptococcus_uberis_strains_i...

... expert technical assistance by Angelika Deike, Bärbel the mammary gland after experimental Streptococcus uberis challenge in Pletz and Emma Schröder.

Brain Transcriptome Responses to Dexamethasone Depending on ...www.karger.com › Article › FullText

The authors thank Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, and Marlies Fuchs for their excellent technical help; the whole staff of the experimental farm (EAS) for ...

C/EBP-beta drives expression of the nutritionally regulated promoter ...utsouthwestern.pure.elsevier.com › publications › ce...

note = "Funding Information: We are grateful to Angelika Deike and B{\"a}rbel Pletz for technical assistance and Dr. Wolfgang Tomek for help with the ECL ...

Comparison of the pathogen species-specific immune response in udder...

Gale Academic OneFile includes Comparison of the pathogen species-specific immune resp by Juliane Gunther, Mirja Koy, Anne Bertho. Click to explore.

Comparison of the pathogen species-specific immune response in ...docksci.com › ...

Acknowledgements We are grateful for the expert technical assistance by Angelika Deike. Prof. Ulrich Dobrindt (University of Münster, Germany) kindly ...

Extracellular milieu grossly alters pathogen-specific immune ...cyberleninka.org › article

We are grateful for the dedicated technical assistance by Angelika Deike, and Bärbel Pletz as well as Olga Mannweiler for providing the S. aureus lysates.

IJMS | Free Full-Text | Kinetics of Physiological and Behavioural...

von Z Li · · Zitiert von: 4 — The authors thank Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, Janine Wetzel, Nicole Gentz, Birgit Sobczak, and Evelin Normann for excellent technical help, ... › htm

Kinetics of Physiological and Behavioural Responses in MDPIwww.mdpi.com › ...

The authors thank Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, Janine Wetzel, Nicole Gentz, Birgit Sobczak, and Evelin Normann for excellent technical help, ...

Lingual antimicrobial peptide and IL-8 expression are oppositely ...utsouthwestern.pure.elsevier.com › publications › li...

... to the doctoral thesis of S.L. and I.B. We are grateful for the excellent technical assistance of Angelika Deike, Anne Berndt and B{\"a}rbel Pletz.

Promoter II of the bovine acetyl-coenzyme A COEK.INFO

Acknowledgements We are grateful for the technical assistance of Angelika Deike and Anja Stoll, and for the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ... › pdf-promoter-ii-...

Promoter II of the bovine acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase-α ...

note = "Funding Information: We are grateful for the technical assistance of Angelika Deike and Anja Stoll, and for the support of the Deutsche ... › ...

TLR ligands, but not modulators of histone modifiers Europe PMCeuropepmc.org › article › med

We are grateful to Emma Schröder, Angelika Deike and Antje Lehmann for their technical assistance. Dr Katarzyna A Duda (Research Center Borstel, ...

DNA-remethylation around a STAT5-binding enhancer in the αS1-casein...

Mrs Angelika Deike, Maren Anders, Bärbel Pletz and Marlis Deutscher provided expert technical assistance. Funding. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (grants Se & 12-2). The European Community through the EADGENE Network of Excellence also supported this work.

[PDF] specific immune response of mammary epithelial cellsrepository.helmholtz-hzi.de › bitstream › handle

We are grateful for the dedicated technical assistance by Angelika Deike, and. Bärbel Pletz as well as Olga Mannweiler for providing the S. aureus lysates.

Glucocorticoid receptor hypersensitivity enhances inflammatory ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC

· The authors thank Angelika Deike, Marlies Fuchs, Angela Garve, and Janine Wetzel for excellent technical help and the whole staff of the ...

Transcriptome Responses to Dexamethasone Depending on Dose ...www.frontiersin.org › fgene › full

· The authors thank Frank Weber for his support in mRNA-Seq data analysis, Angelika Deike, Angela Garve, and Marlies Fuchs for their excellent ...

Streptococcus uberis strains isolated from the bovine mammary gland ...

We are grateful for the expert technical assistance by Angelika Deike, Bärbel. Pletz and Emma Schröder. This study was supported by Pfizer/Zoetis through.

ST2 from rainbow trout quenches TLR signalling, localises at the ...

Angelika Deike, Luisa Falkenthal, and Marlies Fuchs is greatly appreciated. Carsten Kühn (Landesforschungsanstalt für Land- wirtschaft und Fischerei, Born, Germany) is gratefully acknowl- edged for providing the BORN trout. Furthermore, we thank. Andreas Borchel (Sea Lice Research Center, University ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Angelika

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Angelika; engelhaft; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); angelicus = engelhaft

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Deike

Ob das generell für diesen Namen zutrifft kann ich nicht sagen. Aber meine Mutter war eine geborene Deike, und nach meiner erfolgreichen Ahnenforschung in Ostpreußen geht dieser Familienstamm (bis 1606) nachweislich auf den Wasserbaumeister Gerardus van Dijk, gebürtig aus Holland stammend, zurück. Später wurde der Name eingedeutscht in Deik, Deicke und zuletzt in Deike. Reinhard Umlauft

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