19 Infos zu Angelika Schmuker
Mehr erfahren über Angelika Schmuker
Infos zu
- Irina Solovyeva
- Tahir Ali
- Microthlaspi
- ATR1
- Ann-Katrin
- Fabian Runge
- Marco Thines
- Lisa Nigrelli
- Morphology
- Xiaojuan Xia
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Angelika Schmuker | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Angelika Schmuker, with 2 highly influential citations and 7 scientific research papers.
1 Bücher zum Namen
Morphology, Phylogeny, and Taxonomy of Microthlaspi (brassicaceaeTitle, Morphology, Phylogeny, and Taxonomy of Microthlaspi (brassicaceae: Coluteocarpeae) and Related Genera. Authors, Tahir Ali, Angelika Schmuker, Fabian Runge, Irina Solovyeva, Lisa Nigrelli, Juraj Paule, Ann-Katrin Buch, Xiaojuan Xia, Sebastian Ploch, Ouria Orren, Volker Kummer, Ib Linde-Laursen, Marian ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Flora | Vol 225, Pages (November 2016) | ScienceDirect.com by...... ranging from the Alps to the Tien Shan. Original research article: Pages Tahir Ali, Fabian Runge, Ayan Dutbayev, Angelika Schmuker, ... Marco Thines.
OPUS 4 | Morphology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of microthlaspi...Jun 23, · Tahir Ali, Angelika Schmuker, Fabian Runge, Irina Solovyeva, Lisa Nigrelli, ... Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum (BiK-F).
The genome of microthlaspi erraticum (brassicaceae) provides ...publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de › index › index › year › docIdJul 6, · Bagdevi Mishra, Sebastian Ploch, Fabian Runge, Angelika Schmuker, Xiaojuan Xia, ... Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum (BiK-F).
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Modelling of structures of ATR1-homologs from sister species of...The basal immune system of plants fights pathogens by recognising conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns. To bypass this, pathogens secrete effec
Evolution of Hyaloperonospora effectors: ATR1 effector homologs from...Like other plant-pathogenic oomycetes, downy mildew species of the genus Hyaloperonospora manipulate their hosts by secreting effector proteins. Despite in
9 Webfunde aus dem Netz
SpringerCitations - Details PageIrina Solovyeva, Angelika Schmuker, Liliana M. Cano, Show All (7) Mireille Damme, ... Bagdevi Mishra, Irina Solovyeva, Angelika Schmuker and Marco Thines.
Altmetric – Evolution of Hyaloperonospora effectors: ATR1 effector...Evolution of Hyaloperonospora effectors: ATR1 effector homologs from sister species of the downy mildew pathogen H. arabidopsidis are not recognised by RPP1WsB. Published in. Mycological Progress, June DOI, s Authors. Irina Solovyeva, Angelika Schmuker, Liliana M. Cano, Mireille ...
Evolution of Hyaloperonospora effectors: ATR1 effector homologs from...... effector homologs from sister species of the downy mildew pathogen H. arabidopsidis are not recognised by RPP1WsB. Irina Solovyeva, Angelika Schmuker, ...
Image_4_The Genome of Microthlaspi erraticum (Brassicaceae) Provides...posted on , 05:56 by Bagdevi Mishra, Sebastian Ploch, Fabian Runge, Angelika Schmuker, Xiaojuan Xia, Deepak K. Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Marco ...
Microthlaspi erraticum (Jord.) T. Ali et Thines has a wide...Microthlaspi erraticum (Jord.) T. Ali et Thines has a wide distribution, ranging from the Alps to the Tien Shan [2016]. Ali, Tahir Ali Òªelik Angelika Schmuker Ann-Katrin Buch et al. Access the full text: Lookup the document at: google-logo. Microthlaspi erraticum (Jord.) T. Ali et Thines has a wide distribution, ranging from the ...
Microthlaspi erraticum (Jord.) T. Ali et Thines has a wide...Tahir Ali, Fabian Runge, Ayan Dutbayev, Angelika Schmuker, Irina Solovyeva, Lisa Nigrelli, Ann-Katrin Buch, Xiaojuan Xia, … [ more ]. Details · Contributors ...
P E R U. Seminar für Botanik (BIO) Hauptseminar in Botanik (HL) - PDF...Spektrum Heidelberg. vorgetragen am von Angelika Schmuker Das Klima Südamerikas Das Klima Südamerikas In Südamerika sind alle Klimazonen ...
taxonomy related to morphologyDimorphism is … Morphology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Microthlaspi (Brassicaceae: Coluteocarpeae) and related genera Tahir Ali, 1,2 Angelika Schmuker,3 ...
Detail: PHKA· Angelika Schmuker (2017): Universal Design – formative Evaluation einer innovativen Ausstellung im Nationalpark Schwarzwald.Es fehlt: linkedin | Muss Folgendes enthalten:linkedin · Angelika Schmuker (2017): Universal Design – formative Evaluation einer innovativen Ausstellung im Nationalpark Schwarzwald. Es fehlt: linkedin | Muss Folgendes enthalten:linkedin
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Angelika
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Angelika; engelhaft; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); angelicus = engelhaft
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