85 Infos zu Anil Nagathil

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Dr. / Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Bochum / Digitale Sprach- und Audiosignalverarbeitung, Matlab-Programmierung, Linux, …, Maschinelles Lernen / , Deutsche Telekom AG, Laboratories, Berlin

Anil Nagathil Ruhr-Universität Bochum | RUB - ResearchGate

› Anil...

8 Bücher zum Namen

Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 7th International...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO held in Sheffield,...

Finite Element Simulation of External Ear Sound Fields for the...

The sound pressure pT at the human eardrum has essential advantages as reference signal in audiological and psychoacoustical experiments. Unfortunately,...

Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications - Google Books

This book provides a comprehensive overview of music data analysis, from introductory material to advanced concepts. It covers various applications including...

Finite Element Simulation of External Ear Sound Fields for ...

Ing. Anil Nagathil, Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Schasse und Dipl.-Ing. Dominic Schmid. Für mehr als nur administrative oder technische Hilfestellung sei den ...

18 Dokumente

Bachelor-Grundlagenpraktikum ETIT, WS Liste der ...

I3 Martin Anil Nagathil I4 Sezgin Anas Chaaban Stand Author: Hinz Created Date: …

Versuch Bereich Versuchsbetreuer bzw. Kontakt Zimmer …

I3 Martin Anil Nagathil ID I4 Sezgin Anas Chaaban ID I4 Sezgin Kevin Ramm ID

[PDF] Citations to publications of Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello Total:...

, Katya Rodriguez-Vazquez, Miguel A. Castaneda and Fernando  castaneda tensegrity

[PDF] DAGA 2010www.dbz.de › download › daga_2010_programm

Jan 5, · Ing. Anil Nagathil für seine Diplomarbeit: „Development and. Analysis of Robust Features for ... Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin.

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Signal Processing | Special Issue on ad hoc microphone ...

Sebastian Gergen, Anil Nagathil, Rainer Martin. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article TOA sensor network self-calibration for receiver ... › vol

dblp: Sebastian Gergen

List of computer science publications by Sebastian Gergen

Fakultät Statistik

69/16: Ekaterina Krymova, Anil Nagathil, Denis Belomestny, Rainer Martin A new method for adaptive spectral complexity reduction of music signals : ...

Publications : Signal Processing (SP) : Universität Hamburg

Five Selected Recent Publications. Timo Gerkmann and Emmanuel Vincent, "Spectral Masking and Filtering", In E. Vincent, ... Anil Nagathil, Timo Gerkmann, ...

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


von D Belomestny — Discussion Paper Ekaterina Krymova, Anil Nagathil,. Denis Belomestny, Rainer Martin. Nr Page 2. Page 3. A new method for adaptive spectral ... › download › pdf

Sprachrohr Heft Juni Deutsche Gesellschaft ...

— Ing. Anil Nagathil,Diplomarbeit an der Ruhr‐UniversitätBochum mit dem Titel„Development and Analysis ofRobust Features for the ... › document › view › sprachro...

IT-Sicherheit / Informationstech- nik - Fakultät für Informatik

Dozenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Martin. Dr.-Ing. Aleksej Chinaev. Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Gauer. M. Sc. Benjamin Lentz. Dr.-Ing. Anil Nagathil. Sprache: Deutsch. › uploads › › 2...

Music & CI Symposium - Music & Cochlear Implants

— Authors: Johannes Gauer, Anil Nagathil, Benjamin Lentz and Rainer Martin. Affiliations: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute of Communication ... › › M...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: IKA RUB on Twitter: "Congratulations to Benjamin Lentz, Anil ...

— Congratulations to Benjamin Lentz, Anil Nagathil, Johannes Gauer, and Rainer Martin for their #icassp2020 accepted paper on ... › ika_rub › status

40 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Anil Nagathil‬ - ‪Google 學術搜尋‬

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Anil Nagathil

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, sechstgrößte Universität in Deutschland

Publications // University of Oldenburg

Anil Nagathil, Timo Gerkmann, Rainer Martin, "Musical Genre Classification Based on a Highly-resolved Cepstral Modulation Spectrum", European Signal Processing Conference


Anil Nagathil vom Institut für Kommunikationsakustik der Ruhr-Universität entwickelte in seiner Diplomarbeit eine Methode, um Sprach- und Audiosignale zu ...

Anil Nagathil - AnyPaper[论文搜索下载终结者] - 洛奇Town

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Anil Nagathil ( ) - ORCID

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Published by European Association for Signal, Speech, and Image...

... Cepstral Modulation Spectrum Anil Nagathil (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ... and Affective Ratings Shiva Sundaram (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, ...

July , Granlibakken Conference. Center. Lake Tahoe, CA - PDF...

MODEL: Anil Nagathil, Jan-Willem Schlattmann, Katrin Neumann, Rainer Martin  ...

SIGMA #40 | sig-ma.de

The program of the following 40th SIGMA meeting on , 14:00-16:00, which takes place at Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund, ... Anil Nagathil: Music ...

22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie

von B Lentz — presenting/speaker · Anil Nagathil - Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Bochum, Deutschland · Johannes Gauer - Ruhr › dga2019

A new method for adaptive spectral complexity reduction of ...

Benjamin Lentz, Anil Nagathil, Johannes Gauer, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 机译:人工耳蜗听众的音乐信号 ... › open-access...

ICASSP 2017: Session Index

Ekaterina Krymova, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany; Anil Nagathil, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; Denis Belomestny, Universität Duisburg-Essen, ...

EUSIPCO Preparations - Pursuits in the Null Space

Musical Genre Classification Based on a Highly-resolved Cepstral Modulation Spectrum; Anil Nagathil (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany); ...

A versatile deep-neural-network-based music preprocessing ...

von J Gauer · — Authors. Johannes Gauer , Anil Nagathil , Kai Eckel , Denis Belomestny , Rainer Martin. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Communication Acoustics, ... › ...

Autor: "Claus Weihs" - Prolib Integro

Anil Nagathil · Claus Weihs: Pokaż więcej; Temat : Acoustics and Ultrasonics · Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) · Timbre · Frequency domain › ...

BibTeX bibliography ieeeacmtaslp.bib - Index of files in /

... @Article{Nagathil:2016:SCR, author = "Anil Nagathil and Claus Weihs and Rainer Martin", title = "Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals for ... › pub › tex › bib › ieeeacmtaslp

CMMR Program Overview - CNRS

Anil Nagathil, Rainer Martin; 15: :50 Evaluation of New Music Compositions in Live Concerts by Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners. › p...

Harmonic/Percussive Sound Separation And Spectral ...

Authors: Benjamin Lentz, Anil Nagathil, Johannes Gauer, Rainer Martin. Video Length / Slide Count: 0:12:03. Cochlear implant (CI) users suffer from ... › ...

ICASSP Table of Contents

Benjamin Lentz, Anil Nagathil, Johannes Gauer, Rainer Martin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. SS-L11.4: BIO-MIMETIC ATTENTIONAL FEEDBACK IN MUSIC SOURCE . › yUGvtmgRTKrg...

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | 표준 저널 약어 (ISO4)

Making Music More Accessible for Cochlear Implant Listeners: Recent Developments · Waldo Nogueira · Anil Nagathil · Rainer Martin. › ...

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