232 Infos zu Anita Dube

Mehr erfahren über Anita Dube

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13 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Anita Dube reveals her unique 'contaminated' vision for Kochi...

Art, to Anita Dube, ought to be as edifying as it is entertaining, it should combine awareness with allure.

anita dube: Latest News & Videos, Photos about anita dube | The...

anita dube Latest Breaking News, Pictures, Videos, and Special Reports from The Economic Times. anita dube Blogs, Comments and Archive News on...

Anita Dube announced curator of Kochi Biennale - SheThePeople TV

Kochi Biennale announced Anita Dube as curator for the edition of the now global art extravaganza. Anita, born 1958, is an Indian contemporary artist...

Anita Dube: The Biennale will be a celebration of coming together and...

She is the curator of the next edition of Kochi Muziris Biennale

80  Bilder zu Anita Dube

Bild zu Anita Dube
Bild zu Anita Dube
Bild zu Anita Dube
Bild zu Anita Dube
Bild zu Anita Dube
Bild zu Anita Dube

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Anita Dube

Facebook: Anita Dubé

Facebook: Artist anita dube - About | Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Artist anita dube › About

LinkedIn: Anita Dube ( Pr.Sci.Nat) - Microbiologist/ Biotechnologist - NUST ...zw.linkedin.com › anita-dube-pr-sci-nat b6b

View Anita Dube ( Pr.Sci.Nat)'s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Anita has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

Anita Dube Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images

Find the perfect Anita Dube stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from premium Anita Dube of the highest quality.

Anita Dube | Artist | ArtFacts

The artist Anita Dube is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...

Anita Dube Stock Pictures, Royalty-free Photos & Images - Getty Images

Find high-quality Anita Dube stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Download premium images you can't get anywhere else.

1 Business-Profile


Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie ANITA DUBE direkt bei XING.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Anita Dube: Latest News and Features About Anita Dube

Forbes India Search Results

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Anita Dube

Actress, To Let The World In: Volume 1

2 Traueranzeigen

Anita Dubé Obituary - Saint-Hubert, QC - Share Memory

Share Memory

Obituary of Anita Dubé - Saint-Hubert, QC - Dignity Memorialwww.dignitymemorial.com › anita-dube

· Celebrate the life of Anita Dubé, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of La Maison Darche Services ...

2 Angaben zur Herkunft

Anita Dube in the Census | Ancestry®

View Anita Dube's US census record to find family members, occupation details & more. Access is free so discover Anita Dube's story today.

Anita Dube - Ancestry.com

Anita Dube. Spouse. Charles E Darling. Mother. given name surname. Father. given name Dube. Birth. abt year. Marriage. location dd mm ...

1 Projekte

Anita Dube Named Curator of Kochi-Muziris Biennale | artnet News

The Indian artist Anita Dube has been appointed curator for the fourth edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, slated to open in December

7 Bücher zum Namen

ANITA DUBE (1958) | Fotograf, Maler | Preise, Verkäufe, Auktionen

Kunstwerk finden, Versteigerungsergebnisse und Verkaufspreise des Künstlers Anita Dube auf italienischen und internationalen Auktionen.

ANITA DUBE (1958) Photographer, Painter | Artworks, prices,...

Anita Dube - artwork prices, pictures and values. Art market estimated value about Anita Dube works of art. Email alerts for new artworks on sale.

Why Are We 'Artists'?: 100 World Art Manifestosbooks.google.ch › books

'Questions and Dialogue' (1987), by Anita Dube. First published in the Kerala Radicals' exhibition catalogue (Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda, 1987). Copy of the ...

A Companion to Feminist Art - Google Books

Original essays offering fresh ideas and global perspectives on contemporary feminist art The term ‘feminist art’ is often misused when viewed as a...

1 Dokumente

Dube, Anita [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Anita Dube. Stargazing( Book ) 2 editions published in in English and held by 18 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

ANITA DUBE - JSTORwww.jstor.org › stable

Anita Dube. The work of Indian artist Anita Dube touches on the hallucinatory prowess, the psychedelic proficiency, and the constant transmogrification of ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

anita dube strike - St Columba's Church, Darlingtonwww.stcolumbasdarlington.co.uk › tim-hortons-iquif

· Contemporary artist Anita Dube at her residence in New Delhi Anita Dube, Short Stories by Kafka – An Everyday Occurrence, 2014, steel ...

Anita Dube - Wikidata

Indian artist

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Anita Dube - Wikipedia

Anita Dube (born 28 November 1958) is an Indian contemporary artist whose work has been widely exhibited in India, including at the Lakeeren Gallery ... Career · Later work

Artist Interview: Anita Dube - Walker Art Centerwalkerart.org › magazine › artist-interview-anita-dube

Initially trained as an art historian and critic, Anita Dube creates works with a conceptual language that valorizes the sculptural fragment as a bearer of ...

Anita Dube News Photos Videos - Rediff.com

Latest news - Anita Dube, Photos - Anita Dube, Videos - Anita Dube.Anita Dube updates on Rediff News

Tagged with Anita Dube - Art Radar Asiaartradarasia.wordpress.com › tag › anita-dube

· Anita Dube, River Disease, MIDDLE EAST SOUTH ASIA ART. Two influential art enterprises, Green Cardamom and Middle Eastern gallery The ...

92 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Anita Dube: On a journey through the art world | Shevlin Sebastian ...

By Shevlin Sebastian. On the phone from New Delhi, Anita Dube sounds rushed. But that is understandable. Ever since she was appointed as the curator of the fourth edition of the Kochi Muziris Biennale, which will begin in December, 2018, she has been on a series of travels. Anita has been to Malaysia, ...

anita dube | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

anita has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover anita's connections and jobs at similar companies.

Silence (Blood Wedding) - Anita Dube — Google Arts & Cultureartsandculture.google.com › asset › silence-blood-wedding-anita-dube

Anita Dube made Silence (Blood Wedding) at a time of intense emotional disturbance. She was dealing with a failed relationship and her father was diagnosed.

Anita Dube — Google Arts & Culture

Anita Dube is an Indian contemporary artist whose work has been widely exhibited in India, including at the Lakeeren Gallery; Kiran Nadar Museum of Art; th...

Anita Dube — Google Arts & Cultureartsandculture.google.com › entity

Born Nov 28, Anita Dube is an Indian contemporary artist whose work has been widely exhibited in India, including at the Lakeeren Gallery; Kiran Nadar ...

Anita DUBE (1958) : Auktionen, Preise, Indizes und Biografien ...

Anita DUBE: Internationale Auktionen aller Kunstgattungen: Gemälde, Skulptur Volumen, Fotografie. Der Markt des Künstlers sowie seine Biografie, Indizes und ...

#ThrowbackThursday with Anita Dube - Platform-Magwww.platform-mag.com › art › throwbackthursday-...

Born to doctor parents in Lucknow, Anita Dube became an artist by accident. It took her 10 years to establish herself as an artist more than a writer.

ANITA DUBE - Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art - Sotheby'swww.sothebys.com › anita-dube-offering-triptych

ANITA DUBE. b OFFERING (TRIPTYCH). Digital C-print. Titled, dated and editioned '"Offering" ed 4/5' on reverse of backboard of each photograph.



Anita DUBE - Editions des femmes - Antoinette Fouquewww.dictionnaire-creatrices.com › fiche-anita-dube

Anita Dube studied Art History and Criticism at the University of Delhi and Baroda (now Vadodara) Faculty of Fine Arts. She went on to write texts for the ...

Anita DUBE » dominique fiatdominiquefiat.com › artists › anita-dube

artists · current exhibition · past exhibitions · news · fairs · Newsletter · Editions · contact · Africa Aperta. ANITA DUBE. exhibition · biography · reviews · exhibition

Anita Dube - Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions

Anita Dube est une artiste plasticienne femme indienne qui réalise des installations autour des thèmes de la migration humaine, de la mémoire, de la...

Anita Dube - ARTIANAartiana.com › Artist › Anita-Dube

Anita Dube. (b ) Born in Lucknow in 1958, Anita Dube completed her B.A. in history from University of Delhi in and her M.A. in art criticism from the ...

Artland - Discover and Buy Art Online

Artland is a dedicated platform for contemporary art. Discover, buy from galleries on a global scale and connect with art …s and art collectors.

Anita Dube - Ah (a sigh), | Phillipswww.phillips.com › detail › anita-...

View Ah (a sigh) by Anita Dube sold at New Art from India & Pakistan on 28 Jan Feb New York . Learn more about the piece and artist, and its final ...

Anita Dube - Almine Rech Gallery

For her first personal exhibition in Paris, Anita Dube will present a collection of her works based on the recycling, re-appropriation and transformation of ...

Anita Dube - Biografie. 4. Kochi-Muziris Biennale universes.art › kochi-muziris-biennale › anita-dube

Born in Lucknow in 1958, Anita Dube completed her BA (History) from Delhi University in and her MVA (Art Criticism) from the Faculty of Fine Arts, ...

Anita Dube

Anita Dube, l'une des artistes contemporaines indiennes les plus en vue, aborde les problèmes sociaux, religieux et politiques à travers un langage esthétique...

HerStory | Anita Dube

Anita Dube. 14th Feb In search of serendipity: Pooja Sood, Director of Khoj International Artists' Association · Inspiration. Remove. This website uses ...

Anita Dube - Net Worth, Age, Height, Bio, Birthday, Wiki!allfamousbirthday.com › anita-dube

Explore Anita Dube net worth, age, height, bio, birthday, wiki, salary, 2021! Famous Artist Anita Dube was born on November 28, in India.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Anita

Weiblicher Vorname (Spanisch): Anita; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dube

Der Name "Dube" geht auf das in den slawischen Sprachen vorkommende Wort "dub" zurück, das deutsch "Eiche" bedeutet. vermutlich auch verbunden mit Namensgebung aus dem slavischen Sprachraum ( Osteuropa) z.B. poln. "dubac´" = buddeln od. bohren/ kratzen, graben

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Anita Dube & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Anita Dube und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.