240 Infos zu Anna Dumitriu
Mehr erfahren über Anna Dumitriu
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- British
- Science
- Blurb
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- Artist in Residence
- BioArt and Bacteria
- BioArtist
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20 Aktuelle Nachrichten
AKTUELLES - foerderband.comtels.deThe third exhibition of the series [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies will be a solo retrospective of British artist Anna Dumitriu, whose work in the field of art and science brings together historical …
Anna Dumitriu: BioArt and Bacteria | University of OxfordExplore the microbial world, antibiotics and technology through art.The internationally renowned artist Anna Dumitriu takes visitors on an artistic journey...
Anna Dumitriu and Alex May talk on "The pandemic and art"European Media Art PlatformEMAP Artists Anna Dumitriu and Alex May will participate on February 6, in an online talk on "The pandemic and art" for the Sapporo International Art ...
Anna Dumitriu | AMRAntimicrobial Resistance Fighter CoalitionAnna Dumitriu. Artist and Resistance Fighter. Combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR). I'm a contemporary artist who collaborates with leading ...
65 Bilder zu Anna Dumitriu

31 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Anna DumitriuFacebook: Anna DumitriuLinkedIn: Anna Dumitriu - Artist in Residence on the Modernising Medical ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Anna Dumitriu auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Anna Dumitriu hat 13 Jobs im Profil angegeben.
LinkedIn: Anna Dumitriu | Profil professionnel - LinkedInVoir le profil de Anna Dumitriu sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Anna a 11 postes sur son profil. Consultez le profil complet ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Anna Dumitriu & Alex May Recent Works, Wright Gallery, College...Anna Dumitriu & Alex May Recent Works Hosted By Academy for the Visual & Performing Arts at Texas A&M University. Event starts on Monday, 5 March and...
NFTs, blockchain technologies and bio-conservationPhilPapersvon A Dumitriu · · Zitiert von: 1 — ... is done through a case study of an art project called 'Unruly Objects and Biological Conservation' created by Anna Dumitriu with support from Alex May.
1 Business-Profile
Anna DUMITRIU | Artist in Resident | Master of ArtsResearchGateThe project is led by Anna Dumitriu with a changing group of collaborators drawn from diverse backgrounds including: art, science, philosophy and technology, as ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Sequence von Anna Dumitriu | Blurb-Bücher DeutschlandEntdecken Sie Sequence von Anna Dumitriu bei Blurb. Catalogue for the "Sequence" project. "Sequence" aims to artistically investigate the emerging technology of ...
Anna Dumitriu (Author of Trust Me, I'm an Artist)reviews, published 2014)
The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture - Google...The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture collects thirty essays from a transdisciplinary array of experts on biology in art and architecture....
The STEAM Revolution: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science,...This volume is dedicated to collaborative research across STEM disciplines, the arts and humanities. It includes six sections, framed from a global perspective...
3 Dokumente
Anna Dumitriu, ArtistSlideShareAnna Dumitriu · Presentations (1). The Emergence of Consciousness at Lighthouse. 12 years ago • 204 Views. Download. Download · Personal Information. Organization ...
anna dumitriu - Media.Uoadisciplinary practice-based research. She has collaborated with scientists on at ...
Make do and Mend, anna duMitriuLeonardo/OlatsTHE SCIENCE MAKE DO AND MEND ANNA DUMITRIU. 1/ MGR-GRAMMAR, A Synthetic BioloGy Fet open pRoject. 2/ the ReSeARch GoAl AS Seen By the ScientiSt.
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: EVA 2015Bibliographic content of EVA 2015
Guest Lecture Series — Anna Dumitriu (artist, United Kingdom)Anna Dumitriu is a British artist who works with BioArt, sculpture, installation, and digital media to explore our relationship to infectious diseases, synthetic biology and technology. She has an …
Anna Dimitriu – MedientheorieThe second Zoom guest lecture by the Department of Media Theory will be held this summer term by the British artist Anna Dumitriu. The lecture will be hosted as a synchronous (real time) …
dblp: Anna DumitriuList of computer science publications by Anna Dumitriu
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Anna Dumitriu - WikidataVisual and performance artist
10 Meinungen & Artikel
An engagement with bacteria: Interview with Anna Dumitriu • Digicult...British artist Anna Dumitriu deals with a wide range of media, spanning from sculpture, installation to infective textiles and biology. She explores and questions ...
Anna Dumitriu: ‘Bacteria are living organisms that you can work with...Not many artists would want to work with bacteria, smelly faecal transplants or anthrax, but Dumitriu is at the crossover between science and art, as happy in...
ANNA DUMITRIU, biological matter as an artistic mediumCLOT Magazine— Cybernetic Bacteria is a thought-provoking performance made in in which Anna Dumitriu blends philosophical notions of the sublime with ...
Anna Dumitriu - Kath HowardWordPress.comAnna Dumitriu works within the fields of Bioart and bacteria, blurring the lines between art and science. Her work raises ethical issues caused by emerging ...
91 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dr Catriona Ryan (Senior Fellow HEA)'s Postlinkedin.comView profile for Anna Dumitriu. Anna Dumitriu. Award winning, internationally renowned visual artist working with BioArt, sculpture, installation, ...
AIR Anna Dumitriu & Alex May - BerlinArt & Science NodeAnna Dumitriu is a British artist working with BioArt, sculpture, installation & digital media to explore our relationship to infectious diseases, synthetic ...
Anna Dumitriu - BrightonPhoenix Art SpaceAnna Dumitriu. Post navigation. ← Previous artist · Next artist →. Twitter Instagram Facebook Youtube. Contact Us. PHOENIX ART SPACE. 10–14 Waterloo Place
Anna Dumitriu & Alex May | EMAP — European Media Art PlatformEMAN/EMARE grants of Anna Dumitriu & Alex May · LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (2018). Call. European Media Artists in Residence Exchange ...
Anna Dumitriu - The ART/DATA/HEALTH CommissionUniversity of BrightonAnna Dumitriu is currently working on a new project, a sculptural installation, looking at the rise of domestic abuse cases during the COVID-19 pandemic...
Anna Dumitriu: BioArt and Bacteria - Exhibition at Museum of the...BioArt and Bacteria is a contemporary art exhibition by internationally renowned artist Anna Dumitriu which explores our relationship with the microbial worl...
Anna Dumitriu And Alex May: Recent WorksTexas A&M UniversityAnna Dumitriu And Alex May: Recent Works ... Art, science, and technology combine in a fascinating fusion as the Wright Gallery of the Texas A&M College of ...
Anna Dumitriu - Med in ArtMed in ArtAnna Dumitriu’s work blurs the boundaries between art and science with a strong interest in the ethical issues raised by emerging
Anna Dumitriu Embroiders Deadly Bacteria, Antibiotics Into Textiles...Using one of the most unusual materials you could imagine, artist Anna Dumitriu transforms superbugs into elaborate clothing.
Microbes and art: Science of the Unseen, Anna Dumitriu, and more |...Take a Peek at the Artistic Sides of Mosquitoes, Bacteria, and Scientific Processes - Francesca Capossela - Vice In online exhibition, Science of the Unseen,...
poptronics ' Anna Dumitriu, collectionneuse de bactériesle site des cultures hacktives
Anna Dumitriu. The bacterial sublime. - Art Laboratory BerlinArt Laboratory BerlinReflecting the art of Anna Dumitriu, a unique 'infective agent' in the culture of scientific investigation, S. 26 – 32. Auszug: „[…] This artwork is only one of ...
Anna Dumitriu | Arts CatalystAnna Dumitriu is a British artist whose work fuses craft, sculpture and bioscience to explore our relationship to the microbial world, technology and biomedicine.
Anna Dumitriu: BioArt and Bacteria - Exhibition at Museum of ...whichmuseum.comBioArt and Bacteria is a contemporary art exhibition by internationally renowned artist Anna Dumitriu which explores our relationship with the microbial ...
Anna Dumitriu: Bioart, Infectious Diseases. - SciArt TalksSoundCloud— Stream Anna Dumitriu: Bioart, Infectious Diseases. by SciArt Talks on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on ...
Anna Dumitriu | WaagAnna Dumitriu is an artist whose work blurs the boundaries between art and science.
Cyberspecies Proximity, with the artists Anna Dumitriu and ...S.T.ARTSDuring this STARTS Talk, Anna Dumitriu and Alex May will explain their research in collaboration with Schindler and present their robotic works.
Ep 32: Anna Dumitriu & bioart. Access to antibiotics in high- ...AppleHappy September to you all! Welcome to another episode of The AMR Studio, this time featuring an interview with artist Anna Dumitriu.
Anna Dumitriu: Artist's Talk - Museum of the History of Science :...Anna Dumitriu joins us to talk about the current special exhibition and her work exploring infectious diseases and emerging technologies through art.
ANNA DUMITRIU / ALEX MAYMeta.Morf— Meta.Morf X – Digital Wild / Trondheim kunstmuseum – Gråmølna, March 5 – May 3, Curator: Espen Gangvik. ANNA DUMITRIU [gb] ALEX MAY ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Anna
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch, Italienisch, Skandinavisch, Griechisch, Ungarisch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Anna; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'
Personensuche zu Anna Dumitriu & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Anna Dumitriu und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.