375 Infos zu Anna Halprin
Mehr erfahren über Anna Halprin
Infos zu
- Dance
- Breath Made Visible
- Tänzerin
- Lawrence
- Kentfield
- Tamalpa
- Workshop
- Bewegungsritual
- Ruedi Gerber
- Museum
- Exhibition
36 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Tanz-Legende Anna Halprin: Verbunden in der Performance - taz.deTanz-Legende Anna Halprin Verbunden in der Performance. Die 90-jährige Anna Halprin ist eine Pionierin des modernen Tanzes. Der Portraitfilm "Breath Made Visible
Dance Card: Choreographer Anna Halprin’s iconic ‘Parades and Changes’...When UC Berkeley's University Art Museum (now known as the Berkeley Art Museum, or BAM) first opened its doors in November 1970, Peter Selz, the new institution's director, wanted to make a big splash — but not too big. He invited Anna Halprin, already a storied figure as the conceptual matriarch of ...
Breath Made Visible : Anna Halprin - Film FILMSTARTS.deBreath Made Visible : Anna Halprin ein Film von Ruedi Gerber mit Anna Halprin, Lawrence Halprin. Inhaltsangabe: Dokumentation über die Tänzerin und...
Guardian: Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin - review | Film | The GuardianShort and snappy documentary on the veteran dance pioneer with a great gusto for life. By Cath Clarke
74 Bilder zu Anna Halprin

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Tanz, Ausdruck und Heilung v. Anna Halprin | FacebookFacebook: Anna Halprin - FacebookFacebook: Workshop: Tamalpa Life/Art Process nach Anna Halprin mit ...LinkedIn: Anna Halprin | LinkedInView Anna Halprin's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Anna Halprin discover inside ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Anna Halprin | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Anna Halprin is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
Breath Made Visible: Anna HalprinDoku über Leben und Werk der Tanz- und Performance-Ikone Anna Halprin, die Kunst und Leben miteinander verschmilzt - Alle Infos zum Film 'Breath Made ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
OUR HISTORY - Tamalpa InstituteIn 1978, Tamalpa Institute began offering the first movement-based expressive arts therapy training and art-based, somatic movement therapy training
8 Persönliche Webseiten
Teachings I Anna HalprinHome I Anna Halprin
Anna Halprin Digital ArchiveAll materials in the Anna Halprin Digital Archives comes from the Anna Halprin Papers at the Museum of Performance + Design. These materials are meant to be ...
Biography · Anna Halprin Digital ArchiveHome > Biography. Biography. Avant-garde dancer and choreographer Anna Halprin was born on July 13, in Wilmette, Illinois as Anna Schuman.
Anna Halprin - Collaborators - Independent Curators InternationalAnna Halprin. involved in: do it. do it is the longest-running and most far-reaching exhibition to ever happen, giving new meaning to the concept of the "Exhibition ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Anna Halprin: Body Radical | de YoungAnna Halprin’s career has been exceptionally long and varied—even for an artist who turned 98 this year—and her pieces have inspired generations of other...
Alumni - University of VictoriaUniversity of Victoria, Fine Arts, History in Art,
11 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Anna HalprinActress, Four in the Afternoon
IMDB Filmographie: Anna HalprinActress, Mädelsabend - Nüchtern zu schüchtern!
3 Projekte
ArticleAnna Halprin's life, now in its ninth decade, has been a ground-breaking journey, which she has recorded in dance event after dance event. Early in her career ...
These Artists Made It Into Two of the Year’s Three Biggest...As the year of the mega art shows starts to slow down, we look at the names that popped up in two of the three major events.
Ally | Creative CapitalPaper Dance, Janine Antoni in collaboration with Anna Halprin Paper Dance, Performance with brown paper Photographed by Pak Han at the Halprin Dance Deck.
20 Bücher zum Namen
Bewegungsritualvon Anna Halprin, 1987, Taschenbuch
Bewegungsritualvon Anna Halprin, IrisianaBroschiert
Bewegungsritualvon Anna Halprin, Sphinx, 1987, Ringeinband
1 Songs & Musik
Anna Halprin – Bücher, CDs, DVDs und mehr – jpc.deJohn Beardsley Where the Revolution Began: Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinven…
6 Dokumente
Lawrence HalprinA presentation on the Landscape Architect, Lawrence Halprin
Anna and Lawrence Halprin. documenta 14 in Kassel, documenta...Photo tour through a selection of documenta 14 venues in Kassel, 10 June September Artistic Director: Adam Szymczyk; approx participants.
Anna und Lawrence Halprin. documenta 14 in Kassel, documenta...Fototour zu einer Auswahl von documenta 14 Ausstellungsorten in Kassel, 10. Juni September Künstlerischer Leiter: Adam Szymczyk; etwa
Jacqueline Caux ::: Films ::: Anna Halprin - Out Of BoundariesPrincess Spring Time » (1957), « The Bed » (1957), « Merce Cunningham on Anna Halprin dance deck », « Anna Halprin on dance deck », « Hangar » (1957),
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Anna Halprin: Experience as Dance on JSTORAnna Halprin pioneered what became known as “postmodern dance,” creating work that was key to unlocking the door to experimentation in theater, music,...
Anna Halprin's Urban Rituals - jstorAnna Halprin's Urban Rituals. Janice Ross. Introduction. The application of contextual educational and philosophical history is es- sential to the writing of any postmodern dance history, particularly in the 2oth century when ritual was embraced as a performance methodology and aes- thetic. Jane Desmond has noted, ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Ageing, Gender, Embodiment and Dance - Finding a Balance | E....This book explores the nexus between gender, ageing and culture in dancers practicing a variety of genres. It challenges existing cultural norms which equate...
Radio Event No. 3: Furniture Mix by Anna Halprin : Free Borrow &...Dance choreographer and intermedia artist Anna Halprin leads the KPFA audience in a participatory event, recorded live on Thursday evening, November 20,...
Moments | ZKMStarting with the question of how a museum can represent and reproduce past live productions of performance and dance, at the ZKM Karlsruhe new forms of...
Ann Hutchinson - definition of Ann Hutchinson by The Free DictionaryDefine Ann Hutchinson. Ann Hutchinson synonyms, Ann Hutchinson pronunciation, Ann Hutchinson translation, English dictionary definition of Ann Hutchinson. Noun...
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Breath made visible - FilmInhalt: Unter Insidern gilt Anna Halprin als eine der Wegbereiterinnen des modernen Tanzes. Ihr künstlerischer Stil ist geprägt vom Ausdruck realer Dinge des ...
OFDb - Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin (2009)Von Ruedi Gerber. Mit Anna Halprin, Lawrence Halprin, Merce Cunningham, A.A. Leath.
Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin (2010) - Rotten TomatoesSynopsis: BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature length film about the life and career of Anna Halprin, the American dance pioneer who has helped redefine...
Talk mit Gabriele Wittmann über Anna Halprin - Tanzquartier WienSpringe zum Inhalt. Tanzquartier Wien · ProgrammProgramm · Training & WorkshopsTraining & Workshops · IntroIntro · StundenplanStundenplan · PreisePreise · TQW Card ProTQW Card Pro · FAQFAQ · Theorie & ResearchTheorie & Research · TheorieTheorie · LaboreLabore · TQW MagazinTQW ...
17 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Anna Halprin - WikipediaAnna Halprin helped pioneer the experimental art form known as postmodern dance and referred to herself as a breaker of the rules of modern dance. Halprin Dances: Postmodern dance Children: Daria Halprin, Rana Halprin Years active: 1938–present Current group: Tamalpa Institute
An Interview with Anna Halprin - Stance on DanceThis interview of Anna Halprin is part of the Dancing Over 50 book project, a series of interviews and photographs with dancers over 50 on the West Coast.
Life as Art: Anna Halprin interviewed by Jacquelynn Baas | BAMPFALegendary choreographer Anna Halprin returns to BAM/PFA after a forty-two year absence to direct the final staging of her most enduring and important dance ...
Interview with Anna Halprin, Part 1 | Art PracticalAnna Halprin. Parades and Changes, ; performance by the San Francisco Dancer's Workshop for the opening of the UC Berkeley Art ...
169 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Anna Halprin | LinkedInAnna Halprins berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Anna Halprin dabei hilft, ...
Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin Trailer: BREATH MADE VISIBLE -...Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin Trailer: BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature documentary about the life and career of Anna Halprin. The film takes its...
contact-improvisation : Beitrag: Bewegungsritual nach Anna Halprin ...Bewegungsritual nach Anna Halprin mit Anna Garms Eine Abfolge von Yogapositionen, die mit dem Atem verbunden, fließend ineinander ...
8 Things I Learned from Anna Halprin - Dance MagazineI was fortunate to observe a class taught by Anna Halprin earlier this week. Halprin is the 95-year-old visionary dancer/choreographer/teacher/healer who...
Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin Reviews - MetacriticBreath Made Visible: Anna Halprin movie reviews & Metacritic score: BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature documentary about the life and career of Anna Ha...
"Tanzt und erneuert Eure Lebenskarft" (Anna Halprin) - fortlaufender...Bewegung ermöglicht Ausdruck, Selbsterkennen und Befreiung. In Bewegung sein bedeutet lebendig sein. Unsere Idee: Im TANZEN bei sich sein, sich tanzen l
Anna Halprin - The Full WikiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Anna Halprin (born Anna Schuman on 13 July 1920) helped pioneer the experimental art form known as postmodern dance.
95th birthday tribute to Anna Halprin, postmodern dance pioneer -...Fifteen years ago, choreographer Anna Halprin opened the door to her mountainside home in Kentfield, buck naked. Relaxed from a morning regimen of...
'Parades and Changes': Anna HalprinForty-three years ago, the dance piece marked the opening of BAM, symbolic of...
95 Rituals for Anna Halprin, Dance MagazineAnna Halprin, photo by Pak Han What do Martha Graham, Ninette de Valois, Katherine Dunham, Freddie Franklin, Kazuo Ohno and now Anna Halprin have in...
ABOUT ANNA HALPRIN - Anna Halprin, A Life of DanceAnna Halprin began dancing at the age of five and has been dancing ever since. Anna celebrates her 95th birthday with celebrations planned around the world.
Anna Halprin Quote: “Just as the ancients danced to call upon the...Anna Halprin Quote: “Just as the ancients danced to call upon the spirits in nature, we too can dance to find the spirits within ourselves that have been long...
Anna Halprin - Fotografin Hamburg Reportage Portrait Reise Editorial...Anna Halprin, Tänzerin und legendäre Tanzlehrerin, Mountain Home, Kentfield, Kalifornien
Anna Halprin - Breath Made Visible | film.atDer Schweizer Filmemacher Ruedi Gerber hat eine Dokumentation über die über 90-jährige Tanz- und Performance-Ikone Anna Halprin geschaffen.
Anna Halprin | Katrin StelterAnna Halprin Für Anna Halprin, Mitbegründerin des Tamalpa Life Art Process, kann jede Bewegung und alles Leben Tanz sein: „Breath made visible“ ist
Anna HalprinChoreographed by Anna Halprin and performed by her and members of the Sea Ranch Dance Collective, Intensive Care (above) is a journey into death... and ...
ANNA HALPRIN: Redefining Dance at 95 – Dancers' GroupANNA HALPRIN is, quite simply, amazing. In July she'll turn 95, but she is still actively teaching, experimenting, creating, performing, and ...
Anna HalprinAnna Halprin, Tänzerin und legendäre Tanzlehrerin, Mountain Home, Kentfield, Kalifornien, Dancer, California
Anna Halprin Breath Made Visible — DOPA follower of DOP pointed me to a documentary and it indeed belongs here: Breath Made Visible, a film about the life of Anna Halprin, an early pioneer in the ...
• The Madison ReunionBringing the '60s back home
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Anna
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch, Italienisch, Skandinavisch, Griechisch, Ungarisch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Anna; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ruedi Gerber
- John Beardsley
- Daria Halprin
- Ulrich Wüst
- Frank Schumann
- Silke Opitz
- Katrin Stelter
- Hans Jürgen Thöne
Personensuche zu Anna Halprin & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Anna Halprin und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.