113 Infos zu Annalisa Zuccotti
Mehr erfahren über Annalisa Zuccotti
Infos zu
- Wibke Singer
- BioRN
- University
- Zitiert
- Hannah Monyer
- Mirko Jaumann
- Sze Chim Lee
- Ulrike Zimmermann
- Science
- Lukas Rüttiger
- Angela
14 Aktuelle Nachrichten
The CochleaAnnalisa Zuccotti, HNO-KlinikTübingen Lena-Vanessa Dollezal, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg , Carl von ...
CIT - Cork Institute of Technology - CIT @ ICT 2015CIT
“China Market Entry – Reality Check 2021” on July 1biopark.ee13:00 Welcome and Introduction – Annalisa Zuccotti, BioRN and Daniel Frerichs, Huangpu District – Guangzhou Development District.
Cork Institute of Technology - CIT @ RSA & Silicon Valley— Dr Annalisa Zuccotti, Project Manager at CyberForum who co-ordinated and organised the Silicon Valley tour believes that “an understanding ... › vlinc
9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: CyberForum e.V. - Unsere Kollegin Annalisa Zuccotti tourt ...Facebook: Hi! I've got an e mail from Lufthansa Annalisa Zuccotti | FacebookFacebook: Hi! I bought a "on-line sparpreis" Annalisa Zuccotti ...LinkedIn: Annalisa Zuccotti | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Annalisa Zuccotti auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Annalisa Zuccotti hat 3 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Annalisa Zuccotti und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Author: Annalisa Zuccotti - PubMed | InfodoctorLatest Publications. α2δ3 is essential for normal structure and function of auditory nerve synapses and is a novel candidate for auditory processing disorders.
crucial issues for future selective targetingCellAnnalisa Zuccotti, Stefano Clementi, Thomas Reinbothe, Angelo Torrente, David H. Vandael, Antonella Pirone. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.
1 Projekte
The new era for prevention & Diagnostics - Opportunities ...Interreg NWE— ... DIGI-B-CUBE - Susana Figueiredo, Communication Leader |Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovaçao; CELIS - Annalisa Zuccotti, CELIS Coordinator, ...
9 Bücher zum Namen
HEIDI: Zuccotti, Annalisa: The transcription factor Fezf2 directs the...Verf.angabe: Annalisa Zuccotti, Corentin Le Magueresse, Min Chen, Angela Neitz, and Hannah Monyer. Umfang: 6 S. Fussnoten: Gesehen am
Annalisa Zuccotti | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Annalisa Zuccotti. Results. Cav1.3 and BK Channels for Timing and Regulating Cell Firing Springer Science+Business Media
L-type Voltage Gated Calcium Channel CaV1.2 Induced Brain ...GoogleAnnalisa Zuccotti. Verlag nicht ermittelbar, pages. 0 Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's ...
L-type Voltage Gated Calcium Channel CaV1.2 Induced Brain Derived... L-Typ-Calcium-Kanal CaV1.2 Induzierte Brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor- (BDNF)-Regulation Im Auditorischen System. Front Cover. Annalisa Zuccotti.
8 Dokumente
Equal sensitivity of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels to the ...John Wileyvon S Mahapatra · · Zitiert von: 41 — Satyajit Mahapatra · Andrea Marcantoni · Annalisa Zuccotti · Valentina Carabelli · Emilio Carbone ...
L-type CaV1.2 deletion in the cochlea but not ...ReadCube Papers— Annalisa Zuccotti 1 †‡ , Sze C. Lee 1 ‡ , Dario Campanelli 1 ‡ , Wibke Singer 1 , Somisetty V. Satheesh 2 , Tommaso Patriarchi 3 , Hyun-Soon ...
Detailed Programme v4 - Universidad de AlcaláDario Campanelli, Sze Chim Lee, Annalisa Zuccotti, Wibke. Singer, Katja Gutsche, Lukas Rüttiger, Thomas Schimmang and. Marlies Knipper.
Noise-induced inner hair cell ribbon loss disturbs central arc...Authors: Marlies Knipper, Wibke Singer, Thomas Reinbothe, Ulrike Zimmermann, Annalisa Zuccotti, Lukas Rüttiger, Ksenya Varakina, Iris ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences | Vol 32, Issue 6, PagesReview Article; Pages ; Annalisa Zuccotti, Stefano Clementi, Thomas Reinbothe, Angelo Torrente, David H. Vandael, Antonella Pirone. Abstract; PDF ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
PostersPosters Posters Poster contributions t18 and t19 T18-10D PROJECTION PATTERNS OF NEURONS
BDNF in Lower Brain Parts Modifies Auditory Fiber Activity to ...springer.comvon T Chumak · · Zitiert von: 28 — Lukas Rüttiger, Sze Chim Lee, Dario Campanelli, Annalisa Zuccotti, Wibke Singer, Hyun-Soon Geisler, Mirko Jaumann, Ulrike Zimmermann ...
Annalisa Zuccotti - WikidataAnnalisa Zuccotti (Q ). From Wikidata. Jump to navigation Jump to search. No description defined. edit. Language, Label, Description, Also known as ...
Oalib searchLukas Rüttiger, Wibke Singer, Rama Panford-Walsh, Masahiro Matsumoto, Sze Chim Lee, Annalisa Zuccotti, Ulrike Zimmermann, Mirko ...
56 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Annalisa Zuccotti | LinkedInView Annalisa Zuccotti's professional profile on LinkedIn. Experience: PhD Fellow, THRC- Tuebingen Hearing Research Center.
Interview - Inside Silicon Valley mit Annalisa ZuccottiSilicon Valley ist der Traum vieler Techies und Gründer. Doch ist wirklich alles gold was glänzt? Wir sind dem nachgegegangen und Annalisa Zuccotti gefragt.
How to pronounce Annalisa Zuccotti | HowToPronounce.comHow To PronounceHow to say Annalisa Zuccotti in English? Pronunciation of Annalisa Zuccotti with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Annalisa Zuccotti.
Annalisa Zuccotti (ITALY) - CavNetInstitute for Ophthalmic ResearchAnnalisa Zuccotti (Italy). Thomas Reinbothe. Annalisa Zuccotti (Italy) Start: NP End: Declaration of Conformity.
Annalisa Zuccotti | CiNii Research - 国立情報学研究所国立情報学研究所Annalisa Zuccotti · 関連論文 · 関連研究データ · 関連図書・雑誌 · 関連博士論文 · 関連プロジェクト · 関連その他成果物 · 詳細情報 · 外部サイトでさがす.
Annalisa Zuccotti's research works | University of Pavia, Pavia ...› Ann...
Silicon ValleyTechTag.detechtag Webmagazin für die Digitalwirtschaft · Start Interview – Inside Silicon Valley mit Annalisa Zuccotti Silicon Valley ...
Annalisa ZuccottiKonstantin Khodosevich, more · Cell Stem Cell 10 ,
4TH PROJECT MEETING IN KARLSRUHEInterreg Central EuropeAnnalisa Zuccotti (CyberForum) welcomed URBAN INNO consortium and opened the general assembly. In general, the progress of activities within Work Packages ...
Cellular/Molecular - Journal of NeuroscienceAntonella Pirone, Simone Kurt, Annalisa Zuccotti, Lukas Rüttiger, Peter Pilz, David H. Brown, Christoph Franz, Michaela Schweizer, Marco B. Rust, ... › section
BEAMIT: EXPANDING FROM PRODUCER TO PARTNER ...Policy Commonsvon A Zuccotti · — What were the next steps in the process of developing this new service? 2. Creators/Authors. Annalisa Zuccotti. Pages.
Connexin45 modulates the proliferation of transit-amplifying ...von K Khodosevich · · Zitiert von: 39 — Konstantin Khodosevich,a,1Annalisa Zuccotti,a,1 Maria M. Kreuzberg,a Corentin Le Magueresse,a Marina Frank,b Klaus Willecke,b and Hannah Monyera, › pmc › pm...
Connexin45 modulates the proliferation of transit- ...PNASvon K Khodosevich · · Zitiert von: 40 — Connexin45 modulates the proliferation of transit-amplifying precursor cells in the mouse subventricular zone. Konstantin Khodosevich, Annalisa Zuccotti, Maria ...
Events of our partners with M²Aind - M2AINDTo request an appointment, please contact Annalisa Zuccotti (). Note: M²Aind is not involved in this event. This is an announcement of the event ...
CavNet - Marie Curie Research Training NetworksIon channels are a prerequisite for normal cellular function of all organs For this reason, a better understanding of their function constitutes an...
L-type CaV1.2 deletion in the cochlea but not in the CronfaSwansea UniversityAnnalisa Zuccotti, Sze C. Lee, Dario Campanelli, Wibke Singer, Somisetty V. Satheesh, Tommaso Patriarchi, Hyun-Soon Geisler, Iris Köpschall, Karin Rohbock, ...
Maroteaux / Roumier – Page 6 - Institut du Fer à MoulinJulieta Alfonso, Corentin Le Magueresse, Annalisa Zuccotti, Konstantin Khodosevich, Hannah Monyer Cell Stem Cell Jan 6;10(1): PMID : › par_equipe
Keywords Neuroblast - Read by QxMDread.qxmd.com › keywordDiego García-González, Ionut Dumitru, Annalisa Zuccotti, Ting-Yun Yen, Vicente Herranz-Pérez, Linette Liqi Tan, Angela Neitz, José Manuel García-Verdugo, ...
Olfactory bulb hypoplasia in Prokr2 null mice stems from ...Julieta Alfonso, Horst Penkert, Ceren Duman, Annalisa Zuccotti, Hannah Monyer Journal of Neuroscience October 7, 35 (40): › read › olf...
Neurogenesis of medium spiny neurons in the nucleus ...National Institutes of Health (.gov)von D García-González · — Diego García-González , Ionut Dumitru , Annalisa Zuccotti , Ting-Yun Yen , Vicente Herranz-Pérez , Linette Liqi Tan , Angela Neitz , José Manuel ... von A Pirone · · Zitiert von: 62 — Antonella Pirone,1,* Simone Kurt,2,3,* Annalisa Zuccotti,1 Lukas Rüttiger,1 Peter Pilz,4 David H. Brown,5 Christoph Franz,1 Michaela Schweizer,6 Marco B.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Annalisa
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Annalisa;; Doppelform aus 'Anna' und 'Liese' bzw. anderen Kurzformen von Elisabeth
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Karin Rohbock
- Mirko Jaumann
- Angela Neitz
- Marlies Knipper
- Dario Campanelli
- Hannah Monyer
- Simone Kurt
- Emilio Carbone
- Peter Pilz
- Horst Penkert
- Stefano Clementi
Personensuche zu Annalisa Zuccotti & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Annalisa Zuccotti und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.