166 Infos zu Annett Linge
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Lebt in
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Fabian Lohaus
- Mechthild Krause
- Michael Baumann
- Inge Tinhofer
- Cancer
- Martin
- Steffen Löck
- Alexander Nowak
- Research
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
News from Dresden – Masscytometry2022... Fabian Lohaus, Annett Linge, Tobias Hölscher, Mechthild Krause, Anna Dubrovska (OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Dresden, ... › ne...
Kunst gegen Krebs: Aphrodite unterwegs - NCT Nationales Centrum für...Prof. Reinhard Berner, Prof. Mechthild Krause, Dr. Annett Linge, Gruppe „Translationale Medizinische Onkologie“ um Prof. Hanno Glimm, Prof.
Current Edition of SYNERGIE is Out Now: Clinical Researchwww.dzd-ev.de › latest › news › news › article › cur...· Annett Linge has been involved from the start and explains how clinical research is making a decisive difference to patient quality of life.
3. öffentlichkeitswirksame Veranstaltung 2022— 13:00 Uhr PD Dr. Annett Linge (DKTK). 13:30 Uhr Dr. Christian Rogge (Cybertron GmbH). 13:45 Uhr Prof. Dr. Frieder Weidhase,. › ... › News › Statusseminar
16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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Facebook: Annett Linge | FacebookLinkedIn: Annett Linge | LinkedInAnnett Linges berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Annett Linge dabei hilft ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
PRDX3 is associated with metastasis and poor survival in ...von P Ramasamy · · Zitiert von: 12 — Pathma Ramasamy ,1,2,3 Anne- Marie Larkin,2,4 Annett Linge,2 Damien Tiernan,5. Fionnuala McAree,5 Noel Horgan,5 Paul Moriarty,5 Stephen ... › jclinpath full.pdf
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team: OncoRay - Center for Radiation Research in Oncologywww.oncoray.de › research › clinical-trial-center › teamAnnett Linge. Position: Clinician Scientists; Phone: + ; Email: Annett.Linge[at]uniklinikum-dresden.de. no Image available.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Mememoir - Collaborative PublishingSend message to Annett Linge. To: Annett Linge. Your name: Your email: Subject: Message: Dear Annett Linge,. Security check: Enter both words below ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
1,297 results in SearchWorks articlesStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Creating a data exchange strategy for radiotherapy researchSarah Meneceur · Annett Linge · ORCID ID · Matthias Meinhardt · Sandra Hering · Steffen Löck · Rebecca Bütof · Dietmar Krex · Gabriele Schackert ... › ...
1 Traueranzeigen
Manfred Drengner : Danksagung : Sächsische ZeitungBesonderer Dank gilt Frau Dr. Annett Linge und dem Palliativteam der Universitätsklinik Dresden, der Gärtnerei Geschke, dem Schützenhaus Großenhain, der Rednerin
21 Bücher zum Namen
Lokales Bibliothekssystem Halle-Merseburg - results/titledataBiomarker für die individualisierte Strahlentherapie / Annett Linge und Fabian Lohaus. Person/en: Linge, Annett [VerfasserIn] · Lohaus, Fabian [VerfasserIn].
Independent validation of tumour volume, cancer stem cell ...Annett Linge,; Stefan Schmidt,; Fabian Lohaus,; Constanze Krenn,; Anna Bandurska-Luque,; Ivan Platzek,; Cläre von Neubeck,; Steffen Appold,; Alexander Nowak ... › article
GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information AccessCD8+ tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in relation to HPV status and clinical outcome in patients with head and neck cancer after postoperative ...
Perez & Brady's Principles and Practice of Radiation OncologyMichael Baumann, Ina Kurth, Nils Cordes, Mechthild Krause, and Annett Linge During the last three decades, molecular cancer research has become a rapidly ...
8 Dokumente
Dynamics of CXCR4 positive circulating tumor cells in prostate ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › ijcvor 5 Tagen · Annett Linge,. Annett Linge. National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Partner Site Dresden, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), ...
Bleomycin Induces Caveolin-1 and -2 Expression in Epithelial Lung...ANNETT LINGE,; NOBUHIRO MORISHIMA,; MICHAEL KASPER and; KATHRIN BARTH. + Author Affiliations. 1Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Dresden ...
A multicenter study of the German Cancer Consortium ...Annett Linge. No Relationships to Disclose. Ute Ganswindt. Expert Testimony - Merck; Takeda. Inge Tinhofer. Consulting or Advisory Role - Merck Serono. › Report › Vie...
Page Read Online - Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatmentjcmtjournal.com › jcmt › volume2 › files › basic-html... Annett Linge 1,10 , Steffen Löck , Volker impact on locoregional control (LRC) after postoperative 1,9 10 Gudziol , Alexander Nowak , Cläre von Neubeck ...
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Annett LingeDr. Annett Linge, National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Irland
Comparison of the composition of lymphocyte subpopulations in non ...ro-journal.biomedcentral.com › articles· Annett Linge, Mechthild Krause, Fabian Lohaus & Nadja Ebert. Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, ...
Die Kollegiaten — Else Kröner Forschungskolleg — TU DresdenDie aktuellen Kollegiaten des EKFKs Dresden für die Jahre und 2018
FreiDok plus - Annett LingeAnnett Linge. Seit. Beschreibung. Forschungsschwerpunkte. Diese Person in anderen Informationssystemen. GND-Nummer ORCID iD ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Die Onkologie | Volume 28, issue 2Volume 28, issue 2 articles listing for Die Onkologie
Die Onkologie | Volume 28, issue 2 - Springer Linklink.springer.com › journal › volumes-and-issuesElisa Thomas; Mechthild Krause; Annett Linge. Content type: Leitthema; Published: 10 November 2021; Pages:
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Annett Linge - Nature Portfolio Cancer Communitycancercommunity.nature.com › users › annett-lingeAnnett Linge. Clinician Scientist, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden. Follow. Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden; Germany.
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen … – Italienischer FrühlingAm Samstag geht es endlich los. Die Spannung steigt und unsere Erwartungen auch. Morgen werden die restlichen Sachen gepackt. Jeanette will einen Koffer für...
Jacqueline Nathansen - sciforumsciforum.net › paper › view· Annett Linge. 1, 4, 5, 7 ,. Anna Dubrovska. 1, 2, 4, OncoRay–National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Faculty of Medicine ...
ERCC2 gene single-nucleotide polymorphism as a prognostic factor for...Annett Linge, Fabian Lohaus, Michael Baumann & Mechthild Krause. Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Faculty of ...
75 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Annett Linge | LinkedInView Annett Linge's full profile. It's free! Your colleagues, classmates, and 500 million other professionals are on LinkedIn. View Annett's Full Profile ...
Annett Linge | LinkedInView Annett Linge's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Annett Linge discover inside ...
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Annett Linge - Google Scholarscholar.google.de › citationsAnnett Linge. Universitätsklinikum Dresden, Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei ...
Successful immunotherapy and irradiation in a HIV-positive patient...Successful immunotherapy and irradiation in a HIV-positive patient with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma Annett Linge, Ricarda Rauschenberg, Sophia Blum,.
Annett Linge's Profile | Journal of Clinical Pathology Journalist ...muckrack.com › annett-lingeFind Annett Linge's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more Annett Linge on Muck Rack. Annett Linge.
Researcher: Annett Linge in Publications - DimensionsRe-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.
Annett LingeSearch results for: Annett Linge ... Fabian Lohaus, Annett Linge, Inge Tinhofer, Volker Budach, more · Radiotherapy and Oncology > > 114 > 3 > 419.
Group Members :: DKTKGroup Members. Dr. Antje Dietrich Biologist Phone: + Email: a.dietrich(at)dkfz-heidelberg.de. Dr. Lydia Koi Biologist ... Dr. Annett Linge Clinician Scientist Phone: + Email: Annett.Linge(at)uniklinikum-dresden.de. Dr. Fabian Lohaus Clinician Scientist
Gastrointestinal — DeutschHauptprüfer Dresden: Dr. med. Annett Linge Studiensekretariat: Annett Klöber Tel: + Glenmark GBR
Team: OncoRay - Center for Radiation Research in OncologyOncoRay, the Center for Radiation Research in Oncology represents a new, future-oriented research effort in the field of radiation research in oncology.
13C-labeled glutamine tracing and mass spectrometry analysisConcise. 13C-labeled glutamine tracing and mass spectrometry analysis. AM Anna Mukha. UK Uğur Kahya. AL Annett Linge. OC Oleg Chen. SL Steffen Löck. › bio101
A comparative study of machine learning methods for time-to-event ...europepmc.org › article › pmc1,2 Alex Zwanenburg,1,2,8,9 Karoline Pilz,1,2,8,10 Fabian Lohaus,1,2,8,10 Annett Linge,1,2,8,10 Klaus Zöphel,12,13 Jörg Kotzerke,12,13 Andreas Schreiber,
Bleomycin Induces Caveolin-1 and -2 Expression in Epithelial ...von A LINGE · · Zitiert von: 18 — ANNETT LINGE, NOBUHIRO MORISHIMA, MICHAEL KASPER and KATHRIN BARTH. Anticancer Research May 2007, 27 (3A) ;. ANNETT LINGE. › content
Bleomycin treatment of A549 human lung cancer cells results ...von A Linge · · Zitiert von: 12 — Bleomycin treatment of A549 human lung cancer cells results in association of MGr1-Ag and caveolin-1 in lipid rafts. Author: Annett Linge, Paula Meleady, ... › catalog
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayAnnett Linge. Andreas Schreiber. Goda Kalinauskaite. Inge Tinhofer. Nika Guberina. Maja Guberina. Panagiotis Balermpas. Jens von der Grün. Ute Ganswindt.
Comuneo Freundeskreis | Palais Sommer – Eintritt frei!... Sascha Ifflaender | Martina Juhra | KSS Kundenservice Sachsen | Jan Lairitz | Carla Liebers | Hellfried Liebers | Annett Linge | Eva Lubas | Ruth Mader ... › freundeskreis › mitglieder
Cancer cell line microarray as a novel screening method for ...read.qxmd.com › read › cancer-cell-line-microarray...... Maya-Isabel Stolte, Kerstin Borgmann, Steffen Löck, Ina Kurth, Michael Baumann, Mechthild Krause, Annett Linge, Anna Dubrovska Oncogene June 2.
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIAnnett Linge. Hannah Hiepe. Marianne Grosser. Fabian Lohaus. Volker Gudziol. Max Kemper. Alexander Nowak. Dominik Haim. Inge Tinhofer. Volker Budach. › scifeed_display
Cancer stem cells: Radioresistance, prediction of radiotherapy...Abstract of research paper on Clinical medicine, author of scientific article — Mechthild Krause, Anna Dubrovska, Annett Linge, Michael Baumann. Abstract ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Annett
Weiblicher Vorname (Französisch): Annett; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Linge
linge kommt aus dem nordischen und heißt moder oder schlam
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Marianne Grosser
- Inge Tinhofer
- Amir Abdollahi
- Ingeborg Tinhofer
- Alexander Nowak
- Stephanie Combs
- Steffen Löck
- Stefan Schmidt
- Mechthild Krause
- Kathrin Barth
- Martin Clynes
Personensuche zu Annett Linge & mehr
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