134 Infos zu Annika Kurzmann
Mehr erfahren über Annika Kurzmann
Lebt in
- Aachen
Infos zu
- University
- ML4Q
- RWTH Aachen
- Zitiert
- Marius Eich
- Kenji Watanabe
- Axel Lorke
- Chuyao Tong
- Investigator
- Martin Geller
- Peter
- Physics
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Pressemitteilung der Universität Duisburg-EssenStudieninteressierte; Studierende; Promovierende; Alumni; Beschäftigte; Wirtschaft; Presse; International; Tauschen Princeton-Erfahrungen aus: Annika Kurzmann ...
Wenn künstliche Atome leuchtenIst das Elektron drin, geht im künstlichen Atom das Licht aus: Die Physiker Annika Kurzmann und Dr. Martin Geller vom Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE) der ...
International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined SystemsAnnika Kurzmann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 12:15. Polarization-dependent interference of coherent scattering from orthogonal dipole moments of ...
Duisburg: Wenn künstliche Atome leuchtenUni: Wichtige Veröffentlichung zu Quantenpunkten und zum
2 Bilder zu Annika Kurzmann

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Annika Kurzmann aus BerlinStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
LinkedIn: Annika Kurzmann – Metropolregion Berlin/BrandenburgLinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Annika Kurzmann auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Annika Kurzmann dabei, ...
Annika Kurzmann - Berlin (Abendgymnasium Prenzlauer Berg)Annika Kurzmann ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Abendgymnasium Prenzlauer Berg.
Annika KurzmannPapers With CodeKondo effect and spin-orbit coupling in graphene quantum dots · no code implementations • 8 Mar • Annika Kurzmann, Yaakov Kleeorin, Chuyao Tong, ... Kondo effect and spin-orbit coupling in graphene quantum dots · no code implementations • 8 Mar • Annika Kurzmann, Yaakov Kleeorin, Chuyao Tong, ...
1 Business-Profile
Annika KURZMANN | Professor | University of Cologne, Köln | UOC |...Annika KURZMANN, Professor | Cited by 1,145 | of University of Cologne, Köln (UOC) | Read 69 publications | Contact Annika KURZMANN
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
PersonensucheM. Sc. Annika Kurzmann. Adresse. Anschrift. Duisburg. Raum. ME Fakultät für Physik. Telefon. + (D: *, ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Directory of Open Access JournalsAnnika Kurzmann,; Yaakov Kleeorin,; Chuyao Tong,; Rebekka Garreis,; Angelika Knothe,; Marius Eich,; Christopher Mittag,; Carolin Gold,; Folkert Kornelis de ...
Annika KurzmannInspire HEPAP — Annika Kurzmann. ,. Rebekka Garreis. ,. Kenji Watanabe. ,. Takashi ... Annika Kurzmann. ,. Rebekka Garreis. et al. (Nov 9, 2022). e-Print AP — Annika Kurzmann. ,. Rebekka Garreis. ,. Kenji Watanabe. ,. Takashi ... Annika Kurzmann. ,. Rebekka Garreis. et al. (Nov 9, 2022). e-Print ...
Surface Engineering of Graphene and Graphene Quantum Dots ...google.com... Annika Kurzmann , Rebekka Garreis , Wei Wister Huang , Samuel Jele , Marius Eich , Lev Ginzburg , et al " Pauli Blockade of Tunable Two - Electron ...
Zeitaufgelöste optische Transportspektroskopie an einzelnenGoogleAnnika Kurzmann. Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen, Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's ...
2 Songs & Musik
7. 2D Materials: Annika Kurzmann - ML4Q&ASpotifyexperimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at RWTH Aachen and associated member of ML4Q. We talk ... experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at RWTH Aachen and associated member of ML4Q. We talk ...
ML4Q&A - from the lives of quantum physicists PodcastDeezerIn this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at RWTH Aachen and associated member of ML4Q. We talk abour her work on optical ...
21 Dokumente
[ ] Auger recombination in self-assembled quantum dots:...Authors: Annika Kurzmann, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D.Wieck, Axel Lorke, Martin Geller. (Submitted on 16 Mar 2016). Abstract: In quantum dots (QDs) the Auger recombination is a non-radiative process, where the electron-hole recombination energy is transferred to an additional carrier. It has been studied mostly in colloidal ...
Kurzmann, Annika [WorldCat Identities]Zeitaufgelöste optische Transportspektroskopie an einzelnen selbstorganisierten Quantenpunkten by Annika Kurzmann( ) 1 edition published in in German and held by 16 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Audience Level. 0. Audience Level. 1. Kids, General, Special. Audience level: (from for Zeitaufgel ...
Electrostatically defined graphene quantum dotsIWEPNM 2024Annika Kurzmann 1, Chuyao Tong2, Rebekka Garreis2, Wister Wei Huang2, Lisa. Maria Gächter2, Jonas Daniel Gerber2, Max Josef Ruckriegel2, Folkert Kornelis de. Annika Kurzmann 1, Chuyao Tong2, Rebekka Garreis2, Wister Wei Huang2, Lisa. Maria Gächter2, Jonas Daniel Gerber2, Max Josef Ruckriegel2, Folkert Kornelis de.
Electron–Hole Crossover in Gate-Controlled Bilayer ...ACS Publicationsvon L Banszerus · · Zitiert von: 58 — Chuyao Tong, Florian Ginzel, Annika Kurzmann, Rebekka Garreis, Lara Ostertag, Jonas D. Gerber, Wei Wister Huang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi ... von L Banszerus · · Zitiert von: 58 — Chuyao Tong, Florian Ginzel, Annika Kurzmann, Rebekka Garreis, Lara Ostertag, Jonas D. Gerber, Wei Wister Huang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Quicklinks - News - 2nd Institute of Physics A - RWTH-AachenRWTH-AachenAnnika Kurzmann is guest in the recent episode of the ML4Q&A podcast. Listen and learn about the exciting research she is doing in her lab. Von unserem Institut mit dabei waren auch Annika Kurzmann und Corinne Steiner, die bei einer virtuellen Labortour Einblicke in ihre Forschung gegeben haben.
AG Lorke: MitarbeiterM. Sc. Annika Kurzmann: ME 224 ☎ : : Dr. Alessio Miranda: ME 249 ☎ : : Dr. Günther Prinz: …
News - 2nd Institute of Physics A - RWTH-AachenRWTH AachenAnnika Kurzmann has been appointed ML4Q Professor for Experimental Solid-State Physics at the University of Cologne. In she joined our group with a RWTH ...
Fachbereich Physik Universität Duisburg-EssenNun sind Charles Guo und Dolly Xu an der UDE zu Gast – im Gegenzug studiert Annika Kurzmann für zwei Monate in Princeton. Zur vollständigen Pressemitteilung;
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Annika Kurzmann - WikidataWikipediaAnnika Kurzmann. researcher. In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Annika Kurzmann. researcher. In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.
ResearchGateExcited states in bilayer graphene quantum dots. April Authors: Annika Kurzmann at University of Cologne. Annika Kurzmann · University of Cologne · M ...
Pauli blockade catalogue and three- and four-particle ...ResearchGateAP — ... Annika Kurzmann · Rebekka Garreis; [...] Klaus Ensslin. Pauli blockade is a fundamental quantum phenomenon that AP — ... Annika Kurzmann · Rebekka Garreis; [...] Klaus Ensslin. Pauli blockade is a fundamental quantum phenomenon that ...
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Coloquio del ICF - Dra. Annika Kurzmann | RWTH Aachen ...YouTube · Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM130+ Aufrufe · vor 2 JahrenAnnika Kurzmann | RWTH Aachen University, Alemania views · Streamed 2 years ago ...more. Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM K.
5 Meinungen & Artikel
One year after the ML4Q Young Investigator Award21. Nov · Andrea Bergschneider, based in Bonn, and Annika Kurzmann, formerly in Aachen and now located in Cologne, were among the distinguished recipients. Their collaborative focus lies in the optical coupling of qubits within 2D materials.
Contrast of 83% in reflection measurements on a single ...Naturevon P Lochner · · Zitiert von: 6 — Contrast of 83% in reflection measurements on a single quantum dot. Pia Lochner,; Annika Kurzmann, ... von P Lochner · · Zitiert von: 6 — Contrast of 83% in reflection measurements on a single quantum dot. Pia Lochner,; Annika Kurzmann, ...
60 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Annika Kurzmann - Google АкадеміяRWTH Aachen - 804 цитування - Physik
Annika KurzmannGoogleJens SonntagII. Institute of Physics A, RWTH Aachen Universityยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ physik.rwth-aachen.de. ติดตาม. Annika Kurzmann.
Google ScholarAnnika Kurzmann. University of Cologne. 在 ph2.uni-koeln.de 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證. Physik. 文章引用次數公開取用共同作者. 標題. 排序. 按引用次數 ...
Annika Kurzmann - Rankings for ScientistAD Scientific IndexAnnika Kurzmann AD Scientific Index * May 25, According to Total H Index. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and ... Annika Kurzmann AD Scientific Index * May 25, According to Total H Index. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and ...
New podcast episode with Annika Kurzmann | ML4Q17. Aug · In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at RWTH Aachen and associated member of ML4Q. We discuss her work on optical quantum dots during her PhD and bilayer graphene quantum dots in her postdoc and how she is now bringing this together to detect single electron dots in graphene.
Annika Kurzmann appointed ML4Q Professor at ...ML4QAP — Annika Kurzmann was appointed by the University of Cologne to start her ML4Q professorship as of August 1st. She will join the Institute of AP — Annika Kurzmann was appointed by the University of Cologne to start her ML4Q professorship as of August 1st. She will join the Institute of ...
Annika KurzmannGoogle ScholarAnnika Kurzmann. University of Cologne. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei ph2.uni-koeln.de. Physik. ArtikelZitiert vonÖffentlicher ZugriffKoautoren ... Annika Kurzmann. University of Cologne. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei ph2.uni-koeln.de. Physik. ArtikelZitiert vonÖffentlicher ZugriffKoautoren ...
Annika Kurzmann's Profile | Nature, Physical Review B JournalistMuck RackFind Annika Kurzmann's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more Annika Kurzmann on Muck Rack ...
Dr. Annika Kurzmann joins the Aachen Graphene & 2D ...Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials CenterAP — Annika Kurzmann, who has just moved to Aachen with a Junior Principal Investigator Fellowship of the RWTH Aachen University. Dr. Annika Kurzmann AP — Annika Kurzmann, who has just moved to Aachen with a Junior Principal Investigator Fellowship of the RWTH Aachen University. Dr. Annika Kurzmann.
Annika Kurzmann | ETH Zürich - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule...Annika Kurzmann is currently working as professor, Department of Physics, ETH Zurich. ..
7. 2D Materials: Annika Kurzmann - ML4Q&APodigeeAP — We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at AP — We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at ...
wisspod— We continue to feature some of our experimental physicists. In this episode, we talk to Annika Kurzmann, Junior Principle Investigator at ...
au:Kurzmann_A in:cond-mat - SciRate Search@misc{ , author = {A.~Kurzmann and B.~Merkel and P.~A.~Labud and A.~Ludwig and A.~D.~Wieck and A.~Lorke and M.~Geller}, title = {{O}ptical ...
Congratulations to Prof. Annika KurzmannAachen Graphene & 2D Materials CenterAP — Prof. Annika Kurzmann has been appointed ML4Q Professor for Experimental Solid-State Physics at the University of Cologne. Prof AP — Prof. Annika Kurzmann has been appointed ML4Q Professor for Experimental Solid-State Physics at the University of Cologne. Prof.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen GesellschaftA charge-driven feedback loop in the resonance fluorescence of a single quantum dot — • Benjamin Merkel, Annika Kurzmann, Jan-Hindrik Schulze, ...
Automated Reconstruction of Bound States in Bilayer ...TU Delft Research Portal... Annika Kurzmann, Thomas Ihn, Eliska Greplova · QN/Greplová Lab. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Scientific › peer-review. 24 Downloads Annika Kurzmann, Thomas Ihn, Eliska Greplova · QN/Greplová Lab. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Scientific › peer-review. 24 Downloads ...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)von A Kurzmann · · Zitiert von: 62 — Authors. Annika Kurzmann , Hiske Overweg , Marius Eich , Alessia Pally , Peter Rickhaus , Riccardo Pisoni , Yongjin Lee , Kenji ...
FQMT1510: :50, Mike Guidry SO(8) fermion dynamical symmetry and quantum Hall states for graphene in a strong magnetic field. 10: :20, Jens Sonntag, Martin Geller, Annika Kurzmann, Axel Lorke, Friedemann Queisser, and Ralf Schützhold Giant magneto-photoelectric effect in suspended graphene.
BZ-HomeDas Erfolgsmodell funktioniert in beide Richtungen: Von der UDE ist Annika Kurzmann gerade für zwei Monate in Princeton. Kurz vor ihrem Abflug traf die ...
Coherent Jetting from a gate-defined Channel in Bilayer ...Research Explorer The University of Manchestervon C Gold · · Zitiert von: 26 — Coherent Jetting from a gate-defined Channel in Bilayer Graphene. Carolin Gold, Angelika Knothe, Annika Kurzmann, Aitor Garcia-Ruiz, Kenji ... von C Gold · · Zitiert von: 26 — Coherent Jetting from a gate-defined Channel in Bilayer Graphene. Carolin Gold, Angelika Knothe, Annika Kurzmann, Aitor Garcia-Ruiz, Kenji ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Annika
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Skandinavisch, Holländisch): Annika; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Jens Sonntag
- Ralf Schützhold
- Friedemann Queisser
- Christopher Mittag
- Martin Geller
- Axel Lorke
- Marius Eich
- Carolin Gold
- Rüdiger Schott
- Benjamin Merkel
- Tom Lübke
Personensuche zu Annika Kurzmann & mehr
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