27 Infos zu Anouk Beniest

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Post Doctoral Researcher. Sorbonne Universités. Paris, France. Primary. View All. mini profile avatar Anouk Beniest. Overview · Bio · Network · Publications ...

1 Business-Profile

Beniest, Anouk ( )

L’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Anouk Beniest - De Balie

Anouk Beniest (STUDIO 3) is geoloog aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Ze onderzoekt de invloed van bewegende aardschollen op het ontstaan van ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Cutting-Edge Analogue Modeling Techniques Applied to Study Earth...


1 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Plume-induced micro-continent formation...

Alexander Koptev (1), Anouk Beniest (2), Taras Gerya (3), Todd Ehlers (1), Laurent Jolivet (4), and Sylvie Leroy. (4). (1) University of Tübingen, Department of ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

theses.fr – Anouk Beniest , From continental rifting to conjugate...

Les marges conjuguées de l'Atlantique Sud sont le produit du rifting et de la rupture du continent Pangée. Ce continent présente une hétérogénéité crustale et...

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Anouk Beniest‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam‬ - ‪‪Cited by 270‬‬ - ‪Plate Tectonics - Back-arc Basins‬

#MyFirstScience with Anouk Beniest - The Science Talk

Meet Dr. Anouk Beniest, geologist, talks about her first memory of being fascinated by science. She then goes on speaking about how she became a geologist and...

EGU - Awards & medals - Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP)...

EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences...


Anouk Beniest is a PhD candidate at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. She works on continental rifting and break-up ...

Soutenance de Thèse - Anouk Beniest - ISTeP - UMR 7193

1er complexe scientifique et médical de France, 7e université européenne, l'université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC couvre l'ensemble des champs disciplinaires...

Anouk Beniest — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Fingerprint Dive into the research topics where Anouk Beniest is active. These topic labels come from the works of this person. Together they form a unique ...

Tectonics and Structural Geology | Anouk Beniest

The sixties brought us many moving moments: Woodstock, the civil rights movement, the moon landing… and the establishment of the plate tectonic theory.

#7: Von den Kanarischen Inseln bis nach Kreta planeterde

Von Anouk Beniest, UPMC, übersetzt von Leonie Papanagnou. Das Forschungsschiff Maria S. Merian ist unterwegs nach Heraklion auf der ...

Added by @explaneta Instagram post Briefing time - yesterday, analog...

Instagram post added by explaneta Briefing time - yesterday, analog astronauts Sabrina Kerber, Ariane Wanske and Ana Paula Castro de Paula Nunes met with...

Awards, prizes, recognitions - Department of Earth Sciences - Utrecht...

Prizes and awards awarded to people involved with the Department of Earth Sciences

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly | Large Igneous...

Convenors: Alexander Koptev (-tuebingen.de), Anouk Beniest (), Taras Gerya (.ch).

From the Canary Islands to Crete: sailing the Mediterranean straits,...

by Anouk Beniest, UPMC The Maria S Merian left Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the 7th of February at 4 in the afternoon. Our final ...

EGU General Assembly Job Centre

Stephanie Zihms, Mathis Bloßfeld, and Anouk Beniest organizes these events on-spot. Just come along and show your face to exhibitors and other potential ...

Altmetric – Interaction between trench retreat and Anatolian escape...

Early Career Scientist Monday, this week we go to the northern, offshore Aegean region with Anouk Beniest where the interaction… This page ...

Two-branch break-up systems by a single mantle plume: Insights from...

Anouk Beniest, Alexander Koptev, Sylvie Leroy, William Sassi, Xavier Guichet. Two-branch break-up systems by a single mantle plume: Insights from numerical ...

Moon Gallery

Moon Gallery

South Atlantic's Next Top Model

By Anouk Beniest. The South Atlantic domain is one of the most classical rift-to-spreading systems on earth. To better understand continental ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Anouk

Weiblicher Vorname (Französisch): Anouk; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah'

Verwandte Personensuchen

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