81 Infos zu Ante Vilenica
Mehr erfahren über Ante Vilenica
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- Winfried Lamersdorf
- Geschäftsprozesse im Mobile
- Interaktive Geschäftsprozesse
- Processes
- Service
- Sonja Zaplata
- University
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Voller Erfolg beim IT-Wettbewerb für High PotentialsHanseatiCup der erste IT-Wettbewerb seiner Art in Hamburg ...
SACS Workshop on Self-organising, adaptive, and...Ante Vilenica (Universität Hamburg) Manfred Wojciechowski (Fraunhofer ISST) Franco Zambonelli (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Michael Zapf (Univ. of Applied Sciences Nuremberg). Other CFPs. Workshop on Smart Grid as a Distributed System -- Modelling, Analysis and Optimization Methods ...
2 Bilder zu Ante Vilenica
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ante Vilenica - FacebookLinkedIn: Ante Vilenica | Berufsprofil - LinkedInAnte Vilenicas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Ante Vilenica dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.
LinkedIn: Ante Vilenica - Deutschland | LinkedInAnte Vilenica Location Hamburg Area, Germany Industry Information Technology and Services Werden Sie Mitglied von LinkedIn und ...
Strava-Profil für Radfahrer | Ante VilenicaAnte Vilenica ist ein Radfahrer aus Zagreb, HRVATSKA. Tritt Strava bei, um deine Aktivitäten zu verfolgen, deine Leistung zu analysieren und Freunden zu ...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Ante Vilenica: Lebenslauf, Bücher und Rezensionen bei LovelyBooksBeliebtestes Buch: Anwendungsentwicklung selbstorganisierender Systeme: Systematische Konstruktion und EvaluierungLebenslauf, Rezensionen und alle ...
Anwendungsentwicklung selbstorganisierender Systeme: Systematische...Für moderne verteilte Anwendungen und Systeme mit stark dezentraler Steuerung und hohen Adaptionsanforderungen in dynamischen Umgebungen hat sich das ...
17 Bücher zum Namen
Interaktive Geschäftsprozesse im Mobile Com…ng: Entwurf und Implementierung benutzer-zentrischer Arbeitsprozesse im Mobile Businessvon Ante Vilenica, Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, Broschiert
: Anwendungsentwicklung selbstorganisierender Systeme:...Anwendungsentwicklung selbstorganisierender Systeme: Systematische Konstruktion und Evaluierung von Vilenica, Ante beim ZVAB.com - ISBN 10: X -...
Simulation management for agent-based distributed systems - EconBizCover Image. Simulation management for agent-based distributed systems. Ante Vilenica and Winfried Lamersdorf. Year of Publication: Authors: Vilenica ...
Få E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes af som Hardback bog...Få E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes af som bog på engelsk Bøger rummer alle sider af livet. Læs Lyt Lev blandt millioner af...
14 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Ante VilenicaList of computer science publications by Ante Vilenica
Christopher HaubeckAutomatisierung der Analyse von Simulationsmodellen durch prozessorientierte Komposition (2011) Tutor: Winfried Lamersdorf, Wolfgang Renz, Ante Vilenica
dblp: 17. KiVS 2011: Kiel, GermanyBibliographic content of 17. KiVS 2011: Kiel, Germany
dblp: Ante VilenicaList of computer science publications by Ante Vilenica
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes | |...... Germany Kristof Hamann, Kai Jander, Ante Vilenica and Sonja Zaplata University of Hamburg, Germany Global Information Systems Processes (GISP 2010) ...
An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based Service Selection...Business applications in open and dynamic service markets offer great opportunities for both consumers as well as for providers of services. However, the...
Simulation Management for Agent-Based Distributed Systems |...The development of open distributed applications with autonomous components is increasingly challenged by rising complexitycaused, e.g., by heterogeneous...
Using Building Blocks for Pattern-Based Simulation of Self-organising...The constantly rising complexity of distributed systems and an increasing demand for non-functional requirements lead to approaches featuring self-organising...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Altschülertreff Das Sophie-Barat-ForumAntworten. Altschülertreff (Christina Bruns | 24.Dec :40). RE: Altschülertreff (Ante Vilenica | 27.Dec :09) ...
Review: Klavitara Zagreb Festival Live4guitar | Online Guitar...As we announced a few months ago, Klavitara Zagreb Festival was held in Zagreb, Croatia on 7th June Live4guitar was a proud sponsor of this amazing...
29 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ante Vilenica | LinkedInAnte Vilenica Location Hamburg Area, Germany Industry Information Technology and Services Ante Vilenica's Overview Connections 1
AT2AI-7: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation (EMCSR'AT2AI-7: 7th Symposium From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation, EMCSR 2010
Accepted Papers – DisCoTec 2011discotec.ru.is/dais/acceptedAnte Vilenica, Kristof Hamann, Winfried Lamersdorf, Jan Sudeikat and Wolfgang Renz. An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based ...
: E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes: Joint...... Saarbruc ¨ ken, Germany Kristof Hamann, Kai Jander, Ante Vilenica and Sonja Zaplata University of Hamburg, Germany Global Information ...
ANTE - sprawdź! ( z 44)SIMON BASIC Gniazdo antenowe typu
DROPS - DocumentOPUS
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems 2011An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based Service Selection and Business Process Execution. Ante Vilenica, Kristof Hamann, Winfried Lamersdorf, ...
Using Building Blocks for Pattern-Based Simulation of Self-organising...The constantly rising complexity of distributed systems and an increasing demand for non-functional requirements lead to approaches featuring
ICCGI CommitteesAnte Vilenica, University of Hamburg, Germany Patravadee Vongsumedh, Bangkok University, Thailand Luc Vouligny, Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec ...
Inria - An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based Service...Ante Vilenica, Kristof Hamann, Winfried Lamersdorf, Jan Sudeikat, Wolfgang Renz. An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based Service Selection and Business Process Execution. Pascal Felber; Romain Rouvoy. 11th Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS), Jun 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland.
IDC 2012IDC'2009
Proactive Adaptation — S-Cube - European Network of Excellenceinformation; Winfried Lamersdorf, Ante Vilenica, Jan Sudeikat
POPIS LIKVIDIRANIH IMOĆANA ( ) -[72] Ante Vilenica Ivanov, rođen , završio je vojnu akademiju u Petrovaradinu i bio je domobranski poručnik. Ubili su ga partizani u ...
CiteSeerX — Version 0: Abstract User Interfaces for Mobile ProcessesKunze ... AUTHOR NAME, Ante Vilenica, SVM HeaderParse AUTHOR AFFIL ...
Deakin University All...... Self-organising Systems / Christopher Haubeck, Ante Vilenica and Winfried Lamersdorf -- Molecules of Knowledge: Self-organisation in Knowledge-Intensive ...
DataCite SearchDecentralized Coordination in Self-Organizing Systems based on Peer-to-Peer Coordination Spaces. Thomas Preisler, Ante Vilenica & Wolfgang Renz. Article published via European Association of Software Science and Technology. Coordination is an important aspect to realize Self-organizing Systems usually ...
Misne nakaneŽupa sv. Ćirila i Metoda, Osijek
PRIVREMENA ZASTUPANJAVice, Marka Buljan pok. Ante, Mare Buljan Markove, Mate Jonjić pok. Jakova, Dane Jonjić Matina, Dane Karin ž. Jurina, rođ. Jonjić, Ivana Vilenica Ivanova, Mate Vilenica Ivanova, Ante Vilenica Ivanova, Stipe Vilenica Ivanova, Matije Vilenica Ivanove, 120.
Reactive Adaptation — S-Cube - European Network of Excellence... Klaus Pohl, Andreas Metzger; UniDue: Engineering Adaptive Service-based Systems; http://www.sse.uni-due.de/wms/en/?go=325; Klaus Pohl, Andreas Metzger, Andreas Gehlert; UniHH: Self-Organizing Systems http://vsis-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/information; Winfried Lamersdorf, Ante Vilenica, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ante
"ante" (lat.) = "vor, vorn, voraus"
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