98 Infos zu Antje Rinckleb

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Antje Rinckleb | LinkedIn

Antje Rincklebs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Antje Rinckleb dabei hilft, ...

LinkedIn: Antje Rinckleb | 领英 - LinkedIn

查看Antje Rinckleb的领英职业档案。领英是全球领先的商务人脉网络,帮助像Antje Rinckleb这样的职场人士找到企业内部联系人,并通过这些人脉来联系职位候选 ...

A Pickhard | AceMap

The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal - R Reiter, S Brosch, Manuel Ludeke, Elena Fischbein, Antje Rinckleb, Stephan Haase, Anke Schwandt, A Pickhard Diagnostic Value of Retrospective Pet Mri Fusion in Head and Neck Cancer · http://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf ?site=http: ...

Johanna Schleutker | University of TurkuTurun yliopisto

... Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, KathleenHerkommer, AndreasMeyer, JurgenSerth, James R Marthick, BrionyPatterson, Dominika Wokolorczyk, Amanda Spurdle Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, KathleenHerkommer, AndreasMeyer, JurgenSerth, James R Marthick, BrionyPatterson, Dominika Wokolorczyk, Amanda Spurdle ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Case Reports Archives | The Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

Carolin Blumendeller, Julius Boehme, Maximilian Frick, Martin Schulze, Antje Rinckleb, Christina Kyzirakos, Simone Kayser, Maria Kopp, Sabine Kelkenberg, ...

1 Business-Profile

Antje RINCKLEB | PhD | CeGaT, Tübingen | DiagnosticsResearchGate

Antje RINCKLEB | Cited by | of CeGaT, Tübingen | Read 23 publications | Contact Antje RINCKLEB. Antje RINCKLEB | Cited by | of CeGaT, Tübingen | Read 23 publications | Contact Antje RINCKLEB.

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Neuigkeiten & VeröffentlichungenZentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen

Carolin Blumendeller, Julius Boehme, Maximilian Frick, Martin Schulze, Antje Rinckleb, Christina Kyzirakos, Simone Kayser, Maria Kopp, Sabine Kelkenberg ... Carolin Blumendeller, Julius Boehme, Maximilian Frick, Martin Schulze, Antje Rinckleb, Christina Kyzirakos, Simone Kayser, Maria Kopp, Sabine Kelkenberg ...

TeamZentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen

Antje Rinckleb. Team Tumorerkrankungen. Dr. biol. hum. Antje Rinckleb. Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen. April Dinwiddie. Team Exom-Diagnostik ... Antje Rinckleb. Team Tumorerkrankungen. Dr. biol. hum. Antje Rinckleb. Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen. April Dinwiddie. Team Exom-Diagnostik ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Regulation of T-type calcium channel expression by ...Scholars Portal Journals

Antje Rinckleb · Shanshan Zhao · ORCID ID · Irene M. Shui · Marina Bibikova · Brandy Klotzle · Piet A. van den Brandt · ORCID ID · Elaine A. Ostrander · ORCID ... Antje Rinckleb · Shanshan Zhao · ORCID ID · Irene M. Shui · Marina Bibikova · Brandy Klotzle · Piet A. van den Brandt · ORCID ID · Elaine A. Ostrander · ORCID ...

3 Bücher zum Namen

authors:"Antje Rinckleb" - Search | Paperity

Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place

GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access

Subgroups of familial and aggressive prostate cancer with considerable frequencies of BRCA2 mutations (2014). Christiane Maier; Kathleen ...

16 Dokumente

A low‐frequency haplotype spanning SLX4/FANCP ...Wiley Online Library

von H Surowy · · Zitiert von: 7 — ... Antje Rinckleb,. Institute of Human Genetics, University of UlmUlm, D Germany. Search for more papers by ... von H Surowy · · Zitiert von: 7 — ... Antje Rinckleb,. Institute of Human Genetics, University of UlmUlm, D Germany. Search for more papers by ...

2017 Hannover - 54th Workshop on ...Inner Ear Biology

Sarah Fehr*, Antje Rinckleb, Anke. Tropitzsch, Hubert Löwenheim,. Andrea Sprecher, Konstanze. Hörtnagel, Saskia Biskup. P-49. Mutation in COL11A2 causes. Sarah Fehr*, Antje Rinckleb, Anke. Tropitzsch, Hubert Löwenheim,. Andrea Sprecher, Konstanze. Hörtnagel, Saskia Biskup. P-49. Mutation in COL11A2 causes.

Subgroups of familial and aggressive prostate cancer with ...Wiley Online Library

von C Maier · · Zitiert von: 28 — ... Antje Rinckleb. Department of Urology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. Search ... von C Maier · · Zitiert von: 28 — ... Antje Rinckleb. Department of Urology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. Search ...

EBSCOhost | | Do Orofacial Clefts Represent Different...

Rudolf Reiter, M.D., Sibylle Brosch, M.D., Manuel Liideke, Ph.D., Elena Fischbein, B.S., Antje Rinckleb, Stephan. Haase, M.D., Anke Schwandt, Anja Pickhard, ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Cancer Epigenetics - Solid TumorsClinical Epigenetics

Alumkal, Manuel Luedeke, Antje Rinckleb, Shanshan Zhao, Irene M. Shui, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Piet A. van den Brandt, Elaine A. Ostrander, Jian ... Alumkal, Manuel Luedeke, Antje Rinckleb, Shanshan Zhao, Irene M. Shui, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Piet A. van den Brandt, Elaine A. Ostrander, Jian ...

Antje Rinckleb - FreiDok plusfreidok.uni-freiburg.de › pers

Jahr, Titel, Rolle, Publikationstyp , A low-frequency haplotype spanning SLX4/FANCP constitutes a new risk locus for early-onset breast cancer (

International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm ...Uni Ulm

their influence on the individual DNA-repair capacity of carriers according to their genotypes (PhD work of Antje Rinckleb). Further experiments on ... their influence on the individual DNA-repair capacity of carriers according to their genotypes (PhD work of Antje Rinckleb). Further experiments on ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Association analysis of 9,560 prostate cancer cases from the...

Previous GWAS studies have reported significant associations between various common SNPs and prostate cancer risk using cases unselected for family history

Association analysis of prostate cancer cases from the ...Duke University

Teerlink, Craig C., Stephen N. Thibodeau, Shannon K. McDonnell, Daniel J. Schaid, Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, et al. “Association analysis ... Teerlink, Craig C., Stephen N. Thibodeau, Shannon K. McDonnell, Daniel J. Schaid, Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, et al. “Association analysis ...

Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer identifies differentially...

Manuel Luedeke. Institute of Human Genetics and Department of Urology, Faculty of MedicineUniversity of Ulm. Antje Rinckleb, ...

HOXB13 is a susceptibility gene for prostate cancerSpringer

von J Xu · · Zitiert von: 234 — University of Ulm Group: Antje Rinckleb and Mark Schrader from Department of Urology, University of Ulm, Germany; Josef Hoegel and Christian ... von J Xu · · Zitiert von: 234 — University of Ulm Group: Antje Rinckleb and Mark Schrader from Department of Urology, University of Ulm, Germany; Josef Hoegel and Christian ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Atlas of prostate cancer heritability in European and...

Over one hundred loci have been identified to be associated with the familial risk of prostate cancer but the functional effects are poorly understood. Here...

Publications – PRACTICAL

Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Liesel FitzGerald, Christiane Maier, et al., Prostate cancer risk regions in 8q24 and 17q24 are differentially associated with somatic TMPRSS2-ERG fusion status, Hum Mol Genet, Oct 2016, Vol , pg [PMID: ]. Clair Brunner, Neil M Davies, Richard M Martin, Alcohol Consumption and ...

58 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Antje Rinckleb | LinkedIn

View Antje Rinckleb's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Antje Rinckleb discover inside ...

Antje Rinckleb's research works | Ulm University, Ulm (UULM) and...

Antje Rinckleb's 3 research works with 62 citations and 594 reads, including: A low frequency haplotype spanning SLX4/FANCP constitutes a new risk locus for early‐onset breast cancer (

LIVIVO - Search results -

LIVIVO - The Search portal for Life Sciences

A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to identify ...profiles.wustl.edu › publications › a-meta-analysis-o...

... Suzanne Kolb, Erika M. Kwon, Danielle M. Karyadi, Torben Falck Orntoft, Michael Borre, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Andreas Meyer ...

Additional file 1: of Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer...

Additional file 1: of Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer identifies differentially methylated genes in TMPRSS2:ERG fusion-positive versus fusion-negative...


von J Wright · — Jonathan Wright, · Lisly Chery, · Daniel Lin, · Sarah Holt, · Manuel Luedeke, · Antje Rinckleb, · Christiane Maier, and · Janet Stanford. von J Wright · — Jonathan Wright, · Lisly Chery, · Daniel Lin, · Sarah Holt, · Manuel Luedeke, · Antje Rinckleb, · Christiane Maier, and · Janet Stanford.

Association analysis of 9,560 prostate Northwestern Scholarswww.scholars.northwestern.edu › fingerprints

Craig C. Teerlink*, Stephen N. Thibodeau, Shannon K. McDonnell, Daniel J. Schaid, Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, Geraldine Cancel-Tassin, ...

Association analysis of 9,560 prostate cancer cases from the...

Craig C. Teerlink, Stephen N. Thibodeau, Shannon K. McDonnell, Daniel J. Schaid, Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, … [ more ].

A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to ...Elsevier

Karyadi, Torben Falck Orntoft, Michael Borre, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Andreas Meyer, Jü rgen Serth, James R. Marthick, Briony ... Karyadi, Torben Falck Orntoft, Michael Borre, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Andreas Meyer, Jü rgen Serth, James R. Marthick, Briony ...

Association analysis of 9,560 prostate cancer cases from the...

Previous GWAS studies have reported significant associations between various common SNPs and prostate cancer risk using cases unselected for family history....

A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to identify ...Johns Hopkins University

Karyadi, Torben Falck Orntoft, Michael Borre, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Andreas Meyer, Jü rgen Serth, James R. Marthick, Briony ... Karyadi, Torben Falck Orntoft, Michael Borre, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Andreas Meyer, Jü rgen Serth, James R. Marthick, Briony ...

Epigenomic Profiling Of Prostate Cancer Identifies Acemap

Related Fields. Info; Keywords; References; Cites; Similar. Basic infomation. Authors: Irene M Shui, Shanshan Zhao, Janet L Stanford, Marina Bibikova, Jianbing Fan, Brandy Klotzle, Manuel Luedeke, Christiane Maier, Antje Rinckleb, Ziding Feng, Elaine A Ostrander, Piet A Van Den Brandt, Milan S Geybels, Joshi J Alumkal

Additional file 1: of Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer identifies ...Figshare

Antje Rinckleb, Shanshan Zhao, Irene Shui, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Piet van den Brandt, Elaine Ostrander, Jian-Bing Fan, Ziding Feng, Christiane ... Antje Rinckleb, Shanshan Zhao, Irene Shui, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Piet van den Brandt, Elaine Ostrander, Jian-Bing Fan, Ziding Feng, Christiane ...

PTEN loss is associated with prostate cancer recurrence and...

https://doi.org oncotarget Milan S. Geybels, Min Fang, Jonathan L. Wright, Xiaoyu Qu, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Jian-Bing Fan, Ziding...

Association analysis of prostate cancer cases Find an ExpertThe University of Melbourne

... Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, Geraldine Cancel-Tassin, Christophe Egrot, Olivier Cussenot, William D Foulkes, Graham G Giles, John L Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, Geraldine Cancel-Tassin, Christophe Egrot, Olivier Cussenot, William D Foulkes, Graham G Giles, John L ...

Genome-wide association of familial prostate cancer cases identifies...

... Anna M Ray, Kimberly A Zuhlke, Ethan M Lange, Graham G Giles, Melissa C Southey, Liesel M Fitzgerald, Antje Rinckleb, Manuel Luedeke, Christiane Maier, ...

Association analysis of 9,560 prostate cancer cases from the...

Craig Teerlink, Stephen Thibodeau, Shannon McDonnell, Daniel Schaid, Antje Rinckleb, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, Geraldine ...

Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer identifies Altmetricspringeropen.altmetric.com › details

Milan S. Geybels, Joshi J. Alumkal, Manuel Luedeke, Antje Rinckleb, Shanshan Zhao, Irene M. Shui, Marina Bibikova, Brandy Klotzle, Piet A. van den Brandt, ...

Circulating Tumor Cell and Circulating Tumor DNA Assays ...OUCI

Carolin Blumendeller, Julius Boehme, Maximilian Frick, Martin Schulze, Antje Rinckleb, Christina Kyzirakos, Simone Kayser, Maria Kopp, Sabine Kelkenberg ... Carolin Blumendeller, Julius Boehme, Maximilian Frick, Martin Schulze, Antje Rinckleb, Christina Kyzirakos, Simone Kayser, Maria Kopp, Sabine Kelkenberg ...

Do Orofacial Clefts Represent Different Genetic Entities?Sage Journals

von R Reiter · · Zitiert von: 9 — Antje Rinckleb, Dr. Stephan Haase, M.D., Mrs. Anke Schwandt, Dr. Anja Pickhard, M.D., Dr. Christiane Maier, M.D., Dr. Josef Högel, Ph.D. von R Reiter · · Zitiert von: 9 — Antje Rinckleb, Dr. Stephan Haase, M.D., Mrs. Anke Schwandt, Dr. Anja Pickhard, M.D., Dr. Christiane Maier, M.D., Dr. Josef Högel, Ph.D.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Antje

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Friesisch, Holländisch): Antje; die Begnadete, er (Gott) war gnädig; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); channah = die Gnade; in der Bibel ist Anna die Mutter Marias; 'Anna' ist ursprünglich die griechische/lateinische Form von 'Hannah' Antje, die holländische Version des Namen Anna.

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