87 Infos zu Anton Wutz
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12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Zellen mit nur einem Chromosomensatz - science.ORF.atSäugetierzellen enthalten üblicherweise zwei Chromosomensätze, jeweils einen von Vater und Mutter. Nur die Keimzellen, also Eizelle und Spermien, haben nur...
Wiener Forschern gelingt eine Revolution der Genetik | DiePresse.comGruppe um Josef Penninger hat Säugetierzellen mit nur einem Chromosomensatz hergestellt. Damit lässt sich die Funktion jedes Gens erkunden. Was wir geschafft...
Epigenetik: Vom molekularen Modell zum Krankenbett - ORF ON ScienceVon Anton Wutz. Die Sequenzierung des menschlichen Genoms ist zweifelsfrei eine der größten wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaften der letzten Jahre.
Annual Meeting "Chromosomes, Stem Cells and Disease" & Satellite...... Wistar Institute, Philadelphia (PA) US; Anton WUTZ, Epigenetic Regulation and Cell Identity Control, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.
1 Bilder zu Anton Wutz

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Anton Wutz Profiles | FacebookFacebook: Anton WutzFind people in the EMBO CommunitiesEMBO Member. Anton Wutz. ETH Zurich | Switzerland. EMBO Epigenetic regulation and cell identity control. Our lab focuses on understanding how the ... Missing: schwebheim unterfr
Articles about 'Anton Wutz' | University of CambridgeResearchers have created mammalian cells containing a single set of chromosomes instead of two. Read More · Subscribe to Anton Wutz ...
5 Hobbys & Interessen
Anton Wutz, RNAs templating chromatin structure for dosage...H. Sharat Chandra (1979). Dosage Compensation in Drosophila and Man. In Vittorio Mathieu & Paolo Rossi (eds.), Scientific Culture in the Contemporary World.
Xist function: bridging chromatin and stem cellsAnton Wutz. Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Dr. , Vienna, Austria. In mammals, dosage compensation is achieved ...
Jahresversammlung Imkerverein - Bienenzuchtverein...... verbunden mit der Hoffnung, den Verein auch künftig zu unterstützen. Für die 15-jährige Zugehörigkeit bekamen Anton Wutz, Josef Haimerl, ...
SATB1 Defines the Developmental Context for Gene Silencing by Xist in...Institut für klinische Pathologie, Währinger Gürtel , and LBI-CRA Wien, Austria. ,. Anton Wutz. x. Anton Wutz.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Epigenome NoE - NET ProgrammeThe Epigenome NoE provides support for NETs, or Newly Established Teams, for young colleagues in the epigenetic field
7 Bücher zum Namen
Search ResultsA biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemistry, and related fields
Chromosomes Today - Google BooksChromosomes Today Volume 12 records the plenary proceedings of the 12th triennial International Chromosone Conference, presenting an overview of the current...
Die Gene sind nicht alles: Argumente für das Verständnis vonAm Trockenen angelangt ist dann der Landepunkt und damit der Zelltyp bestimmt. (Molekularbiologie Anton Wutz in: http://science.orf.at/ science/news ) ...
Modifications of Nuclear DNA and its Regulatory Proteins - Google...DNA methylation is essential for the normal development and functioning of organisms. This volume discusses the latest developments in this very active field...
2 Dokumente
File:X chromosome inactivation v3.png - Wikimedia CommonsУкраїнська: Схема інактивації X-хромосоми в процесі диференціації клітини. Власна робота на основі ілюстрації із Anton Wutz Gene ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Gene dosage in mammals: characterization of haploid embryonic stem...Gene dosage in mammals: characterization of haploid embryonic stem cells. Anton Wutz and; Martin Leeb. Epigenetics & Chromatin
Anton Wutz – ScienceOpenOsteocytes embedded in bone have been postulated to orchestrate bone homeostasis by regulating both bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing ...
Scientists create mammalian cells with single chromosome setResearchers have created mammalian cells containing a single set of chromosomes for the first time. The technique should allow scientists to better establish...
How a female X chromosome is inactivated -- ScienceDailyIn female mammals, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated. Thanks to research using special stem cells, geneticists have been able to provide detailed...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Expression of Xist RNA is sufficient to initiate macrochromatin body...MacroH2A1 is a histone variant that is found as a component of the inactive X chromosome where it is detected as a dense accumulation called a macrochromat
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Cohesine – WikipediaCohesine sind Proteinkomplexe, die in der Zelle sowie bei der Mitose und der Meiose von ... David A. Cisneros, Venugopal Bhaskara, Tomoko Nishiyama, Alipasha Vaziri, Anton Wutz, Jan Ellenberg, Jan-Michael Peters: Wapl is an essential ...
Wikipedia: Файл:X chromosome inactivation v3.png — ВикипедияУкраїнська: Схема інактивації X-хромосоми в процесі диференціації клітини. Власна робота на основі ілюстрації із Anton Wutz Gene silencing in ...
Special Stem Cells With Single Sets of Chromosomes | Interviews |...Diana - Also in the news this week, researchers here in Cambridge have created mammalian stem cells that only contain a single set of chromosomes. Most...
DNA methylation: a matter of culture | Nature Structural & Molecular...Pluripotent cells have been derived from the inner cell mass of mouse embryos and also from primordial germ cells. A new study shows that cell lines of both...
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Epigenetik? - Philipp Korber - Epigenome NOEAnton Wutz.
ICGEB Anton WUTZ – Hosted SeminarAnton WUTZ – Hosted Seminar. ETH Zurich, Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences, Zürich, SWITZERLAND. Thursday, 28 February | 12: Missing: Schwebheim, Unterfr"
Anton Wutz | ETH Zürich - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich...Anton Wutz is currently working as professor, Department of Biology of ETH Zurich. ..
PeerJ - Profile - Anton WutzAnton Wutz is Professor of Genetics at the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences at the ETH Zurich. He received his PhD from the Technical University of Graz in ... Missing: Schwebheim, Unterfr"
Anton WUTZAnton WUTZ. Projekt-Nummer J Projekt-Titel Analysis of the mammalian X-Inactivation process. Forschungsstätte Whitehead Institute Institute for ...
Epigenetik? - Anton Wutz - Epigenome NOEAnton Wutz. Forschungsinstitut für molekulare Pathologie, Wien, Österreich. www.imp.univie.ac.at. Anton fühlt sich gleichermaßen wohl dabei, im informellen ...
L’épigénétique? - Anton Wutz - Epigenome NOEAnton Wutz. IMP - Institut de pathologie moléculaire, Vienne, Autriche. Anton est aussi à l'aise lorsqu'il parle de cellules souches à un public de non initiés dans ...
Anton Wutz - Publications ListAnton Wutz - list of publications on publicationslist.org - awutz.
SiROP - Studenten suchen Abschlussarbeiten und ForschungsprojektePhone. Type, Academy. Top-level organization, ETH Zurich. Parent organization, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences. Current organization, Prof. Anton Wutz ...
HUM-MOLGEN events: Functional Genomics and Diseasecentral resource for events in human genetics and molecular biology
WUTZ - Definition und Synonyme von Wutz im Wörterbuch Deutsch«Wutz» Bedeutung von Wutz und Synonyme von Wutz, Tendenzen zum Gebrauch, Nachrichten, Bücher und Übersetzung in 25 Sprachen.
A Chromosomal Memory Triggered by Xist Regulates Histone Methylation...In female mammals, one X chromosome is inactivated. Anton Wutz and colleagues find evidence for a very early event that 'marks' the chromosome for future...
Establishment and Use of Mouse Haploid ES Cells — the University...Establishment and Use of Mouse Haploid ES Cells. Martin Leeb, Tony Perry, Anton Wutz. Department of Biology & Biochemistry. Research ...
Chairs & Speakers... Fr; Petr Svoboda, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, CZ; Andreas Werner, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK; Anton Wutz, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland ...
Biography – Molecular Health Sciences | ETH ZurichBiography. Main content. Anton Wutz is Professor of Genetics at ...
Group Members – Molecular Health Sciences | ETH ZurichGroup Leader. Prof. Dr. Anton Wutz Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences, HPL E 12. Phone: + Fax: + ch ... Missing: schwebheim unterfr
Karrieren ohne Grenzen - HEUREKA FALTER.atDer Forscher als globaler Arbeiter.
Recent insights into the regulation of X-chromosome inactivation | AGGRecent insights into the regulation of X-chromosome inactivation Karmele Valencia, Anton Wutz Department of Biology, Institute of Molecular ...
Scientists create mammalian cells with single chromosome setResearchers have created mammalian cells containing a single set of chromosomes in research funded by the Wellcome Trust and EMBO. The technique should allow...
Wutz - Patent applicationsAnton Wutz, Cambridge GB. Patent application number, Description, Published , MAMMALIAN HAPLOID EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS - The ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Anton
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Anton; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); ursprünglich ein römischer Familienname, wahrscheinlich etruskischer Herkunft; verbreitet in Deutschland durch die Verehrung des heiligen Antonius von Padua, dem Schutzpatron von Portugal (13. Jh.)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Wutz
Wutz ist im Süddeutschenraum die Bezeichnung für die Sau oder das Schwein.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Dirk Schübeler
- Leonie Ringrose
- Irina Stancheva
- Antoine Peters
- Martin Leeb
- Christian Theussl
- Günter Hohenberg
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