480 Infos zu Antonio Salieri
Mehr erfahren über Antonio Salieri
Infos zu
- Komponist
- Carus-Verlag
- Composer
- Italian
- Music
- Vienna
- Legnago
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Opera
- Musik
- Verona
- Classical
- Legnano
- Baldi
35 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Interview mit Cecilia Bartoli: Salieri war ein Genie[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Die Starsängerin Cecilia Bartoli über ihre neu entdeckte Leidenschaft für den Komponisten Antonio Salieri und ihre Rolle als Superstar der siechen Klassik-Branche.
Heise.de: Antonio Salieri - Tarare ab € 38,99 (2019) | heise online...Naxos Deutschland Antonio Salieri - Tarare (Schwetzinger Festspiele 1988) (DVD). Preis vom: , 01:26:21 (Preis kann jetzt höher sein!) € 17,88zum ...
Spiegel.de: Amadeus in der Giftküche - DER SPIEGELMit flehender Gebärde legt Constanze Mozart dem Komponisten Antonio Salieri einen Stapel Notenblätter vor: Er möge doch, bitt'' schön, damit bei Hofe eine ...
Späte Ehrenrettung für Antonio SalieriAugsburg (DK) Eigentlich eine Frechheit: eine Salieri-Oper im Mozart-Jahr ausgerechnet in der Mozart-Stadt Augsburg auf den Spielplan zu ...
61 Bilder zu Antonio Salieri

57 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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11 Hobbys & Interessen
Antonio Salieri | Classical Music, Opera, Mozart | BritannicaAntonio Salieri was an Italian composer whose operas were acclaimed throughout Europe in the late 18th century. At the age of 16, Salieri was taken to Vienna by F.L. Gassmann, the imperial court composer and music director (Hofkapellmeister), and was introduced to Emperor Joseph II.
lastFM: (Antonio_Salieri)Antonio Salieri - StudentsBritannica KidsItalian composer Antonio Salieri's operas were acclaimed throughout Europe in the late 18th century. His best-known work was the French opera Tarare (1787; “ ...
60 Hochwertige Antonio Salieri Bilder und Fotos - Getty ImagesPerfekte Antonio Salieri Stock-Fotos und -Bilder sowie aktuelle Editorial-Aufnahmen von Getty Images. Download hochwertiger Bilder, die man nirgendwo sonst...
6 Persönliche Webseiten
ANTONIO SALIERI – Pizzeria SalieriAntonio Salieri. Geboren in Legnano bei Venedig (Italien). Kam durch seinen Lehrer F. Gassmann, der ihn mit dem Kaiser und den Größen des Wiener ...
Coro Antonio Salieri / Vienna - Chor "Antonio Salieri" / WienIndirizzo / Adresse: Minoritenkirche Minoritenplatz A Wien. Webmaster: Sonja Reisner Last update:
Antonio Salieri: Komponisten, Klassische Musik & Musikentertainment...(operone) Biografische Daten zum Komponisten, Listung der Opern. Antonio Salieri in der Kategorie Salieri, Antonio.
ÖBL-Biographie: Antonio Salieri: Komponisten, Klassische Musik &...Kurze Daten zu Leben und Werk des heute oft vernachlässigten Gegenspielers von Mozart. ÖBL-Biographie: Antonio Salieri in der Kategorie Salieri, Antonio.
6 Infos zur Ausbildung
1,361 results in SearchWorks catalogStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Great ComposersMusopen is a non-profit offering free access to sheet music, royalty free public domain music recordings, and other music resources.
Antonio Salieri ComposerItalian composer Antonio Salieri was born into a musical family in Verona, Italy. He began his early studies in Venice alongside his older brother, ...
Antonio Salieri | BiographyDeutsche GrammophonRead the official biography of Antonio Salieri here.
8 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Antonio SalieriSoundtrack, Iron Man
IMDB Filmographie: Amadeus (1984) - F. Murray Abraham as Antonio SalieriIMDbQuotes. Antonio Salieri : [reflecting upon a Mozart score] On the page it looked nothing. The beginning simple, ...
1 Traueranzeigen
findagrave: Antonio Salieri ( ) – Find a Grave GedenkstätteComposer. The grand master of Italian opera during the late 18th century as well as the creator of notable sacred works and of operas in German and French, he...
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Antonio Salieri ( ) - GenealogyGeni— Antonio Salieri (18 August – 7 May 1825) was an Italian classical composer, conductor, and teacher. He was born in Legnago, south of Verona ...
25 Bücher zum Namen
ARMONIAvon SALIERI ANTONIO, Doblinger, 2008, Taschenbuch
Salieri: La Passione di Gesù Cristo. Klavierauszugvon Antonio Salieri; Rudolf Kelber, Carus-Verlag, 1993, Musiknoten
Salieri: Missa Stylo a cappella. Chorpartitur (20 St.)von Antonio Salieri; Otto Biba, Carus-Verlag, 2008, Musiknoten
Salieri: Prima la Musica; Mozart: Der Schauspieldirektor [Vinyl-LP].von Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Antonio Salieri und Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Tedec Digital,, 1987, Kunststoffeinband
20 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Ouverture No. 2 In D Majorvon Antonio Salieri Juan Carlos Rybin, Blue Music, 2007
Amazon MP3: Ouverture No. 3 In D Minor, "Les Danaides"von Antonio Salieri Juan Carlos Rybin, Blue Music, 2007
Amazon MP3: Ouverture No.1 in D Majorvon Antonio Salieri Juan Carlos Rybin, Blue Music, 2007
Antonio Salieri Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Antonio Salieri setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Antonio Salieri fans for free on setlist.fm!
3 Dokumente
Category:Antonio SalieriWikipedia Commons— Subcategories. This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total. A. Arlecchinata (1 F). Autographs of Antonio Salieri (1 C, ...
Digitaler Portraitindex: Bildnis Antonio SalieriBildnis Antonio Salieri. Salieri, Antonio (Italien. Opern- u. Kirchenkomponist. Kam nach Wien, Hofkomponist u. Direktor der italien. Oper,
Alles Walzer Hotelmagazin Documentshttp://www.sacher.com/en-index.htm - The Sacher hotels in Salzburg and Vienna are particularly classical in character.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Antonio Salieriwwwg.uni-klu.ac.at › kultdoku › kataloge › htmlAntonio Salieri. In: Mozart. Bilder und Klänge. Katalog der Salzburger Landesausstellung im Schloß Kleßheim in Salzburg vom 23. März bis 3. November
Bibliography - MDBConsulting music journals; V. Requiem; A. Requiem in general; B. About the works of individual L .Kuhn, 1894–1995, New York, Schirmer Books; New Edition Geistliche Werke von Antonio Salieri in der K.K. Hofkapelle in Wien ...
15 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Antonio Salieri – ChoralWikiLife. Born: 18 August Died: 07 May Biography. View the Wikipedia article on Antonio Salieri. List of choral works. Confirma hoc ...
Antonio Salieri | Fate/Grand Order Wiki - FandomFate/Grand Order WikiWhile alive, Antonio Salieri would never be able to have something like this. Only the Innocent Monster-worthy Servant, Avenger Salieri could possess a special ...
Antonio Salieri | Simpsons Wiki | FANDOM powered by WikiaAntonio Salieri was the envious Austrian rival of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, played by Lisa Simpson in Marge Simpson's story. He eventually tried to ruin...
Antonio Salieri - definition of Antonio Salieri by The Free DictionaryDefine Antonio Salieri. Antonio Salieri synonyms, Antonio Salieri pronunciation, Antonio Salieri translation, English dictionary definition of Antonio Salieri....
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Antonio Salieri: Tarare - FilmDarsteller, Inhalt und Kritik von Antonio Salieri: Tarare (Oper, Deutschland 1988)
Antonio Salieri - Piano Concerto in B-flat major (1773)YouTube · Bartje Bartmans + Aufrufe · vor 6 JahrenAntonio Salieri (18 August – 7 May 1825) was an Italian composer, conductor, and teacher. He was born in Legnago, south of Verona, ...
Antonio Salieri — BIQLE VideoFree movie online. Watch online Antonio Salieri
Antonio Salieri – Requiem in C minor - YouTubeYouTube · SP's score videos + Aufrufe · vor 3 Jahren... Antonio Salieri ( ) Requiem in C minor (1804) I. Introitus ... Antonio Salieri – Requiem in C minor. 41K views · 3 years ago ...more ...
20 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Antonio Salieri â WikipedieAntonio Salieri (18. srpna 1750, Legnago â 7. kvÄtna 1825, VídeÅ [1]) byl italský hudební skladatel, pedagog a dirigent, ve své dobÄ patÅil mezi nejznámÄjÅ¡í a nejvýznamnÄjÅ¡í.
Wikipedia: Antonio Salieri - WikipediaAs a student of Florian Leopold Gassmann, and a protégé of Christoph Willibald Gluck, Salieri was a cosmopolitan composer who wrote operas in three languages. Salieri helped to develop and shape many of the features of operatic compositional vocabulary, and his music was a powerful influence on contemporary composers.
Wikiquote Zitate: Antonio Salieri - Wikiquoteen.wikiquote.org › wiki › Antonio...Antonio Salieri (18 August – 7 May 1825) was an Italian classical composer, conductor and teacher. Antonio Salieri. Stub icon, This musician-related article ...
Wikipedia: Antonio SalieriMai in Wien, Kaisertum Österreich), war ein italienisch-österreichischer Komponist der Klassik, Kapellmeister und Musikpädagoge. Antonio Salieri, Öl auf ...
203 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Antonio Salieri - The Opera ScribeAntonio Salieri has been rather hard done by. He was the leading opera composer in late 18 th century Vienna; he triumphed in Italian opera buffa, opera seria, and in French tragédie lyrique. He served as court composer, director of Italian opera, and later Kapellmeister to Maria Theresa, Joseph II, Leopold II, and Francis II.
Antonio Salieri - WikiwandAntonio Salieri (18. srpna 1750, Legnago â 7. kvÄtna 1825, VídeÅ [1]) byl italský hudební skladatel, pedagog a dirigent, ve své dobÄ patÅil mezi nejznámÄjÅ¡í a nejvýznamnÄjÅ¡í.
Italianissimo-Antonio Salieri - iVysílání - Äeská televizeItalianissimo-Antonio Salieri. Hudební dokument o skuteÄné tváÅi a osudu skladatele, kterého dnes známe pouze jako divadelní a filmovou postavu. OjedinÄlým poÄinem brnÄnských tvůrců Äeské televize je vznik dokumentu o jedné z nejvÄtÅ¡ích hudebních legend, Antoniu Salierim.
Antonio Salieri | Zajímavosti - ÄSFD.czKeÄ sa jeden zo Å¡tudentov Lois klavíra pomýli, Stewie naÅho zakriÄí âE-flat, Salieri, E-flat!â, odkazujúc na Antonia Salieriho, skladateľa, ktorý bol rivalom Wolfganga Amadea Mozarta.
Mozart a Salieri byli kámoÅ¡i jak hrom, dokazuje vídeÅské muzeumVýstava s názvem Antonio Salieri - fakta se v domÄ, v nÄmž Mozart žil, otevÅe 31. ledna. Vykresluje Salieriho jako dobrotivého, talentovaného a Å¡tÄdrého muže, jenž chválil své žáky, mezi nÄž patÅili napÅíklad Ludwig van Beethoven a Franz Schubert.
Carpe Diem! Antonio Salieri died: one must give place ...› pulse
Antonio Salieri: A Musical Maestro and the Intricacies of ...LinkedIn · Iulia-Maria Diaconescu3 Reaktionen · vor 5 MonatenAntonio Salieri, an 18th-century Italian composer and contemporary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is a figure whose life and contributions to ... Antonio Salieri, an 18th-century Italian composer and contemporary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is a figure whose life and contributions to ...
Antonio Salieri - professor - Harvard | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › antonio-salieri-767b9b3View Antonio Salieri's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Antonio has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...
An opera written by Antonio Salieri in will get its ...linkedin.comAn opera written by Antonio Salieri in will get its debut performance more than 200 years after it was written. The Austrian-based Italian classical…
Antonio Salieri - CBA - Chief Bullsh*% Artist - Be Cool Shoeslinkedin.comAntonio Salieri · CBA - Chief Bullsh*% Artist at Be Cool Shoes · Experience · Education · People also viewed · Explore collaborative articles · Others named Antonio ...
Antonio Salieri - Los Angeles Symphony Orchestralinkedin.comAntonio Salieri. Music Director at Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra. Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra. Beverly Hills, California, United States.
LinkedIn · Stefano BaldiCa Reaktionen · vor 1 JahrStefano Baldi on LinkedIn: In ricordo di Antonio SalieriStefano Baldi's Post · In ricordo di Antonio Salieri · More Relevant Posts · I grandi tradimenti della storia nell'ultimo volume pubblicato dall' ...
LinkedIn · Max DerricksonCa. 20 Reaktionen · vor 2 MonatenMax Derrickson on LinkedIn: Antonio Salieri - Piccolo RequiemMore Celebration of the Music of Antonio Salieri! (August 18, – May 7, 1825) An absolutely gorgeous Requiem: https://lnkd.in/eBWinUK2.
LinkedInExperience: Better In Our Back Yard · Location: View Antonio Salieri's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
LinkedInOn this date in 1750, Antonio Salieri was born in Legnago, Italy. Orphaned in his teens, Salieri became the ward of a Venetian nobleman.
Antonio Salieri - The EmperrorLinkedInA composer. | Learn more about Antonio Salieri's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn.
Antonio Salieri: 'Lost' ballet to be performed for first time in centurieswww.linkedin.com › posts › louis-bertrand-shalako-...· Antonio Salieri: 'Lost' ballet to be performed for first time in centuries.
Antonio Salieri: A Musical Maestro and the Intricacies of Mental Healthwww.linkedin.com › pulse › antonio-salieri-musical-...· Antonio Salieri, an 18th-century Italian composer and contemporary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is a figure whose life and contributions to ...
Carpe diem! Antonio Salieri died: "one must give place ...www.linkedin.com › pulse › carpe-diem anto...· – Antonio Salieri died – In 1822, he said: “I feel that the end of my days is drawing near; my senses are failing me; ...
Sarah Parsons on LinkedIn: Antonio Salieri: 'Lost' ballet to be ...www.linkedin.com › posts › eastwestinterface_anton...· ... Antonio Salieri: 'Lost' ballet to be performed for first time in centuries. bbc.co.uk · 10 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Antonio
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch): Antonio; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); ursprünglich ein römischer Familienname, wahrscheinlich etruskischer Herkunft; verbreitet in Deutschland durch die Verehrung des heiligen Antonius von Padua, dem Schutzpatron von Portugal (13. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Florian Leopold
- Franz Schubert
- Willibald Gluck
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- Christoph Willibald Gluck
- Gesù Cristo
- Constanze Weber
Personensuche zu Antonio Salieri & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Antonio Salieri und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.