380 Infos zu Antye Greie

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38 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Porträt ǀ Die Zwei vom Bau — der Freitag

Das Künstlerduo Gudrun Gut und Antye Greie packen gerne mit den eigenen Händen zu – nicht nur bei der Produktion ihrer Musik. Entstanden ist daraus das Album

Taz: Antye Greies neues Album "Gedichterbe": Das Reden in ...

Antye Greie alias AGF untersucht auf ihrem Album "Gedichterbe", wie sich die Lyrik von Frauen aus zehn Jahrhunderten mit elektronischer ...

Landsleute: Antye Greie-Fuchs, Sängerin | Kultur ...

Antye Greie-Fuchs, aufgewachsen in Halle-Neustadt, ist Sängerin, Poetin und Internet-Künstlerin. Mit ihrer Band Laub setzt die 34-Jährige ...


experimentiert gekonnt mit luftigen Soundscapes und Beats, die sie den Volksmusiken der Balkanregionen abgehört hat. Die Musikerin Antye Greie-Ripatti, ...

20  Bilder zu Antye Greie

... mit dem Instrument Computer" bezeichnet sich ANTYE GREIE selbst.
Antye Greie alias AGF untersucht auf ihrem Album "Gedichterbe", ...
NIMM ZWEI Beat Spacek trifft Antye Greie-Ripatti
Wer die Karriere von Antye Greie (AGF) verfolgt, wird wissen, dass sie seit ...
Bild zu Antye Greie
Bild zu Antye Greie

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Antye Greie Fuchs | Facebook

Facebook: Antye Greie-Ripatti - Facebookm.facebook.com › profile

LinkedIn: Antye Greie-Ripatti | LinkedIn

View Antye Greie-Ripatti's (Finland) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Antye ...

LinkedIn: Antye Greie-Ripatti [AGF] - Oulu, Northern Finland, Finland LinkedIn

View Antye Greie-Ripatti [AGF]'s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Antye Greie-Ripatti ...

10 Hobbys & Interessen

Neue CDs: anbb | Greie Gut Fraktion - Netzpiloten.de

Philipp: Alva Noto ist das Pseudonym von Carsten Nicolai, Musiker, Labelgründer, Installations- und Video-Künstler. Er betreibt verschiedene musikalische...

lastFM: Antye Greie-Fuchs music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

Listen to music from Antye Greie-Fuchs like Knitter, Liniendicke & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Antye Greie-Fuchs.

Neue Musik / Musikfeature / SoundArt: Die Radio-Woche vom bis...

Mit: Jeff Beer, Lydia Daher, Saam Schlamminger, Antye Greie, Federico Sanchez, Wrekmeister Harmonies, Emily Manzo, Glenn Jones, David Grubbs, Chris Cutler, Sophia Domancich u. a. Realisation: Karl Bruckmaier / beteiligte Musiker. (Produktion: BR 2015). Der Maler und Kunsttheoretiker Wassily ...

– “Lucypop & Rossirock” (Herr Rossi & Lucy Jordan) – Seite...

:wave: Ich hoffe, die Spannung ist bis ins Unendliche gestiegen? Aufgeregt schaben eure Mäuse über die Arbeitsflächen? Es sind nur noch ca. 20 Minuten...

5 Persönliche Webseiten

AGF aka Antye Greie aka Antye Greie-Ripatti aka poemproducer

AGF (AG Forever) aka poemproducer works by Antye Greie-Ripatti contact AGF soundcloud twitter poemproducer ... Now Westernization Continued 2013

Antye Greie aka AGF - Curriculum Vitae

Antye Greie also know as AGF was born and raised in East Germany. She is a vocalist, digital songwriter, producer, performer, e-poet, calligrapher, ...


DISCOGRAPHY of AGF aka Antye Greie LONGPLAYER Greie & Huber, Ausweg, 2014, digital AGF & Various, Kuuntele, 2013, CD Digisleeve …

AGF - The Wirewww.thewire.co.uk › about › artists

Antye Greie-Ripatti has created a Tumblr, posting images of women at the ... Next month AGF (aka Antye Greie-Ripatti) releases a new voice-based album on ...

7 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Antye Greie

Music Department, Snowden

Antye Greie-Fuchs Biography, Songs, & Albums | AllMusic

Antye Greie-Fuchs biography and history on AllMusic including birthday, best songs, existing and new album information, and more.

5 Projekte

Splitting Bits, Closing Loops: Sound on Sound: Contributors ...muse.jhu.edu › article › summary

AGF: LEO'S CODE. Performed and produced by Antye Greie, Berlin, Germany, February (© Antye Greie). Contact: AGF, c/o Kitty-Yo, Greifswalder Strasse ...

HKW | Gadget & App Culture

How do our senses change in times of omnipresent mobile audio technologies? Two of the world’s leading “Sound Studies“ researchers, the art historian Jonathan...

the other the self #1 - AGF/Antye Greie

... the s… the other the s… Previous; 5 of 39; Next. the other the self #1 - AGF/ Antye Greie. View full size · View slideshow. Powered by Gallery (Coollanta )

SOLU / Bioart Society | AGF

AGF (Anyte Greie) sonic wild code. Live sound performance during the Night of the Arts at the Oulu Museum of Art on the 17th of August Antye Greie [AGF  ...

6 Bücher zum Namen


POEMPRODUCER book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. poemproducer AGF identified:as a e-poetess. musician. writer.producer. cu...

Hörstück über die Vernetzung von Aktivist*innen - Mycelium (Archiv)

Dem Netzwerk von Pilzen werden Klänge entlockt (Antye Greie (AGF)) Sie wachsen im Verborgenen und bilden dennoch die größten Lebewesen der Welt: Mycelien, die ...

Blixa Bargeld and Einstürzende Neubauten: German Experimental Music...

At the end of his life, Pierre Schaeffer commented that his musical and sound experiments had attempted to go beyond 'do-re-mi'. This had a direct bearing on...

Composed Theatre: Aesthetics, Practices, Processes - Google Books

A unique contribution to an emerging field, Composed Theatre explores musical strategies of organization as viable alternative means of organizing theatrical...

18 Songs & Musik

Amazon MP3: Choices

von Antye Greie, Huume Recordings, 2005

Amazon MP3: Collect The Blue

von Antye Greie, Huume Recordings, 2005

Amazon MP3: Favourite Chord

von Antye Greie, Huume Recordings, 2005

Amazon MP3: Kukkuu

von Antye Greie, Huume Recordings, 2005

4 Dokumente

Portfolio LiveSoundtracks


A G (F) (Antye Greie-Fuchs) [WorldCat Identities]

Gedichterbe ist ein Projekt von AGF (Antye Greie) aus Berlin, das sich mit deutscher Poesie und dem Erbe der deutschen Sprache beschäftigt - im Spiegel der ...

File:Antye Greie AGF, April 2010, London.jpg - Wikimedia ...commons.wikimedia.org › wiki

Original file ‎(3,648 × 2,736 pixels, file size: MB, MIME type: image/jpeg). File information. Structured data ...

Abstracted reality and the hidden world. A fragmented report from...

Antye Greie-Ripatti, better know as AGF, or Poemproducer, depending where you encounter her work, was someone I was looking forward to see perform at Resonate this year. AGF's music is a hypnotic metronome of beats, field recordings and sounds that seem to emerge from some point between her subconscious, her ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Transmediale – Gruppenausstellung The Eternal Network –...

Die Sound- und Audioproduktion ist in Kooperation mit AGF (Antye Greie-Ripatti) entstanden. Die Arbeit ist Teil des Kulturprogramms von Kanadas Auftritt als ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Ideale: AGF for Lappetites : Antye Greie : Free Download,...

http://lappetites.tumblr.com/post fathers-in-skype-conversations-with-each-other

Antye Greie

Antye Greie aka AGF or poemproducer is a vocalist, musician, composer, producer, and new media artist C, Mini MoviesAsphodel, CD; The Dolls, The Dolls, 2005, Huume Recordings, CD; AGF/DELAY, ExplodeAGF Producktion, CD; The Lappetites, Before The LibrettoQuecksilber, CD ...

Antye Greie - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

Antye Greie. German musician. In more languages. Spanish. Antye Greie. música alemana. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.

Vladislav Delay Quartet - Vladislav Delay Quartet | HHV Mag

Vladislav Delay hat ein neues Projekt. Im Miteinander mit Mika Vaino, Lucio Capece und Derek Shirley entsteht ein kraftvoller und dynamischer Sound.

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

BlinkX Video: GREIE GUT FRAKTION Drilling An Ocean

GREIE GUT FRAKTION Drilling An Ocean Taken from the album Baustelle (monika69) Music written by Antye Greie & Gudrun Gut Video by Benjamin Nolde , YouTube

BlinkX Video: AGF live @ Słodownia/Stary Browar in Poznań, part 2

Powerful AGF's (a.k.a. Antye Greie) live performance at Słodownia in Poznań. ( ). voice + word + let's silence protect us , YouTube

Martini Never Dries - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard EnterprisesMartini Never Dries · Craig Armstrong · Antye Greie · Vladislav DelayThe Dolls℗ Huume RecordingsReleased o...

Broadcasting Art elige a sus ganadores - RTVE.es

El jurado del II Concurso Internacional de Arte Sonoro, Broadcasting Art, promovido por el programa 'Fluido Rosa' de Radio 3 junto al Centro...

29 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Antye Greie - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Antye_G...

Antye Greie (aka AGF or Poemproducer) is a vocalist, musician, composer, producer, and new media artist. She was born and raised in East Germany. Her work ...

Wikipedia: Antye Greie-Ripatti – Wikipedia

Antye Greie-Ripatti (auch AGF, Antye Greie, Antye Greie-Fuchs) (* in Ebersbach/Sa.) ist eine deutsche Musikerin, Produzentin, Labelinhaberin, Lyrikerin ...

Wikipedia: Kategorie:Labelbetreiber – Wikipedia

David Geffen · Werner Geier · Fred Giannelli · Heinz Gietz · George Goldner · Good Groove · Richard Gottehrer · Norman Granz · Antye Greie · Rob Gretton ...

es una poetisa - English translation – Lingueewww.linguee.com › spanish-english › es+una+poetisa

Antye Greie Fuchs is a singer, producer, music writer, porgrammer and electronic poet who explores a [...] very personal kind of poetry. [...] in electronic music ...

214 Webfunde aus dem Netz

(sonic wild{er}ness) | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

Antye Greie-Ripatti. FollowFollowingUnfollowAntye Greie-Ripatti. Sign in to follow this author. Curation: FIELD WORK (sonic wild{er}ness) http://fieldnotes.hybridmatters.net/posts/sonic-wild-code. Like Liked Unlike (sonic wild{er}ness). Sign in to like this article. Comment. Sign in to comment on this article.

Hailuoto Organum | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

Antye Greie-Ripatti. FollowFollowingUnfollowAntye Greie-Ripatti. Sign in to follow this author. First visit after the winter. The Organum which was built last year by acoustic sculptor Lukas Kuehne and Hai Art under curation of Antye Greie-Ripatti first time photographed in white. Come and visit us.

VISIBILITY | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

0. Antye Greie-Ripatti. FollowFollowingUnfollowAntye Greie-Ripatti. Sign in to follow this author. VISIBILITY: A growing collection of women in their electronic music studios, on DJ decks or in media art production. http://femalepressure.tumblr.com/archive#_=_. A curatorial work by Antye Greie-Ripatti: ...

Field_Notes - HYBRID MATTERs | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

I am co-curating and hosting... Call for collaborators: "Field_Notes – HYBRID MATTERs". From 14th – 20th September at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, Lapland/Finland Application deadline: 29th of Mai http://hybridmatters.net/calls/field-notes-hybrid-matters "Field_Notes – HYBRID MATTERs"

Japanese poetry & sound | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

A Deep Mysterious Tone : AGF & Various Tujiko Noriko, - Kyoka, - Ryoko Akama, - Yu Kawabata Misumi Mizumi · ---> P R E S S. A Deep Mysterious Tone is the third edition in AGFs poetry series, following Gedichterbe [German/2010] and Kuuntele [Finnish/2013]. The series investigates the history of poetry ...

Music, Awareness & Solidarity w/ Rojava Revolution | Antye Greie ...

Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn? Discover more stories · Sign up · Help Center · About · Press · Blog · Developers · Careers · Advertising · Talent Solutions · Sales Solutions · Small Business · Mobile · Language · Bahasa Indonesia · Bahasa Malaysia · Čeština · Dansk · Deutsch · English ...


# SoCCoS . Hai Art proudly announces the new sound network program for , a Creative Europe funded residence and research project. SoCCoS is shared by the organisations HaiArt (FI), Binaural/Nodar (PT), DISK Berlin (DE), A-I-R Laboratory (PL) and Q-O2 workspace (BE). Associated ...

greim16 - AGF MASHMIX | Antye Greie-Ripatti | Pulse | LinkedIn

King and Queen Warriors Worldwide. KING ISIS - Milk - NON Worldwide Ksenia Kamikaza - Warrior AGF - Greim69 edit J.G. Biberkopf - Amplification MYA GOMEZ - Spanto - NON Worldwide- letter version. AGF - greimish - KON3 Jlin - Queen Cio D´Or - OFF AND ON Telrae Willow - dRuGz - AGF remix

newwoman: music video feat. 300++ women in music LinkedIn

Antye Greie-Ripatti. FollowFollowingUnfollowAntye Greie-Ripatti. Sign in to follow this author. This video is made of images submitted by producers, DJs, musicians and media artists around the world for the VISIBILITY tumblr by the grass roots movement female:pressure. femalepressure.tumblr.com/.

Where to Start with Vladislav Delay, Finland's Shape-Shifting ...money.yahoo.com › where-start-vl...

... time with his family—his wife, the experimental musician Antye Greie (aka AGF), and their teenage daughter—and hiking in the tundra.

coloRadio 98,4 & 99,3 MHz - Das Freie Radio in Dresden, Mo-Fr & Sa+So Uhr

ihr hört ein interview mit der musikerin und produzentin AGF (antye greie-ripatti), natürlich auch tracks von ihr. danach erwartet euch ein bunter ...

AGF (Antye Greie): gedichterbe

Kann Quio Frau Ava rappen? Antye Greie interpretiert Gedichte aus zehn Jahrhunderten.

Antye Greie - The Full Wiki

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Antye Greie aka AGF is a vocalist, musician, producer, and artist. She was born and raised in East Germany and developed an ...

AGF (Antye Greie)-gedichterbe - planetlyrik.de

AGF (Antye Greie)-gedichterbe. Zum Seitenanfang. Mobil Desktop. Diese Website benutzt Cookies. Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem ...


Radio Grenouille FM Marseille

AGF (aka Antye Greie) - Haus für Poesiewww.haus-fuer-poesie.org › kuenstler-datenbank › agf-...

AGF alias Antye Greie (*1969, Deutschland) ist Sängerin, Software Musikerin, Produzentin und E-Poetin. Am Beginn von AGF's Soloarbeiten stand die ...

Antye Greie - WOW.com - Web Results

Antye Greie aka AGF or poemproducer is a vocalist, musician, ... Dolls, 2005, Huume Recordings, CD; AGF/DELAY, ExplodeAGF ...

signalraum – antye greie-ripatti

Das Oeuvre der Komponistin, Soundkünstlerin und Poetin Antye Greie-Ripatti beinhaltet Arbeiten für Film und Theater, Soundinstallationen, audiovisuelle Live ...

» Antye Greie (AGF) BassDress Blog

I've been a fan of Antye Greie since she release “Head Slash Bauch” in early Antye has always released very original music, fragmented, ...

Antye Greie - Wikiwand

Antye Greie is a vocalist, musician, composer, producer, and new media artist. She was born and raised in East Germany. Her work explores speech and spoken...

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Antye Greie & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Antye Greie und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.