116 Infos zu Arian Sanusi

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

20 Minuten Online: Das können Sie gegen Online-Schnüffler tun Minutenwww.20min.ch › finance › news › story › Das-koennen-S...

Arian Sanusi vom Chaos Computer Club Zürich rät zur Verwendung des speziellen Anonymisierungsbrowsers Tor. Dieser verhindert, dass ...

Bitcoin braucht bald mehr Strom als Nigeria | Tages-Anzeiger

Mit dem rasanten Kursanstieg schiesst auch der Stromverbrauch der Kryptowährung in die Höhe. Ihr ökologischer Fussabdruck wird zunehmend zum Problem.

Accepted reportbug 4.5 (source all)

[ Luca Bruno ] * reportbug/ui/gtk2_ui.py: - add get_password() support; thanks to Arian Sanusi for the report; Closes: # check whether ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: 90nva - lights of invoice to Mr.Arian Sanusi Facebook

Commits · gnurbs/roomba-ESP12E · GitHub

GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects.

Arian-Sanusi's profile - Grokbase

name, Arian-Sanusi. seen, Jan 27, since, Jan 27, post, 1 group. 1 group. (1 post) · python-list (1) in python. 1 posts ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

sanusi.ch - Arian Sanusi's Homepage

sanusi.ch - Technology Info - SiteTech.tips

2 Projekte

Re: [Gwyddion-users] running non-interactive (and maybe a bug) |...

On Mon, Sep 19, at 06:33:55PM +0200, Arian Sanusi wrote: > I actually looked for a python-gwyddion or similar named package, but > that's obviously not ...

Re: [Xournal-devel] anyone running xournal on epaper? | Xournal

Denis On :38 AM, Arian Sanusi wrote: > Hi All, > > I am considering getting an wacom-enabled ebook reader (onyx m96, n96, icarus excel) and a ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

f-spot-list April Archive by Author

Arian Sanusi. Error when trying to import *.pef Sun Apr :50:37 GMT 2009; Re: Error when trying to import *.pef Mon Apr :35:23 GMT Dave Scott.

3 Dokumente


... Mika Pflueger, Albert Puig, Abraham Lee, Arian Sanusi, Martin Laloux, Jonathan Whitmore, Federico Vaggi, Marco A. Ferra, Hernan Grecco, and many ...


I would also like to thank users who contributed with feedback and suggestions, which greatly helped improve this program: Joaquin Abian, Jason Moore, Martin Lutz, Víctor Terrón, Matt Newville, Matthew Peel, Don Peterson, Mika Pflueger, Albert Puig, Abraham Lee, Arian Sanusi, Martin Laloux, Jonathan Whitmore, ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


Polyball PolyballkommIssIon Adrien De Gottrau Deko Arian Sanusi Elektro Laetitia Tudeau Deko Lena

13 Meinungen & Artikel

Bug# : marked as done (/usr/bin/apt-get: DROP fetched release...

From: Arian Sanusi & - Date: Sun, 16 Jun :27:24 +0200; Message-id: < reportbug@jira>

Bug# : openssh-client: hostkey verification fails...

Arian Sanusi (on-list) Arian Sanusi (off-list) Prev by Date: Bug# : recommendations for changing openssh defaults; Next by Date: openssh 1:7.1p1-6 …

Re: "porting" Debian to some tablet - are Blends right for me?

Hello Arian Sanusi, Am :35:30, hacktest Du folgendes herunter: - Hi all, I am thinking of getting some noname Android tablet and combining it - with ...

Bug # “Please merge reportbug 4.5 (universe) from debian u...”...

Closes: # check whether the progress bar is present or not before dropping it in the bug page; thanks to Arian Sanusi for the report; Closes: #

88 Webfunde aus dem Netz

kicad-users - Yahoo Groups

Arian Sanusi ... Hash: SHA For european customers, please offer bank transfer to a european bank account. While that does not work for ...

Fallbeispiele von Hacking von Medizinalgeräten. Arian Sanusi und...

Fallbeispiele von Hacking von Medizinalgeräten Arian Sanusi und Claudio Luck Chaos Computer Club Zürich Über den Chaos Computer Club Wir zwei sind ...

'Arian Sanusi ' posts - MARC

Viewing messages posted by 'Arian Sanusi <arian () sanusi ! de>' (19 msg) [2] Re: [tor-talk] Can the Hidden Service ever be FAST? tor-talk 2.

gitorious.org Git - reportbug:mainline.git/commit

add get_password() support; thanks to Arian Sanusi for the report; Cl oses: # avatar Luca Bruno over 5 years ago ...

lights of invoice to Mr Arian Sanusi – Wholesale lights of...

Wholesale Item Type: Lighting Transformers Certification: CE,RoHS Color: Black

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz - PDF Free Download

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz 32c3 Simon Gantenbein Patrick Stählin Arian Sanusi 27. Dezember c3 - Netzpolitik in der Schweiz Gliederung Werkzeuge der direkten ...

[flashrom] T420 internal flashing: Transactions Error

Arian Sanusi coreboot at semioptimal.net Wed May :37:44 CEST Previous message (by thread): [flashrom] Results for board: MSI MS G31M3(-F)

# network-manager manages interface managed by...

Acknowledgement sent to Arian Sanusi &> : New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Utopia ...

# quodlibet: change dependency gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio to...

Reported by: Arian Sanusi &>. Date: Mon, 28 Oct :00:02 UTC. Severity: normal. Found in version quodlibet Fixed in version ...

# [python3-qtconsole] missing dependency on...

Acknowledgement sent to Arian Sanusi &> : New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Debian Python Modules ...

See more posts from Arian Sanusi - Yahoo Groups

...overcome the delay before a transfer arrives, there exist some, unfortunately proprietary systems like giropay in germany [1] regards, arian [1] ...

# xfce4-power-manager: not locking screen on lid close when a...

On mer., at 14:30 +0200, Arian Sanusi wrote: > > It works just fine for me. Are you sure the problem is not in your > > screen locker? Can you lock fine with two screens with no xfpm > involved? > > > > Regards, > Can you try to run xfpm in debug mode (--debug) and see what it tries do to?

'tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP,' thread - MARC

Re: AW: tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP, tor-talk Arian Sanusi AW: tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP, tor-talk Olaf Selke Re: tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP, tor-talk grarpamp Re: tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP, tor-talk grarpamp 9.

389-ds apparently listens only on loopback users - Fedora...

Arian Sanusi. 9:26 a.m.. (permalink). does that mean it listens only on IPv6? [root@centos5-test ~]# netstat -tlnp Aktive Internetverbindungen (Nur Server) Proto ...

Beats Biblionetz - Texte: Eine kurze Anleitung zur digitalen...

Eine kurze Anleitung zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung. Beilage zur Woz vom Jan Jirát, Donat Kaufmann, Christoph Laszlo, Hernani Marques, Arian Sanusi. Publikationsdatum: Volltext lokal digital vorhanden Volltext digital auf dem Web vorhanden ...

Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe: Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Von Jan Jirát, Donat Kaufmann, Christoph Laszlo, Hernani Marques, Arian Sanusi im Text Eine kurze Anleitung zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung (2017) ...

Debian bug tracking system

Acknowledgement sent to Arian Sanusi &> : New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Maintainers of ...

Bug# : xserver-xorg-video-ati: xrandr --rotate kills X

On Sun, Feb 27, at 6:31 PM, Arian Sanusi <arian at sanusi.de> wrote: > Package: xserver-xorg-video-ati > Version: 1: > Severity: ...

Notes - Mandriva Community Wiki

... +Contributors | Arian Sanusi +Contributors | Austin Acton +Contributors | Ben Reser +Contributors | Benoît Audouard +Contributors | Bill Wallerd +Contributors ...


Arian Sanusi arian at sanusi.de. Sun Feb 8 06:50:19 EST Previous message: Commerzbank; Next message: Commerzbank; Messages sorted by: [ date ] ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Arian

Männlicher Vorname (Albanisch): Arian; goldenes Leben;; ar = das Gold; jetë = das Leben

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