82 Infos zu Arne Stabenau

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Arne Stabenau aus Fritzlar

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Facebook: Arne Stabenau | Facebook

LinkedIn: Arne Stabenau – Software Engineer – National Technical University ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Arne Stabenau auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 3 Jobs sind im Profil von Arne Stabenau aufgelistet.

LinkedIn: Arne Stabenau - Research Associate - National Technical ...gr.linkedin.com › arne-stabenau

View Arne Stabenau's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Arne has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ... Ontbrekend: Wallenhorst"

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Arne Stabenau – thinkcode

Arne Stabenau graduated in Computer Science in Germany with a subsidiary subject of Biochemistry. He collected experience in Bioinformatics, working and ...

Team Members – thinkcodethink-code.io › team

Arne Stabenau. Senior Engineer. Eirini Kaldeli. Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer. Anastasia Sofou. Senior Researcher. Vassilis Tzouvaras. Co-Founder ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

NIF | Sources

The Neuroscience Information Framework is a dynamic inventory of Web-based neuroscience resources: data, materials, and tools accessible via any computer...

Scientific Publications

Daniel Rios, William M McLaren, Yuan Chen, Ewan Birney, Arne Stabenau, Paul Flicek, Fiona Cunningham A database and API for variation, dense genotyping ...

3 Projekte

Übersicht - DPLA - Creative Mints


Übersicht - OAI Repository - Creative Mints


10 Bücher zum Namen


... Guy Slater, Damian Smedley, James Smith, William Spooner, Arne Stabenau, Jim Stalker, R. Storey, Abel Ureta-Vidal, Cara Woodwark, Michele E. Clamp, ...

Search the CPAN - metacpan.org

... Will Spooner <whs at sanger.ac.uk>; Arne Stabenau <stabenau at ebi.ac.uk>; Elia Stupka <elia at fugu-sg.org>; Gert Thijs <gert.thijs at esat.kuleuven.ac.be> ...

BioPerl Perl modules for biology - metacpan.org

Perl modules for biology

Java for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications - Harshawardhan...

... Roger Pettett, Simon Potter, Glenn Proctor, Mark Rae, Steve Searle, Guy Slater, Damian Smedley, James Smith, Will Spooner, Arne Stabenau, James Stalker, ...

6 Dokumente

Haider Embrace Bosc2008

EMBRACE – BioMart Developments & Future Syed Haider Rice Group - EBI July

Arne Stabenau - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Ensembl Pipeline: Pipeline/Rule.pm Source Filemay2012.archive.ensembl.org › docs › Doxygen

=cut =head1 AUTHORS Arne Stabenau &.uk> =head1 NAME


Fouad Abdul Malak, Dimitris Antzoulidis, Anna Christaki, Spyros Ioannou, Stefanos Kollias Andreas Pipis, Arne Stabenau, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Hellenic National ...

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Vol. 102, No. 12, Mar. 22, of Proceedings of the National...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Ensembl update BioMed Centralwww.biomedcentral.com › collections › ENSEM...

Authors: Daniel Rios, William M McLaren, Yuan Chen, Ewan Birney, Arne Stabenau, Paul Flicek and Fiona Cunningham. Citation: BMC Bioinformatics : ...

dblp: D. London

List of computer science publications by D. London

dblp: Richard Durbin

List of computer science publications by Richard Durbin

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A database and API for variation, dense genotyping and resequencing...

Advances in sequencing and genotyping technologies are leading to the widespread availability of multi-species variation data, dense genotype data and...

Running BLAST using SwingBlast | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › chapter

... Roger Pettett, Simon Potter, Glenn Proctor, Mark Rae, Steve Searle, Guy Slater , Damian Smedley, James Smith, Will Spooner, Arne Stabenau, James Stalker, ...

Oalib search

Abstract: Ensembl has created a database and software library to support data storage, analysis and access to the existing and emerging ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Ensembl — Википедия

Ensembl — совместный научный проект Европейского института биоинформатики и ISBN — DOI: bi0115s30. ↑ Arne Stabenau, Graham McVicker, Craig Melsopp, Glenn Proctor, Michele Clamp.

Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome |...

The sequence of the mouse genome is a key informational tool for understanding the contents of the human genome and a key experimental tool for biomedical...

Foundation | EUscreen - EUscreenblog.euscreen.eu › About

Arne Stabenau, National Technical University of Athens (GR). After his degree in Computer Science, Arne worked for 8 years in the area of Bioinformatics, ...

Re: Convention Plugin, Inheriting from existing projects action -...

Subject: Re: Convention Plugin, Inheriting from existing projects action · permalink. From: Arne Stabenau (). Date: Dec

33 Webfunde aus dem Netz

BioMart and CHADO Arek Kasprzyk GMOD meeting 16 May ppt download

BioMart schema datasetsdatabases

EnsEMBL Opening up the whole Genome Philip Lijnzaad - ppt download

What is EnsEMBL Automatic Annotation of complete Human Genome –genes –other: markers, SNPs, homologies, etc. completely open –data, software, discussions...


ARNE STABENAU, Εκτορος 2, Αττικη, Βρες τηλέφωνο και λοιπές πληροφορίες με ένα κλικ

@Misc {/bufvccms/post , year = " :00:

Vassilis Tsouvaras (in London) and Arne Stabenau (in Warsaw and Barcelona), from <a href={"}http://www.ntua.gr/index_en.html{"}>The National Technical ...

AUTHORS in bioperl-live | source code search engine

AUTHORS in bioperl-live located at

A database and API for variation, dense Altmetricspringeropen.altmetric.com › details

Daniel Rios, William M McLaren, Yuan Chen, Ewan Birney, Arne Stabenau, Paul Flicek, Fiona Cunningham. Abstract. Advances in sequencing and genotyping ...

Article Usage Statistics Center - Genome Resgenome.cshlp.org › articleusage

Arne Stabenau,; Graham McVicker,; Craig Melsopp,; Glenn Proctor,; Michele Clamp,; and Ewan Birney. Genome Res. May : ; doi: gr.

Copyright - Debian Package Tracker

... Bio::Assem‐bly * Mark Southern <mark_southern at merck.com> * Will Spooner <whs at sanger.ac.uk> * Arne Stabenau <stabenau at ebi.ac.uk> * Elia Stupka ...

Copyright - Debian Package Trackertracker.debian.org › bioperl › copyright

... <mark_southern at merck.com> * Will Spooner <whs at sanger.ac.uk> * Arne Stabenau <stabenau at ebi.ac.uk> * Elia Stupka <elia at fugu-sg.org> * Gert Thijs  ...

Copyright : Trusty (14.04) : bioperl package : Ubuntu

... Will Spooner * Arne Stabenau * Elia Stupka * Gert Thijs * James Thompson - Bio::Matrix::PSM protein-related modules. * Charles Tilford * Anthony Underwood  ...

Digital Public Library of America » Blog Archive » Metadata...

Names: Vassilis Tzouvaras, Nasos Drosopoulos, Anna Christaki, Arne Stabenau, Fotis Xenikoudakis, Kostas Pardalis, Nikos Simou, Natasa Sofou, Stefanos ...


Alexandros Chortaras, Anna Christaki, Nasos Drosopoulos, Eirini Kaldeli, Maria Ralli, Anastasia Sofou, Arne Stabenau, Giorgos Stamou and Vassilis Tzouvaras

Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse ...medgen.unige.ch › ...


IVML - people

Doukeni Karakatsani, Aggeliki Vlachostergiou. Software Developers. Anna Christaki · Arne Stabenau · Marios Phinikettos, Irene Kaldeli. Administrative Assistant ...

Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse ...www.research.manchester.ac.uk › portal › export

... {Douglas R.} and Brian Spencer and Arne Stabenau and Nicole Stange- Thomann and Charles Sugnet and Mikita Suyama and Glenn Tesler and Johanna ...


... Roger Pettett, Simon Potter, Glenn Proctor, Mark Rae, Steve Searle, Guy Slater, Damian Smedley, James Smith, Will Spooner, Arne Stabenau, James Stalker, ...

PPT - BioMart PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:

Giulietta Spudich (Ensembl) Arne Stabenau (Ensembl) . Phil Jones (EBI) Asif Kibria (EBI). Gulam Patel (EBI) Stephen Robinson (EBI)‏.


Alexandros Chortaras, Anna Christaki, Nasos Drosopoulos, Eirini Kaldeli, Maria Ralli, Anastasia Sofou, Arne Stabenau, Giorgos Stamou, Vassilis Tzouvaras.

PPT - BioMart and CHADO PowerPoint Presentation, free download -...

Arne Stabenau (Ensembl); Andreas Kahari (Ensembl); Craig Melsopp (Ensembl); Katerina Tzouvara (Uniprot); Paul Donlon (Unilever). Related ...

[PDF] The Ensembl core software libraries. | Semantic Scholar

The architecture of the core software libraries, the schema, and the factors influencing their design are described. Systems for managing genomic data must...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Arne

Männlicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Arne; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); arn = der Adler; waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; alte deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Arnold, Lautenspieler am Hofe Karl des Grossen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Arne Stabenau und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.