39 Infos zu Arpad Tosaki
Mehr erfahren über Arpad Tosaki
Lebt in
- Debrecen
Infos zu
- David
- Haines
- Bela Juhasz
- Hungary
- Balazs
- Department of Pharmacology
- University
- Bombicz
- Cardiovascular
- Kemeny-Beke
- Mariann
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Árpád Tósaki | Facebookwww.facebook.com › arpad.tosaki.5LinkedIn: Arpad Tosaki - Data Analyst - PP | YARNS & Co | LinkedInfr.linkedin.com › arpad-tosaki-8975a119bArpad Tosaki | Lille et périphérie | Data Analyst chez PP | YARNS & Co | 15 années d'expérience dans la VAD / E-Commerce / Data Management / Marketing ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Arpad Tosaki - PatentsTosaki. It's possible that Arpad Tosaki's patent was not ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
NUME - Nutrition and MedicineArpad Tosaki, Hungary Corinna Walsh, South Africa Wen-Bin Wu, School of Medicine, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan Yau-Hua Yu, National Yang Ming University
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Red wine ingredient demonstrates significant health benefits:...The benefits of alcohol are all about moderation. Low to moderate drinking – especially of red wine – appears to reduce causes of mortality, while too much...
8 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: Arpad Tosaki - AbeBooksReperfusion-induced arrhythmias : control and mechanisms. von Tósaki, Árpád: und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf...
EasyBookSearch.com - Arpad Tosaki, Compare Book Prices in A Click!Arpad Tosaki, compare book prices among multiple online bookstores
Myocardial Preservation and Cellular Adaptation - Google BooksLiving organisms exhibit specific responses when confronted with sudden changes in their environmental conditions. The ability of the cells to acclimate to...
Biochemistry of Hypertrophy and Heart Failure - Google BooksThe focus of this special issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry is underlying mechanisms that regulate cardiac growth. The new information provided in...
2 Dokumente
a magyar tudomány ünnepe - MTADebreceni Egyetem Klinikai Központ Gyermekgyógyászati Klinika Evelin Csepanyi, Attila Czompa, Istvan Lekli, Arpad Tosaki, Istvan Bak. 22.
Protective Effect of Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (α-MSH) on...... Rudolf Gesztelyi, Mariann Bombicz, David Haines, Adrienn Monika Szabo, Adam Kemeny-Beke, Miklos Antal, Miklos Vecsernyes, Bela Juhasz, Arpad Tosaki.
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Cardioprotective effect of the Hibiscus rosa sinensis flowers in an...5 Jul 2006, Reviewed, Reviewer Report - Arpad Tosaki. Resubmission - Version Jul 2006, Submitted, Manuscript version Aug 2006, Author responded ...
Peter Ferdinandy - ScienceWatch.comRobinson, France, and Dr. Arpad Tosaki of the Department of Pharmacology, ...
Annual acknowledgement of manuscript reviewers | Cardiovascular...Japan. Arpad Tosaki. Hungary. Dimitris Tousoulis. Greece.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The Hill equation and the origin of quantitative pharmacology |...and affiliations. Rudolf GesztelyiEmail author; Judit Zsuga; Adam Kemeny-Beke; Balazs Varga; Bela Juhasz; Arpad Tosaki. Rudolf Gesztelyi. 1. Email author; Judit Zsuga. 2. Adam Kemeny-Beke. 3. Balazs Varga. 1. Bela Juhasz. 1. Arpad Tosaki.
TIMC | timcCécile Moro 1 Marie-Gabrielle Jouan 1 Andry Rakotovao 1 Marie-Claire Toufektsian 1 Olivier Ormezzano 2, 3 Norbert Nagy 1, 4 Arpad Tosaki 4 Joël de Leiris
Haines, D.D.; Lekli, I.; Teissier, P.; Bak, I.; Tosaki, A. Role of...Gesztelyi,Balazs Varga,David D. Haines,Arpad Tosaki,Bela Juhasz ...
15 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Arpad Tosaki (born October 29, 1958), Hungarian cardiovascular ...prabook.com › web › arpad.tosakiArpad Tosaki, Hungarian Cardiovascular pharmacologist. Avoactions: basketball, soccer. Member International Society for Heart Research, American Heart ...Education: Pharmacist, Medical School A. Szent-Gyorgyi, Szeged, Hungary, 1982; Doctor of Philosophy, Medical School A. Szen...
NKFI-EPR:Közlemény színes illusztrációinak költségeKözlemény színes illusztrációinak költsége
Tosaki - Names EncyclopediaWriters: Arpad Tosaki, Hiromasa Tosaki Faces of people named Tosaki. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Recent
Arpad Namensbedeutung und -herkunftArpad Galaczi, Arpad Tosaki, Arpad Szenes, Arpad Kelemen, Arpad Szabo, Pusztai Arpad, Arpad Szallasi, Arpad Abonyi, Arpad Vigh, Arpad Patyi, Goncz Arpad, Arpad Kadarkay, Arpad Barna, Arpad Kezdi, Arpad Takaci, Arpad Gaal, Arpad ...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications With following keywords ...www.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayAttila Kertész. Mariann Bombicz. Daniel Priksz. Jozsef Balla. Gyorgy Balla. Rudolf Gesztelyi. Balazs Varga. David D. Haines. Arpad Tosaki. Bela Juhasz ...
Management of multicellular senescence and oxidative stress – topic...Similar topics of scientific paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — David D. Haines, Bela Juhasz, Arpad Tosaki.
Adverse Impact of Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemia on Cardiovascular...... Daniel Priksz,2 Jozsef Balla,3,4 Gyorgy Balla,3,5 Rudolf Gesztelyi,2 Balazs Varga,2 David D. Haines,2Arpad Tosaki,2 and Bela Juhasz2,*.
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology : Table of Contents... Gesztelyi,Mariann Bombicz,David Haines,Adrienn Monika Szabo,Adam Kemeny-Beke,Miklos Antal,Miklos Vecsernyes,Bela Juhasz,Arpad Tosaki. Journal of ...
XVIII. Kardiológiai Napok Továbbképző Konferencia Debrecen, febr...Kardiológiai Napok Továbbképző Konferencia Debrecen, febr márc PROGRAM. Február Debreceni Egyetem, Auguszta előadó (Debrecen, Móricz Zs. krt. 22.) A bal kamra ... Sherief El-Shazly, Arpad Tosaki: Leukocyte Expression of Inflammatory Cytokines, Heat Shock. Proteins and ...
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