131 Infos zu Artur Boronat

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

CSMR Technical Programme

Automatic Reengineering in MDA Using Rewriting Logic as Transformation Engine, Artur Boronat, Jos . Cars and Isidro Ramos. Reducing ...

ICGT 2012

Site Description Here

ETAPS 2006

Model-Based Development (chair: Antónia Lopes, room: EI 8): Algebraic Specification of a Model Transformation Engine: Artur Boronat, Jose Á.

Programme_GT-VMTwww.etaps.org › programme › 75-programmegt-vmt

12.00: Automated Model Synchronization: A Case Study on UML with Maude. Artur Boronat (University of Leicester, UK) and José Meseguer (University of ...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Artur Boronat | LinkedIn

de negocios más grande del mundo que ayuda a profesionales como Artur ...

LinkedIn: Artur Boronat | LinkedIn

View Artur Boronat's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Artur Boronat discover inside ... Es fehlt: selbständig

LinkedIn: Artur Boronat | LinkedIn

Artur Boronats berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Artur Boronat dabei hilft, ...

LinkedIn: Artur Boronat - 讲师- 英国莱斯特大学| 领英 - LinkedIn

上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Artur Boronat的职业档案。Artur的职业档案列出了3 个职位。查看Artur的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。

3 Persönliche Webseiten

Artur Boronat

Artur Boronat's web page'

User Artur Boronat - Stack Overflow

Artur Boronat (unregistered). Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them. 1 answer. 0 questions. ~57 people reached.

The MOMENT Project - Contact

The MOMENT Project website

4 Infos zur Ausbildung

14,685 results in SearchWorks catalog

Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.

Download as a PDF - Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos

Artur Boronat, José Á. Carsí, Isidro Ramos, Julián Pedrós (DSIC,. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Usability Metrics in Adaptive ...

@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/gg/LaraGBHT10, author = {Juan de Lara ...arantxa.ii.uam.es/~eguerra/bibtex/deLara_2010_ICGT.txt

@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/gg/LaraGBHT10, author = {Juan de Lara and Esther Guerra and Artur Boronat and Reiko Heckel and Paolo Torrini}, title = {Graph ...


Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra, Artur Boronat, Reiko Heckel and Paolo Torrini. Software and Systems Modeling (Springer), best papers of ICGT' In press.

1 Projekte

Type: Inproceedings

[67], Software measurement by using QVT transformations in an MDA context (Beatriz Mora, Félix Garcia, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini, Artur Boronat, Abel ...

20 Bücher zum Namen

Artur Boronat - University of Leicester Figshare

Artur Boronat. Follow. 0item views. 0item downloads. 0citations. Artur Boronat's public data. dataset. EMF-Syncer: ... Artur Boronat Showing 1 item.

Artur Boronat | D2R Server publishing the Journal of Universal...

Artur Boronat. Resource URI: Property Value. vcard:Country http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spain vcard:Locality http://dbpedia.org/resource/Valencia

Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance:...

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformations, AGTIVE...

Database and Expert Systems Applications: 16th International...

DEXA 2005, the 16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, was held at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, from...

18 Dokumente

Expressive and Efficient Model Transformation with an Internal DSL of…

Expressive and Efficient Model Transformation with an Internal DSL of Xtend Artur Boronat TL; 2. Scale OUT Using Cloud Technology…

Implementing Merge Sort

Computer Algorithms - Merge Sort Applicability

Programming Languages authors/titles Mar 2017

Authors: Artur Boronat. Subjects: Programming Languages (cs.PL). [19] arXiv: [pdf, ps, other]. Title: Applied Type System: An Approach to Practical ...

Estrategias de Comunicación para Implementar un Diseño en...

Diapositiva Estrategias de Comunicación para Implementar un Diseño en Java Artur Boronat Moll Laboratorio de Sistemas de Información Facultad de...

13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Artur Boronat

List of computer science publications by Artur Boronat

Automated Model Synchronization: A Case Study on UML with Maude |...

Automated Model Synchronization: A Case Study on UML with Maude

dblp: Reiko Heckel

List of computer science publications by Reiko Heckel

Exogenous Model Merging by means of Model Management ...

Exogenous Model Merging by means of Model Management Operators. Artur Boronat. Abstract. In Model-Driven Engineering, model merging plays a relevant ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

An Algebraic Semantics for MOF | SpringerLink

Model-driven development is a field within software engineering in which software artifacts are represented as models in order to improve productivity,...

Online Appendix to: Measuring software process: a IWT2iwt2.org › › ELECTRONIC-APPENDIX-Primary-Studies

[S176] Mora, Beatriz, Felix Garcia, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini, Artur Boronat, Abel Gomez, Jose A. Carsi, and Isidro ... [S275] Ding, Liping, Qiusong Yang, Liang Sun, Jie Tong, and Yongji Wang Microprocessors and Microsystems 11, no.

Formal Real-Time Model Transformations in MOMENT2 ...

Formal Real-Time Model Transformations in MOMENT2. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Artur Boronat; Peter Csaba Ölveczky. Artur Boronat. 1. Peter Csaba ...

Theses - ERCIM Working Group Software Evolution

LIFL, Université Lille 1, France, December [2]; Artur Boronat. MOMENT: A formal framework for MOdel manageMENT. Department of ...

51 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Abel Gómez, José Á. Carsí, Artur Boronat, Isidro Ramos Technical...


Artur Boronat | LinkedIn

View Artur Boronat's professional profile on LinkedIn. Experience: PhD student, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Developer, IT CARE TECHNOLOGIES.

Boronat - Names Encyclopedia

Francois Boronat (1) Guillaume Boronat (1) Jacques Boronat (1) Luc Boronat (1) Caroline Boronat (1) Zarceno Boronat (1) Artur Boronat (1) Dagmar Boronat (1)

Grupo Transformaciones MDA Coordinador Artur Boronat (MOMENT)...

I Jornadas de Trabajo META3 Motivación  Marco de trabajo para la medición génerica de artefactos software en un proceso DSDM  Metamodelo de medición ...

User Artur Boronat - Stack Exchange

We make Stack Overflow and 170+ other community-powered Q&A sites.

Estrategias de Comunicación para Implementar un Diseño en...

Estrategias de Comunicación para Implementar un Diseño en Java Artur Boronat Moll Laboratorio de Sistemas de Información Facultad de Informática.

Accepted Papers

European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS Central Web Site

Lecture Notes in Computer Science ePDFepdf.pub › download

Artur Boronat, José ´A. Carsı, Isidro Ramos The conjecture is provided to the oracle in ... recognized is the J2EE container provided by Sun Microsystems.

2008.gada publikācijas - LUMIIwww.lumii.lv › Publikācijas

Daniel Varro, Mark Asztalos, Denes Bisztray, Artur Boronat, Duc-Hanh Dang, Rubino Geiss, Joel Greenyer, Pieter Van Gorp, Ole Kniemeyer, Anantha ...

Publications by Roberto Bruni

Artur Boronat, Roberto Bruni, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Ugo Montanari, and Generoso ... NET and Sun Microsystems Java come equipped with packages for ...

An Algebraic Baseline for Automatic Transformations in MDA – topic of...

Abstract Software evolution can be supported at two levels: models and programs. The model-based software...

A Formal Framework for Prototyping Executable Semantics in ...

Autor: Artur Boronat. Verlag: Springer International Publishing. Erschienen in: Theory and Practice of Model Transformation. » Jetzt Zugang zum Volltext erhalten ...

Algebraic Specification of a Model Transformation Engine |...

In Model-Driven Engineering, a software development process is a sequence of manipulation tasks that are applied to models, where model

AMMSE 2011

Artur Boronat, University of Leicester, UK; Roberto Bruni, University of Pisa, Italy; Jordi Cabot, École des Mines de Nantes, France; Manuel Clavel, Imdea ...

Algebraic semantics of ocl-constrained metamodel specifications...

Algebraic semantics of ocl-constrained metamodel specifications. Artur Boronat, José Meseguer · Computer Science · Information Trust Institute.

Call for Contributions | Call for Papers | ICGT Conference 2018

... Michel Bauderon, University of Bordeaux (France); Artur Boronat, University of Leicester (UK); Paolo Bottoni, University of Rome La Sapienza ...

EPTCS 56: Algebraic Methods in Model-based Software Engineering

... EPTCS, as well as the reviewers, authors, and participants at the workshop. Program Committee : Artur Boronat, University of Leicester, UK.

y V Taller de Programación Funcional (TPF) - [PDF Document]

Las claves son los pares (p,q) y el valor asociado, la marca de si el par es distinguible o no,y la ... [Sun] Sun Microsystems Systems with Explicit Model Checkers Fernando Orejas, Artur Boronat, Ulrike Golas, ...

Formal Semantics and Analysis of Archive ouverte HAL

Peter Csaba Ölveczky, Artur Boronat, José Meseguer. Formal Semantics and Analysis of Behavioral AADL Models in Real-Time Maude. Joint 12th IFIP WG

CiteSeerX — An Approach for Cross-Model Semantic Transformation on...

by Artur Boronat , José Á. Carsí , Isidro Ramos , Julián Pedrós ... author = {Artur Boronat and José Á. Carsí and Isidro Ramos and Julián Pedrós}, title = {An ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Artur

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Artur; der Bär (?); Keltisch (Artus-Sage); arth = der Bär; artus = fest (Lateinisch); verbreitet durch die Sage von König Artus und seiner Tafelrunde (6. Jh.); die Herkunft des Namens ist nicht sicher geklärt; vielleicht von keltisch 'arth' (Bär), ein Wort, das als 'artos' latinisiert wurde; vielleicht auch von lateinisch 'artus' (fest)

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