46 Infos zu Aspasia Ploubidou
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
"DER ALTERNDE WOHLFAHRTSSTAAT" - …... research group leader Aspasia Ploubidou and the work council of the Leibniz institute, look forward to the talk and hope for keen interest.
German Local Chapter Meeting - Alumni Association - EMBL GrenobleFreddy Frischknecht Christine Gemünd Ingrid Hoffmann Ralf Jansen Claudia Koch-Brandt Bodo Lange Jörg Langowski Christoph Niehrs Aspasia Ploubidou
Die Folgen des demographischen …... so die Organisatoren der Vortragsreihe, Dr. Aspasia Ploubidou und Dr. Oliver Ohlenschläger, weiter. "Darüber hinaus sind wir natürlich stolz, ...
Wie Forschung in Japan und Deutschland gefördert wird... (DPZ) und Frau Dr. Aspasia Ploubidou vom Leibniz-Institut für Altersforschung Fritz-Lipmann-Institut an der Debatte teilnehmen.
5 Bilder zu Aspasia Ploubidou
1 Auszeichnungen
"DER ALTERNDE WOHLFAHRTSSTAAT" - abitur-und-studium.deDie Organisatoren der Vortragsreihe, die Forschungsgruppenleiterin Dr. Aspasia Ploubidou und der Betriebsrat des Leibniz-Instituts, sehen ...
1 Projekte
PaViAn - Browse Files at SourceForge.netA Tool for Retrieval, Visualization and Analysis of biological Pathways. Import a Gene or Protein Set from any Excel file. Automatically find…
3 Bücher zum Namen
Aspasia Ploubidou | Open LibraryAutor von Influence of anti-microtubule agents on cell morphogensis in Trypanosoma Brucei
RHAMM deficiency disrupts folliculogenesis resulting in female...The postnatal mammalian ovary contains the primary follicles, each comprising an immature oocyte surrounded by a layer of somatic granulosa cells. Oocytes
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their...
2 Dokumente
Novel mechanisms of action and new target genes of the glucocorticoid...... Gehrhard Krönke, Anne Dudeck, Jean-Pierre David, Martina Rauner, Markus Seibel, Aspasia Ploubidou, Hong Zhou, Lorenz Hofbauer & Jan Tuckermann ...
[PDF] Selective mRNA sequestration by OLIGOURIDYLATE - Free Download...Download Selective mRNA sequestration by OLIGOURIDYLATE...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Aspasia Ploubidou, Ph.D.-Institut e.V. (FLI)Jena.
Evidence for myrosinase activity in Cucumis meld fruit - ScienceDirectFABIENNE BOIS, ASPASIA PLOUBIDOU and VASSILIS DOURTOGLOU*. Department of Biotechnology, VIORYL S.A. Viltanioti Str.,
The disease business | Genome Biology | Full TextAs the filaments grow, they propel the virus within and between cells like a rocket. But Aspasia Ploubidou (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, ...
Art of dividing: Researchers decode function and protein content of...A basic requirement for growth and life of a multicellular organism is the ability of its cells to divide. Chromosomes in the cells duplicate and are then...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The disease business | SpringerLinkAs the filaments grow, they propel the virus within and between cells like a rocket. But Aspasia Ploubidou (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, ...
Microtubule Polarity and Dynamics in the Control of BioMedSearchDerrick R. Robinson, Trevor Sherwin, Aspasia Ploubidou, Edward H. Byard, and Keith Gull. School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Kinesin-dependent movement on microtubules precedes actin-based...Article
19 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Aspasia Ploubidou analysis at MainKeysAspasia Ploubidou on MainKeys. Onlinelibrary.wiley.com,Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information,Zoominfo
Altmetric – Cell-based RNAi screening and high-content analysis in...Mubashir Ahmad, Torsten Kroll, Jeanette Jakob, Alexander Rauch, Aspasia Ploubidou, Jan Tuckermann. Abstract. Osteoblasts are responsible ...
SpringerCitations - Details PageAspasia Ploubidou, Violaine Moreau, Keith Ashman, Inge Reckmann, Cayetano González and Michael Way. Journal: The EMBO Journal, 2000, Volume 19, ...
HMMR acts in the PLK1-dependent spindle positioning pathway and...Aspasia Ploubidou. Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute, Jena, Germany. Competing interests. The authors declare that ...
Hmmr - Mouse Genome Informatics - The Jackson Laboratorywww.informatics.jax.org/allele/MGI:View Hmmr allele: origin, molecular description, gene associations, and references.
Partners – CanPathProAspasia Ploubidou (E-Mail) Junior Group Leader, Head of Functional Genomics Core Facility Lucien Frappart (E-Mail) Clinical and Research Pathologist ... Saknas: TOLATEC"
Leibniz-Institut für Altersforschung Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e. VDr. Aspasia Ploubidou Eingriffsmöglichkeiten zu identifizieren, die altersassoziierte Erkrankungen, wie Krebs verzögern oder beseitigen, ist eine der größten ...
Impaired Planar Germ Cell Division in the Testis, Caused by...... Moritz Schütte; Marie-Laure Yaspo; Heike Heuer; Bodo M.H. Lange; Matthias Platzer; Kurt Zatloukal; Peter Herrlich; Aspasia Ploubidou.
Ploubidou Associated Research Group | Возможность ВечностиТема исследования учёных лаборатории Ploubidou Associated Research Group - рак, основная возрастная патология.
- Document - Kinesin-dependent movement on microtubules precedes...Author(s): Jens Rietdorf [1, 2]; Aspasia Ploubidou [1, 2]; Inge Reckmann [1]; Anna Holmström [1]; Friedrich Frischknecht [1]; Markus Zettl [1]; Timo Zimmermann ...
Novel mechanism of JNK pathway activation by adenoviral E1A |...https://doi.org oncotarget Vasily S. Romanov, Anna I. Brichkina, Helen Morrison, Tatiana V. Pospelova, Valery A. Pospelov, Peter Herrlich
MedPort - Newsticker - Artikel - Wie Forschung in Japan und...täglich recherchierte medizinische News
WayLab Past MembersPast members of Michel Way lab - where they went and where they are now
Seroproteomics Reveals Cross-reactivity of Anti-Enterovirus[27], Aspasia Ploubidou,Michael Way,“Viral transport and the cytoskeleton”, Elsevier B. V., Current Opinion in Cell Biology,vol.13, no.1, ...
Viral transport and the cytoskeletonIn the past decade, studies into the way in which intracellular bacterial pathogens hijack and subvert their hosts have provided many important insights into...
T HE cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells has been shown to - PDF... the Control of Organelle Positioning, Segregation, and Cytokinesis in the Trypanosome Cell Cycle Derrick R. Robinson, Trevor Sherwin, Aspasia Ploubidou, ...
imb-jena.de Site and Domain Review | slinqs!Would you like to see how well imb-jena.de is doing? Come and see the site and domain statistics for imb-jena.de such as IP, Domain, Whois, SEO, Contents,...
Gene ontology analysis of the centrosome proteomes of Drosophila and...Hannah Müller, 1 David Schmidt, 2 Felix Dreher, 1 Ralf Herwig, 1 Aspasia Ploubidou, 2 and Bodo MH Lange 1
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Aspasia
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Aspasia; willkommen; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); aspasios = willkommen; bekannt als Name der zweiten Frau des Perikles (5 Jh. v. Chr.)
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