24 Infos zu Athanas Apostolidis
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Infos zu
- Sensor
- Christian Huber
- Gernot Thomas John
- Ingo Klimant
- Lewis
- Otto Wolfbeis
- PreSens Precision
- Product Manager
- Thomas Brinz
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
PressFind articles and short reports on PreSens optical sensors published in lab journals and magazines
Ready-to-Use Devices for Optimizing Bioprocesses with Integrated...Gernot Thomas John, Athanas Apostolidis, and Christian Krause; BioProcess International Vol.7 No.7: Yearbook Real-Time Bioprocess Monitoring in Shake Flasks, Spinner Flasks and Microtiter Plates . Bioprocess fermentors are typically equipped with real-time monitoring devices such as temperature, pH, oxygen, or even viable cell density.
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Athanas Apostolidis - फेसबुकne-np.facebook.com › people › Athanas-ApostolidisLinkedIn: Athanas Apostolidis – Product Manager – PreSens Precision ...de.linkedin.com › athanas-apostolidis a3Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Athanas Apostolidis auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Athanas Apostolidis ...
LinkedIn: Athanas Apostolidis hat etwas auf LinkedIn gepostetProfil von Athanas Apostolidis anzeigen, Grafik. Athanas Apostolidis. Product Manager bei PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH. 5 Jahre. Diesen ... Profil von Athanas Apostolidis anzeigen, Grafik. Athanas Apostolidis. Product Manager bei PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH. 5 Jahre. Diesen ...
ozglam-workbench-naa-wap/PP6-1.csv at masterGitHub,PP6/1,1949/H/821,Anastas Millias ARGERIADIS [Application for admission of Gainis Athanas APOSTOLIDIS to Australia], ,1949,1949,Not yet ...
2 Dokumente
Performance of a lifetime‐based optode for measuring partial ...Wileyvon D Atamanchuk · · Zitiert von: 47 — Athanas Apostolidis,. Athanas Apostolidis. PreSens GmbH, Regensburg, Germany. Search for more papers by this author · Christian Huber,.
15 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Carlos Serra - mba #business #award #leadershipAthanas Apostolidis. Product Manager bei PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH. 5y. Report this comment; Close menu. Gratulation. Like · Reply Athanas Apostolidis. Product Manager bei PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH. 5y. Report this comment; Close menu. Gratulation. Like · Reply
Athanas Apostolidis (athanasapostolidis) - ProfilePinterest.deSee what Athanas Apostolidis (athanasapostolidis) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.
Optical Sensors Knowledge and PublicationsPublications, sensor basics, FAQs, videos and manuals - find general and application based information on optical sensors in our large document collection!
Nicht-invasive online CO2-Messung mit chemisch-optischen CO2 SensorenOptische Messsysteme von PreSens können in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Lesen Sie Artikel, wie unsere Kunden Ihre PreSens Geräte verwenden...
Covering the whole development process for the global ...BioProcess Internationalby Gernot Thomas John Athanas Apostolidis Christian KrauseWednesday, July 1, :00 am. Posted in 2009, July
New Fluorescent Optical ph Sensors with Minimal Effects of Ionic...... ausgezeichnete Arbeitsatmosphäre während des ersten Jahres der Doktorarbeit bedanken. Weiterhin bedanke ich mich bei: Athanas Apostolidis, Sarina Arain, ...
Performance of a lifetime-based optode for CiNii Research国立情報学研究所Athanas Apostolidis · Christian Huber · Per O.J. Hall. 書誌事項. タイトル別名. Lifetime-based optode for measuring pCO2. 収録刊行物.
July Archives - Page 3 of 7 - BioProcess InternationalBioProcess...by Gernot Thomas John Athanas Apostolidis Christian Krause. Figure 1: Bioprocess fermentors are typically equipped with real-time monitoring devices such as ...
Publications - Nanoelectronics and Photonics, IESNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNUDariia Atamanchuk, Anders Tengberg, Jostein Hovdenes, Athanas Apostolidis, Christian Huber, Per O.J. Hall and Peter James Thomas
Sensor for measuring carbon dioxide levels in gases or liquids ...elsevierpure.comIngo Klimant (Erfinder), Thomas Brinz (Erfinder), Jane Lewis (Erfinder), Athanas Apostolidis (Erfinder), Otto Wolfbeis (Erfinder).
Sensor for measuring carbon dioxide levels in gases or liquids...Ingo Klimant (Inventor), Thomas Brinz (Inventor), Jane Lewis (Inventor), Athanas Apostolidis (Inventor), Otto Wolfbeis (Inventor).
optical sensors - ecotoursgambia.comecotoursgambia.com › optical-sensorsMelissa Hill 1, Marcelo Kern 1, Sayantan Bose 1, Athanas Apostolidis 2 1 GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA, USA 2 PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, ...
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