65 Infos zu Ayşe Orhon

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16 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Taz: Premieren - taz.de

· , . Uferstudios (☎ )Open Spaces/Sommer Tanz: At close Distance. Christina Ciupke + Ayse Orhon, Performance.

Artikel "Aydin Teker" - Der Theaterverlagwww.der-theaterverlag.de › tanz › aktuelles-heft › artikel › aydin-teker

harS” is a solo the Turkish choreographer Aydin Teker worked out for and with the female dancer Ayşe Orhon. Teker has a predilection for “impossible” ...

ARGEkultur Salzburg - Christina Ciupke und Ayşe Orhon - am...

In At Close Distance  erforschen und imaginieren die Choreografinnen Christina Ciupke und Ayse Orhon die unmögliche Vergangenheit einer physischen Begegnung....

Christina Ciupke - aktuelles

von Ayse Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Igor Dobricic, Jasna L. Vinovrski, Litó Walkey. Premiere: 1. November 2019, 20:30 Uhr

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Ayşe Orhon | Facebookde-de.facebook.com › ayse.orhon.9

Twitter Profil: Ayşe Orhon (aorhon)

Twitter Profil: Ayşe Orhon (ayseorhon)

About Ayse Orhon: Turks uitvoerend kunstenaar - PeoplePillpeoplepill.com › people › ayse-orhon

Ayse Orhon: Turks uitvoerend kunstenaar, Performing artist, Dancer, Choreographer, Theatre director, Theater professional, Theater director, Actor, ...

4 Persönliche Webseiten

At Close Distance - ayşe orhonwww.ayseorhon.com › at-close-distance

Performance: Christina Ciupke, Ayse Orhon | Artistic advice: Nik Haffner | Outside Eye: Felix Marchand | Light: Martin Beeretz | Production dramaturgy: Barbara ...

about - ayşe orhonwww.ayseorhon.com › new-page-2

Ayşe Orhon, Yugoslav descent, born in Boston, grew-up in Istanbul, is a performer ... Christina Ciupke, also collaborated with visual artist Gülsün Orhon.

ayşe orhon

moving works. sounding works. recent. about. contact

Co-Creators – Working Utopias

Karen holds a chair for Art Theory and Curating at Zeppelin University and gave Working Utopias an administrative and intellectual home. Ayşe Orhon. Ayşe is a ...

5 Projekte

Christina Ciupke - At Close Distance

In ihrem neuen Stück At Close Distance erforschen Christina Ciupke und Ayşe Orhon die unmögliche Vergangenheit einer physischen Begegnung.

Klimata #4 We Solemnly Swear - Montag Modusmmpraxis.com › projects › klimata-iv

Ayşe Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Igor Dobričić, Jasna L. Vinovrški and Litó Walkey: Only a part, not the whole.

Monument 0.6: Heterochronie Palermo Kulturstiftung des...

... Mario Barrantes Espinoza, Krisztiàn Gergye, Domokos Kovàcs, Csilla Nagy, Olivier Normand, Ayşe Orhon, Corey Scott-Gilbert, Jessica Simet


... and Production: Eszter Salamon, Liza Baliasnaja, Salka Ardal Rosengren, Madalina Dan, Flavia Giurgiu, Ayşe Orhon, in the frame of eXplore festival #14.

3 Bücher zum Namen

Accidents: Essai épistolaire - Noëlle Renaude, Barbara...

Cette …spondance entre Noëlle Renaude et Barbara Métais-Chastanier, qui devait n’être au départ qu’un bref entretien, a pris la tournure d’un ouvrage plus...

Curating Dramaturgies: How Dramaturgy and Curating are Intersecting...

Curating Dramaturgies investigates the transformation of art and performance and its impact on dramaturgy and curatorship. Addressing contexts and processes of...

Pro Specie Rara. Eine Dramaturgie der Peripherie - Google Books


1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Ayse Orhon - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

· No description defined. In more languages. Spanish. Ayse Orhon. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Ayşe Orhon - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

3 Meinungen & Artikel

ayşe orhon - Günlerin Köpüğügunlerinkopugudotcom1.wordpress.com › ayse-orhon

geçen haftayı ayşe orhon'un üsküdar tekel sahnesi'ndeki hava işiyle kapadık. ayşe'nin ağustos'ta berlin'de ilk gösterimini yaptığı, o zamandan beri ...

At Close Distance - Christina Ciupke, Ayşe Orhon - Tanzforum Berlinwww.tanzforumberlin.de › Produktion

Aufnahme: , Tanzfabrik Berlin / Uferstudios (Video © Walter Bickmann). Christina Ciupke, Ayşe Orhon. At Close Distance.

Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding – Tanzforum Berlin

Christina Ciupke & Ayşe Orhon , 19:00 Open Spaces / Sommer Tanz Time to Meet: Showing und Talk von und mit Renae Shadler und David Bloom: Naming it

27 Webfunde aus dem Netz


AVRUPA'DA OSMANLI MİMARÎ ESERLERİ - Bulgaristan - Yunanistan-Arnavutluk - ( IV. Cilt ve 6.kitap) - [Dr. Ayşe Orhon'a mektuplu&ithaflıdır] kitabı ...


ARGEtanz: Christina Ciupke und Ayşe Orhon - „At Close Distance“

AYSE ORHON - Lichting Academie voor Theater en Dans

Ayşe Orhon (choreographer/dancer) before her studies in Arnhem/Holland (HKA) in choreography and performance, she worked professionally as a musician (harp) ...

Ayşe Orhon | iDANS Blogidansblog.org › tag › ayse-orhon

· Posts about Ayşe Orhon written by talinbuyukkurkciyan, damlaekin, turuncoglumeral, vivapicturex, and bilge.

Tag: Ayşe Orhon | Berlin Art Linkwww.berlinartlink.com › tag › ayse-orhon

Posts Tagged 'Ayşe Orhon'. THE WEEK July 30 – Aug. 05, Openings and events at Tête, Podewil, Acud Macht Neu Berlin, Galerie Wedding – Raum Für ...

Workshop led by Christina Ciupke and Ayse Orhon – Circe

The workshop of Christina Ciupke and Ayse Orhon will introduce practices and composition principles which they used and developed during the working process ...

(PDF) Ayşe Orhon ile ‘Harbi’ Söyleşi | Gurur Ertem - Academia.edu

Ayşe Orhon ile ‘Harbi’ Söyleşi

Ayşe Orhon: Can you repeat? — Festival Complicitats, Barcelona

© Anna van Kooij Ayşe Orhon Can You Repeat?  Dance / Performance  - Istanbul  Festival Complicitats ︎La Caldera, Barcelona |...

Ayşe Orhon Pasajı, Edirne - VYMaps.comvymaps.com › Ayse-Orhon-Pasaji-T

Açıklama: Address Details: Street Name: Gazi Caddesi Municipality Subdivision: Uzunköprü Municipality: Edirne Country Code: TR Country: Türkiye

Ayşe Orhon | tiyatrolar.com.tr

Biyografi. Orhon sanat hayatına başlamadan önce profesyonel olarak müzik (harp) ve spor (senkronize yüzme) ile ilgiliydi. Eğitimine dans ile devam etti ve ...


İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Akademik, İdari, Fakülteler ve Enstitüler, Akademik Takvim, Kampüsler ve Ulaşım, Araştırma

Blind Date · Jasna L. Vinovrški

By and with Ayşe Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Igor Dobričić, Jasna L. Vinovrški und Litó Walkey Light and Sound: Catalina Fernandez

Blind Date Long Play | ausland-berlinausland.berlin › blind-date-long-play

Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Ayşe Orhon, Jasna Vinovrški and Litó Walkey return to their performance project Blind Date, that premiered in 2019, ...


St. Paul, Aachen. Frauenmuseum, Bonn. Stelle für Integration, Stadt Duisburg. Buchmesse BIM, Bonn. Cinexx Hachenburg. Cinedom, Köln. Ayse Orhon.

Das Publikum kompatibilisiert sich das schon selber« – kulturwest.dewww.kulturwest.de › inhalt › das-publikum-kompatibilisiert-sich-das-schon...

KRÜSKEMPER: Die Choreografin ist Aydın Teker, die Tänzerin Ayşe Orhon. Manchmal passierte minutenlang gar nichts, nur Beobachten.

Hermann Heisig Happy Sisyphos - explore dance

happy sisyphos ist eine zeitgenössische, spielerische Choreografie für junges Publikum, die durch den antiken griechischen Mythos der Sysyphos-Geschichte...

Kraftfelder in Veränderung | TanzRaumBerlinwww.tanzraumberlin.de › magazin › artikel › kraftfelder-in-veraenderung

Für "Blind Date" hat die Choreografin Christina Ciupke ihre Kolleginnen Ayşe Orhon und Jasna L. Vinovrški eingeladen, drei weitere Kollaborator*innen ...

MONUMENT 0.8: Manifestations — Eszter Salamon

MONUMENT 0.8: Manifestations By Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Marilena Preda Sanc Manifestations is a performative, visual and sound collage that...



Litó Walkey

choreographer,  performer, writer and teacher Litó Walkey, of Canadian and Greek origins, is based in Berlin and has been working as a...

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Ayşe Orhon und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.