56 Infos zu Benjamin Liewehr

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

7th International Conference on Attosecond Science and ...

Speaker: Benjamin Liewehr (University of Rostock). 18:00. Phase Control of Complex Fano Resonances¶ 2h. In this contribution we investigate the effect ... Speaker: Benjamin Liewehr (University of Rostock). 18:00. Phase Control of Complex Fano Resonances¶ 2h. In this contribution we investigate the effect ...

Universität Rostock

Benjamin Liewehr received teaching award. Benjamin Liewehr was honored with a teaching award of the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences for the ...

10 March Leibniz Universität Hannover

— ... Benjamin Liewehr, and. Thomas Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. Laser induced damage in dielectrics due to short pulse — ... Benjamin Liewehr, and. Thomas Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. Laser induced damage in dielectrics due to short pulse ...

20–24 September samop21.dpg-tagungen.de

— Apportin, Christian Peltz, Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas. Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. The Finite-Differences — Apportin, Christian Peltz, Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas. Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. The Finite-Differences ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Benjamin Liewehr – Doctoral Student – Universität Rostock

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1 Business-Profile

Benjamin LIEWEHR | Master of Science | University of Rostock,...

Benjamin Liewehr currently works at the Physics Department, University of Rostock. Their most recent publication is 'Origin of strong-field-induced low-order harmonic generation in amorphous...

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

Scientific Program

— Benjamin Liewehr, Steven. Lormuß, Thomas Fennel. 5. Theory of high-harmonic generation in topological insulators. Daniel Moos, Christoph. Jürß — Benjamin Liewehr, Steven. Lormuß, Thomas Fennel. 5. Theory of high-harmonic generation in topological insulators. Daniel Moos, Christoph. Jürß ...


Nima Karimitari. Alumni. · Tomas Koci. Alumni. · Benjamin Liewehr. Alumni. · Riley Mayes. Alumni. riley. Nima Karimitari. Alumni. · Tomas Koci. Alumni. · Benjamin Liewehr. Alumni. · Riley Mayes. Alumni. riley.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

von F Sols — Benjamin Liewehr, Steven. Lormuß, Thomas Fennel. 5. Theory of high The notion of nonlinear optical ...

4 Bücher zum Namen


Quantum coherent diffractive imaging. Authors: Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, Christian Peltz, Thomas Fennel. Abstract: Coherent diffractive imaging has ...

Google Books

Title, Analysis of Sub-cycle Nanoplasma Dynamics Via Low-order Harmonic Generation ; Author, Benjamin Liewehr ; Contributors, Thomas Fennel, Matthias Wollenhaupt.

11 Dokumente

Characterization of Laser-Induced Ionization Dynamics in ...

von P Jürgens · · Zitiert von: 10 — Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzeé, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel ... von P Jürgens · · Zitiert von: 10 — Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzeé, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel ...

Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in ...

von P Jürgens · · Zitiert von: 10 — Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in solid dielectrics. Authors:Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian ... von P Jürgens · · Zitiert von: 10 — Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in solid dielectrics. Authors:Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian ...

GRK Workshop

Benjamin Liewehr. AG Fennel, Institute of Physics, University of Rostock. Talk. The onset of ultrafast structural modification of dielectric materials is ... Benjamin Liewehr. AG Fennel, Institute of Physics, University of Rostock. Talk. The onset of ultrafast structural modification of dielectric materials is ...

Smart Polymeric Recognition of a Hexagonal Monolayer

von B Liewehr · · Zitiert von: 5 — Authors:Benjamin Liewehr, Michael Bachmann ... DOI(s) linking to related resources. Submission history. From: Benjamin Liewehr [view email] von B Liewehr · · Zitiert von: 5 — Authors:Benjamin Liewehr, Michael Bachmann ... DOI(s) linking to related resources. Submission history. From: Benjamin Liewehr [view email]

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


von B Kruse · · Zitiert von: 4 — Quantum coherent diffractive imaging, Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, Christian Peltz, Thomas Fennel.


1c ◽ ◽. Author(s):. Peter Jürgens ◽. Benjamin Liewehr ◽. Björn Kruse ◽. Christian Peltz ◽. Tobias Witting ◽ ... Keyword(s):. Solid Dielectrics.

Team - Starkfeld-Nanophysik - Universität Rostock

Benjamin Liewehr M.Sc. Alexander Breier M.Sc. Merten Siegfried M.Sc. Theresia Ziegs M.Sc. Philipp Henning M.Sc. Till Köster B.Sc. Semjon Köhnke B.Sc. Helena ...

Willkommen - Starkfeld-Nanophysik - Universität Rostock

Im Juli hat die Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Rostock Benjamin Liewehr (M.Sc.) den Grad eines Dr. rer. nat. verliehen ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Analysis of Sub-Cycle Nanoplasma Dynamics via Low ...

— Thesis for: Dr. rer. nat. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fennel. Authors: Benjamin Liewehr at University of Rostock — Thesis for: Dr. rer. nat. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fennel. Authors: Benjamin Liewehr at University of Rostock.

22 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Benjamin Liewehr

Benjamin Liewehr. Universität Rostock. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei uni-rostock.de - Startseite · Strong-field physicsAttosecond Science. Benjamin Liewehr. Universität Rostock. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei uni-rostock.de - Startseite · Strong-field physicsAttosecond Science.

AD Scientific Index

Benjamin Liewehr · Universität Rostock · Germany · Others. Strong-field physics. Attosecond Science. H-Index Rankings. University ...

APS March Meeting Session Index MAR16

Benjamin Liewehr, Michael Bachmann Preview Abstract · Follow Us · Twitter · Facebook · LinkedIn · Feeds · Google Plus · YouTube. Engage. Become an APS Member Benjamin Liewehr, Michael Bachmann Preview Abstract · Follow Us · Twitter · Facebook · LinkedIn · Feeds · Google Plus · YouTube. Engage. Become an APS Member

Conference detail

Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzeé, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel, Marc J. J Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzeé, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel, Marc J. J. ...

Homopolymer Adsorption on Hexagonal Surfaces

Homopolymer Adsorption on Hexagonal Surfaces: A Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo Study. Benjamin Liewehr,Michael Bachmann,Michael Bachmann,Michael Bachmann + Homopolymer Adsorption on Hexagonal Surfaces: A Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo Study. Benjamin Liewehr,Michael Bachmann,Michael Bachmann,Michael Bachmann +3 ...

Homopolymer adsorption and pattern recognition on hexagonal ...

Details ; Title. Homopolymer adsorption and pattern recognition on hexagonal surfaces ; Creators. Benjamin Liewehr ; Contributors. Michael Bachmann (Advisor). Details ; Title. Homopolymer adsorption and pattern recognition on hexagonal surfaces ; Creators. Benjamin Liewehr ; Contributors. Michael Bachmann (Advisor).

Influence of wavelength and pulse duration on single-shot ...

Quantum coherent diffractive imaging. Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, Christian Peltz, Thomas Fennel. https://doi.org ab83e4 · , Journal ... Quantum coherent diffractive imaging. Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, Christian Peltz, Thomas Fennel. https://doi.org ab83e4 · , Journal ...

Optica Open

Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzee, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel, Marc. J. J. Vrakking, Alexandre ...


Sarah Liewehr. UX Writer at RCKT. Email. View. Phone. View. View Profile. Benjamin Liewehr. Doctoral Student at Institut für Informatik. Email. View. Phone.

Smart Polymeric Recognition of a Hexagonal Monolayer

Smart Polymeric Recognition of a Hexagonal Monolayer. Benjamin Liewehr,Michael Bachmann +1 more Nov arXiv: Soft Condensed Matter. Show Less. Smart Polymeric Recognition of a Hexagonal Monolayer. Benjamin Liewehr,Michael Bachmann +1 more Nov arXiv: Soft Condensed Matter. Show Less.

Semantic Scholar

Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Arnaud Rouzeé, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas Fennel, ...

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft - DPG ...

... Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. Laser induced damage in dielectrics due to short pulse excitation plays a Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. Laser induced damage in dielectrics due to short pulse excitation plays a ...

Volume Table of Contents

Paper. Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas ... Paper. Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, Peter Jürgens, Benjamin Liewehr, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, Tobias Witting, Anton Husakou, Mikhail Ivanov, Thomas ...

أوراق بحثية, رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه منشورة من قبل Benjamin ...

أوراق بحثية, رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه منشورة من قبل Benjamin Liewehr. أوراق بحثية, رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه منشورة من قبل Benjamin Liewehr.


... Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas Fennel — Institute for Physics, Rostock, Germany. Laser induced damage in dielectrics due to short pulse excitation plays a ...


— ... Benjamin Liewehr,Yana Valova,Moldir Aumalikova,Daniel Dall'Igna Ecker,Ekaterina Bubnova,В'ячеслав Шинкаренко,Jingchun Li,ChenRong Zhang ...

4 Examples of Fuel Cell Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics

Benjamin Liewehr's Post ... Totally impressed by the speed of progress and the insights that can be gained with Comsol Multiphyscis FEM ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Benjamin

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Benjamin; Sohn der rechten Hand, Sohn des Südens, Sohn des Glücks; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); ben = der Sohn; jamin = die rechte Hand, rechts, der Süden; in der Bibel ist Benjamin der jüngste Sohn Jakobs und somit auch der Name eines der 12 Stämme Israels

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